Level Prepro Based Off Uat Grounds

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Jillian Parr 3D Level from the School map/layout


Using the school as a level layout for a 3D game, creating a relatively small environment for a 3D level, and using the smaller and enclosed spaces that each area and room provides throughout the school, placing it into a survival horror setting seems fitting. The basic view will be first person, for game play as well as short cut scenes. The scene at the end will though, become third person, and you will also be able to see your character when passing a reflective window, or going into one of the bathrooms and examining mirrors. The basic layout of the school will still be used (the basic layout of the map), yet most of the rooms will be changed. For example, instead of the basic numbered off rooms, there will be a specific reason for each room. For this level, both upstairs and down stairs will be used, yet the dorms will not. For my specific plan, entering the dorms will be the beginning to the next level. Story Introduction:

The level will start off as the main character waking up from seemingly falling asleep, studying at a small table in the library. Smoke fills the room, making the air thick and difficult to see through. This is a crucial time for the character and player. With the air being so thick, the trouble to breathe sets in. The basic over all environment will have this type of effect too. Not entirely the same and intense effect as the smoke does now, in the beginning, but it will be placed as a sort of hindrance for the player as well as a psychological element. Keeping the player in the dark (literal and as a pun, yes) will heighten the atmosphere. Since this will still have an element of the school itself, the character will have a sense of the area and environment still, since things will still have a familiar set up/ the character will still know that this area was once a school. This level will also be meant for more of a playing experience. There are still enemies, puzzles, and background information, but the main objective is to have the player take everything in. Movement:

As a first person survival horror game, the movement will be fairly simple. Whether the controls are being made for PC or a console, there will be the WASD walking or analog stick movement, as well as an additional button for sprinting or running. For PC the camera movement also, and looking around will be used with the mouse movement. And with console, the camera with be with the right analog. Movement will also change depending on how the environment is where the character and player reside. The character will move slower and more cautiously if there is the element of smoke or certain darkness. Running is still an option but again, it will be slower and more careful. It is the element of showing that the character will have a sense of the environment, as well as a sense of the danger that lurks.


There will be several options for weapons. Also, You will an inventory system, so you will be able to essentially holster an item for another weapon and hold one to use as well. Tools such as wrenches, screwdrivers, etc, will be available. Also fire extinguishers, hidden better weapons such as knives and a gun. Items that would be easily accessible in an environment such as this can be available as weapons, but obviously items like books are chairs will not be able to be used. First Floor, Level Layout:

The Library: The Library is set up in different sections of bookshelves which expand to the ceiling, with the old fashioned ladders. In total there are about 10 to 13 book cases, each made out of rich, dark wood, with the older leather bound books. Books will provide some information to the player as well. Of course, not all book s will be able to provide, so there will be books that will be explained to be too ruined too read or even some in different languages. The books that do have information though will have links to background information such as the origins of the building, the school, former students and employees, and will also have different stories and poems that relate to the current state of the building and different rooms (giving slight clues on what is coming next). These books will constantly change. Every major time the player enters the library, the book placements will shift, and there will seemingly be new books in different areas. This also means that the information will change and fluctuate as long with the placements. This information is also optional for the players. For people who want to just player through the level without getting too into the extra details and story, completing the level is not dependant on collecting the notes, stories, and info. As mentioned before, the smoke will have a constant state in the library. Through time though, If the player does decide to gather the information, the smoke will slowly dissipate. No fire will be visible or in the library, but the character will sense heat and will make mention of the difficulty to breathe and their vision will begin to blur and get rougher with more time that is spent in here. Offices and Storage: The offices will have a familiar set up of several cubicles and desks, along with a main desk near the entrance door. There will be no electricity in this room at all unfortunately. This means when the player first enters the room, it will take some time for the vision to actually adjust, unless the player has acquired a personal light source themselves. (Another strong difference in this level against other survival horror, although a seemingly small aspect, a flashlight, candle, or matches do not need to be acquired to finish or go through the level. Certain areas will be dark or darker than others, but if the player is patient, the vision of the character will adjust to the lack of light and actually will improve their vision throughout if this type of play is continued.) Another aspect of this area will be the temperature. The low and frigid air will have a freezing over effect, slightly on some of the surfaces. This will not affect the character nearly as much as the smoke, yet it will hinder movement and combat if it is needed. A special weapon will be located in here as well. There will be a fire axe in an emergency case on the wall, however it will be frozen. One of the first and simplest puzzles. The ice will not be

broken, so it must be melted. (A lighter can be found in the cafeteria, and a can of hairspray will be in a bathroom on this first floor.) This will also be where the first enemy will be faced. Noises will be heard through this room, to the back where the storage room lies. From the sound of a door rattling, going through the iced over sea of cubicles, it seems to become darker. Getting closer to the door, the enemy will break through. It is humanoid, and looks to be covered in a ghostly darkness, with eyes eerily emitting a bright white light, as well as its mouth as it unhinges its jaw to express a painful wail. I melee weapon will, in fact kill something like this, and will die quicker if attacked at the head. In this room as well, behind the creature is a revolver that can be picked up and used. Extra ammo will accompany it, and ammo will be scatter throughout. (So, if you do not currently have a weapon, dodge and grab that gun!) Besides the available axe, and events in the storage room, this office room is more for the introduction of the first enemy and for atmosphere. The Theater Moving into the theater, there will be the basic stacked seating arrangement, all of course pointing to the main small podium and screen. This room will have the idea of the flicker or jump out scare tactic. While the player walks into the room, the projection screen will be lowered and will be flickering from a low light to bright, along with the screen noise or snow. When the bright flicker happens, and goes dim, it reveals the location of a flashlight, in a seat in the back row. While the light flickers stronger though, barely visible figures made of noise or snow gr adually start filling the seats, beginning with one, then 3, then 5, etc. If the player stays there long enough for the seats, the heads of the figures will slowly move from facing the screen to following the player. Better grab that flashlight. Larger Commons Once the first enemy and other type of encounter in the theater has happened, the larger commons will be inhabited by the type of creatures that are like the one in the storage room. With only a few, 3 or 4, wandering around, they should give an adequate challenged for the player and not give too much difficulty. Besides these fellows, there are the several rows of computers, yet only one is up and running still. This computer requires a password, this will be unlocked by quick backtracking and finding the pass code. A note left near the active computer, on top of a book will provide a clue to enter a certain word, in a specific placement (page number, row on the page, word number in the line, etc.) Opening up this computer will give a map of the building. Besides this, in this room, there will also be more ammo for the gun, as well as a couple health kits and a basic melee weapon. Bathrooms The bathrooms are pretty simple areas. They will both look rusted and outdated however, and some of the stall doors will be broken and dont allow the player to walk into the stall. Yet, in the womans bathroom, as mentioned before, there will be the untouched, new can of hairspray (that will be used with the lighter to unfreeze the axe, and can also be used as a weapon). The only big difference with the bathrooms, besides he item in the womans one, is that the mirrors in the womans as well will all ne smashed. There will be a still standing, large mirror in the mens. Cafeteria

The cafeteria will have a recently been flooded type environment. Water will still be splashing around in the floor, while youre walking, the character will notice how humid and moisture filled the air suddenly becomes. A rotted smell will also linger. The walls and woodwork on the tables and chair will be rotted too. An exit door to the outside is marked and to the right, as the emergency sign sparks. The character notices it, yet if the player attempts to open this door, they will get shocked, knocked back, and lose some life. In here there will be more health giving items (food, drinks, a health pack) and a lot of melee (pans, knives, etc.) The second enemy will also be introduced. It is a water based enemy, so it will not be in places where there is not water on the floor or pooled together. Staying too long in a spot will attract this creature. I mixture between a reptilian and humanoid hand/arm will reach out for the player, starting out will one and becoming numerous. If the player gets caught by one, the arm will slowly raise out more and a mouth or face even might appear. The water on the floor will seemingly be very deep, allowing these creatures to be beneath it, but the player and character will be ground on the floor, and will not be able to fall or slip into the water without being dragged down. Another special weapon will also be in here. Behind the counter, in the kitchen, near the stove there will be a small/portable stun gun. This will stun the creatures in the water, yet you better be on a table when you use it. But it will also stun other enemies. Charge packets or deposits for this will be hidden through rooms and certain places just like the gun ammo too. Science Labs The Science labs will intentionally seem out of place. Walking in, everything will be stark white, sterile and very structured and organized. The audio in this room will also be very different from the others. Since the intention of this room is to just be unnerving, the noise will but a loud humming, with fluctuating louder spurts, slowly turning into a heartbeat. Chemistry tables will be rowed in the middle of the room, while stand up skeletons will be present, one near the entrance, and one close to a table in the back that resembles an autopsy or dissection table covered in plastic. The only spot that is not completely white or cleaned, will be a spot on one of the chemistry or studying tables, where the chair is pulled out as if someone was recently there, and a small blood splash is on the table, in front of the chair. A Key will be here. Second Floor:

Green House Taking the key from the science lab table, the player can now enter the green house type room directly above the cafeteria. This room will be over run and filled with vines, and various dark, thorn covered and gnarled vegetation, and will be very dark. Near the entrance door on the right, there is a machete in a bed of rocks. To get to the machete the player must carefully walk and maneuver through from of the lesser vines in the beginning of the room. Health will be lost if the plants are touched. Once the machete is taken, it is much easier to get through the room. (Without the machete it is almost impossible to get through unless the player has a very large amount of health packs.) The enemies in this room will be insect like, or bee like. Getting further and further through the forest more and more insects will continue to swarm. At the end of the room, there is a sort of podium that has a large key on top. Once this is grabbed though, the swarms will drop and die, as well as the plants. Once the player turns around, the room will appear as an emptied out and clean room.

Art Studio The art studio will be similar to the library. This room will be filled with smoke, as well as have information connected to the outside world, and a hint of what is to co me. Enter this room, the character will note again how hard to breath it is, as well as a feeling of this room being separated from the rest of the building. With getting closer into the room and the walls surrounding it, paintings line them. Each painting on the wall seems to have a connection, or be about each room that has been in the building so far, yet each painting shows what the room should have looked like. Immersed in this world now, the character notices that the paintings seem weird and out of place. The last painting however, is completely black except a pair of odd eyes. End room Opening the door, using the key from the green house room, the player seems to be transported out of the building, into a vast empty area with, sand covering the ground with a small draft, kicking some sand. A shadowed, dark mass emits from the sand, forming a huge beast like form with flowing eyes. The big weakness of this one is the eyes, they can be hit while the mass crouches down, or shifts form to become closer to the ground, or if shot with the gun. The mass will also, throughout the battle, changed into the other forms of the previous enemies. Once defeated, the key to the back exit of the building will appear, and the room will shift back into a normal room.

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