German Motorised Infantry Company

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motivation and Skill

Rifle Company

(infantRy Company)
HeadquaRteRs HeadquaRteRs

A Panzer division had just two battalions of Schtzen in Poland, increased to four in France. These riflemen were the best infantry in the German Army. A Schtzenkompanie (pronounced shyoot-sen kom-pan-ee) is rated as Confident Veteran.

Reluctant confident feaRless

conscRipt tRained VeteRan

Leutnant You must field one platoon from each box shaded black and may field one platoon from each box shaded grey. A Schtzenkompanie can have Luftwaffe platoons (marked ) as support options. Remember that Luftwaffe platoons retain their own ratings, and count as Allied Platoons (see page 183 of the rulebook).
diVisional suppoRt platoons Unteroffizier Unteroffizier Leutnant

Company Command SMG team

Motorcycle and sidecar

2iC Command SMG team

Motorcycle and sidecar

Company HQ

Company HQ

SchtzenKompanie HQ Leutnant

Command Sd Kfz 253 half-track HQ Section


combat platoons




Weapons platoons





Command Rifle/MG team

Leutnant Kfz 15 field car Light mortar team Kfz 15 field car Kfz 70 truck

Light mortar Command Rifle/MG team team team Anti-tank Rifle HQ Section

Schtzen Platoon infantRy

Schtzen Machine-gun Platoon aRtilleRy

Anti-tank Rifle team Kfz 70 truck Unteroffizier Unteroffizier Unteroffizier HQ Section


Leichte Panzer or Panzer II Platoon Mittlere Panzer or Panzer III Platoon Verlastete Panzer I or II Platoon Czech Panzer Platoon

Light Panzersph Platoon Mixed Panzersph Platoon Heavy Panzersph Platoon infantRy



67 69 71 73

Assault gun Platoon





Unteroffizier Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG Rifle/MG teamteam Rifle/MG team Kfz 70 truck Schtzen Squad Kfz 70 truck

Unteroffizier Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG Rifle/MG teamteam Rifle/MG team Kfz 70 truck Schtzen Squad Kfz 70 truck

Unteroffizier Rifle/MG team Rifle/MG Rifle/MG teamteam Rifle/MG team Kfz 70 truck Schtzen Squad Kfz 70 truck Schtzen Squad

Schtzen Platoon infantRy

Schtzen Mortar Platoon




Assault Gun Platoon aRmouR

Command 15cm sIG33 auf Panzer I Kradschtzen Platoon Leichte Pionier Platoon Gepanzerte Pionier Platoon aRtilleRy HQ Section
81 89 90

15cm sIG33 auf Panzer I Infantry gun section

Self-propelled Infantry gun Platoon


Schtzen Platoon macHine-guns

Kradschtzen Platoon aRtilleRy

Self-propelled Infantry Gun Platoon anti-tank


Self-propelled Infantry Gun Platoons may not be deployed in Ambush.

81 10 3

Schtzen Schtzen Schtzen platoon Squad Squad

Heavy infantRy Gun

Unarmoured targets automatically fail their saves when hit by the main gun of a 15cm sIG33 auf Panzer I selfpropelled infantry gun.

Schtzen platoon Leutnant


Schtzen Machine-gun Platoon

Schtzen Infantry Gun Platoon Schtzen Anti-tank Gun Platoon infantRy

Anti-tank Gun Platoon anti-tank

Motorised Light Artillery Battery Motorised Heavy Artillery Battery anti-aiRcRaft



10 3


10 5

Command SMG team HQ Section Unteroffizier Unteroffizier

10 3

Anti-tank Gun Platoon

Command Panzerjger I Light Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon aiRcRaft Panzerjger I Panzerjger I Tank-hunter SECTION Panzerjger I Tank-hunter SECTION HQ Section
10 7



Leichte Pionier Platoon


Tank-hunter Platoon anti-tank








Machine-gun Section

Machine-gun Section

Command SMG team

Observer Rifle team HQ Section

Motorcycle and sidecar


Schtzen Machine-gun Platoon

Unteroffizier Unteroffizier Unteroffizier

Bunker Flak Platoon Heavy Anti-tank Gun Platoon Heavy Anti-aircraft Gun Platoon

Tank-hunter SECTION

Air Support

Tank-hunter Platoon

10 6

8cm GW34 mortar

8cm GW34 mortar

8cm GW34 mortar

Army size: 1725 Points

10 7

8cm GW34 mortar Mortar Section

8cm GW34 mortar Mortar Section

8cm GW34 mortar Mortar Section

Schtzen Mortar Platoon

These special rules reflect the doctrine and training that give German soldiers their edge in battle. These special rules are the standard rules from the rulebook (on pages 166 to 168). Not all of the special rules in the rulebook apply as the German Army has not yet developed some of the equipment it would later use to good effect.

tank teams
Name Weapon Mobility Range Front ROF Armour Side Anti-tank Top Firepower Equipment and Notes

The Kampfgruppe, or battle group, is an important part of German military operations. Leaders at every level form mission-specific task forces from any troops available. Before deploying your force at the start of the game, you may take up to half of the Sections or Squads (excluding the HQ Section) from any Combat or Weapons platoons in the company and place them in a special Kampfgruppe Platoon. The 2iC Command team becomes the Platoon Command team for this platoon, ceasing to be an Independent team and no longer counting as a 2iC Command team. Teams placed in the Kampfgruppe Platoon are no longer part of their original platoons. The Kampfgruppe Platoon counts as a platoon for all purposes including deployment and Company Morale Checks.

aSSault GunS
Sd Kfz 253 StuG A 7.5cm StuK37 gun Half-tracked Fully-tracked 24/60cm Half-tracked 16/40cm Half-tracked 24/60cm
16/40cm 3

German soldiers have inherited the Stormtrooper ethos from their fathers in the First World War. While other armies wait for orders, the Stormtroopers are racing ahead to take their objective. Any German platoon with a Platoon Command team may attempt a Stormtroopers move in its Assault Step. Roll a Skill Test for each platoon. If the test is passed, the platoon treats the Assault Step as a Movement Step in which it can move up to another 4/10cm, regardless of its normal movement distance. If the test is failed, the platoon cannot move any further this turn. Either way, a platoon that attempts to make a Stormtroopers move cannot Launch an Assault in the same turn. Although it is not the Movement Step, teams making a Stormtroopers move may mount and dismount as if it was a Movement Step. Platoons cannot make Stormtroopers moves if they moved At the Double. Bogged Down or Bailed Out vehicles cannot make Stormtroopers moves. Only Armoured vehicles can make Stormtroopers moves if they are Pinned Down. Other types of team cannot make Stormtroopers moves if they are Pinned Down. Gun teams that shot earlier in the turn cannot make a Stormtroopers move. Teams of any type that have fired an artillery bombardment cannot make a Stormtroopers move.

1 5 2 0 1 0 2

0 3 7 0 8 0 8

1 1 3+ 0 1+ 0 4+

AA MG. Protected ammo. Hull mounted. Overloaded, Slow tank. Bunker buster, Hull mounted, Heavy infantry gun (p. 103).

Self-pRopelled GunS
15cm sIG33 auf Panzer I 15cm sIG33 gun

Panzerjger I 4.7cm PaK(t) gun Hull mounted.
ROF 1 if other weapons fire.

veHiCle maCHine-GunS
Vehicle MG

gun teams
Weapon MG34 HMG 8cm GW34 mortar Mobility Man-packed Man-packed Range 24/60cm 40/100cm ROF 6 Anti-tank Firepower 2 2 6 6 Notes ROF 2 when pinned down. Smoke bombardment.

miSSion taCtiCS
Before battle, every soldier in the company is briefed on their mission and how it relates to the overall battle plan. Far from compromising security, this trust allows any soldier to take over when their superior is killed. If a Platoon Command Infantry team is Destroyed, another team takes over immediately. Remove any other Infantry team in the platoon that is within Command Distance of the Command team and replace it with the original Platoon Command team. If a Platoon Command Tank team is Destroyed, another team takes over immediately. Nominate any other Tank team in the platoon that is within Command Distance of the Destroyed Command team to be the new Platoon Command team. If there is no team of an appropriate type within Command Distance, then the Platoon Command team is Destroyed and the platoon is left leaderless.

infantRy teams
Team Rifle team Rifle/MG team SMG team Light Mortar team Anti-tank Rifle team Range 16/40cm 16/40cm 4/10cm 16/40cm 16/40cm ROF 1 2 3 1 1 Anti-tank Firepower 2 2 1 1 4 6 6 6 4+ 6 Full ROF when moving. Can fire over friendly teams. Tank Assault 3. Notes

tRanspoRt teams
Weapon Mobility Range Jeep ROF Anti-tank Firepower Notes Motorcycle & Sidecar or Kfz 15 field car Krupp Kfz 70 or Opel Blitz 3-ton truckWheeled

ArmoureD infAntry
mounted aSSault
Whereas most armoured infantry use their half-tracks as battle taxis to get them close to the enemy, then dismount and assault on foot, German Panzerschtzen assault light opposition still mounted in their half-tracks. A Transport team cannot normally Charge into Contact. However, a German Transport team from a platoon that is capable of making a mounted assault may do so. A Transport team making a mounted assault must not have mounted or dismounted passengers earlier in the turn. In the first Assault Combat Round, one Infantry team carried as a passenger in each Transport team that is not Bailed Out may fight as if it was a Tank team (remember that Tank teams cannot assault Tanks). The Transport teams themselves cannot fight in the assault. The passengers remain mounted in their half-tracks until the platoon launches a Counterattack, whereupon they must dismount. Infantry teams that started the Assault Step dismounted fight alongside the half-track-mounted teams using the normal assault rules. As the platoon is not made up entirely of Armoured Tank teams, it will fall back if Pinned Down by Defensive Fire, even if the vehicles armour protects the platoon from casualties.

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