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Local Aquino (2005) president two views on how reading takes place.

One view readings as a systematic decoding of printed symbols. This view provides the context for oral phonetic drills. Another views reading as the inter action between the reader and the text. The reader construct meaning from the text by guessing and predicting the succeeding text based on the readers prior knowledge of the text and world. In order to read, one must follow a sequence of characteristics arranged in the particular patial order. For example, English flows from left to right, Hebrew from right to left and Chinese from top to bottom. The reader must know the pattern and use it consistently. Ordinarily the reader sees the symbols on the page, transmitting the image from the eye to brainy but reading also can be accomplished by touch, as in the Braille system, a printing method designed to the blind that involves raised or punched dots. By definition, Villamin, Salazar, Bala and Sunga (2004) made a summary of different views about reading given by reading expert. The summary is explained as follows. However some students are able to sound out words although they do not know what the words mean. In the real sense this not reading what the student do is nothing but word calling. When one read, there must be a ccomprehension; otherwise no reading takes place (Romero and Romero, 2005) Similarly Talamayan (2000) as cited by Flauta-Enilog (2003) stated that there is no reading when there is no comprehension. Reading in the real sense is a private activity and therefore when one read comprehension follows. What then is comprehension required in reading Etymologically, the word comprehension came from the Latin prehender, meaning to seize is the art of capacity of understanding and reading implies comprehension. It includes a large number of interrelated skils such as getting the main idea (subject matter), making generalization, nothing details, drawing conclusions, finding significance, making application, identifying tones and attitude, understanding vocabulary in context and using communication technique (Villamin, Salazar, Gatmaitan 2001). Reading comprehension, therefore involves skills in making individual word contract and useful ideas as they are read in context. It requires the fusion of meaning of separate word into a chain of related ideas. In her study, Pedrogosa (2000) defines comprehension as a person ability to grasp the meaning of what is read. Moreover (Romero & Romero, 2005) identified as the following as generally considered manifestation of comprehension: nothing details getting the main idea, inferring outcomes, predicting outcomes, and drawing conclusion.

Furthermore some educators, according to (Chall and Stahi, 2006) as cited by (Romeo & Romeo) said reading comprehension as a series of sub-skills, such as understanding word meaning in context, finding the main idea, making fact and opinion. Published program based on this week purport to divide reading into as many as 350 sub-skills to be mastered during the elementary grades. Managing such a program including the administration and scoring of test for each sub0skill and providing sufficient practice for each sub-skill can be difficult for a classroom teacher. As cited by Pedrigosa (2000), Lictao claimed reading is a basic skill necessary for success in other areas of the study it can lead to a lifetime pursuit of learning, critical thinking enjoyment, therefore the ability to read is fundamental goal as we as basis tool for education. Reading is indeed one of the minds most complex achievements. Involves sophisticated cognitive and linguistic skill and has been describe by cognitive psychologist Ulrich Weisser as externally guided thinking. As a reader read a text, he or she interprets the content while being simultaneously guided and influenced by the author. In literature society, the ability to read and interpret text has rewarded readers with higher social status and greater economic benefits than those who are illiterate. Even when in minority, literate people usually have better access to position of social, political and religious power. Comparison between literate and not literate social groups carried out by social anthropologist Joe Goody have suggested that the development of literacy has affected the ways in which people conduct themselves, communicate and think. Successful reading involves combining their different types of knowledge skills and strategies at a pace fast enough to maintain fluency and accurately enough in relation to the authors idea and intention. Several other shared similar ideas as one can glimpse from the study of Flauta-Enilog (2003) for instance, Lim (2005) asserted that reading opens door to the accumulated knowledge of centuries. The ability to read enables the person to satisfy a certain personnel and functional need and to participate fully in contemporize society. On their parts, Mc Dough & Littele (2005 as cited by Lim) maintain that reading ability is important in the achievement in other subject. On the same study Smith & Dechant (2001 as cited by Licdao) stated that reading is a primary avenue to all knowledge. It offers access to the information, ideals, aspiration and happenings of both the past and present. Through reading, one extends his improvement from hoe and community to the world as a whole. In like manner, (Romeo & Romeo 2005) specifically noted some significance the treading does for the individual such as: (a) reading make the person well-informed;

it is a means of gaining access to various areas of knowledge (b) reading can be worthwhile forum of recreation. Ramirez & Castaneda in 2001 (cited in Reyes Batiso 2000) regarded learning styles as something related to recognition and culture. Since the subjects they studied were minorities, they found out that the lather were field-sensitive or field dependent which were described as having the traits of global, like unsocial, less comfortable with trials and error group-oriented and positively responsive to adult modeling. Lizard (2000) explain that reading is the most important subject in the school curriculum. It is important that there is no other subject in the curriculum that could be learned by pupils without reading skills which involves listening, speaking, writing, interpreting, understanding and using written symbols. Cintino (2000) writes that the one of the most crucial skills that has to be developed in the individual initial stage of formal education reading. The nature of present day life is such that person can hardly exist without being able to read. Everybody knows that reading is the most primary avenue to knowledge. One must forever learn more and reason more. Reading helped accomplish this. A pupil who loves to read well becomes independent, well informed and eventually become better citizen. Success in reading therefore is success in school and in the future life. Rojas (2001) report the effective learning in all the subject fields is conditional to a large extent by the pupil ability to read, the good reader has more chances of success in his subject than the poor one. Likewise Villamin (2001) writing and reading is the most important tool or skills needed in all the disciplines. Inability to read means failure in the content field: Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, Arts and the likes. Yuaratia study (2002) gives implies on the great role of reading to achieved in all fields of education and to persons better functioning in the society. Aside from school related value, reading has also economic advantages and sequences accordingly. Adult who are better than average reader are also higher than average earner or are more likely to have higher paying jobs. The growing technicalization of society has brought increasing demands for literacy, which schools are hard pressed to meet. Higher lever literacy is needed in business and industry. In the armed forces and even in everyday life, reading ability needed to comprehend materials important to daily living, such as income tax forms and newspaper has been estimated to be a high as th 12th grade level. Some effort has been made to simplicity forms and manuals but the lack of sufficient reading ability definitely impairs a person capacity to function in modern western society (Chall & Stahi 2006).

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