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Conceptual Framework for hospitals, in PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit)

This is a one page APA paper that utilizes two sources to presents a conceptual model of that can be used to improve health care scenarios in hospitals, in PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit). The paper also explains the major error findings in nursing documentation and concludes by describing an educational plan discharge home for a patient with diabetes mellitus type 2.


The following conceptual framework takes care of important issues that can be enhanced to improve health care scenarios in hospitals, in PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit). Fig-1: Conceptual Model
Trust that healthcare practitioners have the required skills and abilities Involve relevant parties and consult Help and Learn Empower people to make decisions Children require acute episodic care Take care of demographic dissues such as poverty


Safety and Quality

Share Information Give and Receive Feedback Admit mistakes and Change

Set Goals and Monitor Progress Encourage Mutual cooperation Improve quality through Unified approach

Competency: Hospitals should employ qualified health practitioners, people who have the required skills and abilities to deliver quality healthcare to children. It is also important to involve other stakeholder and seek their input. Stakeholders here include fellow practitioners, parents, and payers of the services among others. It is also important for hospitals to empower practitioners to make decisions and to help and learn from colleagues (Reina & Reina, 2006). Safety and quality: Children in the Intensive Care Unit require acute episodic care; this presents distinct challenges and demands for a new way of thinking different from chronic cases. Communication: According to Reina and Reina (2006), it is important for Pediatric Intensive Care Units to share information with relevant parties and to constant give and receive feedback. This will ensure timely solution of problems.


Development: Pediatric Intensive Care Unit should set goals and monitor their progress. They should also encourage Mutual cooperation and improve quality through unified approaches. Major Error Findings in Nursing Documentation The major error ailing the nursing profession is Professional negligence; the failure to provide the required care to a patient, resulting in damage or injury to the patient. Often, this occurs when nurses fail to understand and consistently follow hospital's policies of medication administration, especially for high-risk medications. If the hospital requires completion of an event report before making the entry, then it is important to follow such policy. This can help to protect the nurse and hospital from lawsuits relating to parents' negligence (Sally, 2011). Educational Discharge Plan for a Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Remember to keep your diabetes in control when you are at home. Attend all follow-up appointments with your doctor. Test your blood glucose daily; before meals and at bedtime. Take your diabetes medication as prescribed. Always wear an identification bracelet that indicates you are a diabetic. Follow your recommended meal plan. Consult your health care provider for further questions about managing your diabetes.


References Austin, S. (2011). Stay out of court with proper documentation. Nursing, 41, 2429 Reina, D., and Reina, M. (2006). Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace: Building Effective Relationships in Your Organization. 2nd ed. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler.

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