Birth Chart Symbols

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Birth Chart Symbols Once upon a time, you thought astrology meant your Zodiac Sun Sign and

the daily Sun Sign horoscopes. You more than likely knew you were a Sun Sign Gemini, a Sun Sign Capricorn, or a Sun Sign "whatever." Then, one day (maybe just now), you discovered astrology was a lot more complicated and vast than you'd ever imagined. You discovered there was something astrologers call a "birth chart." You were told your "birth chart" (or natal chart) is a "sky map" depicting where all the different planets of the solar system were located at the exact moment of your birth. To your amazement, you discovered the birth positions of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all play their own unique symbolic roles as messengers and ambassadors of the universe... On top of that - you may have found out there are twelve signs, twelve houses, and much more that go into making up these unique, complex, and complicated birth charts.... Then, if you decided to bravely go ahead and get your birth calculated online? You quickly discovered (to your dismay) that it was filled with all sorts of indecipherable squiggles, lines, and symbols. You then asked yourself: "What in the heck are all those strange squiggles, lines, and symbols?" Unfortunately, learning how to interpret all the squiggles, lines, and symbols is complicated, complex, and takes many years of study and practice. After all - if mastering even the most basic concepts of astrology were simple and straightforward then everyone would be doing it (and doing it well). By the same token, if brain surgery were simple and straightforward, then everyone would be doing brain surgery (and doing it well). Therefore, this article is not about doing brain surgery or on how to interpret the various symbols of astrology. However, since Rome wasnt built in a day, youve got to start somewhere. Four Major Players Sun Moon Ascendant Ruling planet of the Ascendant In order to get a correctly calculated birth chart you must know your exact time (hour and minute) of birth. Why? The Sun, the Moon, the Ascendant, and the planet ruling the Ascendant are the four most important points on the birth chart. If you dont know your time of birth, then the Ascendant and the ruling planet of the Ascendant cannot be accurately determined. Further, without the time of birth, the exact positioning and Zodiac Sign of the Moon may also be much in doubt. Since the Moon, the Ascendant, and the planet ruling the Ascendant are 3 out of the 4 most important points on the birth chart? Its rather plain to see that there will be a lot of missing information without the exact time (hour and minute) of your birth. If you dont know your time of birth? Then it's in

your best interest to locate it. You can get your birth calculated online and for free (no strings attached) at Astrolabe (a major designer/distributor of professional astrological software). This is a free online chart calculation service which Astrolabe provides. I suggest you do that now (and print a copy of the resulting chart).

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