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STUDENT SENATE MINUTES February 26, 2013 The Senate President called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm and

announced that the meeting may be filmed or audio taped and may be available to the public. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ROLL CALL: Roll was called and quorum was established with 54 senators present. Not there for roll call: Ashgar Quintana Swink Brockman Richardson Tiramai Divaker Rodriguez Wang Feignbaum Sodders Webster Fischer Stowers Williams Grasso Bokzam Wittenberns Helfand Bryan Yang Horowitz Gangrade Kellerman, J. Pazos Kelsey Richman Lash Rosen Lehrer Staertzel Michaels Stein

AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA: - A motion was made to approve R&A Recommendation for Broward seat. The motion was approved. - A motion was made to approve Senate Bill 2013-1014 VISA Travel to AISO Conference. The bill was approved. - A motion was made to hear R&A Committee Report before Public Debate. No objection was made. REPLACEMENT & AGENDA: - Open District B seat - Committee Chair, Daniel Landesberg, told his story about Senate. Said he was not the Senator who knew what he wanted to do in Senate. Eventually, he applied to committees and was pushed by other Senators to get involved. He addressed the new Senators and told them that if they want to be influential, they cannot let anyone stop them, especially themselves. Encouraged the new Senators to apply for positions, get involved and keep pushing. Thanked: Ryan, Josh, Cayman, Logan, Abby, Christina, TJ, Lauren, Cory, Susan, Dylan, James Tyger, Teressa, and Jessica. Finished his resignation speech with saying that everyone should want to leave a legacy at this school.

AMENDMENTS TO THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: There were no amendments to the previous minutes for February 12. PUBLIC DEBATE: - Senator Slade- Thanked Rachel Kellerman for all of her help and mentoring. - Senator Saade- Thanked Senate for everything, also thanked Logan, TJ, Elliot, Jayce, Josh, Jaclyn, and Matt. Encouraged new Senators to seize opportunities. - Senator Suarez- Said goodbye and wished the new Senators good luck. Grateful for time as a Senator said that senate needs to serve constituents. Thanked Juan Rodriguez. - Senator Oyler- Said that she has always had a love/ hate relationship with Senate, mostly love though. Told everyone that Senare is about the relationships and people you meet. Encouraged new Senators to propose legislature. Thanked Jamie, Lauren, Cory, Rachel, Ford, Joey, Carly, Brandon, and Stephanie. - Senator Kellerman- Said that Senate changed her college experience. Said that as Senators we need to be there for the students and encourage students to care about SG. Encouraged new Senators to get involved as soon as they can. Thanked Christina, Lauren, Cory, Aubrey, Elliot, Sam, Justin, Josh, Neha, T J, Logan, Alana, Jordan. - Senator Collins- Said that he doesnt have the time to tell everyone all of the problems with Senate, so goodbye. OFFICE OF THE STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Student Body President Villamil: reported that agencies are running well. Said that this election was a historic election and that it is important to have a prominent minority party. Addressed the Students Party and said that SG is working very hard to give to students. Asked that they think about issues before throwing out harsh words. Asked the Alligator to fix editorials and work on publishing accurate facts. Encouraged Swamp Party to continue to strive and always serve the students. Talked about how Christina got to where she is all on her own and she worked hard to get there. o Questions: 3 - Student Body Treasurer Rodriguez: told story about how he joined Senate in Fall 2010 and met some of his best friends and some great leaders. Said he is so proud of TJ, Christina, Lauren, Cory, and Joselin. Encouraged future Senators to take all opportunities given to them and to always work for the students. Reported that Student Organizations are doing great and submitting a lot of SARs. Announced that he will be working on revising 800 codes soon, said to email him with questions. PRESIDENTS REPORT - Alfredo: candidate for Gainesville City Commission for District 4. Congratulated new, old, and returning Senators. Said that the first item on his agenda is public safety and soft bar closings. Encouraged everyone to come out and vote March 19 also said that he wants to hear everyones thoughts and ideas. - Senate President Bonarrigo: presented Paper Plate Awards. Also presented Committee Chairs with a gift- framed their first bill that they authored. Gave a short speech thanking everyone for her four years as a Senator. Encouraged everyone to always do what is best for constituents. Thanked TJ, Juan, Logan, Joselin, Lauren, Cory, Daniel, Abe, Davis,

Teressa and Jessica. Thanked Rachel for stepping up as Parliamentarian. Thanked James and Kerri. Voted on the John Michael Stratton Memorial Award and the Paul Clark Memorial Award for Outstanding Committee Chairperson.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: - No committee reports were given. CERTIFY ELECTION RESULTS: - Questions: 8 - A motion was made to approve election results. The motion passed. SECOND READING: None FIRST READINGS: None ANNOUNCEMENTS: - External Affairs Rally in Tally will take place April 3 - Thank you to all Senators leaving for hard work. Dont be strangers. - Shoutout to Senator Sowell for all of his hard work on the Judiciary Committee. ROLL CALL: A motion to use voting records for final roll call, passed. No Vote Record received Ashgar Brockman Divaker Feignbaum Fischer Grasso Helfand Horowitz Kellerman, J. Kelsey Lash Lehrer Michaels

Quintana Richardson Rodriguez Sodders Stowers Swink Tiramai Wang Rosen Stein Wittenberns

MEETING ADJOURNED: The meeting adjourned at 8:54 pm

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