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The Carolinas District of CKI Committee Chair Application

How do you want to serve Circle K? The Carolinas District is

looking for members to share their time, skills and creativity by applying to be a District Committee Chair! If you are interested be sure that you read the roles of each committee on the second page of this application, to make sure that you are willing to fulfill all responsibilities. I hope you take the time to consider becoming a part of the district board and making an even bigger difference in this organization! Fill out the following application and email it to the Carolinas District of CKI, at by Sunday March 31, 2013.
Click the field and begin typing

Name: Date of Birth: I am a member of Circle K Club in the Division. Address: City: State: Phone number: Skype name?: E-mail: Year in School: Expected Date of Graduation: Are you able to attend District Officer Training Conference (DOTC) from April 19-21 at the Boys and Girls homes of Lake Waccamaw NC? Yes No Unsure Attach a document answering the following questions; please limit your total answers to 2 pages.
1. For which committee(s) are you applying? )? (If you are interested in more than one committee, please rank them by number, #1 being your top pick) 2. Why do you wish to chair this/these committee(s)? (If you are interested in more than one committee, please address this question for each one) 3. What are your qualifications for your committee(s) of interest? Please give details (e.g. skills, special interests, offices held, awards received, and any other information you feel is relevant). 4. What are three preliminary goals you have for your respective committee(s) if appointed? 5. What has your involvement been in Circle K thus far? 6. What is your favorite service project? Why? 7. What do you consider to be your greatest strength, and how would this benefit you? 8. What do you consider to be your greatest weakness and how do you plan on overcoming it? 9. DLSSP and Con-Con Committees ONLY: If you have lead or helped with large scale event planning, please tell us about the event(s) and what you learned from your experience. 10. DLSSP, Con-Con and OTIC ONLY: It is a requirement that you have attended at least one event planned by the committee for which you are applying. Which event did you attend that qualifies you for this position? I have read and understand the responsibilities of the role of a district board member, as well as the responsibilities of the position that I am seeking, as outlined on the attached page. If appointed to the office I seek, I agree to sign a service agreement that clearly outlines my responsibilities to the Carolinas District of Circle K International. It is my responsibility to cover the duties of such office, as well as the membership requirements of my home club. Signature: Date:

Conventions to Conferences
The Con-Con Committee will work to plan all Fall Call Conference and District Convention each with an established budget. It is a requirement that the chair of this committee must have attended at least one Carolinas convention or conference prior to holding the position. These include District Convention, Kiwanis Family Conference, Fall Rally, or any other conference or convention that fills the requirement as deemed by the district board. The committee will be responsible for planning, promoting attendance, and overseeing said event in cooperation with the district board.

The Info-Tech Committee will maintain the district website and other established forms of electronic communication. The committee also posts approved materials in electronic format for reference of the members of the Carolinas District, and is responsible for maintaining the district s website as a marketing tool. The committee also works with all clubs of the Carolinas District to educate and promote the use of electronic communications and marketing tools, and keep current information regarding functions and options of the web page.

Service Chair Kiwanis-Family Relations

The K-Family Relations Committee will work to improve the relationships between Circle K and all Kiwanis and Kiwanis sponsored organizations. It shall be responsible for developing projects and educational programs to expand and strengthen the bonds between these organizations. The Service committee plans the Fall District Large Scale Service Project (DLSSP) at the Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina at Lake Waccamaw and the Spring DLSSP at the decided location. This includes communicating with the location representatives to plan service projects for a weekend as well as promoting the event to all the clubs of the district. This committee also works on other ways to serve the Carolinas District Service Projects, such as promoting clubs to fundraise for to the Boys and Girls Home, help the district raise awareness of abused children, promoting both Fall and Spring (DLSSP), promote CKI service week by sending out ideas for different service projects, promote the CKI preferred charities (Unicef & March of Dimes), and help plan for a service project at District Convention (DCON).

Membership Development and Education

The MD&E committee will focus on membership education, member benefits, and leadership development. The committee shall create resources for members and clubs of the district to promote and educate about Circle K International and to provide guidance on development techniques including, but not limited to, recruitment and retention.

On To International Convention
On to International Convention (OTIC) committee shall be responsible for promoting attendance and planning the district's trip to International Convention. The chair of this committee must have been to at least one International Convention prior to his/her term as chair. This position will include receiving information from Circle K International, distributing information to clubs, and planning travel. He/She will also be responsible for ensuring that the district utilizes as many voting delegates as possible. During the International Convention, he/she shall be in charge of the district suite and any district events that occur at the convention site.

Laws and Regulations

The Laws and Regs Committee works with the Carolinas District Bylaws and Policy Codes. The most important time for this committee is before District Convention, when it prepares amendments that will be presented to the District that club delegates vote on. The Chair is also responsible for helping to run House of Delegates and elections at DCON.

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