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Thurmer 1

Nia Thurmer Mrs. Ordway English 11; Per. 4 21 March 2013

Topic sentence

The Business of Babies

In vitro fertilization or IVF has provided a hope for many couples who may have otherwise have lost all hope when it comes to creating a family. In Vitro Fertilization Pre-Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) is a fertility procedure which first succeeded as recently as 1978 by Dr. Edwards (an embryologist) and Dr. Steptoe (a gynecologist) in England. Since then the technology has been further refined and developed by physicians and embryologists, with over 20,000 babies born worldwide. In Vitro Fertilization should only be used in extreme cases of infertility since the financial cost may substantive, there is an overwhelming emotional toll on the woman and couple and IVF does not guarantee a 100% success rate.
Reasons with TWO examples 3 point thesis Background

The financial ramifications of IVF may cause significant hardships on a couples finances they may want to reach out to organizations that help provide financial support to couples who take the IVF route. The average cost for one cycle of IVF is around $12,400. This cost will include various labs and screening for each of the perspective parents as well as egg recovery, and embryo transfer. Couples may turn to their insurance companies in order to provide additional resources for cost reduction. Currently there are 14 states that require insurance to cover some part of in vitro fertilization procedures (Roberts 1). Couples will need to have a candid discussion about their finances where realistic expectations are discussed. Once finances are reviewed a couple may determine that their finances cannot cover the total cost of IVF treatment

Thurmer 2

they may want to contact organizations that help defer overwhelming costs. Georgia Reproductive Specialist offers couples a chance to build their families while not depleting their savings account or retirement plans. The IVF Shared-Risk Financial Program was developed to
reduce a couple's financial anxiety by fixing the cost involved in participating in multiple IVF cycles. By limiting the amount of money "at risk", this program preserves financial resources for other familybuilding options should IVF fail (IVF Shared Risk Program 1). Providing a more secure way of attempting IVF may lower a couples inhibitions in trying IVF treatment. Understanding the full financial cost should not be taken lightly; leading only the most extreme cases of infertility on the path to IVF. While costs regarding IVF treatment are substantial, so is the emotional toll on the women and the couple.
Transition to the next reason-- last sentence of the paragraph.

*Below is a sample of a Work Cited page. Note that in your paper a work cited page is a separate page and in alpha order. Work Cited

"In Vitro Fertilization." In Vitro Fertilization. Georgia Reproductive Specialist, n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2013 Ireland, Jae. "Pros & Cons of Invitro Fertilization." LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., 12 May 2011. "IVF Shared Risk Program." IVF Shared Risk Program. Georgia Reproduction Specialst, n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2013. Roberts, Kathleen. "Cost of In Vitro Fertilization." LoveToKnow. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Mar. 2013.

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