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RAILA ODINGAs CORD propaganda on how UHURU/ RUTO RIGGED elections READ it with CAUTION The Kenyan DAILY

Y POST Forum and discussion 05:39

Response to CORD Propaganda

(All reference documents can be found on Scribd)

By CORD Secretariat Panic has gripped the Jubilee Coalition headed by Uhuru Kenyatta as details unravel on how the 2013 Presidential Elections were manipulated to hand him a win by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission IEBC, that is now the subject of a Supreme Court petition. The emerging details point to a shocking scheme hatched by circle of advisors and government functionaries within the intelligence and civil service, way before the elections. Analysts scrutinizing documents ahead of the Supreme Court petition by the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy challenging the results, were stuck by how technology was also used to aid Uhuru defeat Raila Odinga of CORD. Kenyans can remember well that some curious things happened with regard to the so called provisional results that IEBC kept churning out, says one of the lawyers handling the CORD petition. It was a statistical impossibility. Between March 4th March 7th, Raila Odinga was consistently stuck at 43/44% while Uhuru stayed at 53%. Musalia was stuck at 2.8% while the margin between Uhuru and Raila remained at 600,000-700,000 votes. This was impossible considering that results were coming in randomly from all over Kenya. Yet these figures remained consistent. After a confusing Friday 8th March when IEBC postponed announcement of final constituency results till Saturday, a quick operation was put in place to force acceptance of the results, amidst anxiety by Kenyans that the voting process had been manipulated. IEBCs James Oswago reportedly called media houses late in the night for a surprise final announcement of constituency results Friday 12.30am without indicating who had won. Throughout the week IEBC had warned media from declaring anyone the winner. However 30 minutes later KTN and NTV got a nod to call the elections. From there on events moved quickly. At 1.30am KTN flew a banner indicating Uhuru Kenyatta was the winner. Several stations in surprise followed suit. Kenyans would wake up on Saturday morning to all TVs proclaiming President Uhuru, almost 12 hrs before Isaack Hassan finally announced Uhurus win on Saturday afternoon.

A court case that has no hope of success hence this propaganda.

Hearsay. Not worthy of a response Not worthy of a response That there was a problem with the system is a fact. The cause of the problem is yet to be established and until then speculation remains just that. Speculation.

Not worthy of a response

Hearsay. If the petition included call logs and some affidavit sworn by people within these media houses it would have some weight. The media had been warned against announcing their own results. However, for anyone who was following the IEBC results feed, at 12:51 am the board showed that 291/291 constituencies had been included in the figures. A quick calculation would have shown anyone that Uhuru indeed had more than 50%. At that point ALL stations, including the CORD aligned Citizen TV called the election for Uhuru Kenyatta. However, the official announcement had to wait for the Returning Officer who is also the IEBC Chairman. Not worthy of a response

The Weekly Citizen in this exclusive report can now report stunning details of a rigging plot that would have passed undetected if all players had stuck to the script

and the tyranny of numbers theory had not fallen flat on its face on March 4th. According to CORD insiders and several statistics analysts who have examined the IEBC voter register when it closed on Dec 18th, over 1,500,000 extra votes were unexplained votes votes that were for the presidential result alone. Since according to the IEBC, every voter was given 6 ballot papers, IEBC will be hard pressed on how this happened. If these allegations are proven then, Uhurus tally will render his 6,173,433 vote announced by the IEBC to 4,673, 433. Which could mean that Raila Odinga could have won the election if what CORD claims is true. The well calculated scheme was based on 3 critical things that had to be done to force in Uhuru. The most important was to force a first round win for Jubilee. It was obviously clear to us that any run-off would result in an anti-Kikuyu vote in which only Kalenjins and Kikuyus would vote for Uhuru while Raila takes off with the rest of the country, says Central Kenya Senator Elect over drinks at a popular Nairobi spot on the day the IEBC announced Uhuru as President. Winning Round One was never an option. It had to happen Getting the numbers was an issue that had worried TNA strategists one year before striking an alliance with William Rutos URP as the Jubilee Coalition. Even if Rutos Kalenjin backyard was convinced to vote for Uhuru, the numbers Kalenjins brought in were still not enough. Though the Tyranny of Numbers propaganda was sold as a winning formula, insiders knew the truth held a different reality. The 50% was simply not there. The best Jubilee could manage was force a run-off their researchers said they would lose. The tyranny of the numbers was the psychological component of the whole game; and the so was PEACE campaign enterprise, says a member of the civil society It is Funny that the tyranny of numbers theory perpetuated by Political Analyst Mutahi Ngunyi done in February 2013 mentions the same figures Uhuru got in the final tally says popular blogger Robert Alai. Several contingency plans were made to ensure the plan succeeds. One was to ensure that the Kikuyu and Kalenjin voter turn-out was to hit 95% while hoping that CORD bases turn-out would remain at the traditional 65% to 70%. Like many assumptions made by the Jubilee strategy team, their plan on turn-out was based on assumptions that CORDs base would barely attain their traditional turnout. The second critical factor was use of technology to help add up numbers as the infamous tyranny of numbers depended on factors outside Jubilees control. This plan to be used was borrowed from Ghanas December 2012 Presidential Elections. The election which is now being contested at the Ghanian Supreme Court was won by President John Mahama who was announced to have secured 50.7% of votes, enough to avoid a run-off against NPP candidate Nana Akufo-Addo with 47.7%. Akuf-Addo has filed a petition with evidence that the vote was won by manipulating the electronic system.

I have heard this 1.5 m number bandied around but you need more than just a chorus repeating 1.5m to convince Kenyans. How about some numbers? Get the 290 Form 35s and give us the totals for Governors, Senator and Womens Rep for a county and then compare that to the presidential totals for the county. Raila said Uhuru had 4.5m not 4.6. That said he still has to explain where he got more votes to get to 5.7m. Not worthy of a response Not worthy of a response

Not worthy of a response

We all know who civil society sides with. And by the way, as early as 2009 Uhuru and Ruto were both calling for peace. Mutahi Ngunyi was speaking of 100% voter turnout and never included the votes from Mandera, Kajiado, Kisii, etc that Jubilee got. The numbers for Cord were 2.8 (just in case you wanted to make a comparison there). So really other than emotional excitement the numbers have no relevance. Not worthy of a response True. Well Coast never let us down in this regard Really. Not worthy of a response It is sad that you would compare the CORD petition with that of NPP one in Ghana. The NPP one is full of facts, numbers analysis. CORDs is a bare complaint on the part of the petitioner [which] cannot be the basis of nullifying the presidential election. (Response of IEBC Chairman to Petition, Par. 4). That said, the Ghana in petition does not talk about manipulating the electronic system at all. Some voters voted without using the BVR is one contention but there was no transmission and even then no one alleges that the

In the Ghanian petition, proof has been revealed the company hired by the Ghanaian Election Commission to supply data services SuperLock Technologies Ltd also had a contract with the National Democratic Congress to supply the same services to the party that included tallying. In the petition NPP says it had found irregularities such as cases of over voting and instances when people not registered by the new biometric finger-printing system were able to vote.

electronic system was manipulated. Some faxes were sent to an intermediary before being forwarded to the Commission but whereas this is mentioned in the preamble it is not included in the Grounds for the petition. Perhaps not used but not manipulated! The main issue is the pink slip. I quote all references to SuperLock Technologies Ltd in the petition. Please tell me where it says that NDC was there client. [NB. NPP is the petitioner, NDC the party of the 1st Respondent who was declared the winner and the2nd Respondent is the Electoral Commission] Also, the petition says that people were allowed to vote without using the biometric system and not that they were not registered (subtle but important)
8. Petitioners say, however, that on 8th December 2012, while provisional results of ballots cast in polling stations were being declared and voting was still underway in some polling stations, it came to the notice of some members of the public that the offices of SuperLock Technologies Limited (STL), a security installation and Information Technology (IT) company, was receiving the results of the elections before transmitting same to 2nd Respondent in its Strong Room. 9. Petitioners say that a team of NPP leaders, led by Hon. Osafo Maafo, went into the premises of STL and confronted the officials of the company in the presence of the media and police officers, whereupon the STL officials said that 2nd Respondent was their client with whom they had an agreement to provide IT services by, among others, receiving all results of votes cast and faxed from the regional offices of the 2nd Respondent before transmitting same to the Strong Room of 2nd Respondent. This encounter, including the said response of the said STL officials, was broadcast live to the general by the electronic media to the general public. 10. Petitioners say this arrangement of 2nd Respondent with STL was made without the knowledge of either the Petitioners party or the Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC), to which NPP belongs and where all matters concerning elections were discussed. This secret arrangement and concealment provided opportunity for tampering with the results of the elections.

According to the NPP and the other parties, these numbers announced by the Ghanas Electoral Commission did not correspond with actual votes recorded in the 275 constituencies. They allege tampering of numbers by the suppliers of IT services in favour of John Mahama. The commission also reported that turnout was at an all time high of 81%. In a dramatic incident during the elections, NPP stormed the electronic suppliers premises and claimed to have caught the companys data personnel altering results before transmission to the National Tallying Centre Similar to the Ghanaian case, the company that supplied Kenyas IEBC with the electronic data and call centre services is Ken Call. The company whose connection to IEBC were never made public was charged with supplying call centre services and hosting the data base from where the polling station results were remitted to the IEBC. Ken Call also has a contract with Uhuru Kenyattas The National Alliance party to supply tallying services of results from polling stations! Results from Returning officers at polling stations being transmitted electronically were first relayed to Ken Calls servers for onward transmission to Bomas, an IEBC official told Weekly Citizen. Imagine the same server was being used to tally results for TNA! This is where the

275? Seriously? Did you just make that number up? The petition talks about 4,709 polling stations. suppliers of IT services. Really? You thought that Kenyans would just take your word for it? Dude, voter turnout in Ghana as per the declared results was 77.66% (10,995,262 votes cast out of 14,158,890 registered voters You do the math!) Just for clarification, these were faxes of the pink sheet being sent and they were not the official results but provisional ones. For this reason, despite mentioning it in the preamble, NPP does not consider this as one of the grounds why the election results should be nullified. Ken Call, according to my sources, offered call centre services to TNA (incoming and outgoing). The IEBC staff were trained by Kencall to do the same, but were not based at the Kencall offices but at Bomas. No servers, no results involved. If that was not the position I stand corrected. See above. No servers, no results involved. A non-IT person might think so. For a variety of reasons the first statement

electronic tampering of results took place as it was easy to access the same server which was serving both the IEBC and TNA and managed by the same company. When questions started being raised about the contradiction between figures announced at polling stations and the ones on IEBC screens at Bomas, the system mysteriously crashed! The official says it is unclear when the company was hired by the IEBC and why the commission ignored the conflict of interest. The Weekly Citizen has discovered that like the Ghanaian case the plan by to rig the Kenyan Presidential vote was 3 pronged; First, encourage the purchase of BVR kits by the IEBC. The technology was simply meant to hoodwink the public and crash when plan B was to be effected. Using unorthodox means that included bribing IEBC officials, the more experienced 4G solutions which serves India that has over 500 million voters was disqualified and Code Inc given the job to supply the kits. Code Inc went into liquidation and was renamed Electoral Systems International after the Fijian government exposed the company to be a branch of the Canadian Intelligence Organisation. Part of the systems technology was supplied by a company linked to a Mr Chirchir, a former Commissioner at the IEBC Secondly, as Ghanas NPP claims in their petition, the ruling party used Super Lock Technologies Ltd to hack into the system and pre-determine a mathematical formula that adjusts figures as they come for both candidates while keeping any other candidates at a predetermined formula to ensure they do not harm the intended outcome. (This possibly explains why Uhurus margins with Raila never changed even with random results coming from all over the country). Yet even with this plan, Jubilee knew they would have to top up few numbers based as the 50% + 1 was still proving elusive with a week to the election.

does not lead to the second. Take a university where lecturers and students share a server. Does that mean that students have access to exams? Or that a mobile service provider with 15m users. Do they read each others texts? Simplistic argument even if factual which I doubt. You might be surprised to learn that even banks have common service providers for their server systems! Drop these references to Ghana that are not true. Raila himself insisted on the purchase of the BVR kits. The government, with him as the PM bought the kits. IEBC Chair in his response says The Petitioner cannot seek to benefit from what would, if his argument is to be accepted, be his own wrongdoing. Par. 14. Really? We have reached that stage where we begin linking companies to individuals? Did I hear 300m contract for voter education being listed? SuperLock Technologies Ltd was dealing with faxes. Mathematical Formula on a fax? Maybe some white-out but not a mathematical formula. Below is the list of electronic results that I could access over time:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Uhuru 612,615 642,381 648,087 650,338 654,299 658,146 655,771 669,324 684,955 697,544 701,307 710,006 716,994 719,974 724,016 724,879 735,172 737,020 744,648 746,535 748,069 750,195 760,293 800,236 818,732 865,406 882,427 901,457 913,475 922,197 922,689 1,010,715 1,036,299 1,073,495 1,094,286 1,113,585 Raila 429,366 455,180 463,045 464,302 466,253 469,709 473,926 475,680 484,388 493,487 497,467 504,404 509,035 510,593 512,491 513,530 519,882 521,193 527,780 529,482 530,004 531,042 538,158 563,743 579,666 616,187 628,053 642,150 655,382 662,840 663,012 727,787 746,154 774,365 785,005 798,583 Difference 183,249 187,201 185,042 186,036 188,046 188,437 181,845 193,644 200,567 204,057 203,840 205,602 207,959 209,381 211,525 211,349 215,290 215,827 216,868 217,053 218,065 219,153 222,135 236,493 239,066 249,219 254,374 259,307 258,093 259,357 259,677 282,928 290,145 299,130 309,281 315,002 Change 3,952 -2,159 994 2,010 391 -6,592 11,799 6,923 3,490 -217 1,762 2,357 1,422 2,144 -176 3,941 537 1,041 185 1,012 1,088 2,982 14,358 2,573 10,153 5,155 4,933 -1,214 1,264 320 23,251 7,217 8,985 10,151 5,721 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Uhuru 1,135,047 1,158,606 1,182,103 1,207,980 1,216,943 1,232,579 1,273,998 1,286,233 1,300,945 1,321,943 1,328,857 1,350,824 1,367,644 1,379,300 1,388,532 1,403,215 1,422,943 1,443,202 1,469,377 1,505,056 1,527,389 1,537,237 1,567,331 1,624,560 1,646,721 1,670,150 2,255,898 2,317,248 2,652,227 2,664,662 2,697,056 2,719,848 2,720,685 2,787,424 2,811,277 Raila 816,481 832,537 848,656 863,979 870,178 879,608 909,298 918,422 932,407 946,648 950,614 969,588 983,263 990,717 1,000,607 1,011,277 1,030,402 1,047,978 1,070,741 1,097,956 1,116,945 1,128,537 1,157,787 1,208,749 1,228,212 1,249,494 1,687,776 1,737,930 2,054,563 2,072,596 2,107,670 2,135,457 2,136,125 2,197,655 2,218,473 Difference 318,566 326,069 333,447 344,001 346,765 352,971 364,700 367,811 368,538 375,295 378,243 381,236 384,381 388,583 387,925 391,938 392,541 395,224 398,636 407,100 410,444 408,700 409,544 415,811 418,509 420,656 568,122 579,318 597,664 592,066 589,386 584,391 584,560 589,769 592,804 Change 3,564 7,503 7,378 10,554 2,764 6,206 11,729 3,111 727 6,757 2,948 2,993 3,145 4,202 -658 4,013 603 2,683 3,412 8,464 3,344 -1,744 844 6,267 2,698 2,147 147,466 11,196 18,346 -5,598 -2,680 -4,995 169 5,209 3,035

Source: Citizen TV News twitter handle @CitizenTVNews

The third and final strategy was the real plan. Play with Kenyans minds by manipulating results and establishing a lead for Jubilee then crash the system and go manual. This was arranged by declining to have a back-up server which would retain evidence of the manipulation. With only one server, a deliberate crash would be final and would destroy evidence. According to Maina Kiai, former chairman of the a human rights organization the technology was a red herring.

The lack of backup theory is an assumption and presupposes that the presence backup would have solved the problem.

50% + 1 still proved elusive with a week to the election says a TNA Mp Elect. Then March 4th came. While the scheme was to minimally add votes to the tyrannical numbers to enable a Round One win, everything went wrong on March 4th Election day as the electorate in key battle ground areas stunned Jubilee strategists with an anti Uhuru vote. Luhyas expected to vote for Musalia up to 50% rebelled and went for Raila. The 30% of the Kamba vote expected from Kitui through Charity Ngilu failed to come in. Coast where Jubilee were expecting a 50-50 share with CORD bolted to Raila. CORD and Raila took off with 70% of the Kisii vote. In Kalenjin land, voter turnout fell below 70%. The tyranny of numbers was becoming a flop. With predictions by Jubilee statisticians collapsing all over on Election Day, the team after consultations had to quickly switch to Plan B. This plan was aided by the decision by the IEBC to keep open some polling stations well after 5pm, the official closing time says an ODM Chief Agent who manned a County in Rift Valley. Plan B called for manual voting to improve the numbers. In Rift Valley CORD agents were reportedly intimidated and some left the polling stations as die hard URP activists some of whom manned the polling centres now took over. It was hard to control what they were doing after that. Some people were now being given 2-3 presidential ballots to get their target number. You had no idea who was voting and who wasnt.

Kiai? cf. Dennis Itumbis Inside the Evil Society Web on his fb page and Witness 8s affidavit from the same source. This election was meant to be manual from start to finish loopholes included he Please name these constituencies and produce the Form 36 that was given to writes in his Saturday Nation column. A manual result is what would allow the CORD agent and show how it differs from the results announced by IEBC. different results to be announced at the Constituency, County and Bomas. All these Otherwise, this is just hearsay. Also it would be good to provide a source more electronic gadgets and equipment were meant to pull wool over our eyes precise than just his Saturday Nation column Even with this plan, the team knew they would have to top up numbers based as the Seriously. Anonymous MPs and Senators are the best you could come up with? Not worthy of a response

Not worthy of a response

The Elections (General) Regulations, 2012 published by the IEBC under 64 (3) state that a presiding officer shall where polling in that polling station has started late, extend the hours of polling by the amount of time which was lost in so starting late. Please provide list of these polling stations and the unsigned Form 34s to prove the agents were absent. OB numbers would also be good to show that the issue was reported to the local police station. As former Attorney General Amos Wako disclosed at a press conference last week It I am sure IEBC will provide you with an explanation. However, the 18th appears the IEBC had several registers as they did not even gazette any. We will be December register that you seem to rely on was clearly marked provisional. asking the Supreme Court to examine which register was being used and which one There was a lady running for a seat who appeared on TV complaining that she was valid. had registered but did not appear in the register. In such cases the IEBC would check the green book and if she appears she would be added. Just one example of what could have happened. It is obvious CORDs petition will put IEBC to task show an increase in voter See above. Key word provisional.
registration after the registration ended on 18th Dec. In some cases the register grew by 35% in one constituency after reconciliation. On December 18th 2012 @IEBCpagedeclared there were 14,337,399 Registered Voters. The Final Register indicates there were 13,352,533 Voters

Other than manipulate the register using technology, technology was also becoming an obstacle to get the right numbers and ensure a Round 1 win. The Voter Identification Kit which required fingerprint identification for voters could not be manipulated as ghost voters could not get in to vote or double voters. They had to be physically present. By 2pm, a crisis meeting was convened by Jubilee strategists on how to shore up numbers in Rift Valley. Mysteriously the Finger Print Identification kit stopped working. Manual voting was introduced. The IEBC electronic tallying system which was relaying fast results with a 53% lead for Uhuru four hours after 5pm, suddenly slowed down with just a million votes in. Then the IEBC server which in reality belonged to Ken Call crashed. And the results slowed down to a trickle. By 11pm IEBC announced to the press that announcement of provisional results had been halted and pushed to Tuesday. Most IT experts confirm that the amount of data being remitted for the 33,000 polling stations in terms of text messages could not have crashed the system. It is very little data. Safaricom, Airtel and Orange deal with almost 300 million text messages daily. The data from polling stations was not that much, says an employee of Safaricom on condition of anonymity. What is puzzling is why on such an important exercise IEBC and Ken Call did not install the standard back-up server which would saved remitted results and revived the process. The CORD team believes Isaack Hassans explanations were a cover-up and that the technology use and failure were part of the strategy to rig the elections. The electronic system kept Uhuru and Raila at particular percentages to psychologically make Kenyans believe Uhuru was winning and Raila was losing. However since the figures at Bomas were not matching forms 34, 35, 36, and the Jubilee tyranny of numbers formula had failed, the electronic tallying system had to go. Maina Kiai is more brutal in his assessment calling IEBCs excuses hogwash. First it was that the server crashed. Then, than one side of the disk was full and unable to accept results. Then that presiding officers were slow in transmitting. The maximum capacity required for data from 33,000 polling stations is just 2GB, less than what a mobile phone can take! With the plan in progress for manual voting, by Wednesday Rift Valley Turn-Out was being reported at 90% while Central had risen to 95%. Based on the Kriegler report this numbers were obviously inflated. However more was required as Uhuru had dropped below 50%. So delays had to be created for Returning Officers to readjust figures. The diversionary tactic kept Kenyans patient as Issack Hassan kept talking of delays caused by verification, technological challenges and introduced a phrase complex elections that would be repeatedly used throughout the Bomas process. With the announcement that manual voting would be used, the vote tallying took a different outlook as the initial 48 hrs in which all provisional results were to be announced dragged into days and tallying began afresh. Questions about discrepancies by CORD officials resulted in IEBC throwing them out. A compliant media was threatened into silence and no criticism of the IEBC was to be aired.

Indelible ink Voters crossed from manual register Facial recognition

Hearsay. Not worthy of a response While you are checking the meaning of provisional, you can also check on mystery See numbers above and also Ken Call!

True. But you assume that it crushed due to overloading. Wait for the audit. See above on load, Kencall and backup server

Keyword: Believes Would really be happy to see those Forms that did not match.

Let us wait and find out what really happened to the electronic transmission system. That said this system would only have provided PROVISIONAL results. The Form 36s would still have had to be tallied to provide the OFFICIAL results. FYI: The highest voter turnout was in Rangwe constituency at 96.39%. Among counties Homabay had the highest voter turnout at 94.14% You just had to throw in the Kriegler Report part in the hope of impressing Kenyans. What is its relevance here? Please provide reference. Not worthy of a response IEBC moved them into an adjacent room and gave them the verified Form 36s 20-30 minutes before they were announced. Any queries raised were resolved before announcement was made. That said, the Form 36s had already been signed by agents of all candidates including CORD agents.

The Bomas tallying centre was placed under heavy security as the once accessible Chairman of the IEBC now avoided all media questions regarding the process.

This is the most opaque electoral commission and ranks lower than even the late Kivuitu Commission said one of CORDs lawyers James Orengo. In the deliberate confusion that followed strange results started flowing off the IBC press briefings. Among the cases are; Wajir North had a 92% Voter Turn-Out for spot whose history indicates 50-60%. In Wajir West, if the Final Register hadnt been adjusted, 99.45% of the Registered Voters would have voted. In Nyaki East in North Imenti with 12000 registered voters 15300 are reported to have voted!

Kenya Airports Authority was providing security from the word go and it was to use your words heavy even before voting began. The Chair did not avoid media questions. However, agents were able to ask the commissioners questions at any time other than during the media, I repeat, media briefings. Requiescant in pace! Amen! Again, you are using the provisional register! Wajir County had a voter turnout of 84.88% (Wajir North 91.72%; Wajir 87.83%) The average voter turnout in the former North Eastern province was around 50%. However, Machakos County also had the same average voter turnout but it increased to 83.59% in these elections. Overall voter turnout was much higher all through in both Jubilee and Cord strongholds. Provisional Register!

In Kajiado South, the people who voted (42,276) is higher than the people registered in Dec (41,040).Register adjusted to 46,218 to conform. In Sigor, the people who voted (19,704) is higher than the people registered in Dec (19,337).Register adjusted to 21,341 to conform. How does Turkana Central with 25,970 votes as at 18th Dec end up with 34,486 voters after reconciliation?! Where did 8,516 voters come from? asks Dr Makodingo, a political analyst on his twitter page. Worse still Worse still, IEBCs figures refuse to add up inspite of efforts to correct errors. Valid Votes (12,222,980) plus Rejected Votes (108,975) add up to 12,331,955 and not their tally of 12,338,667!! It is strange that 1,500,000 persons only cast a vote for a president and across Kenya this number is reflected in joint votes cast for Senators, Governors, Mps, Women Reps or County Reps. It is an obvious case of manual ballot box stuffing and double voting for Uhuru says Statistics analyst Dr Makodingo Presently CORD may only have to prove that the 8,000 votes votes Uhuru received to add to his declared 50% is fraudulent. If that is done the Supreme Court can order a fresh poll within 60 days. CORD Secretariat

Provisional Register! I have no idea where you got those numbers from. As per IEBC:
Valid Votes Rejected Votes Total Votes Cast 12,221,053 108,975 12,330,028

Hearsay! Give us numbers!

All the best!

A man who loves Kenya and the truth

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