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Technicalmanualofhydroponicsvegetable productionandmanagementinruralareas ofDryZoneinMyanmar


Index Introduction 1. SOILLESSMICROGARDENS:THEGREENHOUSE 1.1 COVERINGMATERIAL 1.2 GREENHOUSEDESCRIPTION 1.2.1 Material 1.2.2 Howtobuildthegreenhouse 2. MICROGARDENHYDROPONICSSISTEM 2.1 SOILLESSSYSTEMPRINCIPLES 2.2 BOTTLES/BAMBOOSYSTEMDESCRIPTION 2.2.1 Technicalcharacteristicsanddesign 2.2.2 Material 2.2.3 HowtobuildaGarrafaspetsystem 2.2.4 Howthedryzonebottles(garrafas)systemwork 2.2.5 O&MofBottlessystem 2.3 THEBOXSYSTEM 2.3.1 Material 2.3.2 Howtobuildaboxsystem 2.3.3 Howthedryzonebox(caixa)systemwork 3. TECHNICALASPECTSOFMICROGARDENCULTIVATION 3.1 Plantnutrition 3.2 NUTRIENTSOLUTION(N.S.) 3.3 SUBSTRATE 4. NURSERYANDSEEDLINGDEVELOPMENT 4.1 Seedlingpreparationinthenursery 4.2 Transplant 4.3 Cropmanagement 4.4 Integratepestsanddiseasesmanagements Annex1:Lettuce Annex2:Tomate Annex3:Cucumber Annex4:Mainpestsanddiseases Bibliografia

3 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 14 15 17 17 18 19 20 20 22 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 35



Introduction Hydroponics is a technology characterized by the absence of soil. It needs less space, labor, external inputs and time, but needs proper management. Usually, in traditional horticulture system is often difficult to control or quantify nutrient availability in the soil. Hydroponic systems provide a convenient means to control plant uptake of nutrients. An additional advantage of water culture is its secondary effects such as accumulation of soil toxins are likely to be reduced. Another advantage of growing without soil is that it reduces some soilborne diseases. The basic concept of hydroponics is that roots suspended in moving water absorb food and oxygen rapidly. Of special concern is the availability of oxygen. The growers task is to balance the combination of water, nutrients andoxygenwiththeplantsneedsinordertomaximizeyieldandquality.Theuseofwater and inputs is optimized: the exact amount needed by the plants is provided. For the best results, a few important parameters need to be taken into account: temperature, humidity and CO2 levels, light intensity, ventilation and the plants genetic makeup. In order to fix the crop roots in the required position, some inert substrata may be used (sponges, artificial mineral marbles, rock wool, rice hulls carbonized, coconut fiber etc). Water quantity and quality are key factors in hydroponic systems. Water quality depends mainly on the source used. Growers use water from different sources, such as surface water (lakes, natural and artificial ponds), groundwater (wells), municipal tap water, rainwater and combinations of these. Rainwater has a low ionic strength and usually low microorganism and algal densities; it conforms to water quality guidelines and is often better than other sources. A common practice is to collect rainwater from greenhouse roofs into ponds. However, as these ponds are fed by atmospheric precipitation, they are vulnerable to changes in the environment, eg. eutrophication and acidification. Hydroponics allows production in abundance of healthy fresh vegetables, ornamentals, aromatic and medicinal plants and suits the requirements of poor urban farmers. When the technique is well controlled, the productivity generated by hydroponic systems is greater than that from traditional gardening systems. It is a perfect technology for urban/ periurban and subarid areas where the soil is poor or polluted. In many countries of South America, hydroponics is a technique that is fast gaining importance. Small hydroponic units can be operated by families. This may help in meeting their food needs and in getting an additional income. Some special hydroponic techniques have been developed, especially for limited spaces and to suit people in developing countries. Such simplified hydroponic systems often use recycled materials and are easier to understand, learn and implement (Gianquinto et al. 2006). Simplified hydroponics is well suited to fresh vegetables and fruits (with a high water content) such as lettuces, tomato, bell pepper,basil,celeryandradish. The following manual describe the different technical needed to grow quality vegetables adopting landless system. Besides, the manual is based on the first experimentation carried out in Sa Khan Khan Village located in Yenanchaung Township. However, further studies are required to match yield and quality improvement and water use efficiency, and the possible future developments would regard: cultivars, plant density, water volumesandnutrientsolutioncomposition. TerredesHommesItaliaLandlesshorticulture Page3

1. SOILLESSMICROGARDENS:THEGREENHOUSE 1.1COVERINGMATERIAL Thegreenhousecoveringmaterialhasthefollowingcharacteristics: Cheap Locallyavailable Goodventilation Protectionfromexcesssunlightradiation(50%decrease) Protectionfromstrongrainfall Resiliencetoviolentwindsandrainfalls 1.2GREENHOUSEDESCRIPTION The greenhouse has been designed by Horticity S.r.l ( A standard greenhouse is 6 x 6 m (36m2) and contains two hydroponics modules. Since the design is modular, additional units will bring the greenhouse dimension to 6.0 x 12.0 m (72m2) or 6.0 x 18.0 m (108 m2) or more. It is important to ensure good ventilation, therefore the height has to be at least 3.5 m.. The greenhouse sides are open, and only if necessary they can be closed with nets (for protection from birds or insects). The roof is constitutedofsmallwoodtimbersandonthetopthereisaventilationopening.

Tropical greenhouse design TerredesHommesItaliaLandlesshorticulture Page4

1.2.1 Material Thebuildingmaterialhasbeenchosenfollowingseveralconsiderations: Localavailability Cost Inourcasewoodandbambooprovidedthebestchoice.Priortouse,itisbesttotreatthe wood/bamboo with a protective substance (i.e. burned oil) to prevent insect attacks and therefore guarantee durability. Table 1 shows the necessary material for a standard 6.0 x 6.0mgreenhouse. Table1:greenhousematerial
Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 N, weight, Material linearm (stretch) 6 3 3 10 10 3 24m 0,5kg Timber6x6cm(2,5m)/rowwood3 4inchdiameter Timber6x6cm(3,5) /rowwood3 4inchdiameter Timber6x6cm(4.0m) /rowwood3 4inchdiameter Smalltimber3x6cm(3,5)/ rowwood3inchdiameter Smalltimber3x6cm(4.0m)/bamboo2.5inchdiameter Woodenpole5x1(6.0m)/bamboo2.5inchdiameter Shadownet 5075% Nails33diameter

5 6

2 3
2 Fig.?. Estufa adapta tropicais Greenhouse 6 para x 6 mreas (36 m )



1. Observe the soil rise. Usually the long side of the greenhouse should to be oriented north south. 2. Observethe soilslope.Weareassumingthat thesoilisnotperfectlyleveled,butalsothat wearenotdealingwithhighinclines 3. Identifythehighersoilpointandbeginmeasuringfromthatpoint. 4. Oncethefirstpointismarked,proceedandmarkasquareof6mofside. 5. Begintodigthepostholes,whichshouldbeleast50cmdeep. 6. Place one post in the soil at the highest point. Then place the other posts along the same side, making sure their height is set at the same level (step 6). Continue in the same way forthecentralposts 7. Settle first the horizontal timbers (2 x 3.5 m) connecting the posts (step 7). Continue with two other horizontal elements connecting the central posts and the posts at the opposite sideofthegreenhouse. 8. Put each sloping element of the roof 1,5 m apart, perpendicularly to the greenhouse axis (step8) 9. Finish the roof structure, settling the 6 m wooden row to the extremities of the roof (step 9) 10. Layouttheshadowingnetandfastenitaccurately(step10).


Step 6: front view Step 6: from on high view

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10



2.MICROGARDENHYDROPONICSSISTEM 2.1SOILLESSSYSTEMPRINCIPLES The microgarden systems used are called Bottles/bamboo Hydroponics System and Box Hydroponics System. Both have been chosen taking into account negative climate featureswitchobstacleanormalvegetabledevelopment: Superficial flooding during the rainy season, with increases possibility of diseases andpathogenproblems; Waterscarcityduringthedryseason; High soil erosion due to an intensive humus decomposition as well as to violent rainfalls; Highdiseaseindexduetohightemperaturesandhighhumidity,frequentrainfalls andstormsduringtherainyseason,bringingtolowharvestquality; Weedinfestation; There are other principles to follow in order to achieve good results with hydroponics systems: Set the microgarden (therefore the greenhouse) in areas that receive at least 6 hours of directly sunlight per day. It is advisable to use a space with good illumination, orienting the microgarden longer side to the North. Avoid shadowy zones, areas near houses or other buildings, as well as areas exposed to strong winds; Choose an area with adequate and easytoaccess water supply to facilitate irrigation; Fence the microgarden to limit bird attacks and avoid domestic animal access (poultries, dogs, pigs, etc). This will also deter the entry of irresponsible persons andactsofvandalism; Keep the areas around the microgarden free from weeds, which can host fungus andinsectsthatcandamagethevegetables.



2.2BOTTLES/BAMBOOSYSTEMDESCRIPTION 2.2.1Technicalcharacteristicsanddesign This system was designed by Agronomist Mario Calheiros of Macei, and it permits the recycling of discarded material like plastic bottles or rice hulls and the reutilization of excessnutrientsolution.TheBottlesmoduleisastructureof2,7x6m,occupyinganarea of about 18 m2. It can be built with either raw or refined wood. A standard greenhouse, as previously described, can contain two Bottles/bamboo modules (Gianquinto et al. 2006).

Hydroponics Garrafas pet system design and photo



2.2.2Material TheBottlessystemisbuiltwithlocallyavailablematerial.Tables2,3and5listthematerial neededtobuildtwoBottles/bamboomodules. Table2:woodmaterialfortwoGarrafaspetmodules Item N,weight,linearm Material 7 8 9 12 2 25 0,5kg 0,5kg Smalltimber3x6cm(3,0)/rowwoods3inchdiameter Smalltimber3x6cm(4.0m)/bamboo3inchdiameter Woodenpole5x1(6.0m)/bamboo5inchdiameter Wire Nail

7 7 9

Table3:hydraulicmaterialforoneBottlesmodules N,weight,linearm Material 2 Watertank(200l) 2 ABgluepackage 200 Plasticbottle(2liters)/or25bamboo5inchdiameter 25 Drippers 10m Hose(12mmdiameter) 5m Polyethylenehose(25mm) 10m Micropipe(8mm) 2 Capspipe 3 Reductionsystem32to25mm Polyethylenepipe32mm(6m) 2 4 Reductionsystem25to20mm 1 20mmFlange 1 20mmValve 2 20mmElbow 1m 25mmPipe 1 Gluestick 12 Carbonizedhullsricebags(substrate) 2 10 literBucket



2.2.3HowtobuildaBottlessystem Woodenstructure: 1. Begin to build from the higher point and make the upper base of Garrafas pet module; 2. Place the upper wooden support of the module at 70 90 cm along the central postsofthegreenhouse; 3. The lower support of the module is 5 20 cm high, along the external side of the greenhouse.Inthisway,theslopeofthemodulewillbe1718% 4. Thestructureneedssupportinthemiddle,at32.535cmofheightandthisoneis possibletomakeusingbamboowith2.5inchdiameter; 5. Each wooden cluster is composed by 56 rods or 5 inch diameter bamboo with a gap of25cminbetweeneachrod,while40cmin between clusters allow easy upkeep and harvest 6. At the end, fasten the plastic bottle lines to the wooden clusters with wire (if are not using5inchdiameterbamboo) 7. At the greenhouse extremity, build one wooden platform with an area of 1m2 and a height of 2 m for the upper reservoir with the nutrient solution. The reservoir that collects the overflowing solution will be placedatthebottom,attheoppositesideof the greenhouse structure. If possible, in order to facilitate the diary work, the hole shouldbedoneatthesameextremitywhere the platform has been built (see yellow arrowandcircle). TerredesHommesItaliaLandlesshorticulture Page10

WithBottles The bottles are joined together in lines of 8 bottles each. To join the bottles, holes are made with a heated iron rod. Two bigger holes (56 cm of diameter) are made along the bottle body. The first bottle at the top has an additional hole where the feeding line is inserted, while the last bottle is capped and has the outlet tubing to permit the drainage of the excess nutrient solution. The bottles are filled with the substrate, in ourcasecarbonizedricehulls.

Bottles tie on wood structure

The bottles are pierced, conneced and filled with carbonized rice hulls

The bottle lines are placed on the wooden structure

Hose cap (12 mm diameter)



WithBamboo Insteadofbottles,indryzonewillbepossibleusethebamboopoleswith5inchdiameter. Thefollowpicturesareshowinghowtosetupthebamboosystem.

Hole in the middle of internode

A small hole (10 mm) in each bamboo internodes (in the center of internode) should be madeinordertopermittheconstantnutrientsolutionflow.



Hydraulicsystem The nutrient solution is put into a reservoir and it gets to the bottles trough a hydraulic system. In this way the plants can uptake the needed nutrient solution for their growth. The excess of nutrient solution is collected from the last bottle into the lower reservoir. Themainfeedinglinealongtheaxisofthegreenhousehastohavea23%slopetopermit the flow of the nutrient solution. This tubing can be supported by a light wooden structure.

This closedcycle production system reduces water loss from evaporation and limits excessive entry of rainy water duringthewetseason,avoidingexcessive nutrientsolutiondilution.



2.2.4HowthedryzoneBottles(Garrafas)systemwork Asmentioned,theBottlessystemiscomposedofawood/bamboostructureandbasedon gravity flow. The nutrient medium falls from a tank of about 200 litres volume, placed abovethesystematabout2.0mheight.Hydraulicpipes(emitterflowrateofabout2lh1) direct the flux into the declined garden (slope of 2224%) which is composed by connecting plastic drinking bottles (by using incandescent iron bars to make holes and thenconnectingthemwhilehot)and5inchbamboorods,wheresubstrateandplantsare sited.Excessnutrientsolutionisthendirectedthroughadrainagepipesystemstoanother thank placed below. This flux continues from sunrise until dusk. Actually, three times per day (at 7:30 11:00 am and 3:00 pm), the drained water is put back in the upper tank. At this time fresh nutrient solution is added, according with crop consumption. Manual labourforrefillingtanksistakingabout15to20minutestotwopeople.AGarrafasgarden is6mper3mbroadandcountssixteenlinesofplasticbottles(8bottlesline1)and5lines made by 5 inch bamboo rods. Each bottle has two litres volume and two growing holes insteadthebamboorodshas89holes.Thesubstrateadoptediscarbonizedricehull.Itis very important to use carbonized rice hull in order to overtaken the substrate fermentation.RicehullsarefeasiblyandcheaplyavailableintheTownship.Atregime,the systemmayaccommodate320plants.



2.2.5 DiaryoperationalandmaintenanceofBottlesSystem Upper tank (A) (E) 6.0 22-24% (B) 2.5 (F) 0.8 3.0 Drainage tank Bottle (C) (D) 0.1 Stepbystep 1. At7:30a.m.closethetapofAtank; 2. UsingthephandECmeterscheckthepHandtheECvaluesofthewatercontained inthetankdrainage.Thedatacollectedhavetoberecorder. 3. To move the drained water from B tank to A tank by bucket and to recorder thenutrientsolutionconsumption.

(A) (B)



4. FilltheuppertankwithnewnutrientsolutioncontainedinCtankuptoachieved thelevelof200litresinAtank; 5. OpenthetapofAtankandcheckallthedripperstartingfromthelastone; Thoseoperationshavetobedoneeverydayat7:30a.m.,11a.m.and3p.m. OtherO&Mactivities 1. Onceaweektocleanallthedrippers; 2. Once a week we need to clean the drainage system in order to avoid alga growth insidethepipe.Thephotoshowsthepipethathastobekeptclean.Asimplebamboo stakecanbeusedforthisoperation(1); 3. Takeoffthewildweedsthatcouldtogrowinthesystemandaroundthesystem; 4. Monitoringtheeventualpresenceofpestanddiseaseinthesystem; 5. The substrate inside the bottles, bamboo end box needs to be removed and replaced withafreshone; 6. Thehydraulicsystemneedstobewashedwithbleach.Thisoperationcanbesimplified cappingthepipeextremity(23)atleastonceamonth;




2.3THEBOXSYSTEM The box type and dimension depend on different factors: available space, technical and economic means as well as needs and aspirations of the family or group involved in the activities. Past research and experience suggest a size of about 2 m2 with sides 30 cm high. In the tropics,boxesmusthave4ormoresupportsto permitagoodaircirculationandavoidan excessive heating exchange from the soil, in order to avoid root overheating as well as pooroxygenationofthewater.

Box system in tropical areas.

System not suitable in tropical area.

2.3.1Material Tab.4:Materialforbuildingone2m2box Item N, weight, Material linearm 4 Woodenplank(2mx0,30m) 2 Woodenplank(2mx0,23m) 2 Woodenplank(1,2mx0,23m) 6 Smalltimber6x3cm(0,80m) 0,5kg Nail 2,6mlinear Nylon 20cm 20mmhose 1 Bucket Washedcoconutfiber Newspaperssheets



2.3.2Howtobuildaboxsystem Wooden planks (23 cm width) are joined to form a rectangular box. It is important to supportthebox.Theboxshouldbepaintedwithburnedoiltogiveitmoredurability.Wait 2 3 days for the wood to dry and place the box under the shading net. The box has to have1cmslope.Thispermitstheexcessnutrientsolutiontogoouttrougha20mm hose whichcollectsitinabucket.Thenutrientsolutionthencanberecycled. A black nylon sheet lines the box to waterproof it. Newspapers sheets are put under the

box building steps

nylon to form a pad and prevent rips. The coconut fiber placed in the box needs to be washed to remove excess salt. Every day the water pH is checked with an electric conductimeter. Generally, three days are needed to remove excess salt. The plants are transplanted directly in the substrate and they are wet two three times per day, dependingontheseasonaswellastheplantcultivated.

Different steps of box building

Tomato transplant, irrigation and growth

Thissystemismoresuitableforvegetablesliketomato,okra,pepper,cucumber,eggplant,and chillipepper,witchneedmorespaceforrootdevelopmentbutalsoforlettuceissuitable.



2.3.3Howthedryzonebox(Caixa)systemwork As mentioned the box system is composed by a wood/bamboo container of about 1 square meter, waterproof with plastic film and filled up with carbonized rice halls. Plants are transplanted directly on the system and watered directly with nutrient solution twice a day (about 20 l Caixa1 day1). The base is slightly declined and the exceeding solution drainedtoatankbelowtoberecycled.



3.TECHNICALASPECTSOFMICROGARDENCULTIVATION 3.1Plantnutrition Inordertogrowandproduce,plantsneednutrients,whichinhydroponicssystemhaveto besolubilizedinthenutrientsolutionintherightquantityandproportion. Theessentialnutrientsrequiredare13. Macronutrients are needed in high quantity: Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Calcium(Ca),Magnesium(Mg),Sulfur(S). Micronutrients are the nutrients that the plant needs in lower quantity: Iron (Fe), Manganese(Mn),Boron(B),Cupper(Cu),Zinc(Zn),Molybdenum(Mo)andChlorine(Cl). Carbon(C)andOxygen(O)aresuppliedbyair,whileHydrogen(H)bywater. Eachelementisutilizedindifferentproportions,andeachonehasspecificfunctionsinthe plantdevelopment. Table5:showstheprincipalfunctionsofmacronutrientelementsintheplant.
MACRONUTRIENT ChemicalElement Nitrogen(N) Functions Itistheelementthattheplantsrequireinhigherquantity.Itgivesthegreencolor to the plants, it promotess rapid growth, it favors vegetative production, and it improves vegetable and fruit quality raising proteins content. N deficiency shows with greenyellow leave color, and a slow and limited development. Extreme pH contributestoNdeficiency. It stimulates root and flowers formation and development, it speeds maturation andpromotesfruitcolor,andithelpsseedformationandplantvegetativevigor. Purple color of the leaves, branches and trunk, rachitic aspect, low fruit count, andseedsproductivityareallsymptomsofPdeficiency. It gives vigor and resistance against disease, it helps protein protection, it raises seed size, it improves fruitquality, and it furthers redcoloration of the leaves and fruits.Itisalsoveryimportantforstomataopening. Kdeficiencyshowsaslimitedburnsonleaves(?) It activates and small root formation and development, improves the general plant vigor, and it stimulates seed production. The deficiency shows burn in the leavesconfineandtipfruitsshowapicalrot. It is the fundamental component of the chlorophyll, it is necessary for sugar formations,anditstimulatesfatandoilformation.Thedeficiencyshowstheweak greencoloroftheyoungleavesandexcessiverootsramification. It helps to preserve an intensive green color, it stimulates seed production and it helps vigorous plantdevelopment. Deficiencyproduces short shafts, weak, yellow colorandslowandrachiticdevelopment. Symptoms






TerredesHommesItaliaLandlesshorticulture Page20

MICRONUTRIENTS Chemical element Cupper(Cu) Functions Itisfor70%concentratedinthechlorophyll.. Symptom



Manganese (Mn)

It helps fruit and vegetable formation and quality. It is importantforgoodlegumeseeds. Itisinvolvedinchlorophyllbiosynthesis. It speeds up germination and maturation; it improves calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium uptake. It has photosyntheticfunctions.

It is necessary for chlorophyll formation and for plant growth. It is an important enzyme activator. Plants deficientinZinchavelowproteincontent. Molybdenum Itisfundamentalfornitrogenfixationinlegumes... Tab.6:principalsfunctionsofmicronutrientplantselements(Source:CalheirosM.,2004).




3.2 NUTRIENTSOLUTION(N.S.) The nutrient solution is constituted by water and minerals salts. Is very important to prepare the nutrient solution correctly, using high quality minerals salts which can be easilydissolvedinwater. The best results have been obtained with a nutrient solution called Solution MYA 1, which is made from 5 stock solutions: Armo 151515+7S; Ca Clorite; Armo 151530+6 ME;MgSulfateandFetrilon(Microelements). In order to get 200 liters of prepared nutrient solution, the preparations of it consist in prepare4smallbags: Onebagwith100grofArmo151515+7S Onebagwith50grofCaClorite; Onebagwith50grofArmo151530+6ME; Onebagwith100grofMgSulfate; Forthementionedmineralsalt,thepreparationisasfollowing: 1. Toweightherightamountofmineralsalt; 2. RegardingArmo151515+7S,ithastobecrumbled(couldtobeusedthemortar) inordertofacilitatethedissolutioninthewater. 3. Toputthemineralsaltproppedweightedinownbags;



TerredesHommesItaliaLandlesshorticulture Page22

One liter bottles with concentrate Fetrilon nutrient solution: to put in 20 liters of water 500 gr of Fetrilon. Measure 10 liters of water in a big plastic bucket. Weigh salt minerals and dissolve him in the water. Adjust the final volume to 20 liters adding water and continue mixing for 10 minutes, until all solid residues disappear. Notes The nutrient solution (4 bags and 20 liter recipient), labeled and stored in a cool anddarkroom.

It is very important to measure accurately each component, in order to avoid nutrientproblemsinthecropandprecipitationsinthenutrientsolution. Usecommonwateratroomtemperature. Howtopreparethenutrientsolutionreadytotheuse Eachcomponentshouldbeaddedtowateranddiluted,sotoavoidprecipitations. Thenutrientsolutioncanbepreparedina200litertank.Inthiscase: 1) fill half the tank with water and at the same time dissolve only Armo 151515+7S (1bagwith100gr); 2) add more water and at the same time dissolve in this order the bags contain Ca Clorite(50gr),Armo151530+6ME(50gr),MgSulfate(100gr); 3) dissolvetheFetrilon(50ml); Now the nutrient solution is ready for use in the hydroponic vegetable system. The nutrient solution management needs pH (min 6 max 8) and EC (between 1100 1600 S)periodicchecking. TerredesHommesItaliaLandlesshorticulture Page23

3.3Substrate Primaryfunctionofthesubstrateistosupporttheplants,whileallowingauniformflowof nutrient solution. The substrate does not provide a nutritional function and should be inertinthisregard.Suitablesubstratescanbeconstitutedbydifferentmaterials,likesmall stones, sand, pumice, vermiculite, carbonized rice hulls and coconut fiber, and combinations of the above A good substrate has degradation resistance (durability); it does not contains soluble mineral substances; it does not contains any macro and micro organisms (to decrease disease risks); it has good water retention, but at the same time drains easily; it does not maintain high surface moisture; it has a dark color; it is easily availableinlocalcontest;itisaffordable,itislightandeasilytransportable. InDryZone,somesubstrateswiththesefeaturesarericehulls(carbonized).Thissubstrate hasbeentestedinSanKhanKhanVillageexperimentalplotandwasfoundsuitableforthe soillesssystemutilized. Ricehulls(carbonized) Ricehullsareleftovermaterialofriceproduction.Inordertobeusedasaplantsubstrate in our systems, it has to be carbonized. In this way the substrate is made pathogen free (virus, fungus and bacteria), fermentation is avoided, as well as secondary germination of viable rice seed left in the mixture. The dark coloration of the hulls promotes root developmentandinhibitsalgaeformation. Bothsubstrateshavegoodchemicalandphysicalfeatures:lowdecompositionindex,good drainage,highaeration.Furthermore,theyarelight,locallyabundantandveryaffordable.

Rice hulls carbonization process



4.NURSERYANDSEEDLINGDEVELOPMENT Theplantingisdoneinnursery.Youngplantsarethentransplantedintothebottles.Direct planting is preferable for vegetables like carrot, turnip, pea or bean to preserve the root structure. 4.1Seedlingpreparationinthenursery Sowing is done in plastic trays with a substrate constitutes by 50% carbonized rice hulls and50%goat/cowmanure.Goat/cowmanurehastobewashedputtingitinawatertank for 45 days. When the trays are ready, put one or more seeds in each hole. Then cover the seeds (planting depth depends on the species). Shade the trays and wet two times per day. Dont allow the substrate to dry. After germination the trays are moved to the nursery where they still need protection from direct strong sun (shadow nets reduce the sunlightincidenceby50%).Theseedlingshavetobewetwithnutrientsolutiontwotimes perdayuntiltransplant,whichoccurswhentheseedlingshave45trueleaves. Advices Seedlingsqualityisveryimportanttoachievegoodproductivityresultsandtoshortenthe plant cycle. The first phases are the more delicate ones and require constant care, thereforesomeadvices: 1. Build the nursery ina good aeratedarea to avoid moisture stagnation, and choose anareawithgoodlight 2. Build the nursery on the side of the greenhouse to create a suitable environment fortheseedlingsdevelopment 3. WashthetrayswithSodiumhypochlorite(1%)beforesowingandafterdrythemin thesun 4. Scoutfrequentlyforfungusdiseasesordangerousinsectsinnursery,andbeready tointerveneimmediately 5. Irrigationsneedtobewellprogrammedandefficienttoavoidwaterstagnation 6. it is good practice to use a foggy system in the nursery to permit temperature decrease in the hottest hours of the day, during critically warm periods and months 7. Avoid mechanical damage caused by big drops of the watering can on young seedlings,usesubirrigationofthetraysinstead. 8. Intherainyseason(aboveallfromJanuarytoApril)substitutetwotimesperweek the nutrient solution irrigation with a leaf manure irrigation and delay the first dailyirrigation(tab7) Table7:irrigationturnsusedinthenurseryofexperimentationplotsinDryZone
Mouth MayOctober NovemberApril 1^irrigation 9:30with n.s* 7:30with n.s* 2^irrigation 11:30onlywater* 3^irrigation 15:00withn.s* 15:00withn.s*



*one8literwateringcanevery8trays; 9. Keepinternalandexternalareasofthenurserycleanfromweeds 10. Thin the seedlings soon after germination to avoid competition among the seedlings.Leaveonlythemoredevelopedorvigorousincentralposition.. 4.2Transplant Thetransplantisaverydelicatephase.Rootdamagemustbekepttoaminimum.Wetting the trays before transplant will help removing seedlings from the substrate, will help maintain the plantlets turgid and reduce transplant shock. Plan transplant in order to avoid the hottest hours of the day (particularly critical during warm months). The seedlings need to be transplanted to good depth, the substrate has to be pressed gently around the root system. Different species or cultivars have different cycle length to harvest. Tab.8:Generalinformationaboutthecyclelengthofthevegetables
Species Lettuce Tomato Cucumber Eggplant Onion Chives Pepper Cabbage Cauliflower Okra Coriander Periodbetween Plantingand germination(day) 5 6 5 10 10 10 12 7 7 3 7 Germinationand Transplant(days) 15-18 18-22 1518 2025 3035 3035 3035 3035 2025 15 2025 Transplantandharvest (days) 25-30 65 40 75 80 55 80 90 75 35 40




4.3 Cropmanagement Periodicprocedures

Structure MaytoOctober - Both tanks have to be always closed with a lid - Generalmaintenance NovembertoApril SeptemberDecember - Vegetableshavetobeshadedfromthesunwithpalmleave. - Cover tanks with shadow material to avoid high nutrient solution temperature. -

Nutrient Solution

Check pH and EC of the nutrient solution at least two times a week and correct accordingly After sunset or before one rainfall, turn off the valve and take off the feeding tube from thelowertanktoavoid nutrient solution dilutions.

Check pH and EC of the nutrient solution at least one time a week andcorrectaccordingly

Yearlytechnicalprocedures Atleastonetimeayearthemicrogardensystemneedsothercare,like: thesubstrateneedstoberemovedandreplacedwithafreshone the hydraulic system needs to be washed with bleach (this operation can be simplifiedcappingthepipeextremity(seefig.).



4.4Integratepestmanagement Lettuce, tomate, cucumber and other vegetables are susceptible to various fungal diseases (Septoria lactucae, Cercospora longissima), bacterial diseases (Xanthomonas campestris)andpestslikelarvae,minerlarvae,whiteflyandaphids. Following there are some suggestion on integrated pest and disease pest management in ordertoreducetheincidenceofthepestsanddiseasesonthevegetablesproduction: 1. Startwithcertified,diseasefreeseed. 2. Examinetransplantsandremoveinfectedplants. 3. Avoidoverheadirrigationifpossibleandminimizeperiodsofleafwetness. 4. Takeoffandputawayplantdebrisunderafterharvesttohastendecomposition. 5. Controlwildweeds. 6. Use organic pesticides. The table below shows some more important organic pesticideusefulfordryzone.
Name Copper sulfate Howtoprepare... To melt the Copper Sulfate in one 3 liters of water bucket. In other bucket with 7 liter of water to put the lime. Mix the copper sulfate with the lime and keep mixing; the solution should to be spray on the plants in the colder hours of the day (early in the morningorlaterintheafternoon). Woodash0,5glass; To mix the ash with water and leave the solution to Water4liters; rest for 24 hours. Add 6 spoons of Kerosene. Mix kerosene 6 soup verywellandsprayontheplants. spoon; 100gramoftobacco Mix the tobacco with alcohol and in the water and 0.5literofalcohol left this solution to rest for 15 days. After this 0.5literwater period, we need to dissolve the soup in 10 liters of wateraswellasthesolutionalreadypreparedinthe 100gramofsoup samewater.Afterthiswecanpulverizetheplants. 200 gram of dry seeds Put the Nim seeds (broken with mortar) in a cloth, that should to be broke bind it and put in the water. After 12 hours press usingmortar and dissolve the soup. Now, we need to mix very wellandaddwateruptoachieve20litersofset.The 200mlofwater; 5 gram of coconut soap treatment on the plant has to be done as soon as possibleafterpreparation. (1coffeespoon) GreenleavesofNimor To break the Nim leafs or fruit using mortar and a wholefruit(2Kg) little water. We need to leave to rest the material 15litersofwater for one night putting a little more water. Before to use, we need to filter the solution anddilute it up to achieve 15 liters. After this we can use on the plant. Thissolutioncanbestoredfor3days. Components Cupper Sulfate 50 to 100g; Lime50a100g; Water10liters goodagaist... Fungal and bacterias diseases like Septoria lactuca, Cercospora, Xanthomonas campestris (see annex 4); Sucking insects and miner larvae (see annex4); Larvae, aphid and cochineal (see annex 4);




White fly, aphids, larvae, nematode (see annex4);


White fly, aphids, larvae, nematode (see annex4);



Annex1: Lettuce(Lactucasativa) Introduction

This food is a good source of Dietary Fiber, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Selenium, and a very good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Iron, PotassiumandManganese The hydroponic lettuce is a healthy food that maintains and improves human centesimal compositionwhilstbeingaproductoflowcaloricvalueofeasyandhighdurability(SilvanaOhseet al., 2001). Importance was given for the cultivation of this crop since apart from its nutritional value, lettuce completes its cycle in a 45 days. This is important since it encourages growers to enroll as producers and get introduced to the simplified hydroponics techniques. Like any other horticultural crop, the climatic conditions found in the Dry Zone are a hostile environment. Considering that the ideal temperature for lettuce growth varies from 12210C, it can be understood that it would be impossible to grow this vegetable in an area were the annual mean temperature is 290C. However, the bottles/bamboo/bamboo system is providing good yield and highqualityplants.


GerminationandEarlygrowthStage:Lettuceseedshavetobeseededintrayscontaining124cells or more each having an area of 4 cm2. Germination starts 5 days after seeding and plants are ready for transplant 1518 days after, at the formation of the third leaf. During this period seed have to be watered three times a day and kept in a nursery which repaired the plants from the high light intensity during the warmest hours. After germination plants have to be supplied with MYAnutrientsolutioninthemorningandintheeveningandwateredduringthewarmesthoursof theday. VegetativeStage:Seedlingsaretransplantedinthebottles/bamboosystematdensityof21plants m2.Eachrowofgaraffasissuppliedwithadripperwhosupplies16plants.Transplantisaffected in late afternoon in order to reduce stress caused by the high temperatures. Plants are watered just after transplant. When leaf surface are starts to increase, the plants starts to wilt during the warmest hours of the day, for this plants are sprayed with water twice, to restore their torpor. Harvest occurs 30 days after transplant were plants are uprooted from the substrate, packed and soldorusedforfamilyconsumption.


Various varieties were tried and should be tried out and observed in order to identify the variety whichperformedbestduringthatparticularseason(dryseasonandrainyseason).


During the wet season, which resulted in high humidity, an outbreak of cercospora could to be noticed,. Moreover, infections by a particular rincoti could also to be observed even though it wasnt identified. However during the rainy season, cause of the low light intensity, this qualitativedamagecouldtobemorefrequent.


Productionoflettucecouldtobeveryhighifgoodmanagementofgreenhouseoccored.especially inthedryseason.Thisisgoodsinceitencouragescommunitiestogrowsuchcrop.

TerredesHommesItaliaLandlesshorticulture Page29

Annex2: TomatoPlant(Solanumlycopersicum)
The tomatoes can to be cultivated in both Hydroponic systems: the caixas and the garaffas pet system. Germination and early growth stage: Tomato seeds have to be sowed in the plastic trails. After germination if there are more than one plant in a single hole, is suggested to do the new transplants in a new trails in order to improve the foliar development of each plant. This is important since it increases light and permitting a better development of the plant, by decreasing theincidenceofinternodeelongation.Sixdaysafterseedingtheplantstartstogerminateand18 22 days after germination they are ready to be transplanted in the system (bottles system or box system). During this period the seeds are watered three times a day and kept in a nursery which repaired the plants from the high light intensity during the warmest hours. After germination plants have to be supplied with nutrient solution in the morning and in the evening and watered duringthewarmesthoursoftheday. Vegetativestage:aftermoreorless22daysaftersowing,theplantshavetobetransplantedfrom the germinationtraysto theproduction sitesbeing theboxor bottlessystem.In the boxsystemit is important to supply extra nutrient solution during the hot hours in order to ensure the good development of the roots. Once the roots are well established the plant is irrigated by watering can3 timea days:7:30,11:00and3:00p.m.Anotherimportant practiceis to wetoccasionallythe substrateespeciallyinthehoursfollowingmidday.Thisisdonetodecreasesubstratetemperature andkeeptherootsattheiroptimaltemperature.Onceplantsgetadaptedtotheproductionsiteit is important to stake the plants in order to have an even distribution of the light incident on the leaves. Lateral shoot should be removed as such pruning practice helps in obtaining a higher production. In the box system system plants have to be transplanted at different densities according to the season.Thisisbecauseduringthedryseason,plantscanbeplantedatthedensityof8plantsm2, this means 8 plants each box, without having considerable effects on production, however during the rainy season the density has to decrease since due to the lack of light intensity and diseases cause by high humidity which could cause a decrease of 20%. Due to the heavy rainfall which characterize this period, the box tend to get over flooded, for this it is recommended to drain waterinordernottodilutethecollectedsolution. Whenusingthebottles/bamboosystem,plantshavetobetransplantedatadensityof8plantsm 2 byputting6plantsperrowofbottles.


During the tomato cycle could to verify some problems like, irregular maturity of tomato fruits, apical necrosis, fruit epidermal breakage, curling of leaves and floral abortion that are mainly associated with the high temperatures and light intensity reached. The presence of pests and diseases should be minimal being a newly introduced culture to the environment; however during the rainy season some infestation by Peronsospora and Setoria could to cause a significant decrease of the production. Moreover, during the dry season infestations by Coccingilia could occur.



Annex3 1. Cucumber(Cucumissativus) Introduction

The cucumber is a food with low saturated sat, and very low in cholesterol and sodium. It is alsoa good source of Vitamin A, Pantothenic Acid, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Manganese, and a very goodsourceofVitaminC,VitaminKandPotassium. For an optimal growth a cucumber plant needs a long warm season with a minimum temperature of 18 C during the night and a maximum of 28 C with a high light intensity. Temperatures of 35c, as those reached in Dry Zone are far from ideal, especially when they are accompanied by lowlightintensitymanifestedduringtherainyseason.


Cucumber seeds have to be seeded in cells of a 4 cm2 allowing a 16 cm2 area for foliar development (plastic trials). This is important since cucumber leaves have a large surface area which could result in shading other plants inhibiting development. 4 days after seeding the plant starts to germinate and 1820 days after germination they are ready to be transplanted. During this period the seeds are watered three times a day and kept in a nursery which repaired the plants from the high light intensity during the warmest hours. After germination plants are supplied with MYA nutrient solution in the morning and in the evening and watered during the warmesthoursoftheday. VegetativeStage:Onday1820theplantshavetobetransplantedfromthegerminationtraysto the production sites being the box or bottles/bamboo system. In the box system it is important to supply extra nutrient solution during the hot hours in order to ensure the good development of the roots. Once the roots are well established the plant is irrigated by watering can 3 time a days: 7:30, 11:00 and 3:00 p.m. Another important practice is to wet occasionally the substrate especiallyinthehoursfollowingmidday.Thisisdonetodecreasesubstratetemperatureandkeep the roots at their optimal temperature. Once plants get adapted to the production site it is important to stake the plants in order to have an even distribution of the light incident on the leaves. Lateral shoot should be removed as such pruning practice helps in obtaining a higher production. In the box system system plants have to be transplanted at different densities according to the season.Thisisbecauseduringthedryseason,plantscanbeplantedatthedensityof8plantsm2, this means 8 plants each box, without having considerable effects on production, however during the rainy season the density has to decrease since due to the lack of light intensity and diseases cause by high humidity which could cause a decrease of 20%. Due to the heavy rainfall which characterize this period, the box tend to get over flooded, for this it is recommended to drain waterinordernottodilutethecollectedsolution. When using the bottles/bamboo/bamboo/bamboo system, plants have to be transplanted at a densityof8plantsm2byputting6plantsperrowofbottles/bamboo/. Early & Mature Fruiting Stage: At fruit set the plant starts demanding more water which occurs ten days after transplant. This is noticed especially in plants grown in the garaffas pet module, however the plant restore to its original form once the sun sets. The plant enters in production three four weeks after transplant. If exposed to direct sunlight, a decrease in quality would be observedresultingincolordeformityandfruitcurving.




Infestations of aphids, later identified as aphis gossypii, could be observed on leaves. However infestationsshouldnotcauseahighdeceaseinproduction.Thefactorthatinfluencedmostonthe production of cucumber fruit could be the heat stress. This resulted in a complete wilting of the leavesandleadingtodeathoftheorganorthewholeplant.Fruitqualitycouldeventobeeffected where some cucumber are exposed to these extremes resulted in deformation and non uniform coloration. Some pest like grasshoppers could contribute to a decrease in foliar surface area, howevertheseareeasilycontrolled.


If the cucumber will be well managed, and nutrient solution suppliy will be costants as well as the plant will be covered with a shadow net that decrease light intensity by at least 50%, production should be high and profitable one. However if exposed to stress for a long time, the plants will be not able to resist at adverse climate. The high production of cucumbers makes it an ideal plant to introduce it to the producing villages since they can easily grow the plant whilst generating fruits in a short period of time. This could generate income; cucumber is easily sold in villages or in the localmarket(YenanjaungandNatmauk).



Annex4 MainpestsanddiseasesinHydroponicsvegetablesproduction Name Cercospora longissima


Sclerotinia Minor Sclerotinia sclerotiorum


TerredesHommesItaliaLandlesshorticulture Page33







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