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The Evolution of the Survival Horror Series

Survival Horror is a genre that is more focused on

the theme, mood and ambience, and design philosophy. These games are mainly emotionally connecting to the player, while thrilling sound effects, setting, and even lighting immerses them continuously further into the game play and storyline. This genre helps to prove that it is not only the game play that is important for a genre. Although, survival horror game play is very unique with its action/adventure core, followed by stealth, shooter, and puzzles.

The Beginning:
The first and original Silent hill was released in 1999 for off with the main character, Harry Mason, who is the PS1. The story line starts

separated from his daughter, a car crash that is caused by in the middle of the road.

Cheryl, after they both are in Harry seemingly seeing a girl You must survive the search and unveil is hidden truth, origin of the horror, and Harry and Cheryls connection to it all.

through the dilapidated town

For the time, the graphics were very well done, and the cut scenes were chilling. They also worked extremely well with the atmosphere and setting. Simple touches such as thick fog that limited your visibility of the area around you- having to take steps further to increase this, Harry having to slow down and catch his breath after running, ominous music and creature sounds, and- the most important and effective through out the game- the lighting. The controls were a little difficult though. Silent Hill is the type of game were the player must get used to the controls in order for it to be enjoyable. It is also very hard for a player to become immersed into a game if they are frustrated. Yet, the use of sound effects and ambience through out this game (and the rest of the series) invoke immense psychological terror that lure the player in deeper. ml?tag=tabs;reviews

The Sequel to Silent Hill is actually a separate story all together but the

setting, certain town landmarks and places, as well as the map itself are all relatively the same. The story is centered around an average man by the name of James Sunderland who is tracking down the origin of a letter he has received from his wife. Alarmed and overwhelmingly confused- he sates the letter shouldnt be possible since his wife had died 3 years ago due to illness. Throughout the game, key supporting characters are introduced that arise conflicts with James, yet their own problems emotionally connect to James and even the players. For example, one is a little girl lost within Silent Hill, but seems to but unaware of the terror it holds- and who even claims to know where his wife is. And of course there is the most famous aspect of this gamethe main nemesis known as Pyramid Head. He is a humanoid, demonic creature who wears a bloody butchers apron, wielding an enormous sword (that makes a terribly eerie noise as he drags it) and has a rusty metal pyramid helmet. I personally find him an extremely interesting character because he is actually the manifestation of James sins. Existing only to punish him. This becomes clear in the ending. Personally, I find this one to be the most emotional and heart wrenching of the games. This also is one of my top favorites. Each of the unlockable endings hold new meanings and ways James confronts his demons (mentally and physically), and how his wife actually came to pass. Also with this game and storyline, it shows Silent Hill as more as a personal hell and punishment for sins.

Silent Hill 3 is actually the continuation of the first Silent Hill. The story for this one follows a young girl by the name of Heather, and takes place 17 years after the events Harry Mason went though in the first game. She awakes from a mysterious loss of consciousness during a typical trip to the mall. She awakes in the daunting town we all know and love, and continues to spiral into a consuming alternate nightmarish realm, and uncovers a bizarre cults plan to use her to birth their god. Silent Hill 3 not only has the same types of engrossing visuals, sounds effects, and storyline, but goes into them in an entirely new and improved way. Everything about 3 is much darker, creepier, and intense- going from new monsters to more highly emotional and disturbing scenes. As the franchise continued, Konami enhanced every successful aspect that kept the player drawn in but fearful at the same time. Each game became more and more emotional and difficult to tear yourself away from.

Like every other successful series and franchise, more and more sequels are produced. Needless to say, not all of them are good. Silent Hill 4 (released for the PS2) could arguably be a decent game with improved graphics and a new way into starting a Silent Hill story line, yet they could also be described as nonsensical and boring. The story starts off as you not being able to leave your apartment. Fun stuff? But hey, you can leave it by climbing through a hole in your laundry wall. And each level sounds like an amusement park- such as building world and hospital world. In defense for the series- this game was originally not supposed to be part of it. It was to make money off the name. Silent Hill 5- Homecoming- (360 and PS3) was a huge improvement. Much better graphics and characters. The story and visuals were more geared from the movie that was made about the original game- which I thought was a downfall- but it made the game unique among the others. The story follows the cult that is mentioned in the 1st and 3rd game as well, but does release an entirely new story and plot that arises from the cult. The game play was also more action based. It was new to have the character be able to dodge and more around (unlike other survival horrors were you stand still and shoot/attack). The other two sequels were Silent Hill Origins for the PSP and Shattered Memories for the Wii. Origins was very similar to the original three, yet Shattered Memories was a whole new breed. Being made by another company, they took the first game and completely shifted around the story, making it a reimagining of the game. What made this one so interesting though was that it psychologically profiled you as you played. In between each section of the game, the player is transported into an office of a therapist were the game environment and even how the ending turns out and how characters react to you are based on decisions made here. This was a very innovative way to enhance the players fear and uneasiness. The MAJOR downfall to this one- it was a combat less system.

Sources Used:
1) Fielder, By Joe. "Silent Hill Review for PlayStation - GameSpot."GameSpot Is Your Go-to Source for Video Game News, Reviews, and Entertainment. Web. 04 Nov. 2010. <;reviews>. 2) Croshaw, Ben "Yahtzee" "Video Galleries : Zero Punctuation : Silent Hill 2."The Escapist. Web. 12 Nov. 2010. <>. 3) Fahs, Travis. "IGN Presents the History of Survival Horror - Retro Feature at IGN." IGN Advertisement. Web. 6 Nov. 2010. <>. 4) YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Web. 6 Nov. 2010. <>. 5) Home - Konami. Web. 8 Nov. 2010. <>. 6) Perron, Bernard. Horror Video Games: Essays on the Fusion of Fear and Play. Jefferson, NC: McFarland &, 2009. Print.

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