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PREAMBLE 1.0 2.0 3.0 The Constituency Netball Tournament is an official competition of the Botswana Government. The Tournament will be played from the council ward stage to the final stage in every cycle. This would be an exclusively woman competition and as thus only women/girls will be allowed to compete notwithstanding the interest or knowledge men/boys may have in the sport as it would defeat the objectives of the Tournament. Any rights which are not ceded by these Regulations to any team taking part in the Tournament shall belong to the Constituency.


ARTICLE 1.0 TITLE 1.1. This Tournament shall be entitled Constituency Netball Tournament unless otherwise communicated to the contrary.

ARTICLE 2.0 ENTRY QUALIFICATION 2.1. Qualification for participation in the Games for Constituency Tournament shall be for teams and players not affiliated and/or registered with the Botswana Netball Association (BONA). Players eligible to play are those forty (40) years old and below. Each team will be allowed to register a maximum of (3) employees School going girls/women, from Primary school to tertiary institutions, are not eligible to compete in the tournament. For purposes of this Tournament, teams shall be eligible to participate in the following Constituencies: Group 1 2.1.1 Ghanzi North 2.1.2 Ghanzi South 2.1.3 Kgalagadi North 2.1.4 Kgalagadi South 2.1.4 Ngwaketse South 2.1.5 Ngwaketse West 2.1.6 Borolong

2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5.

Group 2 2.2.1 Okavango 2.2.2 Ngami 2.2.3 Maun East 2.2.4 Maun West 2.2.5 Nata/Gweta 2.2.6 Chobe 2.2.7 Boteti North Group 3 2.3.1 Gaborone Central 2.3.2 Gaborone North 2.3.3 Gaborone South 2.3.4 Gaborone West North 2.3.5 Gaborone West South 2.3.6 Mogoditshane 2.3.7 South East North Group 4 2.4.1 Tati East 2.4.2 Tati West 2.4.3 Francistown East 2.4.4 Francistown West 2.4.5 Francistown South 2.4.6 Tonota North 2.4.7 Tonota South 2.4.8 Nkange Group 5 2.5.1 Bobirwa 2.5.2 Mmadinare 2.5.3 Selibe Phikwe East 2.5.4 Selibe Phikwe West 2.5.5 Tswapong North 2.5.6 Palapye 2.5.7 Tswapong South Group 6 2.6.1 Mahalapye East 2.6.2 Mahalapye West 2.6.3 Shoshong 2.6.4 Serowe North East 2.6.5 Serowe North West 2.6.6 Serowe South 2.6.7 Boteti South

Group 7 2.7.1 Kweneng South East 2.7.2 Kweneng South 2.7.3 Molepolole South 2.7.4 Molepolole North 2.7.5 Kweneng East 2.7.6 Letlhakeng East 2.7.7 Letlhakeng West Group 8 2.6.9 Kgatleng East 2.7.0 Kgatleng West 2.7.1 Lobatse 2.7.2 Moshupa 2.7.3 South East South 2.7.4 Kanye North 2.7.5 Kanye South ARTICLE 3.0 ORGANOGRAM OF THE TOURNAMENT COMMITTEES STAGES 3.1. The Organising Committee for the Constituency Tournament shall comprise the following: Coordinating Committee; Constituency Committee and Council Ward Committee. 3.2 Constituency Committee of not less than five (5) and not more than seven (7) people shall be appointed by respective constituencies 3.3 A Council Ward Committee of not less than five (5) and not more than seven (7) people shall be appointed by respective Council Wards.

FINAL STAGE Run by Coordinating committee/ BONA

GROUP STAGE Run by coordinating committee

CONSTITUENCY STAGE Run by constituency committees

COUNCIL WARD STAGE Run by Council ward committees

3.4 Individuals will form teams that will make up Council Wards, Constituencies and groups to the final stages. Where there are not more than five teams in a Council ward, teams shall play a round robin system and where there are more than five teams in a Council ward, teams will be grouped into pools where winners from each pool will play each other so as to have a champion to the next stage. ARTICLE 4.0 DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEES 4.1 The Organising Committee for the Constituency tournament Games shall compromise the following: Coordinating Committee; Constituency Committee and Council Ward Committee. 4.2 A majority decision of the Council Ward Organising Committee on all matters relating to the Council Ward Tournament Games shall be final, provided that a decision by this Committee may be reviewed by the Constituency Committee. 4.3 A majority of the Constituency Committee on all matters relating to the Constituency Tournament Games shall be final, provided that a decision by this Committee may be reviewed by the Coordinating Committee. ARTICLE 5.0 PLAY FORMAT OF THE GAMES 5.1 The Tournament shall be played every year on a three (3) months cycle with a month break in between the cycles.

The Constituency tournament shall be played on a point system. Two points shall be awarded for a win, one point for a draw and no points for a loss. 5.2 At the end of the Council Wards Tournament level, the champions shall qualify for Constituency tournament Games at Constituency level. 5.3 The decision of the Coordinating Committee with respect to the final logs of the Constituency tournament Games at all the stages of the competition, shall be final. 5.4 The Constituency Netball Tournament shall be played on a round robin basis. 5.5 A game will be started with tossing of a coin to determine sides from which will be changed after every quarter as per BONA/IFNA Play Rules and Regulation. 5.6 Each match of these Games shall last for 60 minutes with 3 intervals of 3minutes, 5 minutes and 3minutes respectively in between 4 quarters of 15minutes each. In the event that two teams have an equal number of goals for and against, and points at the end of the competition, the two teams will play each other to determine the winner. 5.7 If after 60 minutes of play, the two teams have equal number of goals for and against, an extra time of 5 minutes play will be allowed further in order to determine the winning team. 5.8 If after all the above, a tie still persists, each team will be given two penalties from a selected spot by the umpires running the game. 5.9.0 For purposes of the Constituency Tournament Games, the following shall apply: 5.9.1 Only teams and players not registered with any team affiliated to the Botswana Netball Association (BONA) shall be eligible to play. 5.9.2 Players, who have not been participating in the Botswana Netball Association (BONA) existing leagues and or tournaments for at least one (1) season, shall be eligible to play. 5.9.3 Participating teams shall provide a register of their players at the beginning of the Competition. 5.9.4 No transfer of players shall be allowed during a tournament circle, however, players may transfer at the end of the cycle and can do so only once in a year.

5.9.5 Teams shall be held responsible for the misconduct of their members / supporters during these competitions and a suspension of one (1) month shall be imposed upon any team if found guilty of misconduct by the Coordinating Committee. ARTICLE 6.0 TEAM COLOURS 6.1 A team would be expected to use any colour of their choice and in the event of a clash of colours at any game, it is hoped that bibs would assist to solve the situation. If uniforms and or bibs are also the same, the host team would be required to compromise and provide alternative means to differentiate the colours. The host team shall be expected to have brought with them to the ground an alternative playing outfit or bibs, 6.2 Teams will be inspected before taking courts and if there is any class or irregularity, such will be clarified before commencement of the game. ARTICLE 7.0 MATCH OFFICIALS 7.1. The Council Ward, Constituency and or Coordinating Committee shall appoint the Match Commissioner at every game(s) to oversee the running of the game(s) for the day. 7.2 Where possible, Two (2) Umpires, two (2) Scorers and two (2) Time Keepers shall be appointed by the Council Ward, Constituency and/or Coordinating Committee for purposes of the 2009 Constituency Tournament Games. 7.3 In the event the Umpires or any of the officials do not show up at Games, the teams involved may appoint officials at their own discretion. 7.4 At the final stage of the tournament, The Botswana Netball Association Officials will be engaged to ensure smooth running of the games.

ARTICLE 8.0 WITHDRAWAL AND PENALTY FOR FAILING TO HONOR GAMES 8.1 All teams that qualify to play in the Constituency Tournament games are obliged to play all their competition matches. A team that withdraws from the Constituency Tournament games shall not be replaced once the competition has commenced. If a team withdraws from the competition once it has started, the Council Ward, Constituency and/or Coordinating Committee shall determine a way of dealing with the withdrawal without disadvantaging any team.


8.3 If a team does not report for a match, except in cases of force majeure recognised by the Council Ward, Constituency and/or Coordinating Committee, or if it refuses to continue to play or leaves the ground before the end of the match, the team shall be considered as having lost and shall not proceed with the Competition. The other team shall be declared winners of the match and awarded two points and twenty-five (25) goals. 8.4 If a team does not show up at the agreed playing ground, the other team would wait for thirty (30) minutes after which they would be awarded free points and scores as in clause 8.3 above. 8.5 The Council Ward, Constituency and/or Coordinating Committee shall take whatever action it deems necessary in cases of force majeure. 8.6 Matters of violence and any other disciplinary matter relating to the Games and considered relevant by the Council Ward, Constituency and/or Coordinating Committee, shall be referred to the local disciplinary authority. ARTICLE 9.0 PROTESTS 9.1 No protest whatsoever shall be allowed in the competition, provided the Council Ward, Constituency and/or Coordinating Committee shall have the power to review and deal administratively with any reported irregularities.

ARTICLE 10.0 MATCHES PLAYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE GAME 10.1 All matches shall be played in accordance with the laws of the game unless otherwise stated to the contrary.

ARTICLE 11.0 GATE TAKINGS 11.1 This exercise is very rare in Netball but where applicable, the teams shall share Gate takings on 50/50 basis.

11.2 A total of 20 persons per team including players and officials shall be allowed free access into the ground and a team that fails to observe this requirement shall forfeit its share of the gate takings from that particular match to the opponent. If they are not playing, they shall forfeit gate takings at the very next match they play.

ARTICLE 12.0 - OTHER MATTERS 12.1 All teams participating in these games are requested to observe and abide strictly by these Regulations. In all matters that are not covered by these Rules and Regulations of the Constituency Tournament, Council Ward, Constituency and/or Coordinating Committees shall make a final decision as it is the case with the International Standards.


.......................................... CHAIRPERSON OF COORDINATING COMMITTEE

PLAYERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CENTRE PASSES TEAM A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CENTRE PASS TEAM B






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_________________ 2: __________________ 2. __________________

MATCH COMMISSIONER ________________________________ MATCH COMMISSIONERS REMARKS IF ANY. NAME:SIGNATURE:.. Completed match sheets must be submitted to the Coordinating Committee (Tel 3953449 / 3500945 / 3906220 / 3956264 Fax: 3900280 /3500949 ) immediately after the match or not later than 2 days after the Game


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