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The Loop Drawings Module

The Loop Drawings module allows you to generate loop drawings using any of the following: INtools Smart Plant Report Generator An external CAD engine (SmartSketch, AutoCAD, or MicroStation) INtools SmartLoop

To start the Loop Drawings module, do one of the following: On the main toolbar, click .

On the Module menu, click Loops.

Set preferences for loop drawing generation

1. On the File menu, click Preferences. 2. Expand the Loop Drawings preferences, and then click General. 3. Under Default generation method, select Enhanced SmartLoop, and then click OK.

Task 1: Displaying Loops and Setting the Loop Generation Type

Display a Single Loop in the Loop Manager
1. On the module toolbar, click 2. Type 101-F-100 and click OK. The Loop Manager opens as shown: to open the Enter Loop Number dialog box.

Display Multiple Loops in the Loop Manager

1. Click to open the Enter Loop Number dialog box.

2. Under Search per, click Loop and then click Find.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


3. In the Find Loop dialog box, click Find again to display the available loops in the Search results data window.

4. When holding down Ctrl, select loops 101-F-100, 101-F-102 and 101-F-201, and then click OK. The Loop Manager displays the following loops.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings Set the Loop Generation Type


You can mark each loop with an indication of the method of loop drawing generation you intend to use: the SmartPlant Report Generator, a CAD application, the SmartLoop generator or where you do not want to use either of these methods and you construct the loop drawing manually. It is also possible to clear the buffer and not to use any generation symbol at all. For the CAD and Manual options, the setting is an indication only, and does not place any restriction on the actual method you will use to generate a particular loop drawing. For the Enhanced SmartLoop and SmartLoop options, the sub-menu option that you select affects the layout of the drawing. 1. In the Loop Manager, select and then right-click loop 101-F-100. 2. On the shortcut menu, point to Apply Generation Method, point to Enhanced SmartLoop, and click Per Loop. The symbol E appears to the left of the loop icon for loop 101-F-100. 3. Now select and then right-click loop 101-F-102. 4. On the shortcut menu, point to Apply Generation Method, point to Enhanced SmartLoop, and click Per Signal. The symbol ES appears to the left of the loop icon for loop 101-F-102. 5. Now select and then right-click loop 101-F-201. 6. On the shortcut menu, point to Apply Generation Method and click CAD. The symbol C appears to the left of the loop icon for loop 101-F-201. The Loop Manager appears as shown:

7. Retrieve other loops and indicate the generation type for those loops. (You can apply the same indication to several loops by holding down Shift or Ctrl while selecting the required loops in the Loop Manager and then selecting the appropriate generation type.)

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


Working with Enhanced SmartLoop Reports

You can generate Enhanced SmartLoop reports using the data that you saved to the database when you designed your wiring. To do so, you must first install the INtools SmartPlant Report Generator from the INtools CD Browser (click INtools SmartPlant Report Generator Installation).

Task 3: Generating an Enhanced SmartLoop Report

1. In the Loop Manager, select and then right-click loop 101-F-100. 2. On the shortcut menu, click Generate Loop Drawings. 3. In the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box, make sure that the Generation method list displays Enhanced SmartLoop, and then click OK. 4. When prompted to preview the report, click Yes. The SmartPlant Report Generator opens with the report displayed.

5. On the Main toolbar, click the Zoom In command drawing to display more details.

and zoom in on portions of the

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


Change the Loop Generation Type to Show Individual Signals

1. In the Loop Manager, select and then right-click loop 101-F-100. 2. On the shortcut menu, point to Apply Generation Method, point to Enhanced SmartLoop, and click Per Signal. The symbol ES appears to the left of the loop icon for loop 101-F-100. 3. In the SmartPlant Report Generator, on the Actions toolbar, click Refresh .

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

The SmartPlant Report Generator refreshes the report and displays each signal separately as shown:


4. Change the generation method for loop 101-F-100 back to Per Loop.

Task 4: Modifying an Enhanced SmartLoop Drawing by Changing Data Directly from the SmartPlant Report Generator
Modify Properties of Entities from the SmartPlant Report Generator
1. In the INtools SmartPlant Report Generator, select the upper wire that is connected to the device panel for tag 101-FT-100, as shown.

2. Do one of the following: On the main toolbar, click .

On the Actions menu, click Edit Entity.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

3. In the Wire Properties dialog box, in the Color list, select Yellow.


4. Click OK to return to the Enhanced SmartLoop report. Note that the value is not updated. 5. Now position the cursor over cable C-101-FT -100 and repeat steps 1-3 to change the cable name to DEMO CABLE. 6. To update the modified data values, on the Actions toolbar, click Refresh .

The SmartPlant Report Generator regenerates the loop drawing with the updated data values.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

7. Restore the properties that you changed to their original values and refresh the report again.


Access Tag Documents

1. On the currently open drawing page of the SmartPlant Report Generator, select the TAG: 101-FT -100 label. 2. On the main toolbar, click Tag Documents .

3. On the Documents window that opens in INtools, click Specification to open the flow transmitter specification sheet. 4. Click 5. Click to print out the specification sheet if needed. to close the specification sheet.

Modify the Wiring Connection from the SmartPlant Report Generator

Suppose that in loop 101-F-100, you want to move the connections in junction box 101-JBDCS-001 from terminals 1+ and 1- to terminals 5+ and 5-. 1. In the Loop Manager, select and then right-click loop 101-F-100. 2. On the shortcut menu, click Generate Loop Drawings. 3. In the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box, make sure that the Generation method list displays Enhanced SmartLoop, and then click OK. 4. Position the cursor over terminal strip TS-1 of junction box 101-JB-DCS-001 and select the label TS-1. 5. On the main toolbar, click Connection .

6. In the Connection window, select cable 101-FT-100 (on the left side of the terminal strip) and drag it to terminal 5+ (the screen scrolls automatically if you drag the cable to the lower edge of the screen).

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

7. In the Cable Connection Definition dialog box, make your cable connection definitions as shown:


8. Click Connect to make the connection. The cable moves to its new position (with wires on terminals 5+, 5-, and 5SH) as shown:

9. Select Pr5 (Pair 5) on the right side of the terminal strip and on the toolbar, click . Disconnect 10. Select Pr1 (Pair 1) of the multi-cable on the right side of the terminal strip and drag it to the right side of terminal 5+. 11. In the Cable Connection Definition dialog box that opens, accept the default settings, and click Connect to make the connection.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

12. Observe how Pair 1 has moved to terminals 5+ and 5- in the Connection window:


13. Close the Connection window and return to the SmartPlant Report Generator. 14. On the Actions toolbar, click Refresh connections: to refresh the report and display the new


If the data fails to update, close and reopen the SmartPlant Report Generator.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

15. On the File menu, click Save As, and in the Save As dialog box, do the following: a) Type a name for the file and navigate to the folder where you want to save the file. b) In the Save as type list, select AutoCAD (*.dxf) and click Save. You can import the file saved in this format into SmartSketch, AutoCAD or MicroStation. 16. Click to close the SmartPlant Report Generator.


INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


Task 5: Modifying the Appearance of a SmartLoop Drawing by Changing the SmartPlant Report Layout Properties
When you generate an Enhanced SmartLoop report, INtools automatically calculates the optimal layout based on the number of points in the loop and the selected template size. If the loop changes, by the addition or deletion of elements, the page layout changes accordingly. In this task, you will configure some aspects of the appearance of the report manually by changing the values of some of the report layout properties.

Define a SmartPlant Report Layout and Assign the Layout to a Loop

1. In the Loop Manager, select and then right-click loop 101-F-100. 2. On the shortcut menu, click SmartPlant Report Layouts. 3. In the SmartPlant Report Layouts dialog box, click New . 4. In the Layout Properties dialog box, on the General tab, do the following: a) In the Layout box, type Template A4 Wide. b) In the Description box, type a meaningful description for the layout. c) In both lists, Wire representation and Cross-wire representation, select Diagonal. d) Beside Template file name and path, click Browse, navigate to the location <INtools home folder>\RAD\Template\ and select the file Awide.sma. e) Beside Title block file name and path, click Browse, navigate to the location <INtools home folder>\RAD\Template\Types\loop\ and select the file Loop_Wide.sym. The dialog box should appear as shown:

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

5. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the SmartPlant Report Layouts dialog box. The new layout appears as a highlighted row as shown:


6. Click Assign to assign the Template A4 Wide layout to loop 101-F-100. 7. Generate the report for loop 101-F-100. The report should appear as shown:

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings Change the Title Block Location
1. In the Loop Manager, select and then right-click loop 101-F-100. 2. On the shortcut menu, click SmartPlant Report Layouts. 3. Select layout Template A4 Wide and click Properties. 4. In the Layout Properties dialog box, click the Title Block tab and in the Vertical list, select Top. The dialog box should appear as shown:


5. Click OK to save the settings and return to the SmartPlant Report Layouts dialog box. 6. Click OK to close the SmartPlant Report Layouts dialog box and at the prompt to save the changes, click Yes. 7. Generate the report for loop 101-F-100.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

The report should appear as shown:



The software calculates the title block location from the origin of the title block symbol file, which is at the bottom left corner for shipped title blocks. In this example, the layout defines the title block location at the top left of the report, thus the title block is positioned as shown. In the following exercise, you will adjust the position of the title block by redefining the working area margins of the report.

Define the Working Area Margins of a SmartPlant Report

In the previous exercise, you can see that the title block was positioned above the drawing area. For this example, you can locate the title block within the drawing area by changing the defined working area margins. 1. In the Loop Manager, select and then right-click loop 101-F-100. 2. On the shortcut menu, click SmartPlant Report Layouts. 3. Select layout Template A4 Wide and click Properties.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

4. In the Layout Properties dialog box, click the Working Area tab and do the following: a) In the Units list, select in. b) In the Top box, type 1.7 and click outside the box The dialog box should appear as shown:


5. Click OK to save the settings and return to the SmartPlant Report Layouts dialog box. 6. Click OK to close the SmartPlant Report Layouts dialog box and at the prompt to save the changes, click Yes. 7. Generate the report for loop 101-F-100.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

The report should appear as shown:



The software starts drawing 1.7 inches from the top of the drawing sheet, as specified by the layout, and that this displacement includes the title block.

Change the Relative Position of the Drawing Area to the Title Block
You are now going to specify a larger template area for the report and modify the position of the drawing area so that it is to the right of the title block. 1. In the Loop Manager, select and then right-click loop 101-F-100. 2. On the shortcut menu, click SmartPlant Report Layouts. 3. Select layout Template A4 Wide and click Duplicate. 4. In the Layout Properties dialog box, on the General tab, change the following values: a) In the Layout box, type Template B Wide. b) In the Description box, type a meaningful description for the layout. c) Beside Template file name and path, click Browse, navigate to the location <INtools home folder>\RAD\Template\ and select the file Bwide.sma.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

5. Click the Title Block tab and in the Drawing area relative to title block list, select To right. The dialog box tab should appear as shown:


6. Click OK to save the settings and return to the SmartPlant Report Layouts dialog box. 7. Click Assign to assign the Template B Wide layout to loop 101-F-100. 8. Click OK to close the SmartPlant Report Layouts dialog box and at the prompt to save the changes, click Yes. 9. Generate the report for loop 101-F-100.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

The report should appear as shown:



The software calculates the start of the drawing from the right edge of the title block symbol. For this reason, the drawing items are pushed off to the right of the drawing area.

Assign a SmartPlant Report Layout to Multiple Loops

Once you have defined a layout, you have the advantage of being able to assign it to a number of loops with similar drawing elements. In this way, you do not have to specify the layout for each loop individuallly. 1. In the Loop Manager, select and then right-click loop 101-F-102. 2. On the shortcut menu, click SmartPlant Report Layouts and note that the DEFAULT layout is assigned to this loop. 3. Generate the report for loop 101-F-102.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

The report should appear as shown:


4. Return to the Loop Manager and select loops 101-F-100 and 101-F-102. 5. On the Tables menu, click SmartPlant Report Layouts. 6. At the prompt informing you that the highlighted layout is the one assigned to the first loop in the selection, click OK. 7. In the SmartPlant Report Layouts dialog box, select the layout Template A4 Wide and click Assign. 8. Click OK to close the SmartPlant Report Layouts dialog box. Note

If you select loop 101-F-102 and open the SmartPlant Report Layouts dialog box, you can see that the layout Template A4 Wide is now assigned to this loop.

9. In the Loop Manager, select loops 101-F-100 and 101-F-102, and on the shortcut menu, click Generate Loop Drawings to generate the reports for both loops. 10. In the SmartPlant Report Generator, view each report as required by selecting from the Window menu.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

The reports should appear as shown: Loop 101-F-100:


Loop 101-F-102:

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


Task 6: Adding Annotations to an Enhanced SmartLoop Report

During the process of creating control loops, you may want to revise loop parameters, correct faulty wiring, or indicate special operating conditions. INtools enables you to annotate SmartLoop drawings by including a watermark and by adding redlining.

Include a Watermark
1. In the SmartPlant Report Generator, display the report for loop 101-F-102. 2. On the Actions toolbar, click New SmartText .

3. In the SmartText Properties dialog box, on the General tab, enter the following information: a) In the Caption field, type Watermark as SmartText. b) Under Watermark, select the Set as watermark check box. 4. Click the Text tab and enter the following information: a) Click Font to open the Font dialog box. b) In the Font style field, select Bold. c) In the Size field, select 72. d) In the Color field, select Silver. 5. Click OK to return to the SmartText Properties dialog box. 6. Under Alignment, for both Vertical and Horizontal fields, select Center. 7. In the Rotation field, type 30 (degrees). The dialog box tab should appear as shown:

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

8. Click OK to return to the drawing sheet. 9. Place the cross-hair cursor loop elements. at the center of the blank area of the sheet below the


The SmartLoop drawing is displayed with the watermark as shown.

10. Click

to select the watermark and drag it on the drawing sheet as you require. Note

Where the watermark and drawing elements overlap, the watermark always appears underneath the drawing elements.

11. On the Main toolbar, click Save to Database

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings



The Save to Database command ensures that whenever you generate the report for the loop, it appears with the watermark and any other annotations that you have added.

Add Redlining
In this objective, you will mark the wires on the loop and add a note to show that the wire colors should be switched. 1. Generate the report for loop 101-F-102. 2. On the Main toolbar, click the Zoom Area command and drag the zoom area over the field device and adjacent connector on the drawing to display more details.

3. On the Draw toolbar, click , move the cross-hair cursor in the drawing area to the position where you want to place the center of the circle, and click the cursor once at that position. 4. Release the mouse button and drag the mouse until the circle is of the desired size, then click to place the circle.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


5. Position and size the circle as follows: a) Click and then click anywhere on the circumference of the circle.

b) Select the handle at the center of the circle and drag to move the circle. c) Select the handle at the edge of the circle and drag to resize the circle. By following the above steps, try to position and size the circle approximately as shown:

6. Now you will draw a line next to the circle as follows: a) Click to start the drawing line mode and move the cursor to the drawing area.

b) Click once below and to the right of the circle about two inches away to define the start of the line. c) Click again at the lower edge of the circle to define the end of the line.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

d) Click to exit the drawing line mode.


The line should appear approximately as shown:

7. Finally you will add some text underneath the line as follows: a) On the Actions toolbar, click New SmartText .

b) In the SmartText Properties dialog box, in the Caption field, type Swap terminals. c) Click the Text tab and click Font to open the Font dialog box. d) In the Size field, select 10. e) Click OK to return to the SmartText Properties dialog box. f) Under Alignment, for both Vertical and Horizontal fields, select Center.

g) Accept the remaining values and click OK to close the SmartText Properties dialog box and return to the drawing sheet. h) Click the cross-hair cursor at the lower right end of the line you drew.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

The redlining items should appear approximately as shown:


8. On the File menu, click Save to Database.

Attach Redlining Items to a Layout

A powerful feature of the SmartPlant Report Generator is the ability to attach redlining items per layout so that the software displays those items for all loops to which that layout is assigned. 1. Click the circle to select it. 2. On the Actions toolbar, click Attach Redlining .

3. In the Attach Redlining dialog box, click For all drawings assigned to the current layout.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

4. Repeat the above steps for the straight line. 5. On the Main toolbar, click Save to Database .


6. Close the SmartPlant Report Generator and regenerate the reports for loops 101-F-100 and 101-F-102. Note

The redlining items (circle and line) should appear in both reports; however, the software saves SmartText per loop only. To save text at the layout level, you must add it as a macro caption.

Add a Macro Caption

When you add SmartText to a drawing sheet and save to the database, the software displays the text every time you generate an Enhanced SmartLoop report for the specified loop. In this exercise, you will add text as a macro caption so that the text appears in all loop drawings that belong to the same SmartPlant Report layout. 1. Display the report for loop 101-F-102. 2. Click on a blank area of the drawing sheet, and on the Actions toolbar, click New Macro . 3. In the Macro Properties dialog box, in the Caption box, type Swap terminals (Caption). 4. Select the Display caption only check box.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

5. Click the Caption Text tab and do the following to set the values for the text formatting options: a) Click Font to open the Font dialog box. b) In the Size field, select 10. c) Click OK to return to the Macro Properties dialog box. d) Under Alignment, for both Vertical and Horizontal fields, select Center. e) Accept the remaining values and click OK to close the Macro Properties dialog box and return to the drawing sheet. f) Click the cross-hair cursor to insert the text. on the drawing sheet at the position where you want


6. On the Main toolbar, click Save to Database

7. Close the SmartPlant Report Generator and regenerate the reports for loops 101-F-100 and 101-F-102.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

The redlining and text should now appear in the reports as shown: Loop 101-F-102:


Loop 101-F-100:

This completes the set of objectives for INtools Enhanced SmartLoop Reports.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


Working with CAD Loops

Conventional loop drawings are generated from drawing blocks on which INtools data is superimposed. The great advantage of this method is that from a small number of blocks, different combinations of instrument, wiring, and control panel arrangements can be obtained, and many hundreds, or thousands, of loop drawings, each with unique data, may be generated from a single pattern. Before starting the module, make sure that the following files are located in the path INTOOLS\CAD\BLOCKS: Block Description Logo Border Orifice Plate Control Valve Analog Input Analog Output Note SmartSketch File

AutoCAD File

MicroStation File

Please note that the purpose of this tutorial is not to instruct you how to define blocks or cells but rather to demonstrate how to operate the Loop Drawings module. At this stage, we have provided the necessary blocks to use in this tutorial.

Set preferences for your CAD application

1. On the File menu, click Preferences. 2. Expand the Loop Drawings preferences, and then click General. 3. Under Default generation method, select your CAD application, and then click OK. 4. In the Loop Drawings tree, click File Locations.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


5. Use the SmartSketch settings below as a guide for entering the preferences for your CAD application:

Task 1: Defining Block Types and Drawing Blocks

Classification of drawing blocks according to block type is useful for filtering the blocks. It is recommended that each block type contain drawing blocks that serve the same general function. This way, it will be easy to find a particular drawing block when you want to use it. The CAD session is based on SmartSketch. The procedures for AutoCAD and MicroStation are very similar.

Define Block Types

1. Do one of the following: On the module toolbar, click .

On the Tables menu, click Block Types.

2. In the Block Types dialog box, click New .

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

3. In the Block Type Properties dialog box, type data as follows.


4. Click OK. When done, the Block Type dialog box appears as follows.

5. Click OK to save the data.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings Define Blocks

Within each block type, you now need to define the drawing blocks and select for each block the file that contains the required drawing. 1. Do one of the following: Click .


On the Tables menu, click Blocks.

2. In the Blocks dialog box, from the Block type list, select INSTRUMENTS. 3. Click New . 4. In the Block Properties dialog box, enter data as shown. If you need to search for the appropriate file, click Browse.

5. Click OK to display the new block in the Blocks dialog box.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


6. Repeat steps 3 5 to add more blocks to the INSTRUMENTS block type as shown in the following table: SmartSketch File

Block Name Orifice Plate Control Valve Analog Input Analog Output


7. Click OK to save data and close the dialog box.

Task 2: Assigning Blocks to Instrument Types

Assign Blocks to Instrument Types
When you assign a block to a specific instrument type, the software associates this block automatically with any instrument tags of that instrument type. Such blocks appear green in the Loop Manager. Only one block may be assigned to each instrument type. 1. Do one of the following: Click .

On the Tables menu, click Block - Instrument Type Assignment.

2. In the Block Instrument Type Assignment dialog box, scroll down the list of instrument types and select FE D/P TYPE FLOW ELEMENT as shown:

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings



This selection will only create associations with those instruments of type FE which are described as D/P TYPE FLOW ELEMENT, and not with other FE descriptions.

3. Click Assign. 4. In the Assign Block To Instrument Type dialog box, from the Block type list, select INSTRUMENTS, and then in the data window select Orifice Plate.

5. Click OK to assign this block to the FE D/P TYPE FLOW ELEMENT instrument type. The Block Instrument Type Assignment dialog box should appear as shown:

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

6. Make other block instrument type assignments as shown in the following table: Instrument Type FT FV FY Description D/P TYPE FLOW TRANSMITTER CONTROL VALVE I/P TRANSDUCER Block Name Analog Input Control Valve Analog Output


7. When done, click Close.

Task 3: Defining the General Blocks

Using the following procedure, you can define your own border and logo in SmartSketch blocks.

Define a New Border Block

1. Do one of the following: Click .

On the Tables menu, click Blocks.

2. In the Blocks dialog box, from the Block type list, select BORDER. 3. Click New . 4. In the Block Properties dialog box, name the block Demo Border. 5. Beside File name, click Browse and navigate to file BORD_DEF.SYM. 6. Click View to view the block in SmartSketch. 7. Click OK to close the Block Properties dialog box. 8. Click OK to close the Blocks dialog box.

Define a New Logo Block

1. Do one of the following to open the Blocks dialog box: Click .

On the Tables menu, click Blocks.

2. From the Block type list, select LOGO. 3. Click New . 4. In the Block Properties dialog box, name the block Demo Logo.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

5. Beside File name, click Browse and navigate to file LOGO_DEM.SYM. 6. Click View to view the block in SmartSketch. 7. Click OK to close the Block Properties dialog box. 8. Click OK to close the Blocks dialog box.


Assign Your New Border and Logo Blocks as Default

1. On the Actions menu, click Default General Blocks. 2. From the Border block list, select Demo Border. 3. From the Logo block list, select Demo Logo. 4. Click OK. Note

Unless you redefine the default border, the border you select in this dialog box will be used from now on for all the loop drawings you generate.

Task 4: Editing the Title Block for a Specific Loop

Define Drawing Title Block Information
1. In the Loop Manager, retrieve Loops 101-F-100 and 101-F-102. 2. Select loop 101-F-100 and click to open the Loop Drawing List dialog box.

3. Click References to view the drawing reference used. Note that the P&ID drawing reference appears automatically.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

4. Click New to add another drawing reference. 5. In the New Drawing Reference dialog box, type data as shown:


6. Click OK to close the dialog box and return to the Document Reference dialog box:

7. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Edit Approvals
1. In the Loop Drawing List dialog box, click Approvals. 2. In the Approvals dialog box, type data as shown:

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

3. When done, click OK. 4. Click Close to close the Loop Drawing List dialog box. 5. Repeat steps 1 4 for loop 101-F-102.


Edit Revisions
1. Open the Loop Drawing List dialog box for loop F-100 and click Revisions. 2. In the Revisions dialog box, add a revision as follows: a) Select Revision method 0, 1, 2 and click New . b) Enter data as shown:

3. Click OK to close the Revisions dialog box. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 for loop 101-F-102.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


Task 5: Understanding Macros

Macros are required to extract specific data from a given loop or instrument.

Get Acquainted with the Macro Language

1. Do one of the following to open the Macro Definitions dialog box: Click .

On the Tables menu, click Macro Definitions.

2. Navigate to the instrument tag macros as follows: a) In the Macro group list, select INSTRUMENT. b) In the Macro type list, select INSTRUMENT. c) In the Macro attribute list, select NAME. 3. In the Macro definitions data window, observe the macro names and description of each macro to learn what they mean. 4. Browse through other macros to see how they are organized and what the macro names mean. 5. Click Close to close the Macro Definitions dialog box. 6. In the Loop Manager, expand loop 101-F-100 by double-clicking its icon. 7. Select tag 101-FT-100 and click .

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

The drawing block for the selected tag is displayed in your CAD application, including the macros. (The example shows how the drawing appears in SmartSketch what you see may be slightly different depending on the CAD application you are using).



Wiring macros include group level and wire sequence identifiers. For a fuller explanation of macros, see the INtools Users Guide, Loop Drawings Module, INtools Macros.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


Task 6: String Manipulation for Loop Drawings

To perform string manipulation on the text to be displayed by the macro, INtools enables you to define functions which you can attach to the macros and then extract the necessary string attributes.

Define User Functions

1. On the Tables menu, click User-Defined Macro Functions. 2. In the dialog box that opens, click New to open the User-Defined Function Properties dialog box:

3. Do the following: a) In the Macro function field, type S11. b) In the Abbreviation field, type S11. c) In the Description field, type First character from first position. 4. Click Insert to open the Standard Macro Functions dialog box. 5. Select the following standard function:

6. Click OK to return to the User-Defined Function Properties dialog box.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

7. In the Parameters section, define the parameters as follows: a) In the Start position field, enter 1. b) In the Length field, enter 1. The dialog box should now appear as follows:


8. Click OK. 9. Repeat steps 2 8 to add another user-defined function S13, making the following definitions in the User-Defined Function Properties dialog box: a) In the Name field, type S13. b) In the Abbreviation field, type S13. c) In the Description field, type First three characters. d) After selecting a standard function, define the parameters as follows: i) ii) Start position = 1. Length = 3.

The User-Defined Macro Functions dialog box should appear as shown:

10. When done, click Close to close the dialog box. For further details of how to use these functions in your drawing macros, see the INtools Users Guide, Loop Drawings Module, Creating User-Defined Macro Functions.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


Task 7: Generating CAD Loop Drawings

Select an Element (Loop, Instrument, or Block) and View Drawings
1. In the Loop Manager, expand loop 101-F-100 by double-clicking its icon. The software displays all the tag numbers associated with this loop.

2. Double-click tag 101-FE-100 to display the blocks associated with it.

The block is displayed in green, indicating that it was associated with the tag through the instrument type. 3. Click to display the drawing associated with the block.

4. Expand all the loop tags and observe the associated blocks. Note

The view obtained is in accordance with the hierarchy level selected. If you select a loop, the software displays all the drawing blocks for that loop. If you select a tag number, the software displays the blocks attached to that tag number; selection of a block displays that block only. When viewing drawing blocks before generation, the software displays the blocks with macros only.

5. Now select loop 101-F-100 in the Loop Manager and click attached to the loop.

to view the drawing blocks

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings Associate Blocks with Tag Numbers Manually
The block assignments made by the initialization process were created automatically. You can achieve the same goal by associating blocks with tag numbers manually. 1. Double-click loop 101-F-100 in the Loop Manager to display the tag numbers. 2. Double-click tag 101-FT-100 to display its associated block.


3. Select the Analog Input block and click 4. Click Yes when prompted. 5. Select tag 101-FT-100 and click .

to dissociate the block.

6. In the Associate Block with Tag Number dialog box, select block Analog Input as shown:

7. Click OK.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

In the Loop Manager, you now have one red block associated with tag 101-FT-100. Blocks are shown in red to indicate that they have been associated manually.


8. Right-click the Analog Input block attached to tag 101-FT-100, and on the shortcut menu, click View in CAD Application to display the block drawing in your CAD application. Ensure that the wiring macros show the correct group level and sequence for the wires.

Change the Block Association Method from Block Instrument Assignment to Manual Association
1. In the Loop Manager, double-click tag 101-FE-100 to display the associated block. The block is displayed in green because you associated this block with the tag number using the block-instrument type assignment.

2. Click

to change the block association method.

3. Click Yes when prompted.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

The software changes the association method to manual. In the Loop Manager the block is now displayed in red:


4. Repeat the same procedure for tags 101-FY-100 and 101-FV-100.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings Generate a CAD Loop Drawing

1. In the Loop Manager, select and then right-click loop 101-F-100. 2. On the shortcut menu, point to Apply Generation Method, and then click CAD. 3. Select the loop and click to open the Generate Loop Drawings dialog box.


4. Select data as follows, including the appropriate file format. (In this example, the chosen file format is for SmartSketch; if you select a different CAD application, the dialog box appearance may vary slightly from what is shown.)

5. Click OK to generate the loop drawing. 6. Inspect the results and verify that the loop drawing output reflects the wiring data as you executed through the session on the Wiring module.

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings Add a New Revision to a Loop Drawing and Generate the Loop
1. Select loop 101-F-100 in the Loop Manager, and on the Actions menu click Loop Drawing List. 2. Click Revisions and add a new a revision for the loop. 3. Regenerate the loop and view the new data in the loop drawing.


The following screen captures show how the loop drawing for loop 101-F-100 appears before and after generation. Note how the macros are replaced by INtools data after the generation. Loop Drawing with Macros before Generation

INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings

Loop Drawing after Generation


INtools Tutorial 6.0 Loop Drawings


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