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Objectives On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to : explain the advantage of sampling vis--vis census operations; identify the population, sample, sampling unit and sampling frame; apply probabilistic consideration to use simple random sampling with or without replacement; discuss the idea of stratification of a population and to use stratified sampling method to improve precision; describe other sampling methods of data collection suitable in relevant cases; design a suitable sampling scheme keeping both cost and precision in view; explain the use of non probability sampling despite its theoretical weaknesses.

Sampling and Sampling Designs

Structure 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 Introduction Advantage of Sampling Over Census Simple Random Sampling Sampling Frame Probabilistic Aspects of Sampling Stratified Random Sampling Other Methods of Sampling Sampling Design Non Probability Sampling Methods Summary Key Words Self assessment Exercises Answers Further Readings



The terminology "sampling" indicates the selection of a part of a group or an aggregate with a view to obtaining information about the whole. This aggregate or the totality of all members is known as Population although they need not be human beings. The selected part, which is used to ascertain the characteristics of the population is called Sample. While choosing a sample, the population is assumed to be composed of individual units or members, some of which are included in the sample. The total number of members of the population and the number included in the sample are called Population Size and Sample Size respectively. While the definitions of a population and a sample have been introduced in a formal manner in the previous paragraph, the idea of sampling is not really new. The process of generalising on the basis of information collected on a part is really a traditional practice. The annual production of a certain crop in a region is computed on the basis of a sample. The quality of a product coming out of a production process is ascertained on the basis of a sample. The government and its various agencies conduct surveys from time to time to examine various economic and related issues through samples. With the advancement of management science more sophisticated applications of sampling in business and industry are available. Sampling methodology can be used by an auditor or an accountant to estimate the value of total inventory in the stores without actually inspecting all the items physically. Opinion polls based on samples is used to forecast the result of a forthcoming election.


Data Collection and Measurement

Activity 1
Define population and sampling unit in each of the following problems. i) Popularity of family planning among families having more than two children. . ii) Election for a political office with adult franchise. ....... iii) Measurement of volume of timber available in forest. ... iv) Annual fruit in a hilly district. ... v) Study of birth rate in a district. ...



The census or complete enumeration consists in collecting data from each and every unit from the population. The sampling only chooses apart of the units from the population for the same study. The sampling has a number of advantages as compared to complete enumeration due to a variety of reasons. Less Expensive The first obvious advantage of sampling is that it is less expensive. If we want to study the consumer reaction before launching a new product it will be much less expensive to carry out a consumer survey based on a sample rather than studying the entire population which is the potential group of customers. Although in decennial census every individual is enumerated, certain aspects of the population are studied on a sample basis with a view to reduce cost. Less Time Consuming The smaller size of the sample enables us to collect the data more quickly than to survey all the units of the population even if we are willing to spend money. This is particularly the case if the decision is time bound. An accountant may be interested to know the total inventory value quickly to prepare a periodical report like a monthly balance sheet and a profit and loss account. A detailed study on the inventory is likely to take too long to enable him to prepare the report in time. If we want to measure the consumer price index in a particular month we cannot collect data of all the consumer prices even if the expenditure is not a hindrance. The collection of data on all the consumer items and their processing in all probability are going to take more than a month. Thus when ready, the price index will not serve any .meaningful purpose. Greater Accuracy It is possible to achieve greater accuracy by using appropriate sampling techniques than by a complete enumeration of all the units of the population. Complete enumeration may result in accuracies of the data. Consider an inspector who is visually inspecting the quality of finishing of a certain machinery. After observing a large number of such items he cannot just distinguish items with defective finish from good one's. Once such inspection fatigue develops the accuracy of examining the population completely is considerably decreased. On the other hand, if a small number of items is observed the basic data will be much more accurate. It is of course true that the conclusion about a population characteristic such as the proportion of defective items from a sample will also introduce error in the system. However, such errors, known as sampling errors, can be studied, controlled and probability statements can be made about their magnitude. The accuracy which results due to fatigue of the inspector is known as non sampling error. It is difficult to recognise the pattern of the non sampling error and it is not possible to make any comment about its magnitude even probabilistically.


Destructive Enumeration Sampling is indispensable if the enumeration is destructive. If you are interested in computing the average life of fluorescent temps supplied in a batch the life of the entire batch cannot be examined to compute the average since this means that the entire supply will be wasted. Thus, in this case there is no other alternative than to examine the life of a sample of lamps-and draw an inference about the entire batch. Activity 2 Name a few research studies carried out in your organisation or the organisation you know of where sample surveys were conducted. Activity 3 List out the advantages of sampling over complete enumeration (relative it to the studies in Activity 2).

Sampling and Sampling Designs



The representative character of a sample is ensured by allocating some probability to each unit pf the population for being included in the sample. The simple random sample assigns equal probability to each unit of the population. The simple random sample can be chosen both with and without replacement. Simple Random Sampling with Replacement Suppose the population consists of N units and we want to select a sample of size n. In simple random sampling with replacement we choose an observation from the population in such a manner that every unit of the population has an equal chance of 1/N to be included in the sample. After the first unit is selected its value is recorded and it is again placed back in the population. The second unit is drawn exactly in the swipe manner as the first unit. This procedure is continued until nth unit of the sample is selected. Clearly, in this case each unit of the population has an equal chance of 1/N to be included in each of the n units of the sample. Simple Random Sampling without Replacement In this case when the first unit is chosen every unit of the population has a chance of 1/N to be included in the sample. After the first unit is chosen it is no longer replaced in the population. The second unit is selected from the remaining N-1 members of the population so that each unit has a chance of 1/N-1 to be included in the sample. The procedure is continued till nth unit of the sample is chosen with probability

1 N-n+1

We now consider the operational aspect of selecting a simple random sample. Random Sampling Numbers The random sampling numbers are collection of digits generated through a probabilistic mechanism. The numbers have the following properties: i) The probability that each digit 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, will appear at any particular place is the same, namely 1/10.

ii) The occurrence of any two digits in any two places is independent of each other. A Table of Random Sampling Numbers are given below:


Data Collection and Measurement

An Example Suppose a class has 115 students and you have been asked to selected a sample of size 15 with replacement. The students are numbered in some order from 1 to 115 so that each student is identified uniquely by a serial number. Since the total number of students 115 is a three digit number we take numbers in groups of three. The student bearing serial number 1 is identified with the number 001, the student bearing the serial number 2 is identified with the number 002 and so on. Proceeding in this manner the digit 115 will correspond to the student bearing the serial number 115. The number 116 will again correspond to the student bearing the serial number 1, the number 117 again to the student bearing the serial 2. This process will continue upto 920, the highest multiple of 115 less than 1000. The digits 921-999 and 000 will be rejected. It is possible to select three digit numbers from the random number table anywhere. However, once a starting position has been selected you should continue to choose numbers according to the given sequence. For the sake of simplicity we start at the beginning row wise. The Table 2 below shows the selection of a sample of size 15 with replacement.


Note that the student bearing the serial number 49 has been selected twice. This is permissible since the sampling is with replacement.

Activity 4 i) In the example considered select a simple random sample of size fifteen without replacement starting at the beginning of the random sample numbers. ii) In the example considered what is the probability that each of the 115 students be included in the sample ? .. iii) Why is it necessary to reject numbers from 921 ? . iv) The data below indicate the number of workers in the factory for twelve factories.

Sampling and Sampling Designs

Select a simple random sample without replacement of size four. Start at the beginning of the third row. Compute the average number of workers per factory based on the sample. Compare this number with the average number of workers per factory in the population.



A Sampling frame is a list of all the units of the population. The preparation of a sampling frame is sometimes a major practical problem. The frame should always be made upto date and be free from errors of omission and duplication of sampling units. A perfect frame identifies each element once and only once. Perfect frames are seldom available in real life. A frame is subject to several types of defect which may be broadly classified on the following lines. Incomplete Frame When some legitimate sampling units of the population are omitted the frame is said to be incomplete. If we want to collect information regarding the political opinion of a group of voters on a sample basis, a complete list of voters is necessary to select a sample. But instances are known when such a list is incomplete.


Data Collection and Measurement

Inaccurate Frame When some of the sampling units of the population are listed inaccurately or some units which do not actually exist are included, the frame is said to be inaccurate. If you use the list of ration cards as a frame to select persons obviously such a frame will be inaccurate as the details about the persons such as age are never updated. Inadequate Frame A frame which does not include all units of the population by its structure is an inadequate frame. If you use the list of names included in the telephone directory of a city as the frame for selecting a sample to collect information about a consumer product, obviously it will be an inadequate frame. It will include the names of only those persons who have a telephone omitting the majority of the residents of the city. Out of Date Frame A frame is out of date when it has not been updated although it was accurate, complete and adequate at the time of preparation. The use of census blocks as a frame to select a sample of households is a fairly accurate frame immediately after the decennial census. But thereafter, its reliability as a frame deteriorates in a rapidly growing or rapidly declining area. Activity 5 Consider the sampling problems indicated in Activity 1. Suggest a suitable frame in each case.



Simple random sampling is based on the concept of probability. The use of probability in sampling theory makes it a reliable tool to draw inference or conclusion about the population. Although the types of conclusion or inference can be quite diverse, two particular types of decision making are quite prevalent in problems of business and government. On various occasions, the management would like to know the percentage or proportion of units in the population with a certain characteristic. An organisation selling consumer product may like to know the proportion of potential consumers using a certain type of cosmetic. The government may like to know the percent of small farmers owning some cultivable land in a rural region. A manufacturer planning to export some product may be interested to ascertain the proportion of defect free units his system is capable of manufacturing. The performance level of many products in a mass production shows statistical variation. This aspect of quantitative analysis has been discussed in MS-8 Block 3. Thus, we would only indicate the results without details. A manufacturer of fluorescent lamps would like to know the average life of these lamps keeping in mind that there will be variation- in life between individual lamps. An investor could be interested to know the prices of a number of stocks. But as the prices vary over the year, he may look for the average price of these stocks over the year. In the first case, it is assumed that the proportion of units in the population with the specific characteristic is P (unknown) (0 < P < 1) which is also referred to as population proportion. You select a simple random sample (with or without replacement) of sized and find out the number of units in the sample possessing the particular characteristic under consideration. Suppose p is the proportion of units in the sample possessing the characteristic. Then the numerical value of p gives us an indication of the unknown population proportion P. Likewise, the mean characteristic of all the units of the population is unknown. Suppose you select a simple random sample (with or without replacement) of size n and denote by y1, y2,.,yn the characteristic of these selected units of the sample (such as life of this lamp or the price of the stock on that particular day). The sample mean y is


1 y= (y1 +y 2 +....+y n ) n

The numerical value of y provides an indication of the population mean m. The unknown quantities P or m are commonly referred to as parameters of the population. The corresponding sample counterparts p or y are known as estimators. The quantity p is based on sample observations only. This is why it is also known as a statistic. Likewise y is also a statistic. It must be recognised that an estimator is also a statistical variable with a sampling distribution. The variance of this sampling distribution is an indicator of the extent of error committed by using an estimator in place of a parameter. In particular, the variance of p, V(p) and the variance of y , V ( y ) are known to be

Sampling and Sampling Designs

The quantity 2 is the variance of all the units of the population. This quantity is unknown but its estimator on the basis of a simple random sample of size n with observed units (y1, y2, .... yn ) is

S2 =

1 [(y1 y) 2 + .............. + (y n y) 2 ] 1 n PQ is pq/n-l. n

The estimate of

It may be observed from the expressions of variances of V(p) and V( y ) that they are virtually identical for sampling with and without replacement when the population size is very large compared to the sample size. The square root of the variance of an estimator is usually known as its standard error. The standard error is generally taken as a measure of precision to be achieved by sampling and will be used for developing suitable sampling design in a subsequent section. Activity 6 A list of 3000 voters of a ward in a city was examined for measuring the accuracy of age of individuals. A random sample of 300 names was taken, which revealed that 51 citizens were shown with wrong ages. Estimate the proportion of voters having a wrong description of age. Estimate the standard error of the estimate if the sampling is done (a) with replacement (b) without replacement.



The simple random sampling may not always provide a representative miniature of the population. Certain segments of a population can easily be under represented when an unrestricted random sample is chosen. Hence, when considerable heterogeneity is present in the population with regard to subject matter under study, it is often a good idea to divide the population into segments or strata and select a certain number of sampling units from each stratum thus ensuring representation from all relevant segments. Thus for designing a suitable marketing strategy for a consumers durable, the population of consumers may be divided into strata by income level and a certain number of consumers can be selected randomly from each strata.


Data Collection and Measurement

Speaking formally, the population of N units is subdivided into k sub-populations or strata the ith sub-population having Ni unit (i = 1, 2, ., k). These subpopulations are non overlapping so that they comprise the whole population such that N1 + N2 + . + Nk =N A simple random sample (with or without replacement) is selected independently in each stratum, the sample size in the ith stratum being ni (i = 1, 2, ., k).Thus the total sample size is n = n1 = n2 = = nk. The stratification should be performed in such a manner that the strata are homogeneous within themselves with respect to the characteristic under study. On the other hand, strata should be heterogeneous between themselves. Sometimes administrative convenience is taken into consideration to stratify the population. For instance, in order to study the problems of railway commuters each railway division may be considered to be a different stratum. In rural areas, the region covering adjacent districts are likely to be homogenous with respect to socio-economic and cultural pattern. Hence they could be included in a common strata. Distribution of consumer products may face different types of problems in rural, urban or hilly areas. These may be considered as separate stratum from the point of view of management. Allocation of' Sample Size in Different Strata In stratified sampling, the sample to different strata is allocated on the basis of three considerations. i) ii) iii) The total number of units in the stratum i.e. stratum size The variability within the stratum The cost of taking observation per sampling unit each stratum.

From the point of view of management the most effective utilisation of the resources will be achieved if the variance of the estimator is minimised for a fixed budget or the cost of sampling is minimised for a fixed variance of the estimator. In practice, however, two different types of allocation are mostly prevalent. Proportional Allocation This procedure of allocation is very common in practice because of its simplicity. The number of sampling units ni allocated to the ith stratum is proportional to the number of units in the population. Symbolically

ni = n

Ni ;(i = 1, 2, ........k ) N

Optimum Allocation Let Ci be the cost of sampling one unit from stratum i and i 2 be the variance of the units belonging to stratum i. We assume that knowledge about i 2 is available from a previous consumer survey. Then, symbolically

According to this principle of ascertaining the sample size, the sample size in a particular stratum is larger if (i) the stratum size is larger (ii) the stratum has larger variability and (iii) the sampling cost in the stratum is lower. An Example The Table 3 below shows the allocation of a sample of size 400 in seven strata. The strata have been formed according to monthly income of the consumers.


Sampling and Sampling Designs

As a market heterogeneity is present among the income strata the optimum allocation differs sharply from the proportional. allocation, placing more emphasis on representation from the higher income strata. This is because the higher income group has a large variability. Activity 7 A bank wants to select a sample of 500 borrowers who have borrowed money during the last one year. The borrowers who have taken loan can be divided into four strata according to occupation with stratum sizes N1 = 10000, N2 = 5000, N3 = 3000, N4 = 2000. What should be the sample sizes in the four stratum with (i) Proportional allocation (ii) Optimum allocation ? In the second case the cost of sampling each unit is Rs 20 irrespective of the occupational classes. But the standard deviations of the characteristic under study are Rs 420, 262.5, 603 and 355 respectively for the four strata. .



Cluster Sampling : In this method of sampling a collection or a Cluster of sampling units are selected in a random manner. Then each unit of the cluster is included in the sample. In order to motivate the use of a Cluster, we consider a survey where the sampling units are households in a rural area. If simple random sampling is used to select households they will be located over several villages. On the other hand, a village can be regarded as a Cluster of households. We select a few villages randomly and include every household in the selected villages in our sample. Such a sampling procedure will be an illustration of Cluster Sampling. It has a number of advantages over simple random sampling. i) If the households are chosen using simple random sampling, they are likely to be distributed over several villages. Hence from administrative point of view such a selection will involve more cost, more field supervision and more travelling. On the other hand, if a selected village is completely enumerated, the cost involved will be lower and the supervision exercised will be better.

ii) If the households in the sample are distributed over several villages then a frame containing the list of households of each of these villages is necessary for proper identification and selection of the household in the sample. On the other hand, if every


Data Collection and Measurement

household in a selected village is included in the sample, no sampling frame listing the households in a village is necessary. iii) If the type of question is of intimate nature an isolated household selected in a village is unlikely to cooperate with the investigators. On the other hand, if every household in a village is visited, a particular household after observing that his neighbours are also being interviewed are likely to offer greater cooperation and as such the quality of the basic data will be more reliable.

In the example presented in this section clusters have been formed based on geographic subdivisions. A village is a natural geographic Cluster of households. A Cluster sample with clusters based on geographic subdivisions is known as area Sample and the procedure is known as area Sampling. A Cluster sample need not be always formed on geographic consideration. Suppose we want to estimate the proportion of defective machine parts in the inventory. If there are 20,000 items stored in 400 cases of 50 each, then those 400 cases can be considered as clusters. A Cluster sample of ten cases may be randomly selected resulting in a sample of 500 items. For a given sample size, the variance of an estimator increases or equivalently the estimator becomes less precise with a larger cluster size. On the other hand, the cost decreases with a larger cluster size. We may balance the two conflicting aspects of the problems by finding out the Optimum Cluster size which minimises the variance of the estimator for a fixed cost or minimise the cost for a given level of precision. Systematic Sampling The mechanics of taking a systematic sample are very simple. Suppose the population consists of ordered N units (numbered from 1 to N) and a sample of size n is selected from the population in such a way that

N =k (rounded to the nearest integer). Here k is called n

sampling interval. In systematic sampling from the first k of the units a unit is selected randomly. Then every kth unit is selected in the sample. As for illustration, suppose k = 20. Then among the first 20 units coming out through the production line one unit is selected randomly. Suppose this is unit number 9. Then we select unit number, 29, 49, our sample till the requisite sample size has been reached. The main advantage of systematic sampling is its simplicity of selection, Operational Convenience and even spread of the sample over the population. The investigators using this sampling method need not be familiar with the use of random sampling numbers. It has been found very useful in forest surveys for estimating the volume of timber or in fisheries for estimating the total catch of fish. The method can be used even when no formal list of the units of the population is available. As for illustration, a five per cent sample of the household in a locality can be selected by selecting every twentieth household after all the households are ordered in a systematic manner. Although a systematic sample is not a random sample in the strict sense of the tern, its performance is quite comparable to a random sample. However, if there is a hidden periodicity in the population, systematic sampling will prove to be an inefficient method of sampling. As for illustration, if every twentififth unit of a production process is defective a four per cent systematic sample will select all defective or all non defective items depending upon the starting point. Such an orientation is, however, very rare. Multistage Sampling : The multistage sampling procedure is used for large scale enquiry covering large geographical area such as a state. As for illustration, a bank may like to gather information regarding the quality of customer service it is offering in a state. A random sample of districts is selected from the list of districts. From each of the selected districts a number of branches are randomly selected. From each of the selected branches a number of depositors which is the ultimate sample sampling unit is selected randomly for collecting information. The districts are called first stage units, the branches are known as the second stage units and the depositors are regarded as the third stage units. This is an illustration of three stage sampling, the third stage units being the ultimate sampling units. The multistage sampling procedure has the advantage that the frame of second stage units is necessary only for the selected first stage units. Likewise, the frame of the third stage units is necessary only for the selected second stage units. The procedure is quite flexible and it permits the use of different selection procedures in different stages. It may also be mentioned


that multistage sampling is the only sampling procedure available in a number of practical situations, such as collecting information about consumers in a large geographical region. This is because no satisfactory sampling frame is available for the ultimate stage units, namely, consumers and the cost of preparing such a frame is prohibitive.

Sampling and Sampling Designs



A Sampling design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the technique or the procedure the business researches would adopt to select units for the sample. It will also indicate the number of units to be included in the sample also known as Sample size. Sampling design is determined before data are collected. While developing a sampling design, the management must pay attention to the following points. Type of Population The first step in developing any sampling design is to clearly define the aggregate of sampling units, namely, the population. Sometimes the structure of the population is quite unambiguous such as the population of a city or the number of workers in a factory. However, there may be occasions where the composition of the population is not so simple. For example, in the context of advertising a company may like to collect information about the number of television viewers watching the advertisement. Sampling Unit The sampling unit must be identified before selection of a sample. A sampling. unit may be a natural geographical unit such as a state, a district, a village or a constructed unit such as a L use or a flat. It may be a social entity such as a family or a school. It may also be an individual. The management should be able to select appropriate unit so that its objective is achieved. Type of Sample You have observed in the previous subsections that starting from simple random sampling, the business researcher has a wide choice of sampling procedures. Each procedure has its suitability for the relevant occasion. The type of frame necessary also depends upon the sampling procedure being used. As for illustration, the use of simple random sampling will require a comprehensive list of the sampling units. But a two stage sampling will require the list of all first stage units and the list of all second stage units in the selected first stage units only. Size of the Sample There are two basic requirements for the sampling procedure to fulfill. A sample must be representative and it must be adequate. When it is representative, a sample will be relatively small piece of the population that mirrors the various patterns and subclasses of the population. A sample is adequate if it provides an estimator with sufficiently high precision. It should be remembered in this context that the higher is the precision, the larger is the sample size and more is the cost. An Example A market research unit wants to conduct a survey in order to estimate the proportion of smokers smoking a particular brand of cigarette. If it is required to estimate with 90% probability within .02 of the true proportion, how many observations should be taken ? Suppose, n is the sample size to be determined and p is the observed proportion of smokers. Then if the population size is sufficiently large, from section 5.5 irrespective of sampling with or without replacement

V(p) =

p(1-p) n

The notation P is the unknown population proportion of smokers. Further, as indicated in MS-8, section 14.6 for large n, p is normally distributed with expectation P (unknown population proportion of smokers) and variance V(p). Since the estimator p should be within .02 of the true proportion P with 90% probability

p{ p-p .02} = .90


Data Collection and Measurement

where z is normally distributed with expectation zero and variance one. From the Table of Normal Distribution (Mustafi, 1981)

i.e. n = 6800 P (1-P) Since the maximum value of P (1-P) = Activity 8 What should be the size of the sample ( assumed to be large) if in a large consignment of items the population proportion defective is to be estimated within .02 of true value with probability .95?

1 , the sample size necessary is 1700. 4



Non probability sampling is the sampling procedure which does not provide any basis for estimating the probability that each item in the population possesses to be included in the sample. In such a case, the sampling error is not measurable and the error in the estimator tends to increase sharply because the representativeness of the sample members is questionable. Nevertheless, non probability samples are useful in certain situations. This is the case when the representativeness is not particularly the primary issue. In pretesting a questionnaire, we are interested to ascertain its suitability for the problem under consideration. Non probability sampling methods can be used to contact respondents in this case as the primary aim is to probe for the possible range of answers. In general, there are three types of non probability sampling that may, under appropriate conditions, be useful in business and government. These are Convenience, Judgement and Quota sampling. 1) Convenience Sampling : Under convenience sampling, as the name implies, the samples are selected at the convenience of the researcher or investigator. Here, we have no way of determining the representativeness of the sample. This results into biased estimates. Therefore, it is not possible to make an estimate of sampling error as the difference between sample estimate and population parameter is unknown both in terms of magnitude and direction. It. is therefore suggested that convenience sampling should not be used in both descriptive and causal studies as it is not possible to make any definitive statements about the results from such a sample. This method may be quite useful in exploratory designs as a basis for generating hypotheses. The method is also useful in testing of questionnaire etc. at the pretest phase of the study. Convenience sampling is extensively used in marketing studies and otherwise. This would be clear from the following examples. i) Suppose a marketing research study aims at estimating the proportion of Pan (Beettle leave) shops in Delhi which store a particular drink say Maaza It is decided to take a sample of size 100. What investigator does is to visit 100 Pan shops near his place of residence as it is very convenient to him and observe whether a Pan shop stores Maaza


or not. This is definitely not a representative sample as most Pan shops in Delhi had no chance of being selected. It is only those Pan shops which were near the residence of the investigator had a chance of being selected. ii) The other example where convenience sampling is often used is in test marketing. There might be some cities whose demographic make ups are approximately the same as national average. While conducting marketing tests for new products, the researcher may take samples of consumers from such cities and obtain consumer evaluations about these products as these are supposed to represent "national" tastes. iii) A ball pen manufacturing company is interested in knowing the opinions about the ball pen (like smooth flow of ink, resistance to breakage of the cover etc.) it is presently manufacturing with a view to modify it to suit customers need. The job is given to a marketing researcher who visits a college near his place of residence and asks a few students (a convenient sample) their opinion about the ball pen in question. iv) As another example a researcher might visit a few shops to observe what brand of vegetable oil people are buying so as to make inference about the share of a particular brand he is interested in. 2) Judgement Sampling : Judgement sampling is also called purposive sampling. Under this sampling procedure, a researcher deliberately or purposively draws a sample from the population which he thinks is a representative of the population. Needless to mention, all members of the population are not given chance to be selected in the sample. The personal bias of the investigator has a great chance of entering the sample and if the investigator chooses a sample to give results which favours his view point, the entire study may be vitiated. However, if personal biases are avoided, then the relevant experience and the acquaintance of the investigator with the population may help to choose a relatively representative sample from the population. It is not possible to make an estimate of sampling error as we cannot determine how precise our sample estimates are. Judgement sampling is used in a number of cases, some of which are mentioned below. i) Suppose we have a panel of experts to decide about the launching of a new product in the next year. If for some reason or the other, a member drops out from the panel, the chairman of the panel, may suggest the name of another person whom he thinks has the same expertise and experience to be a member of the said panel. This new member was chosen deliberately - a case of Judgement sampling. ii) The method could be used in a study involving the performance of salesmen. The salesmen could be grouped into top-grade and low-grade performer according to certain specified qualities. Having done so, the sales manager may indicate who in his opinion would fall into which category. Needless to mention this is a biased method. However in the absence of any objective data, one might have to resort to this type of sampling. 3) Quota Sampling : This is a very commonly used sampling method in marketing research studies. Here the sample is selected on the basis of certain basic parameters such as age, sex, income and occupation that describe the nature of a population so as to make it representative of the population. The investigators or field workers are instructed to choose a sample that conforms to these parameters. The field workers are assigned quotas of the numbers of units satisfying the required characteristics on which data should be collected. However, before collecting data on these units the investigators are supposed to verify that the units qualify these characteristics. Suppose we are conducting a survey to study the buying behaviour of a product and it is believed that the buying behaviour is greatly influenced by the income level of the consumers. We assume that it is possible to divide our population into three income strata such as high income group, middle income group and low income group. Further it is known that 20% of the population is in high income group, 35% in the middle income group and 45% in the low income group. Suppose it is decided to select a sample of size 200 from the population. Therefore, samples of size 40, 70 and 90 should come from high income, middle income and low income groups respectively. Now the various field workers are assigned quotas to select the sample from each group in such a way that a total sample of 200 is selected in the same proportion as mentioned above. For example, the first field

Sampling and Sampling Designs


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worker may be assigned a quota of 10 consumer from the high income group, 25 from the middle income group and 40 from the low income group. Similarly the 2nd field worker may be given a different quota and so on such that a total sample of 200 is obtained in the same proportion as discussed earlier. The above example was a very simple one, suppose we are told further that the buying behaviour is not only influenced by his income but also by his age (categorised as 45 and above or below 45). With this additional character, suppose the distribution of population (universe) is as follows :

T he above table indicates that in this universe there are 12% of people in the high income group and fall in the age group of 45 and above, there are 25% people in middle income group and below the age of 45 and so on. Suppose, it is decided to take a sample of size 200. Therefore the distribution of the sample conforming to these two parameters (in the same proportion as population) would be as follows :


T he above table shows that a sample of 30 should be taken from the population with low income and below the age of 45. Similarly a sample of 20 should be taken from the population with middle income and having age of 45 and above, and so on. Now, having decided the size of sample falling under each of the six cells ["high income and below 45" "middle income with 45 and above" and so on], we fix the quotas for each of the field worker to collect data conforming to the above norms so as to obtain a total sample of size 200. At the outset, the Quota sampling procedure might look similar to stratified sampling. However, there is a difference between the two. Under stratified sampling, the field worker selects a random sample from each cell of the population, whereas under Quota sampling the selection of sample is not random. It is left to the judgement of the field worker. The Quota sampling method has some weaknesses. These are listed below : i) It is usually difficult to obtain an accurate and up to date proportion of respondent assigned to each cell. ii) As the number of parameters (control characteristics) associated with the objectives of the study become large, the total number of cells increase. This makes the task of field staff difficult as it may not be easy to get a desired respondent. iii) It is very important that all of the proper parameters (control characteristics) related to the study in question must be incorporated while taking a sample. The results of the study could be misleading if any relevant parameter is omitted for one reason or the other. iv) The field workers might like to visit those areas where the chances of the availability of a respondent satisfying certain desired parameters is very high. Further, the field workers

might avoid certain respondents who look unfriendly and live in houses which may not be of good appearance. These factors are likely to make the findings of the study less reliable. The Quota sampling method has some advantages too. The method has a lower cost and field workers have a free hand to select respondents for each cell to fill their quota. The samples, if selected with care would result into more definitive findings. Activity 9 Make a list of some research studies where some of the non probability methods could be used. Also justify the choice of a particular sampling method you have selected for a study.

Sampling and Sampling Designs

A sample is a part of a group or aggregate selected with a view to obtaining information about the whole group also known as population. The population is composed of a number of units. The total number of units in the population and in the sample are known as the population size and the sample size respectively. The technique of sampling has been used in traditional problems such as estimating the yield of crop or examining the quality of an outgoing product. In addition to these traditional spheres, sampling has been applied successfully in management problems such as estimation of inventory by sampling or in socio-economic problems such as ascertaining the trend of a political process through opinion polls. As compared to census or complete enumeration sampling is less expensive, less time consuming and more accurate. Further sampling is the only method for collecting information when the measurement of the sampling unit is destructive in nature. A probabilistic sampling attaches some probability to each unit of the population to be included in the sample and in this sense it is a representative sample of the population. A simple random sample attaches equal probability to each unit of the population to be selected in the sample. Operationally, the selection of a random sample is based on a sampling frame containing a list of all the units of population and a table of random sampling numbers. When the population is heterogeneous we divide the units into several groups each known as a stratum. The strata are so selected that each stratum is as homogeneous as possible while the compositions of two different strata are as heterogeneous as possible. The sampling units are selected from each stratum using simple random sampling. This procedure known as stratified sampling which improves the precision of the estimator. Another sampling procedure known as cluster sampling is frequently used in consumer survey in rural areas where a number of sampling units are grouped together as clusters. A number of clusters is selected randomly and the units of each cluster are completely enumerated. A cluster sample incurs less expenditure and provides more reliable data. Other sampling methods used in business research are systematic sampling and multistage Sampling. A sampling design is a suitable scheme for obtaining a sample from a given population. It also indicates the size of the sample to be used keeping the cost and precision in view. Non probabilistic sampling such as Convenience Sampling, Judgement Sampling and Quota Sampling are sometimes used although representativeness of such a sample cannot be ensured.


Sampling is the selection of a part of a group with a view to obtaining information about the whole. Population is the aggregate from which a sample is taken.


Data Collection and Measurement

Sampling Units are units or members which constitute the population. Population size is the total number of units present in the population. Sample size is the total number of units in the sample. Simple Random Sample is a sample where each unit of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample. Random Sampling Numbers are a collection of digits generated through a probabilistic mechanism. A Sampling frame is a list of all the units of the population. Stratified Random Sample is a sample collected by dividing the entire population into a number of subgroups and selecting a simple random sample from each subgroup. Cluster Sample is a sample where a collection or cluster of sampling units is selected randomly. Systematic Sample is a sample where the units are selected at equal interval. Multistage Sample is a sample where the sampling units are selected through several stages. A Sampling Design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. Convenience Sampling is a process of selecting a sample based on convenience. Judgement Sampling is a procedure where the sample is selected through judgement or expertise. Quota Sampling is a procedure where the sample is selected according to a number of key characteristics.


1) Define Population and Sampling unit for selecting a simple random sample in each of the following cases. i) Fifty voters of a constituency. ii) Twenty-five stocks from the Bombay Stock Exchange. iii) Twenty students enrolled in University `1'. iv) One hundred depositors of a branch of a bank. 2) Discuss the advantages of sampling method over census method of data collections. 3) "Sampling is a necessity under certain conditions." Explain with illustrative examples. 4) What is meant by "representativeness" in a Sample? Explain in what sense a simple random sample is representative of the population ? 5) Show that in simple random sampling without replacement each sample of size n from a population of size N has a probability of being selected is 1 . n 6) What are random numbers ? Select with the help of the table of random numbers a simple random sample of size ten without replacement from a population of 121 households. 7) Discuss the importance of sampling frame. What are the possible errors resulting from a faulty sampling frame ?


8) What do you mean by sampling design ? What points should be taken into consideration while developing the sampling design for studying in the problems of domestic airline passengers ?

9) State the formulas for the standard errors of sample mean and sample proportion. Explain how standard error of sample proportion can be used to determine the sample size. 10) What should be sample size so that the proportion of TV owners during the last one year opting for hire purchase scheme is estimated within an error of .03 with probability 0.98 ? 11) Under what circumstances stratified random sampling procedure is considered appropriate ? How would you select such a sample ? Explain by means of an example. 12) A certain population is divided into five strata so that N1 = 2000, N2 = 2000, N3 = 1800, N4 = 1700, N5 = 2500. The respective standard deviations are : 1 = 1.6,

Sampling and Sampling Designs

2 = 2.0, 3 = 4.4, 4 = 4.8 and 5 = 6.0. Further, the sampling cost in the first
two strata is Rs. 4 per interview and in the remaining three strata the sampling cost is Rs. 6 per interview. How a sample of size 226 should be allocated to five strata with (i) proportional allotment (ii) optimal allotment. 13) Under what circumstances would you recommend (i) cluster sampling (ii) systematic sampling (iii) multistage sampling (iv) non probability sampling. Give an example in each case. 14) Answer true or false i) In order to gather opinion about a television show I asked the views of my friends, the friends asked about the show to their friends and in this way a sample is selected. The sampling procedure is judgement sampling. ii) A cluster sample provides more reliable data because of complete enumeration within a cluster. iii) A systematic sample can be used even if a formal list of all the units of the population is not available. iv) The main difficulty with multistage sampling is that we have to prepare along frame. v) If the population size and the sample size increase in such a manner that the sample size is always one tenth of the population size, simple random sampling with or without replacement is equivalent. vi) In stratified sampling with optimum allocation, if the cost of sampling is equal in each stratum then the strata with larger size will always have a large allocation of sample size.

Activity 1 i) Population : All couples living together and whose wife is in the child bearing age group (commonly known as Eligible Couple) with two children. Sampling Unit : Eligible couple with two children. ii) Population : All eligible voters for the political office i.e. all adults. Sampling Unit : Eligible voter.


Data Collection and Measurement

iii) Population All the trees of the forest. Sampling Unit : Tree iv) Population All the Apple trees in the district. Sampling Unit : Apple tree. v) Population All eligible couples. Sampling Unit : Wife of the eligible couple.

iii) If the numbers from 921 ... 999, 000 are not rejected, the students bearing serial numbers 1 to 80 have a chance of have a chance of

9 of being selected. The remaining students 1000

8 of being selected. So each unit of the population does not 1000

have equal probability of being included in the sample.


Average No. of workers per factory in the sample 5908.25 Average No. of workers per factory in the population 3118.08

Activity 5 i) The frame of all eligible couples with more than two children should be obtained by census method.

Sampling and Sampling Designs

ii) The frame is the voters list which is the list of all adults. iii) Each tree in the forest should be serially marked. The marked trees form the sampling frame. iv) Each apple tree in the district is serially marked. The marked apple trees form the sampling frame. v) The frame of all eligible couples should be obtained by census method. Activity 6 Estimate =

51 300

Estimate of the standard error a) b) i) ii) With replacement = .0217 Without replacement = .0206 n1 = 250, n2 = 125, n3 = 75, n4 = 50. n1=261, n2 = 82, n3 =113, n4 = 44.

Activity 7

Activity 8 n = 2401 Self-assessment Exercises 1) i) Population : All the voters. Sampling unit : A voter. ii) Population : All the stocks listed in Bombay stock exchange.

Sampling unit : A stock. iii) Population : All the students enrolled in the University I.
Sampling unit : A student. iv) Population : All the depositors of the branch. Sampling unit : A depositor. 5) Suppose p1, p2, be any n units of population. The probability that the first unit selected is p1, ., nth unit selected is pn when the sampling is without replacement is given by

1 1 1 1 ....... N N-1 N-2 N-n+1 (N-n)! = N!

But any permutation of p1, p2,... pn will result in an identical sample. Hence, the probability of selecting the sample whose composition is (p1, p2,.pn) is

(N-n)! n! 1 = N N! n
10) n = 1508 12) Proportional Allocation n1 = 45, n2 = 45, n3 = 41, n4 = 38, n5 = 57


Data Collection and Measurement

Optimal Allocation nl = 22, n2 = 28, n2 = 45, n4 = 46, n5 = 85 14) i) False, it is Convenience Sampling.

ii) True. iii) True. iv) False, the sampling frame of the second stage units are required only for the selected first stage units. v) False, n/N = 1/10. vi) False, the sample size will depend upon both the stratum size and the stratum standard deviation.


Ferber, R. and P.J. Verdoom, 1962. Research Methods in Economics and Basiness, Macmillan: USA. Haber, A. and R. P. Runyon, 1972. General Statistics, Addison-Wesley: USA. Kothari, C.R. 1985. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, Wiley Eastern : New Delhi. Mustafi, C.K. 1981. Statistical Methods in Managerial Decisions, Macmillan : New Delhi. Singh, D. and F.S. Chaudhary, 1986. Theory and Analysis of Sample Survey Designs, Wiley Eastern : New Delhi. Tull, DS and G.S. Albaum, 1973. Survey Research a Decisional Approach, Intext Educational Publishers : USA.


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