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Name and surnames ______________________________________________________________ Group ________

A. Answer these questions. (10 marks) 1. Why didnt Jan want to go to the New Years Eve party?

________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How much was Donalds ferry fare? What did he do to the three drovers?

________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. At the cave, what secret thing did Sigrid have to tell her sweetheart? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What was Eddie Hart business? What did he do? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What did Marina bring to Mr Connery while he was in the make-up room? _________________________________________________________________________________________________

B. Here are the thoughts of five characters. Write their names and the story they belong to. (5 marks) 1. Weve missed the tide! Bu we need to get across tonight, so that means taking the boat. I wonder what the old boatman will ask for the fare? Well, hell not get more than three pence from me!____________________________________________________________________________________

2. Who was that, then? I looked really silly, coming in with a second tea tray. She doesnt work in the restaurant, thats for sure. Ive never seen her before. And there she was, with her tea tray, talking away to him like an old friend.________________________________________________________________

3. Im getting bored listening to all this rubbish. Theres not a word of truth in it. Ive got other work to do, reports to write. Its time to finish and send the boy home. I feel sorry for his mother _________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Oh, the poor, dear man. Hes having one of his bad times again. I always know. I can see it in his face, and his sad eyes. Its best to leave him alone for a while _____________________________________________________________________________________________

5. The old man didnt look too well tonight, not at all. Drinking a lot of whisky, and having these fever dreams about a girl! I wish I hadnt laughed at him now. There was a confused look on his face Ive never seen before ____________________________________________________________________

C. Write the Scottish names to these definitions from the stories. (6 marks) 1. A rich biscuit (cookie) made with a lot of butter. _________________________________ 2. In Scotland, a lake or a small bit of sea almost surrounded by land. ____________________ 3. Very small. _____________________ 4. Being the first person to enter somebodys house in the new year. ________________________ 5. The Celtic language of Scotland. _____________ 6. In Scotland, New Years Eve (31 December). ____________________

D. Who said so in the stories? Write their names. (6 marks) 1. Phew! Its airless in here, Captain. You want to get some fresh air ______________________________ 2. BBC coffee is always terrible ______________________________ 3. Theres a price on my head now. Youve got to help me! ___________________________________ 4. Yes, it is dead. Poor thing. I think it had a hard time before it came here. _________________________ 5. Keep your crns, you like them so much __________________________ 6. My boys so good to me. He saved his money and bought me this as s surprise. __________________

E. Choose the correct answer. (2.5 marks) 1. Marina went to the BBC bookshop in Glasgow to buy a present / a documentary for her mum. 2. Malcs mother had just fitted her new dishwasher / new washing machine. 3. I collected my pension / my letters and a basket full of food in the village shop. 4. Ella and her family were celebrating New Years Day / New Years Eve. 5. They put the drugs in one of the rubbish skips in the front door / at the back of the club.

F. Here is Ella, telling her son about Jans past. Complete the conversation with the words from the box. (3.5 marks) wife was killed died looked for them happened to him his daughter dreams about her

You see, Robert, terrible things have _____________________________ . He had a family before, a __________________ and a daughter. In the war they were put into different prison camps, and when Jan came out, he __________________________ . He learnt that his wife _____________________, and he looked for ____________________. At last he found a girl who told him she

______________________. The poor, poor things. He still _________________________, you know.


A. Answer these questions. 1. Because he had a sick pigeon in a basket and wanted to take care of it. 2. It was six pence per person. They only paid three pence for the all three, so Donald left them on a little island in the middle of the deep sea. 3. Sigrid was pregnant of a daughter, but the boy didnt wish to accept her. 4. He was in the drugs business. He hid the drugs in fridges, washing machines, dryers, freezers and his lorries went up and down the country. 5. She got a tray full of tea, real milk, sugar and a plate of good Scottish-made pieces of shortbread.

B. Write the names of 5 characters and the story. 1. The three drovers. Donald and the Drovers 2. A waitress. The Day I met Sean Connery. 3. Detective Horrigan. The Confession. 4. Ella. The Pigeon. 5. Isaac Irving, the barman. Andrina

C. Write the Scottish names to these definitions from the stories. 1. shortbread 2. Loch 3. Wee 4. First-footing 5. Gaelic 6. Hogmanay

D. Who said so in the stories? Write their names. 1. Stanley the postman 2. Sean Connery 3. Ian 4. Ella 5. Donald 6. Malcs mother

E. Choose the correct answer. 1. Marina went to the BBC bookshop in Glasgow to buy a present / a documentary for her mum. 2. Malcs mother had just fitted her new dishwasher / new washing machine. 3. I collected my pension / my letters and a basket full of food in the village shop. 4. Ella and her family were celebrating New Years Day / New Years Eve. 5. They put the drugs in one of the rubbish skips in the front door / at the back of the club.

F. Here is Ella telling her son about Jans past. happened to him dreams about her wife looked for them died his daughter was killed



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