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77 years!

Meeting Information - April 29, 2003
Potrero Hill Neighborhood House 953 De Haro St. (at Southern Heights)
6:45 - 7:00 PM Refreshments and Social 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM Business Meeting - Ballots distributed 7:30 to 8:00 PM Candidate statements 8:00 to 8:15 PM Scheduled break 8:30 PM Voting closes 8:15 to 8:45PM Updates on open issues 8:45 to 9:00 PM Announcement of winning candidates

Serving the Community since 1926

Potrero Community Voice

Published Monthly by the Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association

April 2003

Voting Process for President and Executive Committee

At the next general meeting Boosters will be asked to elect their officers for the 2003-2004 year. Boosters election meeting is Tuesday, April 29, 2003 at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House, 953 DeHaro Street Large Upstairs Meeting Room. The meeting starts at 7 PM, and voting closes at 8.30pm. To vote the member must check in with election committee before the close of voting at 8:30 PM. Per the Constitution and By-laws, members must be present to vote and proxy voting is not allowed. Only those members whose dues are paid shall be considered active members, eligible to vote and hold office. Voting privileges (for new members) begin at the 3rd consecutive meeting after initial payment of dues (must have joined by Feb. 25, 2003). All voting will be done by secret ballot. You will be given a separate ballot for each office, when your name is checked off the roster of members. During the business portion of the meeting (7:00 to 7:30 PM), additional nominations can be made from the floor. Only members of one year's membership are eligible to hold office. For the following motion, the Executive Board used the Constitution & By-laws using the following sections, in Article VII Section 2 (the Executive Board) may recommend such policies ... in the judgment of the Board, shall be in the best interest of the Association. This policy decision was undertaken as an urgent measure per Section 3 of the same article. ... to take such action as it may deem best for the Association, and to report such action at the succeeding regular meeting ... And Article X those parts (of the Constitution & By-Laws) that have given rise to a controversy may be submitted separately to a membership vote. The Board voted that the Boosters needed to have this policy in place prior to voting on April 29. Membership will have an opportunity to vote on the motion passed by the Executive Board on April 14 during the Business portion of the April meeting. The motion reads: Any existing member whose dues are less than eight months delinquent (August, 2002) can bring themselves current and vote in this election by payment of dues by April 29. The dues renewal month will not change. If more than eight months delinquent the person can join as a new member and obtain voting privileges after three meetings.

Facing City's Water Challenges

The water flowing from Hetch Hetchy and falling as rain on our city is a precious resource. It sustains the lives of 2.5 million Bay Area residents, the regions economy, and our collective environment. Its purity is the envy of much of the world. Yet today, San Francisco lets too much of this resource go to waste through outdated management techniques and tunnel vision. But we can now move the City in the right direction to treat our water as the priceless treasure that it is. The Citys Public Utilities Commission is about to begin the development of a new Clean Water Master Plan for managing water once it has entered the sewage system (either through use or rainfall). The Alliance for a Clean Waterfront, a coalition of environmental and neighborhood groups dedicated to protecting San Franciscos water resources and waterfront, is calling on the City to take a fresh approach to the management of this most critical of urban functions and to the rebuilding and modernization of this vital utility. Today sewage and stormwater are considered waste products to be quickly collected, pumped somewhere for treatment, and disposed. This highly engineered approach relies on large tunnels, pipes, pumps, energy consumption, and massive capital projects that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build and operate and create a host of problems in their wake. Blighting facilities in neighborhoods, combined sewage and sewer overflows into the Bay and Ocean, and starvation of the West Basin Aquifer that feeds Lake Merced and Pine Lake, are just three examples. There are alternatives. Instead of the old pump and dump, the city should maximize the use of cutting edge technology, natural treatment methods, and environmental design techniques to transform what is now wasted into valuable resources for water conservation, neighborhood beautification, ground water recharge, wildlife habitat, and environmental education. Not only is this cost effective, it will prevent Bay and Ocean pollution and reduce the unfair burden of the Southeast Sewage Treatment Plant, which treats 80% of the Citys sewage and blights the neighboring Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood. The Alliance wants to help Potrero Boosters members play a decisive role in the planning process. An upcoming Boosters general meeting will feature a presentation by the Alliance showing just what is possible for San Franciscos sewage and stormwater infrastructure and how San Franciscans can make that transformation possible. In addition, the Alliances Water Strategies Group meets monthly and interested parties are welcome to attend. For more information contact Alex Lantsberg at (415) 647-2539. Alex Lantsberg

Nominating Committee Report

The following people have been nominated: President Kepa Askenasy Tony Kelly 1st VP (External) Dick Millet 2nd VP (Internal) Pat Cleveland Avery McGinn Treasurer Audrey Cole Recording Secretary Paul Minton Corresponding Secretary Susan Eslick Sergeant at Arms Ellen Kernaghan Auditor #1 Jean Neblett Auditor #2 George Guenther

Potrero Community Voice

April 2003

City Planning April 2003

* ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Case #2003.0038E: 450 Rhode Island & 17th St. (former S&C Ford), rezoning from M-1 to NC-3 (Industrial to Moderate Scale Neighborhood Commercial) and the creation of a Grocery Store Special Use Subdistrict. Contact: Paul Lord, Planner, ph: 558-6311. * BLDG PERMIT APPLICATION #2002.05247415: 771-771 1/2 CAROLINA/20th Sts. Proposed 3rd floor addition (ht 30 feet) with 12 ft front setback to existing duplex. in an RH-2, 40-X zone. Contact: Susan Snyder, Planner, ph: 558-6543. * BLDG PERMIT APPLICATION #2002.12062942 and DEMOLITION Permit #2002.12062944: 2130 24th/Rhode Island Sts. Propose to DEMOLISH existing single family house to construct 36 ft high duplex with 2 parking spaces, 3 ft front setback at street level plus an additional 10 ft. front setback of the 4th floor. A 20 ft rear yard with an additional rear setback of the 4th floor. Contact: Kate McGee, Planner, ph: 558-6367. * DISCRETIONARY REVIEW 1514 25th Street, Jon Purvis Planner ph: 558-6354 * DISCRETIONARY REVIEW, Case #20021184DD: 620 CAROLINA/19th Sts. Propose to construct a vertical and rear addition in an RH-2, 40-X zone. Contact: Ben Fu, Planner, ph: 558-6613. * ZONING VARIANCE APPLICATION, Case #2002.0002V: 1514 25th/Texas Sts. Propose to allow the subdivision of the 50 foot lot into 2 - 32 and 18 foot wide lots, WITHOUT the required off-street parking space. Contact: Jon Purvis, Planner, ph: 558-6354.

Save and Restore McKinley Square Park

Several years ago the City undertook the rehabilitation of McKinley Square Playground at 20th and Vermont. New play structures were installed for small children. The level portion of the park received a new irrigation system and the northern edge was replanted. The dog run on the western side of the park remained incomplete. Since then through neglect and abuse, McKinley has deteriorated to a point where action can no longer be delayed. A photo survey conducted by the Neighborhood Parks Council with help from many Hill residents resulted in a report which points out serious safety, sanitary issues and fire hazards. What is needed to get the original plan back on track is community involvement to make the dog run area safe for dogs and attractive to their guardians, re-habilitation of the lawns and a general clean up. This will take a concerted effort by neighbors and users to restore and maintain this valuable open space. I need your help in this valuable community project. Call me at 282-6822. George Guenther

77th Annual Installation and Awards Banquet Tuesday, May 27. 6:00 PM - social hour; 7:00 PM dinner Time to buy your ticket for the Annual Banquet. This year its at the Double Play Restaurant at 16th and Bryant St. (wheelchair accessible). This is always a fun time to meet your neighbors. Tickets this year are $35 in advance by May 22, and $40 at the door if space available. Mail your check to Potrero Boosters Attn. Dinner, 1459 18th St #133, SF 94107 and write Installation dinner and meal choice on your check. Choices are: New York strip steak, salmon or vegetarian (seasonal vegetables). Call Dick Millet at 415-861-0345 for more details or to help with the party.

Meeting Announcements
UCSF Hospital Replacement Public Process To hear about the hospital replacement planning efforts and provide feedback on the potential sites and scenarios for new hospital facilities, come to the meeting that is most convenient for you: * Tuesday May 6, 2003, 500 Parnassus Millberry Conference Center, 7:00 p.m. * Wednesday May 14, 2003, Genentech Hall Auditorium, 600 16th Street, 7:00 p.m. * Tuesday May 20, 2003, 2356 Sutter, Lurie Conference Room, 7:00 p.m. For more information, please call UCSF Community & Governmental Relations at 415-476-3206.

The Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association is devoted to issues of particular importance to the Potrero Hill neighborhood. Our goals are to act as a forum for concerned Potrero residents and to participate actively in policy and development decisions that affect the quality of life here on the Hill. Meetings are the last Tuesday of the month (7:00 p.m. at the Potrero Hill Neighborhood House) and are open to non-members. Dues: Individual $25, Household (couple) $30, Senior $20, Business $30. Mail check to Potrero Boosters, 1459 18th St., #133, San Francisco, CA 94107. (Make checks payable to: Potrero Boosters.) Enclosed is $________ for __membership(s). Contributions $________ New __ Renewal __ Name(s)________________________________________ (Business)______________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ e-mail _________________________________________ Home phone ____________________ Business phone ____________________Prefer e-mail newsletter (Y/N)? ____ Interests/Concerns/Comments____________________________________________________________________________

The Potrero Community Voice Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association 1459 18th St. PMB 133 San Francisco, CA 94107

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