General Procedure and Guidelines

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-APENDIX BName:________________________Classcode:________ GroupNo____ Instructor:_____________________ 1. Saint Louis University National Service Training Program (SLU-NSTP) aggressively supports one of the major thrust of the National Service Training Program Act of 2001 which is the promotion of Nationalism and patriotism among students. Indeed it is ushering the youth for good citizenship and passion for ones rich Filipino Culture, heritage, and traditions. A true Filipino can only be patriotic and nationalistic when he or she is able to recognize, appreciate, share and live by the richness and values of his indigenous identity and culture; 2. SLU NSTP also supports one of the Missionary thrusts of the CICM missionary-founders of SLU on Indigenous Peoples and Culture. As a shared mission, SLU NSTP commits itself to promote welfare on indigenous peoples and culture. SLU NSTP as missionary in character promotes culture in its mission to transform and mission beyond borders. A Louisian who deeply love and feel proud of his indigenous identity and roots is a Louisian who is transformed and can live beyond borders. 3. The SLU NSTP Cultural Festival is an avenue for Louisians to develop the above thrust. The festival serves as an exercise for students to grow in their mission to transform and in their core values of Competence, Creativity, Christian Spirit, and Social Involvement in field of culture, patriotism, and nationalism; 4. The participants in this event shall be all enrolled NSTP 1 students for the Second Semester term, 2012-2013; 5. There shall be one entry for all classes under the same instructor. Classes belonging to the same instructor will represent one cultural tribe. Coordination and organization of said classes will be taken cared of by the concerned instructor. The cultural tribe assignment per instructor was done based on various consideration feasible to all concerned. 6. Each entry must showcase the ff elements: a. Cultural Indigenous Dance= 20pts b. Cultural Indigenous Attire=20pts. c. Cultural Indigenous Song=20pts. d. Cultural Indigenous Foods=20pts. e. Photo portrayal of Ako ay Louisian Taas noo sa kulturang kinagisnan=20pts. 7. To be prepared ASAP which will be assessed immediately and finally presented during the festival proper: each NSTP 1 student is required to prepare and submit a personal picture-portrait in ethnic attire with the following details: a. The picture size must be 8 inches by 12 inches portrait page layout or landscape b. It must be a personal solo picture of the student

c. Attire in the picture must be the authentic ethnic attire of the cultural tribe the student belongs to. If the authentic attire is not available, consult your instructor for alternative attire. d. The background of the picture must be a tourism spot or beautiful scenery of the place/tribe the student belongs to, in picture overlay. See the model. e. The picture must be placed in a frame f. After the picture is presented for scoring and contest proper, the picture will be returned to the student as his/her personal remembrance in his share to help promote ones culture. Such picture must be displayed in the home of the student or wherever it fits. g. From each of the picture portrait of all the students per class, the class will choose one male and one female best portrait which will be displayed during the festival to represent the class. From all the class representatives portraits, student will vote for official cultural photo model AKO AY LOUISIAN, TAAS NOO SA KULTURANG KINAGISNAN. This photo model will be the official SLU NSTP photo carrier in its various but applicable documentation and advocacy posters or materials. h. Students have the option where to shoot or prepare the said ethnic photo portrait provided the photo strictly complies with the specifications as stipulated here and that of the model picture. Please check this model photo with your instructors. But for students who are interested, the NSTP Office has requested the services of our University official photographer to attend to said photo services. Interested students will proceed to the NSTP Office as scheduled by their teacher to have their pictures taken. Provide your own ethnic attire to use during the picture taking and be responsible of preparing yourself for the shoot. The services of our official photographer include the following: required picture with the picture specifications/without frame is Php 120.00. The frame has a separate fee of Php 250.00. You may opt to avail of both the picture and the frame services or just the picture alone and you provide the frame or just the frame alone and you provide the picture. 8. Each presentation for the song, dance and attire is given a maximum time of eight (8) minutes inclusive of entrance and exit. For any excess therein, the class concerned shall be given minus points from their total score of the different graded activities of the festival. The fashion show presentation of the attire will be done simultaneously with the ethnic song. The presentation of the ethnic food is during lunch time. The classes concerned will prepare in a designated room a set of food for display and judging; 9. The activity shall start at 9:00 am and shall end at 5:00 in the afternoon, inclusive of cleaning and fixing things after the various presentations. The classes may be dismissed before 5pm depending on how fast and well the post activity cleaning and fixing are done; 10. Call time shall be 8:00 in the morning. Proceed immediately to your assigned classroom. As soon as you are using the room, the class must assign caretakers to organize and secure things in the classroom; 11. Be responsible of your belongings or valuables you bring to the activity or to your assigned classroom. Be reminded that lost, stolen or damaged belongings shall be your own accountability; 12. Checking of attendance, preparations, and final orientation shall begin at 8:00; 13. No early dismissal and no tardiness shall be allowed; otherwise, students concerned shall be considered absent for the entire event and will not be given class standing score for the festival; 14. What to bring: Each student must bring the following: a. A copy of this waiver-guidelines duly accomplished; b. Personal ethnic wears and/or attires;

c. Lunch box, spoons and forks, cup, and other utensils you deem necessary for your eating use. No bringing of paper/styroplates, plastic/styrocups, plastic spoons and all non-environmentally friendly items; d. Umbrella and extra clothing 15. The presentations of the songs, dances, attires and food must narrate or feature the richness and values of the traditions, heritage and life of the tribe concerned; 16. Each student must be in their own individual authentic indigenous cultural attire. If such is not available please see your instructor for approved alternative. During the presentation for those who will perform, performers should use the appropriate indigenous attire of the tribe they are presenting; 17. Strictly no using/putting of cosmetics make up during the actual festival. This is to emphasis natural looks. 18. Teachers and staff are as well enjoined to be in their individual indigenous attire; 19. Students, teachers and staff shall be in their individual cultural attire for the whole duration of the festival; 20. Appropriate demerits and sanctions shall be given for those who will not be in their proper indigenous cultural attire; 21. Everyone must be at the performance area except assigned authorized room caretakers and food attendants; 22. All students must be in their respective assigned seats at exactly 8:50 am to be ready with the program at 9:00am. Thus, the following must be observed: a. Before 9:00 am, all the foods must have been prepared; b. no one should be staying inside their assigned classroom during the whole period of the event, except for those who are assigned to guard on the classroom (only 2 persons); c. no one should be practicing or fixing things while the program is going on; 23. FOODS: a. Each group of NSTP 1 class under one instructor will prepare their own food indigenous to the tribe they represent. The preparation must be good for the number of students under the said instructor. Prepare also extra dish/viand as pasabaw good for half the number of the class preparing. The extra food prepared will be for other students of other class codes] who wish to partake of the indigenous food prepared. This will be for all classes so that everyone will have a chance to taste other indigenous foods as prepared by other classes. The food prepared will also serve as the lunch of everyone. Prepare a separate sample set of food for judging purposes. b. There shall be tables assigned at the Gonzaga campus grounds. These tables shall be for the purpose of displaying the foods of each group. Each group shall design their tables as labeled according to name of their instructor and the cultural affiliations they are representing; c. Prepare and serve foods with utmost care and sanitation; d. Every dish must be labeled according to the name of the food (it must be named according to how the tribe name such food) including the ingredients and procedure on how cook such food; e. There shall be at least 2 to 6 persons who must stay in each assigned area to assist students in getting their foods; f. During lunch time, students shall get their food from their own assigned classroom. Those student who wish to taste the pasabaw food from the other tribes, proceed to the designated pasabaw

tables first come first serve and only after you have eaten your food in your classroom; g. After securing your foods, go back to your respective seats at the Gonzaga gym where you can eat with the others; h. Should you want to take more foods, you may do so following the same route in order not to obstruct ways for other students who may be on cue also to get food; i. In securing your food, please take only the amount and the kind you are sure to consume. Check also that others have taken their food before you take your second and subsequent rounds. 24. DANCE AND SONG a. In every entry, there shall be showcasing of 1 song and 1 dance of the cultural tribe being presented; b. No one is allowed to be preparing once the program starts. This means that you must be in your proper attire in your presentations once you are in your seats; c. The sequence of performers shall be announced during the event. Thus, everyone must be ready at all times. The Masters of Ceremony shall then be announcing the one who will present and who will be the next in line. Once called as the on deck performers, you must move to your respective entrance designation so that no time shall be wasted during your entrance; d. For practicality and authenticity, gongs music to accompany dance and songs must be played live. No recorded gongs music is allowed. Electronic music for other dances may be allowed. Please check with your instructors. e. After your performance, go back immediately to your respective seats and pay attention to the next performers. f. Be responsible in preparing your materials and costumes limited to necessary ones only; g. Where it is needed, students may use applicable Filipino languages; h. No medley (combination) of different dances or songs is allowed. They must finish the whole dance/song/ritual before presenting another; i. The song must be performed live by the classes concerned; j. While the song is being sung, the assigned representatives will ramp around their ethnic attire just like in a modified fashion show. At least a pair of one male and one female person must showcase the male and female attire respectively. Should you wish to have more pairs, please consult your instructor who will discuss the matter with the NSTP Coordinator. 25. JUDGING a. Judging will be used to determine the performance status of the different classes. While the festival strongly aims to promote the richness and the uniqueness of all cultural tribes and their respective traditions and heritage, the judging will not compare or present one tribe to be better over the other. What the judging will do is to assess whether or not the concerned group or class is able to present the richness and uniqueness or tribalness of the cultural tribe they are presenting as best and authentic as possible. All performance will be assessed as to whether it is gold, silver, bronze or honorable mention. This will be announced just before the festival program begins and this will be another basis of giving a score for the performance by the instructor. b. The following awards are given accordingly: Gold=95 to 100 pts Silver=85 to 94 pts.

Bronze=70 to 84 pts. Honorable mention= below 69 pts. c. There shall be external judges who will be evaluating the presentations of each entry for the song with attire presentation, dance presentations and the food; d. The following shall be the general criteria for the song, attire and dance presentation; BASIS RATE Performance (quality of execution): Skill; Mastery; Precision; Showmanship; Correct interpretation of steps/song, movements, sequences; Musicality; Grace & projection Clear presentation of the meaning and message of the Showcase. 25% Staging Effective use of space, floor patterns, formations; Smooth transitions from one event to the next 15% Costume Correct/appropriate costume, accessories, and footwear if applicable; Color combination, style, material, and fit; Proper wearing and use in the showcase. 15% Overall Impact (over all appeal) Sustained interest, attention and appreciation generated throughout the showcase;

15% Interpretation Ability to present the genuinety or authenticity or the value embedded behind the tradition of the cultural or tribe being represented 30% TOTAL 100% e. Criteria for the food: Authentic Taste 30%, Originality 30%, Identity 30% and Overall Presentation 10%.

f. Prizes: since the festival is a graded activity, there will be no prizes that will be given. Instead, calss standing points shall be given. Class standing are given depending on the award incurred during the festival plus the evaluations of the instructor during the series of preparation as specified below. g. INSTRUCTORS SCORE i. The Supervising Instructor shall give points for each student depending on his/her performance as based on the following criteria: 1. Voluntary attendance for preparation and practices outside the regular class hours 2. Participation and cooperation during preparation and actual performance 3. Resourcefulness: contribution of ideas, concepts, talent, and others 4. Creativity and the ability to trouble-shoot 5. Over all participation and performance including X-factor ii. Should a class wins a particular award in the judging of the external judges, such will be provided a corresponding score by the instructor. iii. Student will be graded will be graded twice: one for the preparation and another one for the performance. 26. After the event, every class must be responsible in cleaning their respective area before leaving the premises. NSTP office staff shall be checking the rooms after the event. Areas which are not properly fixed and cleaned shall cause demerits for the whole class which used the particular facility. 27. As personnel and students being groomed in our University, we are all required to observe and follow the policies, rules and regulations of the University as stated in the Student Handbook regarding a bonafide Louisian and his/her conduct and behavior. Let us all be reminded again that our participation in this activity is an opportunity for us to be our motto, wisdom builds, knowledge edifies our professional character and behavior. 28. To ensure success of the activity and your safety, observe and follow additional regulations and instructions given by the Instructor before and/or during the activity. 29. During the event, you are responsible for any act or untoward incident if the cause is: due to negligence on your part; violation of rules and regulations or instruction; or not covered by the period and supervision duties and responsibilities of the instructor. 30. By signing this guideline in the blanks provided, both the student and the guardian will not hold the University or its representatives, instructors and staff for any untoward incident that may happen to the student which is beyond the control of the University, its representatives, instructors or staff. The NSTP instructors and staff supervising the students will exert all their diligent efforts to ensure safety of students and the successful learning participation of students to the said activity. 31. You are required to wear your individual ethnic attire and SLU student ID. 32. Your attendance in the festival will be monitored and recorded throughout the forum duration. Listen to the instruction on how your attendance is being monitored for the forum. Various ways of recording attendance is being implemented to suit the peculiarities of the activities during the said forum. Make sure you follow the attendance monitoring as instructed to complete the attendance and the hours requirement. 33. The festival is an official activity of the University. Hence, University policies, guidelines and procedures still apply. Please be guided by your student manual. Again, be reminded and guided of the provisions in this activity procedures and guidelines.

34. It is reiterated that since you are Louisians with the Louisian character or practice of good manners and right conduct during fora and festivals; discipline, politeness and courtesy, avoidance of noise, diligently taking down notes, listening attentively and participating actively, no unnecessary using or playing of electronic gadgets like but not limited to cell phones or ipods, and avoiding other inappropriate behavior and activity are strictly observed. If you have to do or use anything not specified in the forum for necessity, ask permission first from your respective instructor for such use and use or do things only if allowed by your instructor. Any student violating this reminder is subject to sanction and confiscation of concerned item. 35. This copy of procedure, guidelines, and form (PGF) automatically serves as your waiver. Read, understand, accomplish and follow properly. 36. Again, be reminded that any violation of the above reminders is given sanctions and demerits that affect your grade in the subject. 37. This guidelines must be submitted for initial checking to the respective instructor. After the initial checking, the student continues to keep this copy to guide him/during the whole event. After the whole event, the student must submit this copy of guidelines personally and individually to respective instructor for follow up checking and recording. This guideline when properly accomplished, secured and submitted to the instructor is given a perfect individual class standing score. Otherwise, the score is zero. 38. For clarifications, please call (0918-9193547 or 09163349807 NSTP Coords number) or visit the SLU NSTP office. ALBERT G. GUINGUNO JR, NSTP Coordinator Note:This guideline must be submitted for initial checking to the respective instructors. After the initial checking, the student continues to keep this copy to guide him/her during the whole event. After the event, the student must submit this copy of guideline personally and individually to the respective instructors for follow up checking and recording. This guideline when properly accomplished, secured, and submitted to the instructor is given a perfect individual class standing score. Otherwise, the score is zero. Conforme: _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ Printed Name and Signature of Student Printed Name and Signature of Parent/Authorized Guardian Date: ______________________ Date: ______________________

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