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Schedule for March St Peter – St Paul Russian Orthodox Church

Moscow Patriarchate Representation

The Second Sunday of Great Lent: : Harold’s Cross Rd., Dublin 6W, Ireland
St. Gregory Palamas .
Sunday, March 15 , 15 15 March 2009
9:00 Confessions. 9:00 .
10:00 Divine Liturgy. 10:00 .
St. Gregory Palamas,
Bishop of the Thessalonike
Commemoration of the dead
Saturday, March 21 , 21
9:00 Matins and Divine Liturgy. 9:00 .
Panikhida. Baptisms. . .
18:00 Vigil Service and Confessions. 18:00 .

The Third Sunday of Great Lent: :

Veneration of the Cross
Sunday, March 22 , 22
9:00 Confessions. 9:00 .
10:00 Divine Liturgy. 10:00 .

St. Benedict .
Friday, March 27 , 27
18:00 Confessions and 18:00
Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. .

Commemoration of the dead

Saturday, March 28 , 28
9:00 Confessions and 9:00
Divine Liturgy in Belfast. .
18:00 Vigil Service and Confessions. 18:00 .

The Fourth Sunday of Great Lent: :

St. John of the Ladder .
Sunday, March 29 , 29
9:00 Confessions and Divine Liturgy 9:00
in Dublin and Cork. .
15 2009 .
Tel: (353)1-4969038, Fax: (353)1-4640976,
Banking: AIB Bank, sort code 93 12 68, account 18106032, Charity: CHY14529
Very Rev Fr. Michael Gogoleff, tel.: (44) 1225-858792 , fax: (44) 1225-852211, , ,
76 Dovers Park Bathford BA1 7UE
Rev Fr. George Zavershinsky, mobile tel.: (353) 087-9845907,
1 4
From the Epistle of Apostle . . From the Gospel according to -
Paul to Hebrews (1:10-2:3). (1:10-2:3). St. John (10:9-16). (10:9-16).
“You, LORD, in the beginning , , The Lord said: I am the door. If : :
laid the foundation of the earth, , — anyone enters by Me, he will be , ,
and the heavens are the work of ; , - saved, and will go in and out and , , -
Your hands. They will perish, but find pasture. The thief does not
; , .
You remain; and they will all come except to steal, and to kill,
, , ,
and to destroy. I have come that
grow old like a garment; Like a , ; , . ,
they may have life, and that they
cloak You will fold them up, and . may have it more abundantly. “I
they will be changed. But You are : . -
am the good shepherd. The good
the same, And Your years will not , - :
shepherd gives His life for the
fail.” But to which of the angels sheep. But a hireling, he who is . ,
has He ever said: “Sit at My right not the shepherd, one who does
? ,
hand, till I make Your enemies not own the sheep, sees the wolf
, , ,
Your footstool”? Are they not all coming and leaves the sheep and
, , ;
ministering spirits sent forth to flees; and the wolf catches the
? , -
minister for those who will inherit sheep and scatters them. The
- hireling flees because he is a . ,
salvation? Therefore we must
- hireling and does not care about , -
give the more earnest heed to the
, . , the sheep. I am the good . ;
things we have heard, lest we drift
- shepherd; and I know My sheep, , .
away. Fo5r if the word spoken
, and am known by My own. As ,
through angels proved steadfast,
the Father knows Me, even so I ; -
and every transgression and
know the Father; and I lay down
disobedience received a just , . -
My life for the sheep. And other
reward, how shall we escape if we , , -
sheep I have which are not of this
neglect so great a salvation, which , , , -
fold; them also I must bring, and
at the first began to be spoken by - they will hear My voice; and there : ,
the Lord, and was confirmed to us , - will be one flock and one -
by those who heard Him. . shepherd. .
2 3
From the Epistle of Apostle . . Him, bringing a paralytic who , -
Paul to Hebrews (7:26-8:2). (7:26-8:2). was carried by four men. And ; ,
Brethren, for such a High Priest , when they could not come near
was fitting for us, who is holy, : , Him because of the crowd, they , -
harmless, undefiled, separate from , , uncovered the roof where He was. , -
sinners, and has become higher So when they had broken through, , , , -
than the heavens; who does not , they let down the bed on which ,
need daily, as those high priests, - the paralytic was lying. When
. , -
to offer up sacrifices, first for His , - Jesus saw their faith, He said to
own sins and then for the , , :
the paralytic, “Son, your sins are
people’s, for this He did once for , - !
forgiven you.” And some of the
all when He offered up Himself. , - scribes were sitting there and .
For the law appoints as high , reasoning in their hearts, “Why
priests men who have weakness, . : -
does this Man speak blasphemies
but the word of the oath, which , ?
like this? Who can forgive sins
came after the law, appoints the ;
but God alone?” But immediately, , ? -
Son who has been perfected , , -
forever. Now this is the main , - when Jesus perceived in His spirit , ,
point of the things we are saying: . , that they reasoned thus within ,
We have such a High Priest, who , : themselves, He said to them, : -
is seated at the right hand of the , - “Why do you reason about these ? -
throne of the Majesty in the things in your hearts? Which is ? :
heavens, a Minister of the - easier, to say to the paralytic, ? -
sanctuary and of the true ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to : , -
tabernacle which the Lord , say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and ? -
erected, and not man. , . walk’? But that you may know
, -
From the Gospel according to - that the Son of Man has power on
St. Mark (2:1-12). (2:1-12). earth to forgive sins” — He said
, - :
At that time, Jesus entered , to the paralytic, “I say to you,
arise, take up your bed, and go to : , -
Capernaum, and it was heard that ; , .
He was in the house. Immediately your house.” Immediately he
. - arose, took up the bed, and went , ,
many gathered together, so that
there was no longer room to out in the presence of them all, so ,
receive them, not even near the that all were amazed and glorified ,
door. And He preached the ; God, saying, “We never saw :
word to them. Then they came to . anything like this!” .

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