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Jordan, dont get cocky. Wouldnt dream of it. We see a dark haired woman in a room full of computers. People are monitoring a jet. This isnt a time for jokes! Whens that? I like to be prepared. Look, this is a test flight, my father is here, and if you mess up, this whole project is scrapped. We see a jet flying over a bunch of plateaus and rocky formations. A man with brown hair is in it, smiling. Hal Jordan. Hal: Dont worry Carol. I might test how many barrel rolls this thing can do, but- We hear Carols voice. Carol: No! Hal, you know what you usually do? Hal: Yeah. Carol: Dont do that. Hal: Okay. Okay, fine. Whatever. Ill just do one barrel roll. Carol: Dammit Hal, you dont get it. This is important to me. This is beyond important, and if you screw it up, youre- Hal: Dont finish that sentence Carol. You wouldnt want to fire me. Im too good looking. Im also the best pilot this side of Metropolis. Hal maneuvers the plane through the air, still smiling. CUT TO: FERRIS AIRCRAFT Carol stands in front of a group of men and women in suits. Carol: So, as you can see, this new jet has twice the maneuverability, speed, and safety of any previous aircraft weve used. If this test is successful, we will continue to use it, and hopefully- Hal: Mayday! Mayday! One man rushes to Carol. Miss Ferris. Hes going down. Carol: What? What happened? Im not sure. I think that something hit the wing. Carol: Hal, do you read me? Eject! Eject! CUT TO: CALIFORNIA Hal is pressing the button to eject. He slams it one more time, and rockets out of the jet. He looks up, seeing a trail of smoke above the plane. CUT TO: FERRIS AIRCRAFT Everyone is breathing heavily. They receive a transmission. Hal: Something went down above the jet. Im gonna check it out. Carol: Jordan, dont do this. Hal: Something, maybe even someone, went down. I have to see. Carol: Jordan, get your ass back to base! No response. CUT TO: CALIFORNIA Hal treks past rocks, following a trail of smoke.

He sees a trench in the ground, and follows it. Hals mouth hangs open as he sees an alien pod, smoking. He hears a moan come from it. Hal runs forward, and looks inside. An almost human figure is sitting inside, bloody and bruised. The alien has pink skin, and is wearing a green and white outfit. Hal Jordan of Sector 2814. You have been chosen to replace me in the Green Lantern Corps. I give you my ring, and my lantern. Kilowog will be here. He will train you. You are the first. Use your power wis... Hal stared at the creature as he died. He took the ring from his hand, and stared at it. He then reached in, and took the lantern. CUT TO: SPACE We see a large, circular room. Small, blue aliens are sitting around it, in elevated chairs. A pink alien, with slick black hair, and wearing a Green Lantern uniform, stands before them. Sinestro, with the Guardians of the Universe. Sinestro: Abin Sur is dead. We received his ring only one cycle ago. One Guardian, Ganthet, begins to speak. Ganthet: Has it found a new recruit yet? Sinestro: Yes, but... he is human. Ganthet: And what matter does that make? Sinestro: A human has never been accepted into the ranks. Maybe if we could find another- Ganthet: The ring has chosen a human Sinestro. Bring him here, with Kilowog, and Chp. Sinestro: As you wish. His ring began to glow, and he flew away. CUT TO: CALIFORNIA Hal drove on an empty road. Hal: You know what? Therapy. Thats what I need. Therapy. Maybe some pills, but- A flash of green light appeared, and Hal was blinded. He swerved off the side of the road, and came to a stop. He opened his door, regaining some eyesight. He looked up, and saw Sinestro standing over him. A 2 foot tall squirrel stood next to him, and a giant, muscular alien next to the squirrel. Kilowog, and Chp. Sinestro: Hal Jordan of Earth, you have been selected to join the ranks of the Green Lantern Corps. He punched Hal, knocking him out. CUT TO: SPACE Hal woke up on a large pillar, rubbing his head. Sinestro stood in front of him. Hal: What the hell? Wait, where am I? Who are you? Whats going on? Oh god, where am I? Sinestro: You are on Oa, planet of the Green Lantern Corps. You are to become one. You will train with Kilowog. Put on your ring. Hal dug into his pocket, and put on his ring. A Green Lantern uniform appeared on his body. Hal: What the...? Sinestro: Think about flying. Youll do it. Go down to that building. There are four other recruits there. Hal: And what exactly is going on? Sinestro: You are without fear. So you will join us. And protect your planet, with six others. Now go, before you are replaced. Hal: Okay. He stood up, and looked at the training building. Hal: Okay. On three. One. Two- Sinestro pushed him off. Hal screamed as he plummeted down, and closed his eyes as he approached the ground. But he didnt feel anything. He opened his eyes, and saw that he was flying. Hal: Woo hoo! He landed next to the training building, and went inside. CUT TO:

Kilowog stood in front of the other recruits. Hal stood next to a humanoid, blue alien. Hal: So, um... kinda hard to take in, right? No. Most planets have known of the Green Lantern Corps for millennia. Humans are just not advanced enough to know. And you will not tell them. Kilowog: What was that ya poozer? The human was speaking to me. If anyone should be punished, it is him. Kilowog: Is he? Whats your name? Hal: Hal Jordan, uh... are you a sir, or a maam? Kilowog: Youre funny Jordan. And its sir. He punched Hal, who fell to the ground. The other recruits did nothing. Kilowog: Are you gonna take that? Hal: Human vs. 300-pound alien? Its on. He rushed forwards, and was knocked aside by Kilowog. He rolled away from another punch, and kicked Kilowog. Kilowog: Heh heh. By the way, its 400 pounds. Hal rolled away from Kilowogs foot, and jumped up. Kilowog ran towards him. Hal lifted his hand, and a burst of green light came out, knocking Kilowog back, through a wall, and out of the building. Hal: Woah. CUT TO: Ganthet walked with Sinestro. Sinestro: I do not like it. Abin Sur was killed. It was murder, not an accident. Ganthet: We shall put Tomar-Re on it. Sinestro: Put me on it. Abin was my friend, and my mentor. Besides, no one has respected Tomar-Re since his failure on Krypton. Ganthet: Right, right. I will talk with the others. Say, do you hear that? Kilowog crashed through the ceiling, and moaned. Sinestro: What happened? Kilowog: The human. Ow... Sinestro stared at Ganthet. Ganthet: Go. CUT TO: The recruits whispered amongst themselves, as Hal bent down, breathing heavily. Sinestro flied through the hole in the wall, arms folded. Hal: Hi. You know, about that whole... thing. I had know idea that would happen. Sinestro: Your training will resume, and eventually, you will come with me. Hal: Uh... where? Sinestro: To investigate the death of Abin Sur. Hal: Wait, the thing that gave me the ring? Sinestro: That thing was my mentor. My friend. And as far as Im concerned, he was my father. So do not insult him by calling him a thing. Hal: Okay. Jeez. CUT TO: Hal walked through a large room full of aliens and tables. The mess hall. He sat at one table, and Chp, along with a bird-like alien sat next to him. Tomar-Re. Hal: What do you guys want? You are guys, right? TR: We are guys. And we sit with you because- Chp: You kicked Kilowogs ass! TR: Yes Chp. Its impressive. Only one other has done so to Kilowog. Hal: Who? TR: Sinestro. He came right after Kilowog became trainer, but he was just as tough. Chp: It was amazing! You wanna see the recording?

Hal: Theres a recording? How many saw? Chp: Only me. Been too busy watching. TR: But everyone knows. Kilowog doesnt take kindly to being humiliated. Hey poozer! Hal turned around, and saw Kilowog walking towards him. He raised his hand. Kilowog: Good job. Hal: Um... thanks. He grabbed one of Kilowogs fingers, and they shook hands. CUT TO: FERRIS AIRCRAFT Carol is on her cell. Carol: Hal? Hal, where are you? We need you to test the jet again. Hal? Hal! CUT TO: OA Hal stands on the training buildings roof. Sinestro faces him from the other side. Sinestro: You must concentrate on your construct. Do not forget the image. You must not have fear. It does not, and will not, own you. You are a Green Lantern now Jordan. You must take fear, and rid yourself of it. Willpower is your strength. Use it! He shot a blast of green light at Hal. He created a wall, stopping the blast. He shot at Sinestro, who easily dodged them. He created three spinning disks, which flew towards Hal. He Created three disks, which collided with Sinestros. Hal was knocked over. A giant, green hammer floated above him. Hal: Not cool! He created a giant fist, which shot towards Sinestro. He rolled out of the way of the hammer, and got up as Sinestro was knocked down. He ran towards him, and pointed his ring at the alien. Sinestro smiled. Sinestro: Well done Jordan. I surrender. He put his hands up, and shot a blast of light at Hal. He stood over him. Sinestro: You did well enough. But not for a Lantern. But it will have to do. We are to go tomorrow. Hal: Wait, who exactly are we going after? Sinestro: Our first lead is a criminal named Kanjar-Ro. He is extremely dangerous. Do not underestimate him, and let me do the talking. And fighting. Hal: Um... got it. Hey poozer! Kilowog walked up to Hal. Hal: Hi. Kilowog: Good luck out there. Jordan smiled. Hal: Thanks. He walked away. CUT TO: SPACE Sinestro is piloting a large, alien spaceship. Hal: You said that we could fly in space, right? Sinestro: Correct. Hal: So... why do we need a spaceship? Sinestro: The planet we are going to is too far for our rings to travel. Hal: To travel? Sinestro: They run out of battery. You do not want to blow up on youre first mission, do you Jordan? Hal: No. Sinestro: Then we take the spaceship. Well be close to my contact in a few of your minutes. Get ready. Hal: Yes sir. He walked out of the room. Sinestro smiled. CUT TO: Hal and Sinestro walk through a dark street.

Hal and Sinestro walk through a dark street. Hal: So, who are we going to meet? Sinesto: His name is Devlos Ungol. He was a warrior but betrayed his planet. Now he is a pathetic lowlife. But he has information. Stay here. Hal: Why? Sinestro: I see him. He started running. Hal stood there. Minutes went by. Sinestro wasnt coming back. Many were whispering, or staring at Jordan. CUT TO: Sinestro walked up to a large alien. He was a dark grey color, and had spikes all over his body. he spoke in a raspy voice. Devlos: Sinestro. What are you doing here? Sinestro: I want information. You know that. Where is Kanjar-Ro? Devlos: I dont know. Sinestro: Youre lying. Devlos: Im not. Sinestro: Do I have to- Devlos: Fine! Hes approaching Oa. About four dead planets to the east. Sinestro: And what of the yellow element? Devlos: All I know is that the Guardians will do anything to get it. Sinestro: I know that! Give me something to work with! Devlos: Legion! That thing has it! Hes a prisoner on Ros ship! Sinestro: Thank you. CUT TO: Sinestro walked back to Hal. Hal: So? Sinestro: Were heading back to Oa. I want every Green Lantern helping us to take down Ro. Hal looked at the alien, and nodded. They went back to the ship. CUT TO: OA Sinestro stands in front of the Guardians. Ganthet: So, Kanjar-Ro is approaching Oa. Thank you, Sinestro. Dismissed. Sinestro: If you may let me continue? Ganthet: You may. Sinestro: I may have found the yellow element. Ganthet: Im afraid we destroyed the yellow element millennia ago. Sinestro: I will investigate. I suggest we send every available Lantern to the ship. Ganthet: I agree. The others? The other Guardians nodded. Ganthet: It is settled. Gather the Lanterns. Kanjar-Ro must be kept alive. Sinestro: Understood. He flew away. CUT TO: Hal sat with Kilowog and Chp in the mess hall. Kilowog: Something went wrong, huh? Hal: No. I didnt do much of anything. Kilowog: Sthat it? Hal: Basically. Chp: Dont worry kid, itll get better. Hal: Im losing my mind. Sinestro walked in. Kilowog: Whats happening?

Sinestro: I never said anything was wrong Kilowog. Kilowog: Somethings always wrong when youre here. Sinestro: Kanjar-Ro is positioned just off of Oa. Jordan and I barely escaped detection. Especially when he tried flying. Hal: I said Im sorry. Im a qualified pilot on Earth, so- Chp: Kid, just shut up. How can we help? Sinestro: The Guardians are preparing Oas defenses. Kilowog, Chp, join the other Lanterns. Theyre stationed just out of Oas atmosphere. Kilowog: Understood. Chp leaped onto Kilowogs arm, and they flew away. Hal: What about me? Sinestro: Ill be taking you to the main battery. Hal: Whats the main battery? Sinestro: Our lanterns power our rings. The main battery is the most powerful of all. You will need it to survive. Hal: Thanks for believing in me. CUT TO: THE MAIN BATTERY Sinestro and Hal stand in front of a giant lantern. Sinestro: Repeat after me. In brightest day. Hal: In brightest day. Sinestro: In blackest night. Hal: In blackest night. Sinestro: No evil shall escape my sight. Hal: No evil shall escape my sight. Sinestro: Let those who worship evils might. Hal: Let those who worship evils might. Sinestro: Beware my power. Hal: Beware my power. Sinestro: Green Lanterns light! Hal: Green Lanterns light! A huge flash of green light engulfed Hal and Sinestro. Sinestro: Lets go. Hal: Wait, what was that? Sinestro: The oath. Now lets go! They flew away. CUT TO: SPACE Blasts of green and red light flashed through space. Explosions disappeared as soon as they began on the huge ship. CUT TO: Kanjar-Ro stood on the bridge, observing the battle. KR: Send out any troops we can. CUT TO: Green Lanterns fell in battle, as alien soldiers rocketed out into space, wearing jetpacks, and holding rifles. Green collided with red all over the battlefield as Hal and Sinestro flew by, dodging lasers. Sinestro: Get to the hanger, now! Hal: Wheres the hanger? Sinestro: Follow me! Before his ships arrive! Hal: Ships? This should be fun. He created a giant fist, and slammed it into three soldiers, made a shield, which deflected a laser. It hit one soldier. Hal then made three disks, which lodged into three more attackers.

CUT TO: OA The Guardians looked up at the blasts of green and red above them. Ganthet: They need help. No. They do not. Not from us. And not from the Core. CUT TO: SPACE Hal and Sinestro fly towards the hanger. The doors are closing. Hal: We arent gonna make it! Sinestro: We have to! The doors are about to close when two huge, green hands stop them. Tomar-Re is their creator. TR: Go! Hal and Sinestro fly in. Hal looks back, and sees Tomar shot in the back. His lifeless body drifts into space. Hal: NO! He rushes forwards, but Sinestro stops him. Sinestro: Do not feel anger. He was a good Xudarian, but you are a Green Lantern. Do not focus on anger. Focus on the will to fight it off. Hal: We have to go back! Sinestro: No! There is a time to fight, a time to avenge him, but now is not hat time! Hal: He deserves it! Sinestro: Many people deserve things Jordan, you especially. Wether it be good or bad, wether they want it or not, they will find it, and you can be damn sure theyll get exactly what they deserve. Hal: So what youre saying is that Tomar-Re deserved to die? Sinestro: No one deserves to die. But they do. There is no fighting that. Now lets move! He turned around, and saw that the hanger doors were closing, and that Hal was gone. Sinestro: Idiot. CUT TO: Hal blasts soldiers left and right. He punches one, and slams a giant hammer into him. He created a shield, blocking two lasers, and shooting two back. He flung discs at soldiers, killing as many as he could. CUT TO: Sinestro ran down a hallway. force fields kept prisoners from escaping their cells. He stops in front of one cell containing a prisoner in a huge, golden suit. Sinestro: Legion. I have some information abut you that you might want to hear. The alien spoke in a deep, booming voice. Legion: Thaal Sinestro. If I recall correctly, you put me here. Sinestro: Devlos told me you have the yellow element. Legion: Why would I have that? Sinestro: Even the Guardians dont know how long youve been alive. You could have found and taken it. Legion: Take it. But you cant get in here. Sinestro: Only Kanjar-Ro can. I know. He walked away. CUT TO: Hal blasted more soldiers, and flew towards Kilowog. Kilowog: Hey Jordan, can you get Tomar-Re over here? Hal: Hes dead. Kilowog: Damn... didnt think he would go so quick. Or at all. Hal: He died getting me and Sinestro onto the ship. I came back here. Chp: Whyd ya do that? He died for nothing. Hal: Sinestros on board. I wouldve been a burden.

Kilowog: Or an asset. Chp: Doesnt matter now. No way are you getting back in there. Hey kid, come with me. Hal: Where? Chp: Soldiers have to be coming from somewhere. We cut off one route, we can slow them down. Hal: Got it. They flew away, leaving Kilowog to fend for himself. CUT TO: Sinestro threw small bubbles down the throats of soldiers, killing them. He walked past the lifeless bodies, turned a corner, and was met with a line of soldiers and Kanjar-Ro. Sinestro: I need you to free Legion. KR: Heh heh. Men, kill him. They shot at Sinestro. he created a shield, blocking the lasers. A sword formed in his hands. Sinestro threw it at one soldier, disks lodging themselves into three others. Kanjar-Ro ran. Sinestro made a ball around the rest of the troops. It shrank, crushing them. He continued towards Kanjar-Ro. CUT TO: Chp was blasting soldiers alongside Hal. Chp: There! Kid, you see the turrets over there? Hal: Yeah! Blast them? Chp: Not without me! They flew towards the turrets, and shot at them. They crumbled, creating a huge pile of rubble. Chp: Ill carry this, you have to cover me. Hal: Got it. CUT TO: Sinestro walked onto the bridge, knocking away guards. KR: What do you want? Sinestro: I already told you. Fear. CUT TO: SPACE Chp forms a bubble around the rubble. Hal blasts more soldiers, as Chp slams the bubble into more. Lifeless Green Lanterns are floating around the battlefield. Hal: Where are you gonna dump that thing? Chp: Ill worry about that kid. Go find Salaak. Pink, thin, four arms, pessimist. If he died, you can find me at the bridge. Hal: You do realize there are four Lanterns with that description, right? Chp: Funny. He flew towards the bridge. Hal flew towards a line of soldiers, creating a cage, and throwing it towards the ship. It disappeared, and the thugs slammed against the wall, dead. Hal created a machine gun, taking down ten more. He threw a disk at one, and deflected a stray shot with a shield. Hal flew away, and looked down at the ship. Hal: I can get into the hanger. I can help. Screw Salaak. He created a fighter jet, himself in the pilots seat. He flew towards the hanger door. Blasts of green light came out of the jet, destroying the doors. The jet disappeared, and Hal tumbled onto the ground. He got up, and started running. CUT TO: Sinestro punched Kanjar-Ro. They were in the cell room. Sinestro: Open the door! KR: Fine! He got up, and entered a combination on a control panel. The force field keeping Legion in his cell retracted. He walked out, and looked at Kanjar-Ro. He grabbed the alien's head, and crushed it. Pink blood gushed

He walked out, and looked at Kanjar-Ro. He grabbed the alien's head, and crushed it. Pink blood gushed out, covering Legions hand. Legion: Do not think I forgot you put me here. Sinestro: You owe me. The yellow element. Legion: It will not help when you are dead. He rushed towards Sinestro, who sidestepped the attack. He formed a giant hand, which grabbed Legion. It started crushing the aliens armor. He screamed in pain. Sinestro smiled as the lifeless shell crashed to the floor. Sinestro walked forwards, and opened a small compartment in the armor. A small alien was within, with a ball, glowing yellow. CUT TO: Sinestro grabbed the ball, and crushed the aliens body. Soon, his Green Lantern uniform became yellow, and the symbol changed. He smiled. CUT TO: Hal ran through the ship, blasting soldiers. Sweat lined his forehead when he walked into the cell block. Sinestro was standing there, with his new uniform. He put the yellow element into his Lantern. Hal: What the hell is going on here? Sinestro: Jordan, I am not your friend. Unless you wish to restore order, leave now. Hal: What happened!? Sinestro: I saved everyone! The Guardians are corrupt! Weak! Will is powerful, but fear conquers all! What do your people say? There is nothing to fear but fear itself? There will always be fear Hal Jordan. Because of the yellow element, I own fear. I control fear. Do you understand me Jordan? I am fear! I prey on you! I prey on the Lanterns! I use your people! And I use the Guardians. They are corrupt! Why do they stand back and watch? They are invincible! They are immortal! They are all-powerful! And yet they do nothing but send us to die! Like Tomar-Re! Like Abin Sur! Do they show any emotion? No! And yet they speak of using it, when they have none themselves! I will start a new era Jordan! One where all are equal, where all are fearful, and therefore, all-powerful. Hal: Youre insane. Sinestro: But I am right. If you would learn what the Guardians plan- Hal: I dont care what they plan! I dont give a damn what they think! I dont care about what they want me to do! I care about what I think is right. And Im going to do just that. He punched Sinestro, and took another one. Sinestro created a giant fist, and slammed it into Hal. He created a shied, which blocked another attack from Sinestro. But on the second, the shield started to crack. On the third, it shattered. Hal created a car, which zoomed at Sinestro. he created a hammer, which slammed onto the cars hood, causing the construct to shatter. He slammed the hammer into Jordan, who went flying into the wall. Hal sent a burst of energy at Sinestro. He blocked it with a gigantic shield, which slammed against Hal, knocking him out. CUT TO: OA Hal woke up, sweating. Kilowog and Chp were in front of him. Hal: Sinestro! He- Kilowog: We know. Look poozer, whyd you fight him alone? Hal: Was I supposed to let him get away? Chp: You did. But you did get something. Hal: What? Chp: The bruises to prove it. He laughed. Kilowog didnt. Kilowog: He gave this big speech about fear, and how the Guardians were corrupt. He completely destroyed the ship to show his power. Good thing Salaak went in and rescued you before it happened. A few Lanterns went with him. Dont know where. Hal: How many? Kilowog: Went with him? Uh... close to fifty. Hal: How many died? Kilowog: There were exactly twenty-two rings when we got back. Wouldve been twenty-three if Ganthet didnt take pity on a weak, pathetic human.

Hal: He said that? Kilowog: The others did. Till Chp pointed out that you were the only one who tried to fight Sinestro. Hal: Good point. Thanks Chp. Chp: Dont thank me kid, thank Ganthet. He wanted to see you. All the Guardians did. Hal: Man, where is everybody? Chp: Guardians wanted them to look for Sinestro. We stayed behind to look after you. Hal: Youre too kind. Kilowog: The Guardians made us. Hal: Its called sarcasm. He flew towards the Guardians pillar. CUT TO: Hal stood in front of all the Guardians. Hal: So, why am I here? Ganthet: You are here because you fought Sinestro. What did he say? Hal: He said that he could use fear. That you were all corrupt, and that he would create a new era, where all are fearful, and all-powerful. Guardian: Do not believe him. He can utilize fear, but he cannot possibly be all powerful while there is one Green Lantern. Hal: What about you being corrupt? Guardian: We are not. We simply do what benefits everyone. We also believe in equality. We will not do anything that is not unanimous. You can see how Sinestro was confused. Hal looked at the ground, and nodded. Ganthet: Hal Jordan of Earth. You were the only Lantern to combat Sinestro. You deserve to know. Guardian: Ganthet, what are you doing? Ganthet: We keep many secrets. The yellow element was one of them. Fear can combat willpower. It is the only emotion that can. Long ago, we hid it. We said it was for the good of the Lanterns. For the good of the universe. Do you want to know the truth Hal Jordan? The truth is that we were afraid. We were afraid that someone would take the element, and destroy the Green Lanterns. But most of all, we were afraid that someone who found the element, would destroy us. That is not the only secret, but you will learn no others. Hal: You bastards. Did you even know Legion had the yellow element? Ganthet: Yes. Hal: Then why did you let him go to Kanjar-Ro? Ganthet: Kanjar-Ro was once our ally. We have been tracking him for years now. Hal: Sinestro knew. We have to find him. Guardian: Really? Hal stared at the Guardian, and flew away. Hal: Least someone knows sarcasm. CUT TO: SPACE Sinestro walked on a barren, rocky planet. He walks up a large stairway, to a giant, yellow lantern. Former Green Lanterns, now clad in yellow, stand below it. They start speaking. In blackest day, in brightest night, beware your fears made into light! Let those who try to stop whats right, burn like his power, Sinestros might! CUT TO: OA Hal flies with Kilowog. Hal: Where would he be? Kilowog: A dead planet. No one would expect a Corps to be stationed there. Hal: It would be close to Oa. For an attack. How many are in this Sector? Kilowog: Seven. Hal: Get Chp. Well each search two. If we dont find him, we go to the last one together. If we do find him, we call each other through the rings. That works, right? Kilowog: Yeah. But you dont boss me around. Remember that.

Kilowog: Yeah. But you dont boss me around. Remember that. Hal: Were still doing the plan, right? Kilowog: Ill get Chp. Hal smiled. CUT TO: The Guardians sat in silence. One spoke. Guardian: Why did you tell Jordan? He did not deserve to know. Ganthet: He was the only Lantern truly without fear. He combated Sinestro, not knowing his power. Guardian: That is not courage. That is stupidity. Ganthet: Sometimes, they are the same thing. Guardian: At least you did not tell him about- Ganthet: I would never. CUT TO: SPACE Hal, Kilowog, and Chp flew past planets, large and small. Hal: Hey, are there aliens on Mars? Kilowog: Yes. Hal: Do you not want to talk about it? Kilowog: Some are peaceful. Others are warlords. They destroyed my homeworld. Hal: Oh. Im... sorry to hear that. Chp: Sorry to interrupt, but the dead planets are right there. Hal: Okay everybody. Scout the planet for an hour before meeting back here. Got it? Chp: Got it kid. Kilowog: Got it. Hal: Then go. One hour! CUT TO: Kilowog flew through the air, seeing nothing bit tree stumps, and stone. CUT TO: Chp walked past huge fires surrounding stone and metal. CUT TO: Hal flew over a rocky wasteland. He spoke into his ring. Hal: Nothing here. Next three are past Oa. Kilowog: Fine. You can go. Im gonna scout a few more times. Hal: Actually, we might want to go back to Oa. He floated in midair, staring at a giant, yellow lantern, and aliens in yellow chanting one word. Sinestro. CUT TO: OA Kilowog, Chp, and Hal stand in front of the Guardians. Hal: You have to call back the Lanterns! I found Sinestro, I think hes coming here. Guardian: You think. Chp: The kids right. You need to get all the Lanterns back ere! Guardian: And why should we listen to you, who is distracted by a nut, like pathetic creatures are? Kilowog: That pathetic creature is my friend ya asshole! And you should listen to him because hes a Green Lantern! You chose us! Guardian: The ring chose you. Hal: Good thing too. Now I can sleep easy knowing someone like you didnt pick me. Ganthet: We should see for ourselves. Chp: There isnt any time. We all saw it. Are you really going to risk losing Oa because you dont believe

us? Guardian: What do you think? One of you always finds trouble, the other is a new recruit, and another the drill instructor. Why should we believe you? Hal: Ganthet, you told me that you hid the yellow element because you were afraid. Because of your fear, Oa is in danger. I dont know, but do you have fear now? If you do fear Sinestro, dont. Otherwise, Oa will be destroyed. Ganthet: He is right. We fear Sinestro. Prepare Oas defenses. I will call the Lanterns. Hal: It may be a little late for that. Kilowog: Why? Hal: You might want to look up. They all did so, and saw small dots in the sky, colored dark yellow. Chp: Oh. CUT TO: SPACE Sinestro, and the other aliens hovered just outside Oa. Sinestro: Your target is the core! Take that, and we take Oa! They all screamed, and flew towards the green planet. CUT TO: Hal, Kilowog, and Chp looked up at the lights, which were growing larger. Kilowog: Chp, you get the skies. I get the ground. Jordan, go to the Central Battery. Hal: Got it. They flew away, leaving the Guardians, who had their eyes closed, a solemn look on their faces. CUT TO: SPACE Chp flies towards the former Lanterns. He stops in front of them. Sinestro: Chp, my friend. You know that I am right. Chp: That, friend, is an opinion. He creates a giant fist, taking out a few of the Corps. Sinestro: So be it. The Sinestro Corps flew forwards, to Oa. Chp took out three, but was knocked back. He fell to Oa. Sinestro looked at Chp, and closed his eyes. CUT TO: OA Kilowog flies upwards, punching some of the Corps. They overpower him. Kilowog sends a huge burst of green light in all directions, sending the Corps flying. He breathes heavily, recovering. Then he spots Chp, falling to the ground. He takes out two more of the Corps, and rockets towards Chp. Kilowog grabs him, and puts the alien on the ground, away from harm. Kilowog looks back, and sees flashes of yellow. He flies away. CUT TO: Hal lands in front of the Central Battery. He looks around, and looks at the flashes of yellow all over Oa. CUT TO: Kilowog creates a shield, blocking a giant yellow hammer. He launches the shield, letting it go forwards. Seven members of the Corps go flying up. He blasts all of them, taking the aliens out. Suddenly, he is hit from behind. Kilowog turns around, and is blasted by a line of former Lanterns. He creates a shield. It starts to crack, and is shattered by the blasts of yellow light. Kilowog gets down on one knee, then the other. He is about to submit, when a blast of green energy appears, taking out all of the Corps members. Kilowog looks

about to submit, when a blast of green energy appears, taking out all of the Corps members. Kilowog looks up, and sees Hal flying above him. Kilowog: I told you to stay at the Core! Hal: Got bored. You should stay down here. Im going to find Sinestro. Wheres Chp? Kilowog: Hes not available. Hal: Is he...? Kilowog: No. Hal: Good. Take out as many as you can. He flew away, into space. Kilowog turned around, and saw ten Corps members looking at him. He smiled. CUT TO: SPACE Hal flew up into space, right into a giant, yellow wall. Sinestro: So Hal Jordan, you have chosen to face me? Hal: No, no. I just wanted to see the view. Sinestro: Do you honestly think you can win? One of your Lanterns are down., you have chosen to leave the battlefield, and fight me, leaving one Lantern to fight against an army! And what do the Guardians do? Nothing! they watch! They wait! They are fearful! Hal: At lest i still have something to believe in. He created a giant fist, which slammed into the wall. It shattered, and the fist rocketed towards Sinestro. He flew back. Hal rushed forwards. His neck was grabbed by Sinestro, who smiled. Sinestro: Do you fear me? Hal: Why... would I fear... a pink... fearful... moron? Sinestro screamed, and threw Hal into Oas atmosphere. He flew towards the body, and hit him with a giant hammer. Hal kept falling. CUT TO: OA Kilowog was surrounded by the Sinestro Corps. They circled around him, moving forwards, yellow shields protecting them. Kilowog looked up, and saw Hal and Sinestro. He sent a burst of green energy in all directions, knocking the Corps back. He flew towards the two. CUT TO: Sinestro grabbed Hals neck, and punched him. Sinestro: Fear me! Fear me! Submit! Fear- He was knocked back by Kilowog. Hal slammed into the ground, in front of the Central Battery. He got up, slowly. Every move caused him pain. Hal wiped blood from his lip, and looked up at space. A green light followed a yellow one. CUT TO: Sinestro collided with the ground. Rubble flew everywhere. Kilowog caught one piece, and crushed it with only his hand. He walked towards Sinestro, picking him up. Kilowog: You little bastard. Sinestro: You fear me Kilowog. That is the greatest dishonor of the Green Lantern Corps. Kilowog: Cant be worse than invading Oa. He pulled his hand back, and hit Sinestro. He was knocked back, into a wall. He wiped dirt from his shoulder, and formed a cage around Kilowog. Sinestro: Id like to see you break that, my friend. He grabbed one bar, and crushed it. The rest of the construct broke. Kilowog formed a giant, three fingered fist, like his own. Kilowog: Id like to make one thing clear, right now. He grabbed Sinestro with the fist, and threw him into the sky. Kilowog: We are not friends. He turned around, and saw a line of Sinestro Corps members. He smiled.

CUT TO: Hal saw a streak of yellow come near him. He stood his ground as Sinestro crashed in front of him. He quickly got up, and saw Hal. Sinestro: Perfect. I can beat you here, and corrupt Oa. I have won. Do you hear me Jordan? The rest of the Lanterns have no choice but to join me! Hal: One: you haven't won yet. Two: they would rather die. He punched Sinestro, and created a shield, blocking a hammer. Hal created an assault rifle, and shot at Sinestro. He created disks, blocking every bullet. He got close to Hal, tripping him. Sinestro pointed his hand at him. Sinestro: What was that about me not having won? Hal smiled, as hundreds of green lights appeared in the sky. Hal: Might want to look up. Sinestro looked at the sky, and stared in horror. He looked back at Hal, who was smiling. Sinestro: I can still win. He created a bubble around Hal. He walked towards the Battery. Sinestro: In blackest day, and brightest night- The bubble shattered, Hal, bloody and bruised, stood in front of Sinestro. He screamed. Hal shot a burst of green light, which collided with a burst of yellow light. The green soon overtook the yellow, and caused Sinestro to stumble backwards. Sinestro screamed again, and created ten, floating swords, which rocketed towards him. He sidestepped all of them. Hal: You sir, are letting your anger get the best of you. He dropped to the grond, dodging one more sword. He pointed his ring at Sinestro, knocking him off his feet. Hal got up, and was knocked into the Battery. Sinestro got up, smiling. He walked towards the Core, as Hal stayed still. Hal: In brightest day- Sinestro: Are you reciting the oath? Hal: In blackest night. No evil shall escape my sight. Sinestro: I have won! Do you hear me Hal Jordan? I have won! Hal: Let those who worship evils might, beware my power. Sinestro: Fear me! Fear me you bastard! Fear me! Hal: Green Lanterns light! The Core grew brighter, as Hal got up. Sinestro was blinded by the light, and looked back to see Hal directly in front of him. Hundreds of Green Lanterns flew down, looking at Sinestro. Kilowog and Chp landed next to Hal. They smiled. CUT TO: Sinestro was on his knees, facing the Guardians. Guardian: Thaal Sinestro, former Green Lantern. He emphasized former. Guardian: You have committed crimes punishable by death. You have betrayed a Corps, the Guardians of the Universe, and invaded Oa. What do you feel your punishment should be? Sinestro: I should not. Ganthet: What do you mean by this? Sinestro: I was right. You are corrupt. I know about the First Lantern. I know about the Third Army! I know about Ion! Guardian: Enough! You will be sent to exile, on a dead planet, where you will wither, and die slowly. Sinestro: Of corse. He smiled, and walked away in chains. One Guardian held Sinestros ring. It turned to dust in his hand. CUT TO: EARTH Hal flew over Central City, leaving a streak of green light above him. Civilians looked up at the streak of light, whispering. Man #1: What the hell is that thing? Man #2: I dont know. Sign of the apocalypse? CUT TO:

CUT TO: FERRIS AIRCRAFT Hal, out of costume, burst into the locker room. He punched in, and wiped sweat off his brow. Carol walked in, frowning. Hal: Not late, give me that. Carol: Hal Jordan, where the hell have you been for the past week? Hal: Week? Wow, didnt feel that long. Carol: What? What didnt feel that long? Hal: Um... nothing. Lets go fly some planes. CUT TO: SPACE Sinestro hiked up a rocky mountain, tired. He put one last burst of energy in, and reached the peak. It was surprisingly wide and flat. Sinestro looked as a bright, blue light flashed in front of him. We see a blue gauntlet, holding a ring. He offered it to Sinestro, who took it. Sinestro: Who are you? A future friend. I give you the ring. You now owe me Thaal Sinestro. You will pay off your debt in time. Another flash of light appeared, and the man was gone. Sinestro put on the ring, and a flash of yellow light covers the screen. We hear Sinestro laughing. G R E E N CUT TO: AFTER CREDITS SCENE Carol walked to her desk. She opened a drawer, and pulled out a small container. She opened it, and stared at a purple ring within. L A N T E R N

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