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Technical Note

Bending Stress Checks

This Technical Note describes how the program checks the bending stress for AISC-ASD89 design. The bending stress checks are described for cases with and without composite action.

Bending Stress Checks Without Composite Action

At each output station where there is negative moment in a composite section or there is positive or negative moment in a noncomposite section, the associated bending stress is checked at the following positions in the beam, as applicable.
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The top of the top flange of the steel beam. The bottom of the bottom flange of the steel beam. The bottom of the cover plate if it exists.

Table 1 lists the equations that this program uses to calculate both the actual bending stress and the allowable bending stress at each of these positions.

Table 1: Equations for Actual and Allowable Stresses for Noncomposite Bending
Location Top of beam top flange Bottom of beam bottom flange Bottom of cover plate Equation for Calculating Actual Bending Stress

M (d y bare ) I bare M y bare I bare

Equation for Calculating Allowable Bending Stress See Table 1 in Technical Note Allowable Bending Stresses AISC-ASD89 See Table 1 in Technical Note Allowable Bending Stresses AISC-ASD89 See Table 1 in Technical Note Allowable Bending Stresses AISC-ASD89

M (y bare + t cp ) I bare

Bending Stress Checks Without Composite Action

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Bending Stress Checks

The following notation is used in the equations in the second column of Table 1: Ibare = Moment of inertia of the steel beam (plus cover plate, if one exists), in4. See Equation 3 in Technical Note Transformed Section Moment of Inertia Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89. = The design moment, kip-in. = Depth of steel beam from outside face of top flange to outside face of bottom flange, in. = Thickness of cover plate, in. = Distance from the bottom of the bottom flange of the steel section to the elastic neutral axis (ENA) of the steel beam (plus cover plate, if it exists), in. See Equation 2 Technical Note Transformed Section Moment of Inertia Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89.

M d

tcp ybare

Positive Moment in a Composite Beam

At each output station where there is positive moment in the composite section, the associated bending stress is checked at the following positions in the composite beam, as applicable.

The top of the concrete slab. This check is performed separately on each side of the beam. The top of the top flange of the steel beam. The bottom of the bottom flange of the steel beam. The bottom of the cover plate, if it exists.

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Table 2 lists the equations that the program uses to calculate both the actual bending stress and the allowable bending stress at each of these positions. In addition to the checks listed in Table 2, if the beam is unshored, the program performs additional checks. These checks are described in the section entitled

Positive Moment in a Composite Beam

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Bending Stress Checks

"Important Notes Regarding Unshored Composite Beams" later in this Technical Note.

Table 2: Equations for Actual and Allowable Stresses for Positive Bending in a Composite Beam
Location Equation for Calculating Actual Bending Stress 12a, 12b in Technical Note Elastic Stresses with Partial Composite Connection AISCASD89 7 in Technical Note Elastic Stresses with Partial Composite Connection AISCASD89 6 in Technical Note Elastic Stresses with Partial Composite Connection AISCASD89 5 in Technical Note Elastic Stresses with Partial Composite Connection AISCASD89 Equation for Calculating Allowable Bending Stress

Top of concrete

0.45f'c 11 or 12 in Technical Note Allowable Bending Stresses AISCASD89. See Table 2 in the same Note 11 or 12 in Technical Note Allowable Bending Stresses AISCASD89.. See Table 2 in the same Note 1 together with 11 or 12 in Technical Note Allowable Bending Stresses AISC-ASD89.. See Table 2 in the same Note

Top of beam top flange

Bottom of beam bottom flange

Bottom of cover plate

The equations referred to in the second column of Table 2 for calculating actual bending stress are derived for partial composite connection. When there is full (100%) composite connection, make the substitutions shown in Equations 1a through 1g into those equations: Note: The formulas shown in Equations 1a through 1g are not in general true. They only apply as substitutions into the equations listed in Table 2 when you are considering full (100%) composite connection rather than partial composite connection. Equations 1a and 1b show the substitutions to make into Equation 12a of Technical Note Elastic Stresses with Partial Composite Connection AISCASD89 if you are considering full (100%) composite connection.

Positive Moment in a Composite Beam

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Bending Stress Checks

St eff left =

(d + hr left + tc left


Eqn. 1a Eqn. 1b

beff par left = beff left (Ec left / Es)

Equations 1c and 1d show the substitutions to make into Equations 12b of Technical Note Elastic Stresses with Partial Composite Connection AISCASD89 if you are considering full (100%) composite connection. St eff right =

(d + hr right + tc right y )


Eqn. 1c Eqn. 1d

beff par right = beff right (Ec right / Es)

Equations 1e and 1f show the substitutions to make into Equations 6 and 7 of Technical Note Elastic Stresses with Partial Composite Connection AISCASD89 if you are considering full (100%) composite connection. yeff = y Ieff = Itr The Eqn. 1e Eqn. 1f

y term in Equations 1a, 1c and 1e is the distance from the bottom of the

beam bottom flange to the elastic neutral axis (ENA) of the composite beam. The distance y can be calculated using Equation 17a or 17b of Technical Note Transformed Section Moment of Inertia Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89. The Itr term in Equation 1f is the transformed section moment of inertia about the ENA of the composite beam assuming full (100%) composite connection. This moment of inertia can be calculated using Equation 18 of Technical Note Transformed Section Moment of Inertia Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89. Equation 1g shows the substitution to make into Equation 5 of Technical Note Elastic Stresses with Partial Composite Connection AISC-ASD89 if you are considering full (100%) composite connection. Seff = Str Eqn. 1g

The Str term in Equation 1g is the section modulus for the fully (100%) composite transformed section referred to the extreme tension fiber of the steel section (including cover plate, if it exists). This section modulus can be calcu-

Positive Moment in a Composite Beam

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Bending Stress Checks

lated using Equation 3 of Technical Note Elastic Stresses with Partial Composite Connection AISC-ASD89.

Important Notes Regarding Unshored Composite Beams

Steel Stress Checks
For unshored composite beams, the stresses are checked as described above. In addition, for unshored composite beams only (not shored beams and not noncomposite beams), the program also checks that the bending stresses in the steel beam do not exceed 0.9 Fy when stresses are computed assuming the steel section alone resists the DL moment and the composite section resists the SDL + LL + Other moment. Equations 2a through 2c illustrate how these stress checks are performed by the program. At the top of the beam top flange: MDL (d ybare ) MAll Other (d - yeff ) + 0.9 Fy Ibare Ieff At the bottom of the beam bottom flange: MDL ybare MAll Other yeff + 0.9 Fy Ibare Ieff At the bottom of the cover plate, if it exists: MDL ybare + tcp Ibare Eqn. 2b Eqn. 2a

) + MAll Other

0.9 Fy

Eqn. 2c

In Equations 2a through 2c, MDL is the moment due to dead load and MAll Other is the moment due to all other loads (except dead load).

Important Notes Regarding Unshored Composite Beams

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Composite Beam Design AISC-ASD89

Bending Stress Checks

Concrete Stress Checks

For unshored composite beams, the bending stress check for the concrete slab is determined based on the SDL + LL + All Other Loads, not the TL moment. In other words, for unshored beams, the steel beam alone is assumed to carry all of the DL moment alone. The composite section carries the rest of the moment. In the above paragraph, DL SDL LL TL = dead load = superimposed dead load = live load = total load

Important Notes Regarding Unshored Composite Beams

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