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2 BACHILLERATO Departamento/rea: Lenguas modernas. Ingls FALSE FRIENDS AND PREPOSITIONS.



This new scandal is very .... disgusting annoying


Why dont you keep your notes in this ...? carpet folder

3. 4.

Im learning piano. I go to the ... twice a week. conservatory temporarily music academy eventually It wasn't a job. I just worked there ....


He feels very ... with his next holidays. eager anxious

6. 7.

I ... you: next time Ill punish you warn real advise actual She says she is thirty but her ... age is thirty-three.


I used to work in that ...a few years ago. fabric factory

9. 10.

Shakespeare is a very interesting. signature notices subject news Ive got good ... for you: you've passed your exams.


John very nice; he is very .... sympathetic friendly


He is a polyglot: he speaks four .... languages idioms slum 1


They are quite poor: they live in a .... suburb


Hes got a very big family with a lot of .... familiars relatives


When you make a sauce, ... it slowly. remove stir


They have a ... every morning at 10 a.m. meeting reunion success

17. 18.

The film was a great... - it won 3 Oscars. exit Tom gave her a beautiful ... as an engagement present. collar necklace


Jim is happy because he's got very good ... this term. notes marks diary


I've got to write down this appointment in my ... agenda

COMPLETE WITH A SUITABLE PREPOSITION. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) "Late ... work again?" John is very good ... mathematics. This mushroom soup tastes ... tomatoes! That's just typical ... Helen to forget our wedding anniversary. I'm so glad I got the contract. I'm really keen ... working in London. I have been suffering ... dizziness lately. I knew you were going to succeed. I'm so pleased ... you! His wife is so jealous ... him she follows him everywhere he goes! Jeremy is so slow ... typing, I'd rather type myself! Yesterday I was angry ... you because I had just received some bad news.

COMPLETE WITH THE RIGHT PREPOSITION. 1. 2. What will you be doing __________ Christmas Eve? I'm sure he will behave in a much more responsible way ___________ two years' time, when he's married. 3. 4. I was born ______________ January 4th. I'll see you __________ the exhibition __________two weeks' time!


The plane lands __________ 1.05 PM _________Heathrow airport _______ London, doesnt it?

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

__________2010 we will be 49. Imagine that! I saw him __________Tim's birthday party ___________ September 19th. Did you know he's living ____________ the Isles of Scilly? No, I thought he was living _____________ Glastonbury, with his ex-wife. We'll get up __________ dawn, and have a swim _________ the lake. ________ my mind or ________my opinion means the same. I hope he's back __________ time for the ceremony. Mr Bond instructed me to buy this car _____________any price. I usually go to work _______ foot. Im afraid I cant come and see you this evening. I have to stay ________ home and look ________ my little sister. When he passed all his exams, he applied _______ a job ________ a game reserve ____ Africa.

17. 18. 19. 20.

She succeeded ______ passing her driving test ______ the third attempt. In my dream, everybody was laughing ________ me. Mrs Haney paid the babysitter 10 pounds ______ looking ______ the baby. You really reminds me _______ your brother. You look _________ him and sound just like him.

TRANSLATE THE FOLLOWING FALSE FRIENDS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. matron constipated grape compass presume crime conductor discussion confident avocado mayor figure 3 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. arena argument attend lecture educated conference embarrassed curse college rope pretend

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