Applying Second Life in Undergraduate Architecture Class

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Applying Second Life In Undergraduate Architecture Class

APPLYING SECOND LIFE IN ARCHITECTURE CLASS Applying Second Life In Undergraduate Architecture Class

Incorporating virtual worlds such as" Second Life" game in a major such as Architecture will be helpful for construct more comprehensible knowledge (Aoun, 2011). Second Life is an online virtual world game that launched in 2003 for 16th years old and higher. Users in Second Life interact with each other through avatars which can be humans, animals, or objects. Users in Second life can learn about cultures, socialize, involve in group activities, and create virtual environment in both entertainment and an educational method (Au, 2008). Second Life opens the opportunities for students to simulate the architecture of mosques, in reality, visualize their own design, and start to build it in 3D physical space. Mosques are Muslims place of worship and prays. There are basic features of the mosques' exterior architecture. First, the minaret, the tall thin tower that usually built in the angles of the mosque and the call of prayer times is held from it. The domes, a part of architecture that resembles the empty upper half of the mosque (Mosque, 2012). as well as the crescent that located at the top of domes and refer to prayer direction. Indeed, Second Life game has incorporated constructionism and Squire's learning theories in undergraduates Architecture class for teaching the exterior design of mosques. The constructionism theory of Papert supports the concept of "Learning by design". The modules of constructionism include different roles of educators and students in. Students have to build their knowledge by creating objects that represent a learning result that is meaningful to them and inquiry this knowledge. Moreover, students need to share their thoughts and actively collaborate with each other. Sometimes, students should with outside-world professionals to develop their design. On the other hands, educators in constructionism will work as facilitators who support students' learning path (Harel & Papert, 1991).

APPLYING SECOND LIFE IN ARCHITECTURE CLASS In fact, Second Life has implemented constructionism modules effectively in learning about the exterior architecture of mosques. Second Life supplies students with shapes, texture, and space to help them visualize their own ideas of designing mosque and build it accordingly. Second Life gives students the chance for inquiring the new experience, building mosques,

through teleporting them from one Islamic lands such as Egypt and Turkey and that can be done by the educators. Additionally, Second Life facilitates the social interactions among students. It allows students to look at each other mosques' design which can motivate students to share ideas, and to work together for developing their design. Also, it allows students to communicate with designers and developers in Second Life to get some outside professional help if they face problems in designing (McGhee, Brown, Pressley, Browning, & Thomas, 2012). The Kurt Squire's learning theory based on the necessity of integrating technology in education and especially games. This theory believes that games can be bifacial in improving the students' performance better that the traditional curriculum (Squire, 2005) Actually, Second Life has applied the major concept of Squire's learning theory; using games in learning. There are a lot of advantages of utilizing Second Life in building and design mosques. First, Second Life shows the design in 3D which helps students visualize the design from different sides and make changes easily. The students can save the design and goes to develop it whenever they want. Moreover, Second Life save students' time and effort . The most important is that students get motivated since the enjoy learning and achieve educational goals. In conclusion, Second Life game has integrated constructionism and Squire's learning theories in undergraduates Architecture class successfully for teaching the exterior design of mosques.

APPLYING SECOND LIFE IN ARCHITECTURE CLASS The Second Life has applied the constructionism modules and construct students learning effectively as well as the Squire's theories.


References Aoun, J. E. (2011). In learning, the lasting value of place. (49 ed., Vol. 52). Washington: Chronicle of Higher Education. Au, W. J. (2008). The making of second life. (1st ed., p. 19). New York, NY: Harper Collins. Harel, I. & Papert, S. (1991). Constructionism. (p.3). Norwood, NY: Ablex Publishing Corporation. McGhee, T. W., Brown, M., Pressley, F., Browning, B., & Thomas, C. (2012). Second Life: Implications for Counselor Education. Michigan Journal Of Counseling: Research, Theory, And Practice, 39(1), 19-30. Mosque. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved October 24, 2012, from Squire, Kurt. (2005) Changing the Game: What Happens When Video Games Enter the Classroom. Journal of Online Education.1( 6)

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