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(V. Fausboll)
(T.W. Rhy
Davids) :


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Wright 1877, History of Nepal)


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. ( Prof.
Dr Siegfried Lienhard ) ..


(Museum of Indian

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Art, Berlin)

(Devanagari Unicode)

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(Nepal German
Manuscript Preservation Project)

(Museum of
Indian Art, Berlin) (The Museum
of Asian Art)

(British Resident 1820- 1844)

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( Carbon dating )

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1) Jataka Thavannana - The oldest

collection of Jataka Folklor by V.
Fausbll's edited and translated into
English by T.W. Rhys Davids 1880,
( Buddhist birth-stories; Jataka tales
translated from Pali Text)

2) Buddhist birth - stories by T.W. Rhys

Davids 1880, London ( Mahindara )
3a) Buddhist birth-stories by T.W. Rhys
Davids 1880,
3b) Tuladhar - Douglas, Will, did
Presented a paper in a Conference
"The Buddhist Heritage of Nepal
Mandal" in Kathmandu ( November
1998 ) on Literary Sources of the
3c) The Sanskrit Buddhist Literature of

Nepal by




(Gunakarandavyuha - Simhala)

4) Lopez, Donald S. Jr. (ed.) Buddhism

in Practice Princeton University
Press, 1995: 3 - 36 ( IntroductionChapter )
Siegrried Lienhard: Avalokitesvara in
the wick of the night lamp, Indo
Iranian Journal, vol.36, 1993: 93
(Gunakarandavyuha belong to the late
16th Century)

5) ()

6) Daniel Wright, History of Nepal

1877: 86, 87
7) Brain Houghton Hodson in Nepal
(British Resident in Kathmandu
1824-1843) by David M Waterhouse
from the origins of Himalayan
Studies edited by David M

Waterhouse 2004 page 6 & 7


Siegfried Lienhard 1985 Die

Abenteuer des Kaufmanns Sihala
Eine nepalische Bilderrole dus der
des Museums fr
Indische Kunst Berlin. Verffent
Indische Kunst Berlin(7).
Siegfried Lienhard 1985 The
Adventure of the merchant Simhala
A Nepalese Role mode images of
the collection of the Museum of
Indian Art, Berlin. Publications of the
Museum of Indian Art, Berlin (7)
(The Museum of East Asian Art and the
Museum of Indian Art were merged in
December 2006 and now operate
under a new joint name, the Museum of
Asian Art.)


Die Abenteur des Kaufmanns

Simhala Siegfried Lienhard Museum
fur Indische Kunst Berlin 1985:

(The adventure of the merchant

Simhala Siegfried Lienhard Museum of
Indian Art, Berlin 1985: 73,82)


Die Abenteur des Kaufmanns

Simhala Siegfried Lienhard Museum
fur Indische Kunst Berlin 1985:
(The adventure of the merchant
Simhala Siegfried Lienhard Museum of
Indian Art, Berlin 1985: 67, 74)

Todd Lewis has described how a

popular Buddhist didactic story, the
Simhala Sarthabahu Avadana, was
'domesticated' by the Newars: 'a
pan- Buddhist story of caravan
merchants crossing the ocean was
translated linguistically
Himalayan research bulletin Volume 22 - Page 39

: -
: - ,

12) Our history: Myth upon myth, legend

October 17, 2010, Colombo, Sri
At Kelanimulla ferry, in 1952 a large, very
well made dugout boat was found (now in
the Colombo Museum) that has been radio
carbon dated to 2300BP 100, which is
380 480 BC: which makes it very close to
the time of the first king Vijayas arrival
(on the date of the Buddhas paribbana on
543 BC).


Die Abenteur des Kaufmanns

Simhala Siegfried Lienhard Museum
fur Indische Kunst Berlin 1985: 73,
82 (The adventure of the merchant
Simhala Siegfried Lienhard Museum
of Indian Art, Berlin 1985: 73, 82)

14) Buddhism in Practice Donald S

Lopez Jr. (ed.) 1995
(Atisha was able to visit Suvarnadwip - Sumatra
in a boat owned by people from Nepal
"Atisa's Journey to Sumatra"

by Hubert Declear, page 537)

15) Das, Sarad Chandra Indian Pandits

in the land of Snow, 1965 (1965
reprint) ( Atisa in Thambahi page 75-77 )
Lord Atisha in Nepal: The Tham
Bahil and the Five Stupa's
Foundations according to the Brom
ston Itinerary in Journal of the
Nepal Research Centre, vol. X, pp.
Buddhism in Practice Donald S
Lopez Jr. ( ed.) 1995
(Do not go to either Copper Island - Sri
Lanka or any of the other small island
"Atisa's Journey to Sumatra" by Hubert
Declear, p.537)

16) Buddhism in Practice 1995: 532 540 Donald S Lopez Jr. (ed.)
"Atisa's Journey to Sumatra" by
Hubert Declear
(A recent translation of the life of the Indian
Master Atisha (982-1054 C.E.) was
traveling in a ship owned by

merchants from Nepal while travelling to


Popular Buddhist Texts from Nepal

Narratives and Rituals of Newar
Buddhism Todd T. Lewis Translations
in Collaboration with Subarna Man
Tuladhar and Labh Ratna Tuladhar
2000: 190
Brief Encyclopedia of Buddhism in
Nepal- Harischandra Lal Singh
Ratna Pustak Bhandar 2006: 272
(Dharmadhatu Bihar was named
Vikramshila Mahavihar by the great Pandit
Dipankar Shrijana, it is also known
as the Simhala Sarthabahu Bihar )

17) Our history: Myth upon myth, legend

upon legend, Sunday Times,
October 17, 2010, Colombo, Sri
(An old dugout boat belonging to the period of
Vijaya was found in the sea sour of Shree
Lanka in 1954)

18) Das, Sarad Chandra Indian Pandits

in the land of Snow Reprint 1965:
75-77 ( Atisa in Thambahi )
Journal of the Nepal Research
Centre, vol. X, pp. 27-54. Lord
Atisha in Nepal: The Tham Bahil
and the Five Stupa's Foundations (
according to the Bromston Itinerary )


Harischandra Lal Singh: Brief

Encyclopedia of Buddhism in Nepal,
Ratna Pustak Bhandar 2006: 272
(Dharmadhatu Bihar was named
Vikramshila Mahavihar by the great
Pandit Dipankar Shrijana, it is also
known as the Simhalasarthabahu
Bihar. This white stupa is still
exhisting inside the Bikramshila
Mahabihar - Thambahi).
Snellgrove 2002: 377, Indo Tibetaan
Buddhism: Indian Buddhist and their
(Thambahi: Vikramshila
founded by Atisha - 1040)


20) Atisha Dipankar Srijnan: Eye of Asia:

Mr. Deba Priya Barua "While in
Nepal he composed his work Carya
Samgra Pradipa". This rather small
book of only sixty six stanzas
(slokas) communicated in simple
lucid language the basic principles
and thoughts of Buddhism.
In 1859 German Scholar Koppen,
translation of Carya Sangra Pradipa
and Bodhi Palha Pradip (66
Stanzas) written in Sanskrit by
Atisha while he was in Nepal (1041
1042 AD).
21) Bajracharya, Purna Harsh 1979: 6164 "Than Bahil: An ancient center
for Sanskrit study" Indologica
Taurinesia, Vol. 7, The International
Assiciation of the Sanskrit Studies.
22) : -

23) Indian Pundits in the land of Snow

by Sir Sarat Chandra Dass 1893
(Reprint 2004) Page 74
Atisha Dipankar Srijnan: Eye of Asia
Mr. Deba Priya Barua "While in
Nepal he composed his work Carya
Samgra Pradipa". This rather small
book of only sixty six stanzas
(slokas) communicated in simple
lucid language the basic principles
of Buddhism thoughts.
Atisha also is said to have
established this vihar constructing a
white stupa and Panchmane (five
small) stupas in the north side of
Kathmandu Valley and did spent a
philosophical teaching.
Decleer, Hubert 1996. "Lord Atisha
in Nepal: The tham Bahil and the
Five Stupas Foundations" according
to the 'Brom ston Itinerary" Journal
of the Nepal Research Centre, Vol.

X, pp. 27-54.
24) Indian Pundits in the land of Snow
by Sir Sarat Chandra Dass 1893
(Reprint 2004) Page 74.
Moreover the king of Nepal caused
his son to be ordained as a monk by
Atisha under the name of Devendra.
He also sent 100 horsemen with
Atisha and the Prince to escort them
up to the shores of the lake
Mapham (Mansarovara).
Atisha presented his own elephant
to the king of Nepal with a request
to help build Than Vihara.
(in return for the value of the
beautiful elephant)
Atisha also is said to have
established Vikramshila Mahavihar
and did spent a year studying the
Buddhist philosophy.
Atishas arrival in Nepal by Hubert
Declear Journal of Nepal Research

Center Volume X page 27-54 1997)

25) Decleer, Hubert 1996. "Lord Atisha
in Nepal: The tham Bahil and the
Five Stupas" Foundations according
to the 'Brom ston Itinerary" Journal
of the Nepal Research Centre, Vol.
X, pp. 27-54.
Atisha Dipankar Srijnan: Eye of Asia
Mr. Deba Priya Barua "While in
Nepal he composed his work Carya
Samgra Pradipa". This rather small
book of only sixty six stanzas
(slokas) communicated in simple
lucid language the basic principles
of Buddhism.
26) Bajracharya, Purna Harsh 1979: 6164 "Than Bahil: An ancient center
for Sanskrit study" Indologica
Taurinesia, Vol. 7, The International
Assiciation of the Sanskrit Studies.




Wolfgang Ratna Pustak Bhandar,
1976 (Text by Purna Harsha
Bajracharya). Dharmashri Mitra, a
renowned scholar from Vikramshil
Vihar, Nalanda, India is believed to
visit Nepal for advance study in
Buddhism and Sanskrit in the early
13th Century. He did study in
Thambahil, which clearly indicates
the high importance of Thambhil and
the similarity of the name Vikramshil
indicates the name might have been

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