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Gaseous Fuels

Gaseous Fuels
Gaseous fuels are those which are burnt in gaseous sate in air or oxygen to provide heat

Advantages of Gaseous Fuels


Can be produced at a central location and clean gas can be distributed over a wide area. Nuisance of smoke production and ash disposal eliminated at point of fuel utilization. Greater control of variation in demand, conditions of combustion and nature of flame and heating atmosphere possible. Greater economy by use of efficient heat exchange methods possible. Gaseous fuels require far less excess air for complete combustion.





Drawbacks in using gaseous fuel


Its high specific volume results in displacement of air in premixed combustion systems. Hence power produced with gaseous fuels is less when compared to solid and liquid fuels. Due to its high specific volume, gaseous fuel containers are much larger than those for liquid fuels.



Some Types of Gaseous Fuels

Natural gas Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Producer Gas Coal Gas Gobar Gas Blast Furnace Gas Water Gas Refinery Gas Hydrogen Acetylene

Natural Gas
The only gas occurring in nature. Origin is believed to be organic and not due to methanation of carbon dioxide with hydrogen, both mineral in origin. May be found with (associated) or without (unassociated) crude oil. Contains 60 to 90% methane, rest are propane, butane, heavier and more complex hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide and nitrogen plus some helium.

Natural Gas
Certain processes have to be carried out. 1. Separation of liquid and gas. Liquid may be a hydrocarbon present in the gas well along with the gas. 2. Dehydration. Water is corrosive and hydrates may form which will plug the flow. Water will also reduce the calorific value of the gas. 3. Desulfurization. Presence of hydrogen sulfide is undesirable. The gas is called sour. When the sulfur is removed the gas is sweetened.

Natural Gas
Natural gas may be used as 1. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). 2. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Natural gas when made artificially it is called substitute, or synthetic or supplemental natural gas (SNG).

Natural Gas
Natural gas has 90-95% methane plus 04% nitrogen, 4% ethane and 1-2% propane. Methane is a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential approximately 4 times that of carbon dioxide. Its C/H ratio is lower than that of gasoline so its CO2 emissions are 22-25% lower (54.9 compared to 71.9 g CO2/MJ fuel).

Natural Gas (Continued)

Combustion of methane is different from that of liquid HC combustion since only C-H bonds are involved. There are no C-C bonds involved so the combustion process is more likely to be complete thereby producing less non-methane HC emissions. Optimal thermal efficiency occurs at = 1.3 1.5.

Natural Gas (Continued)




There are some advantages also: Particulate emissions are very low relative to diesel fuel. Lower adiabatic flame temperature (~2240K) compared to gasoline (~2310K) due to its higher product water content, giving lower NOx. Operating under lean conditions will also lower peak combustion temperatures giving lower NOx.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG or LP Gas) is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases used as a fuel in heating appliances and vehicles, and increasingly replacing chlorofluorocarbons as a refrigerant to reduce damage to the ozone layer.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

Varieties of LPG bought and sold include mixtures that are primarily propane, mixtures that are primarily butane, and the more common, including both propane and butane depending on the seasonin winter more propane, in summer more butane.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

Propylene and butylenes are usually also present in small concentration. A powerful odorant, ethanethiol, is added so that leaks can be detected easily. LPG is usually derived from fossil fuel sources, being manufactured during the refining of crude oil, or extracted from oil or gas streams as they emerge from the ground.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

At normal temperatures and pressures, LPG will evaporate. Because of this, LPG is supplied in pressurized steel bottles. In order to allow for thermal expansion of the contained liquid, these bottles are not filled completely; typically, they are filled to between 80% and 85% of their capacity.

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

The pressure at which LPG becomes liquid, called its vapour pressure, likewise varies depending on composition and temperature. for example, it is approximately 220 kilopascals (2.2 bar) for pure butane at 20 C (68 F) and approximately 2.2 megapascals (22 bar) for pure propane at 55 C (131 F). LPG is heavier than air sp. Gr. 1.9 (80 % butane 20 % propane)

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

The ratio between the volumes of the vaporised gas and the liquefied gas varies depending on composition, pressure and temperature, but is typically around 250:1. The pressure at which LPG becomes liquid, called its vapour pressure, likewise varies depending on composition and temperature; for example, it is approximately 220 kilopascals (2.2 bar) for pure butane at 20 C (68 F), and approximately 2.2 megapascals (22 bar) for pure propane at 55 C (131 F). LPG is heavier than air, and thus will flow along floors and tend to settle in low spots, such as basements. This can cause ignition or suffocation hazards if not dealt with. LPG is the lowest carbon emitting hydrocarbon fuel available in rural areas, emitting 19 per cent less CO2 per kWh than oil, 30 per cent less than coal and more than 50 per cent less than coal- generated electricity distributed via the grid. LPG burns cleanly with no soot and very few sulfur emissions, posing no ground or water pollution hazards. Large amounts of LPG can be stored in bulk tanks and can be buried underground if required. Alternatively, gas cylinders can be used. LPG has a typical specific calorific value of 46.1MJ/kg compared to 42.5MJ/kg for diesel and 43.5MJ/kg for premium grade petrol (gasoline).

Water gas
Water gas is a synthesis gas, containing carbon monoxide and hydrogen. It is a useful product but requires careful handling because of the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. The gas is made by passing steam over red-hot coke: C + H2O CO + H2 The reaction is endothermic so the coke must be continually reheated to keep the reaction going. At low temperature the following reaction takes place C + 2H2O CO2 + 2H2 This is usually heated by alternating the steam stream with an air stream. Following exothermic reactions take palce C + O2 CO2 2C + O2 2CO

Carburetted water gas.

Water gas has a lower calorific value than coal gas so the calorific value can be boosted by passing the gas through a heated retort into which oil is sprayed. The resulting mixed gas is called carburetted water gas.

Producer Gas
It comprises mainly of CO & N2. It is produced in a furnace called producer, by blowing air or a mixture of air and steam through hot bed of solid fuels ( coal / coke ). Producer gas made from coal or coke has the following composition & properties:

CO CH4 H2 CO2 N2

= 20 30 % =03% = 11 20 % =46% = 46 55 %

C.V. = 1250 1550 kcal/Nm3 Sp. Gr. = 0.85 0.90 Combustion Air Requirement = 1 1.3 Nm3/Nm3 of producer gas

Reactions in Gas Producer

Air-Carbon Reactions C + O2 CO2 C + CO2 2CO Steam-Carbon Reactions C + H2O CO + H2 C + 2H2O CO2 + 2H2 CO + H2O CO2 + H2 Methanation Reaction CH4 C + 2H2

Fuels for Producer Gas Manufacture

Any solid carbonaceous fuel like
Wood-waste Peat Coke Coals of all ranks

Uses of Producer Gas

In furnace of glass melting In open hearth furnace of steel making In Coke oven heating In internal combustion (IC) engines

Gobar Gas
Gobar gas is obtained by the fermentation of gobar (cattle dung) in the absence of air. The refuse material can still be used as a fertilizer. It consists mainly CH4 and CO2. Two main products of gobar gas plant are fuel gas and manure. A farmer with 5 or more cattle can install a gobar gas plant.

Gobar Gas
Typical composition & properties are shown below:
CH4 CO2 = = 60 30 % %



N2 = 0.5% H2S & O2 = Trace Ignition Temperature = 650 C Octane Rating = 110 C.V. = 5400 kcal/Nm3 Explosion Limit in Air = 5 15 % Air/Gas Ratio for Complete Combustion=10 : 1

Blast Furnace Gas

It is by-product of the iron blast furnace It is produced by the partial combustion of coke and partial reduction of iron ore Different reactions take place at different temperatures (for details see the book) Yield: Typical Composition:
CO2 H2 N2 O2

= = = =

22-25 %
16-20 % 4-5% 51-55 % 0.2- 0.5%

Blast Furnace Gas

Properties: It is very poisonous due to CO Low calorific value (800 -900 kcal/m3) Higher dust content (may choke the burner) High specific gravity (1.3 -1.4) Lower theoretical flame temperature (1450 C) as compared to other fuel gases Wider explosion limits (37-71%) so more danger of explosion

Wood Gas
Wood gas is obtained either by carbonization of wood in metal retorts or by gasification of wood. It is a medium C.V. gas not of much commercial interest It can be used in engines, stoves and furnaces by mixing with their proper fuels.

Theoretical air and Air-Fuel Ratio

(a) Calculate the amount of air required for theoretically complete combustion of coal with the composition: C: 82 % H-6%, O2- 4% Ash- 8% (b) Calculate the amount of air required for the complete combustion 100 m3 of Blast Furnace Gas of the following composition (by volume%) CO2=17 CO= 22.1 H2 = 4.9 N2 = 55.8 O2=0.2 (c) Calculate the volume of products of combustion for part (b) (d) Calculate the volume of products of combustion for part (b) if 10 % excess air is used

Combustion calculations
Example: Octane is burnt with 10 % excess air. Calculate (a) Air/Fuel Ratio by weight (b) Air/Fuel ratio by volume (c) Weight of dry exhaust gas formed per unit weight of fuel (d) Volume of exhaust gas at 1 atm and 260 C per unit weight of fuel Sp. Gr. Of Octane may be assumed as 0.7

Combustion Calculations
Example Nos. 5-38 (Self Study) 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,33, 34, 35,36, 37, 38

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