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This guideline simplifies your work. It shows you how to make a correct NCS marking in accordance with the authorised NCS Commercial Licence agreement which is required and must be signed before commercial use of NCS. To maintain the integrity and quality of NCS, NCS Colour AB protects the intellectual property rights to the NCS System. A correct NCS marking will inform anyone that you are an authorised commercial NCS Partner. It will also inform others that NCS may not be misused by non-authorised parties. Global NCS users looking for suppliers will be able to identify serious, authorised and certified NCS Partners. NCS Colour AB is happy to assist, should you need further information. Please contact us at: or visit

General Instructions
Some of our trademarks are NCS, Natural Colour System, the NCS logotype and the NCS products. The NCS trademarks, notations or system may not in any manner be changed. An NCS notation should be denoted as follows: NCS S 1020-Y70R Note that the S in the NCS notation is only used for the Standardized NCS 1950 Original colours. A non-standardized colour is presented like this: NCS 1122-Y73R The year shall be the year of production in the text; NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012. The text may be translated, without changed significance, to a local language. The font/type face of the copyright text may be adjusted to the font/type face used on other text. The NCS logotype and text included therein may not be changed, except for in size. The selected size must however always be clear and easy to read. The NCS logotype can be downloaded on our website and shall always be in a black box.

On one of the text pages in the fan If NCS Colour AB has done a quality there should be a text saying: check of the colours the last sentence may naturally be excluded. NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on On each colour sample page the NCS licence from NCS Colour AB, logo for markings should be included: Stockholm 2012. The colours might not exactly match original NCS colour samples. Or as an alternative: NCS

On each colour sample page the NCS logo for markings should be included:

Or as an alternative: NCS Together with the display there should be information saying: NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012. The colours might not exactly match original NCS colour samples. If NCS Colour AB has done a quality check of the colours the last sentence may naturally be excluded.

Brochures / Catalogues
Pictures with NCS notations or Colour Tables in the brochure there should be a text saying: NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012. The colours might not exactly match original NCS colour samples.

Whatever your methods, theres a Design Tool for everyone.

We realise that creative individuals operate in different ways, which is why we created the unique Design Tools range. With a format to suit every designer, studio and use, the range has one common goal to make your colour design process simpler, more accurate and consistent from conception to completion. Each of our practical tools feature unbeatable colour accuracy on all colour samples. The intuitive design and layout of each tool means you can navigate the world of colour in seconds. Plus, each product can be used with any material, surface, texture or nish, meaning you only need to use one colour system in your studio. The NCS - Natural Color System is the most accurate and consistent colour system on the market. With hundreds and thousands of users worldwide, our range of Design Tools includes not only various colour sample collections but, software, online solutions, tools for colour analysis and services to make your colour communication simpler, faster and more cost effective. As well as the full range of Design Tools, we also offer colour solutions including the Global Colour Management service for companies wishing to secure accurate branding, product and corporate colours on any level plus the world-leading colour education courses from the Scandinavian Colour School. For more information visit our web site.

Within the colour collection there should be a text saying: NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012. The colours might not exactly match original NCS colour samples. If NCS Colour AB has done a quality check of the colours the last sentence may naturally be excluded.
NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB Stockholm 2012. The colours might not exactly match original NCS colour samples.

On each colour sample page the NCS logo for markings should be included:

NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012. The colours might not exactly match original NCS colour samples.

Chipmounted, Deposited and Printed Colour Cards

Or as an alternative: NCS

Books / Educational Material

When NCS notations or NCS images are used in a book or other publication, this text should be enclosed: NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012. References to NCS in this publication are used with permission from the NCS Colour AB. Note! Educational material can be subject to an NCS Licence Agreement. However, an NCS Licence might not always be required but written approval from the NCS Colour AB is mandatory.

When NCS notations or NCS images are used in an advertisement the NCS logo for marking should be printed close to each colour sample or that page:

NCS S 1070-G20Y

NCS S 0520-G10Y

NCS S 1070-G20Y

Or as an alternative: NCS

NCS S 0520-G10Y

Software, presentations or databases that can be downloaded from Internet and digital colour collections or colour lists that refer to NCS on Internet should be marked according to the instructions for Digital Applications.

digital applications
e.g. Software, CD Presentations, Design Software, Database for instruments or colour formulas. When packaging is used the packaging must be marked: NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012. When installing the software or database and on opening the presentation, there should be a click acceptance of the NCS rights or the installation will be cancelled. NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012. Commercial use of NCS requires a licence agreement with NCS Colour AB. NCS -

Where the name NCS or Natural Colour System is used it should always be together with the markings. A database of NCS denoted colours should be presented as follows: NCS - Natural Colour System When using the NCS notations or images (NCS Colour Space/NCS Colour Circle/NCS Colour Triangle) on screen, there must always be a reference: NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012. Commercial use of NCS requires a licence agreement with NCS Colour AB. NCS - The NCS logo may be used together with the examples given above for digital applications.

NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012.

NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012. Commercial use of NCS requires a licence agreement with NCS Colour AB. NCS -

Under Legal Notices and Privacy Policy (or similar) the following text should be enclosed: NCS - Natural Colour System property of and used on licence from NCS Colour AB, Stockholm 2012. Any commercial use of NCS requires a licence agreement with NCS Colour AB. An NCS Licence Agreement may be signed with NCS Colour AB to obtain the rights to refer to the NCS trademarks and to the NCS notation system. Computer colour simulations shown might not exactly match original colour samples. Use original NCS Colour Sample Collections for accurate colour references.


NCS - Natural Color System. Stockholm, Sweden 2012

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