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Avaloq Parameterization Principles

Avaloq Parameterization Principles

Course Agenda

Avaloq Parameterization Principles Course Agenda

Table of Content 1. 2. 3. 4.
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9

Course Agenda (modifications in the course order can occur)....................................... 3 Introduction..................................................................................................................... 3 Key Information .............................................................................................................. 3 Course description.......................................................................................................... 4
Parameterization Principles (CPPO) ............................................................................................. 4 Avaloq ice integrated customization environment (CCEN) (Avaloq ADT before) ...................... 4 Classes, Additions and Keys (CCAK) ........................................................................................... 4 Order Processing (COPG)............................................................................................................. 5 Avaloq Script (CSCR).................................................................................................................... 5 Implementing Interfaces (CIMI) ..................................................................................................... 5 Rule Loader Concepts (CRLC) ..................................................................................................... 6 Report Writer (CRWR)................................................................................................................... 6 Access Security and Roles (CASR) .............................................................................................. 7

5. 6. 7.

Course Times ................................................................................................................. 7 Food & Drinks................................................................................................................. 7 Location .......................................................................................................................... 7

August 5, 2010

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Avaloq Parameterization Principles Course Agenda


Course Agenda
AM PM Avaloq ICE Order Processing Implementing Interfaces Report Writer Forms

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Parameterisation Principles Classes, Additions & Keys Avaloq Script Rule Loader Concept Security

The course agenda my be adapted.



The Parameterization Principles course provides a broad insight into the parameterisation concepts and possibilities in Avaloq. Through a hands-on approach the participants will be enabled to judge the complexity of the parameterization. The course is designed those who want to know the Avaloq parameterisation methods with the aim to better understand the work of a parameterization specialist and simplifies communication within a project.


Key Information
Participants will get the necessary knowledge to participate in or manage an Avaloq implementation / parameterisation project Project leaders, Key Business Users, Business Analysts and Consultants involved in Avaloq parameterisation, configuration or migration projects Avaloq Introduction or Avaloq Foundation course Basic banking knowledge 5 days English, German, French English only; official Avaloq material, with some enhancements 150

Objectives Target audience

Prerequisites Duration Course Language Course Material Avaloq Education Points

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Avaloq Parameterization Principles Course Agenda


Course description

4.1 Parameterization Principles (CPPO)

Target: Know the entry points for parameterizing Avaloq and their basic concepts. Course content:

Overview Sources Application Programming Interface Object Modelling Sheets TOAD Tables Base Parameter Translation Error Messages

4.2 Avaloq ice integrated customization environment (CCEN) (Avaloq ADT before)
Target: Be able to understand the lifecycle of source modification. Know the tools and learn how to use them. Learn how to implement the modifications on an ABS instance. Course content:

ABS Implementation Project with Avaloq ice Avaloq ice Workbench Source Code Modification OMD Sheets and Business Type Config Sources Source Code Modification Workflow

4.3 Classes, Additions and Keys (CCAK)

Target: Know the usage and functionality of Classes, Additions and Keys and be enabled to parameterize them in Avaloq.

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Avaloq Parameterization Principles Course Agenda

Course content:

Form Order and Definition of Frame Labels Keys Additions Classifications & Classes

4.4 Order Processing (COPG)

Target: Understand the concepts of Avaloq workflows and be able to parameterize and customize workflows, context actions, orderbooks and order validation. Course content:

Business Processes and Avaloq Workflows Workflows Workflow Parameterization Context Action Orderbooks Order Validation (SmartClient)

4.5 Avaloq Script (CSCR)

Target: Understand the functionality of sources with Avaloq Script parameterization and know how to create simple Avaloq Script packages. Course content:

Overview Application Architecture Data Dictionaries Avaloq Script Language Elements

4.6 Implementing Interfaces (CIMI)

Target: Get an insight into selected interfaces connecting Avaloq to 3rd party systems.

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Avaloq Parameterization Principles Course Agenda

Course content:

The Avaloq Message Interface Concept AMI Field Format Networks AMI XML Networks: The Avaloq Business Bus The Market Data Interface

4.7 Rule Loader Concepts (CRLC)

Target: Learn about different Rule Loader components, where they are used within Avaloq and about possibilities to parameterize them. Course content:

Rule Engine Concept Implementation of Rules Rule Loader Table Rule Loading Error Handling Example Implementation of Rules

4.8 Report Writer (CRWR)

Target: Get an introduction of the functionality and possibilities of Avaloq Report Writer. Course content:

Report Writer Process Tasks and Flat Datamarts Hierarchical or Report Datamarts Simple Screen Layouts Complex Screen Reports Report Generator

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Avaloq Parameterization Principles Course Agenda

4.9 Access Security and Roles (CASR)

Target: Know how to parameterize the security engine of Avaloq in such a way that information assets are protected adequately, without hindering business operation. Course content:

General Avaloq Security Concepts User Administration Security Administration

4.10 Forms

Avaloq Forms Architecture Forms Parameterisation Forms Layout Forms Security


Course Times

A typical course day starts at 09:00 and ends at approximately 17:00 with a lunch break between 12.30 and 13.30. There is a morning and an afternoon break. If there is no morning class, course starts at 13:30.


Food & Drinks

Coffee breaks and during the day Croissants, fruits, coffee, juice and mineral water Lunch Orbium invites you to lunch on full day courses.



We are geographically flexible thanks to our mobile training infrastructure.

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