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To improve the community by attracting, empowering and retaining young professionals.

Initiated in 2007 by the Pittsburg Area Chamber of Commerce, PAYP was formed to engage up and coming leaders in the area by providing them with opportunities to enhance professional and civic development goals within the community.

2013 Pittsburg City Commission Candidate Questions Vote on April 2, 2013!

PAYP received responses from five of the eight commission candidates. Responses are listed in alphabetical order by candidates last name. Each candidate answered the same set of questions, which are as follows: 1. With the current major economic development projects going on around the city, which total over $60 million in new construction and will add an estimated 150 jobs, along with the five-year high number of building permits, how do you as a commissioner plan to continue the positive momentum and growth of the City of Pittsburg? Examples: PSU Center for the Arts and Indoor Event Facility, Via Christi Surgery Center, Community Health Center-Southeast Kansas expansion. 2. Tell us about your thoughts on recent partnerships that the City of Pittsburg has developed with various businesses and groups in the community. Examples: PSU Indoor Event Facility, City Solid Waste Cleanup, CDL moving into former McNally Building, Pittsburg Area Chamber economic development contract. 3. Give us your opinions on the direction the City of Pittsburg has taken to provide affordable and available housing. 4. In your opinion, what is the single most important issue facing the City of Pittsburg, and through specific examples, how do you propose to solve the issue? 5. Throughout the Imagine Pittsburg 2030 community visioning effort, the City of Pittsburg has worked hand-in-hand with business, community and educational leaders in our community to form a visioning plan that will guide and align our goals over the next 20 years. As a city commissioner, how would you ensure the City of Pittsburg maintains strong relationships with these major stakeholders?

1. First, I will continue to develop partnerships so that we can continue this pattern of growth. Second, I will continue to use the tools the City has available to it to show businesses they are a priority in Pittsburg one of those is the economic development revolving loan fund, funded by our local sales tax. This fund truly sets us apart from most other communities. The current Commission has used this fund responsibly to help support businesses with their jobs creation endeavors (between 200 and 300 jobs either already created or guaranteed over the next few years) and expansions. We have also supported our largest economic driver, Pittsburg State University, in the construction of an Indoor Events Center, which will bring people to our community for years to come, furthering our economic development success. I am proud of what weve done over the last two years, not only because of how weve been able to support local businesses and PSU, but also because weve done so responsibly, still leaving approximately $1.1 million dollars each year we will be able to use for others who need our assistance going forward. If re-elected, I will ensure this responsible approach continues. 2. I believe the City has done a good job of building relationships with these groups. Im proud of the way our City officials worked with our local trash haulers and other community members to come up with a method to help ensure everyone was complying with current code. We sat down with the task force members and were able to come up with a solution that everyone agreed upon. I am excited about our new partnership with the Pittsburg Area Chamber of Commerce. This approach (brining local chambers of commerce on board to provide economic development support) is not something unusual. Lots of growing communities and chambers of commerce are partnering in this manner. I believe this relationship will bring more accountability to our economic development process, and will allow us to better track and report our economic successes and failures. 3. As City leaders, we do have the responsibility to ensure our citizens comply with current code. Its a great campaign strategy to oppose all regulations of every kind and nature, but the reality is that when you govern, tough decisions have to be made at times. Our job is to ensure that all regulations are enforced in fair manner, using common sense, for the benefit of the community as a whole. However, the main way we have been able to help support affordable and available housing is by supporting our local businesses in their job creation efforts. Over the last five years, our building permits are up over 40% - some of that is for new housing. I believe this says a lot about the confidence builders have in the communitys ability to support the additional housing. Builders arent running away from our community because of our housing code. Despite what some of the other candidates might say, it says a lot about the direction in which the City is headed.

4. Besides jobs and economic development, which Ive already discussed, the most important issue facing the City is our deteriorating infrastructure. If our infrastructure crumbles, our City will crumble. As a community we have failed to maintain our infrastructure at the level necessary for a community like ours to expand and grow, but the steps this past Commission took are positive ones. This past Commission has focused heavily on repairs to water lines, sewer lines, manholes, and fire hydrants, intersection upgrades, and streets, not to mention improvements weve been making at our water treatment plant and wastewater treatment plant. For example, because the City suffered 150 water main breaks in 2012 alone, the City began a five-year water line replacement project, where the City is systematically replacing deteriorating water lines around the City. It is imperative that we continue to focus on these improvements going forward. 5. First, I would continue to support their needs, in action, not just in words. Our community leaders dont need City Commissioners who say they support local businesses, Pittsburg State University and other community organizations, and then when push comes to shove, they say, But, youre on your own. Some of the other candidates would do just that. As a City Commissioner, I have shown that I am committed to supporting our local businesses. The City has been able to partner with numerous businesses businesses that, as Ive already mentioned, have added lots of jobs in our community. Some of these include: Atkinson Industries, Masonite, Jakes Fireworks, CDL Electric, Via Christi Hospital, Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, CP Communications and Vietti Auto Body. I have also shown PSU I am committed to supporting their long-term growth. An institution that brings thousands of people to our community every day deserves our support. If we cant support our largest current economic driver, and our local businesses, how can we expect new businesses to look at Pittsburg as a place to locate their new facility? If re-elected, I will ensure this supportive approach continues.

1. As a commissioner, I will continue to listen to the pulse of the City. I will work closely with our economic development director and encourage and support business growth, both Large and Small. I believe we need to encourage and support entrepreneurs who want to create new businesses and we need to provide educational growth opportunities that match workers with the skills that are needed, thereby retaining our local youth. We also need to continue to address our citys infrastructure in order to attract and retain business growth. This question assumes that there is a positive momentum and growth and I fully believe there is. I would like to see us, as a City, attract more small businesses as well as the larger ones that are being developed. I also feel we need to encourage our citizens to shop local whenever possible and to also show their support. As a City, we need to expand our sense of Pride in the City. I will work with ALL the people of Pittsburg to grow that sense of pride; to listen to their concerns; to bring those concerns before the commission and to develop common sense solutions to issues that may come up. 2. I believe the City has entered into some very wise partnerships that have the potential of benefiting both entities greatly. The Citys lease agreement with the University for the Indoor event facility is a wonderful example. It is a 50 year lease paid out over 20 years that has the potential of creating a large amount of revenue for the City. The people who will come to events there, they shop here, they eat here, they stay in our hotels, etc. The indoor event facility has the potential of bringing a great number of venues to the area. However, the City does have an out clause in the lease agreement; therefore, if for some reason the partnership does not work out in the Citys favor, the City is not locked into this continued lease. In addition, I applaud the fact that the City has worked with groups such as CDL and Jakes Fireworks so that vacant commercial buildings in our city are repurposed and it also allows these local businesses to stay in this area. I feel that the Chamber of Commerce Economic Development contract with the City is a good step that makes a great deal of sense. It is just a one year contract that will be evaluated at the end to determine whether it works well for our community. So far, however, I believe it has been working well. I think a fear that some may have about this contract is that the Chamber will focus only on large, big businesses and forget about the small businesses that exist or want to start up. As a Commissioner, I will be a voice for the small businesses and I will hold our Economic Developer (whoever that is) to that commitment. Yes, we need large businesses in order to prosper but at the same time, we need our small local businesses just as much. We need to maintain and build upon our small town charm. 3. I believe the City has begun to address this issue aggressively. With the development of the Lincoln Square project, the city is making available affordable housing to moderate income residents. This is a unique opportunity and one which the City wisely jumped on. In addition, the city was involved with the redevelopment of the Besse Hotel which now provides affordable nice housing for low

to moderate income families. The city does have the neighborhood revitalization program through the dept. of housing and community development which helps people spruce up their neighborhoods. The City has a wealth of knowledge in the Pittsburg Area Property Owners Association which I feel the city would be wise to utilize. One area that I would like to see the city better address is senior citizen housing. We have an aging population and as these folks move to down-size, they need housing available to meet their unique needs. Therefore, as a Commissioner, I would be a voice for seniors who want safe, affordable housing with safe sidewalks and adequate lighting. 4. Wow, this is a difficult question as I am not a single issue kind of person. As I speak with people throughout the city, I hear many different concerns. One issue that is raised by many people is the fact that we need JOBS. Well, yes, every community in the Nation is struggling to provide jobs and it seems to me a systemic issue that is bigger than the city level. That being said, I do believe we need to encourage job growth and creation. The things that potential employers and businesses look at when they decide whether to set up in Pittsburg are things like a) our infrastructure, b) our transportation set up, c) our schools, d) our recreational outlets, e) our entertainment options. All of these issues combine together when making the decision to locate here in Pittsburg. As a City, we really need to address our infrastructure and work toward bringing it up-to-date in the 21st century. We need to be sure our City is a safe and appealing place for people to come. A lot is decided, fairly or unfairly, on first impressions. So I would ask what is the first impression Pittsburg gives to outsiders? The City needs to continue to talk with the citizens to assess their issues, needs and concerns and then partner with the citizens to address those issues, needs and concerns. The City cannot solve any problem by itself. We need to remember, and especially the commissioners need to remember, that the City of Pittsburg IS the Citizens of Pittsburg. 5. Firstly, let me say that I am pleased to hear it said that the City worked hand-inhand with these major stakeholders during the Imagine Pittsburg process because there seem to be those in the community who do not feel this way. However, as a commissioner I would work to maintain strong relationships with these stakeholders by being an AVAILABLE and LISTENING person. The Commissioners need to be willing to listen to EVERYONE (those who agree with the direction we are going and those who disagree), to be willing to compromise when that is necessary and be willing to ultimately make pragmatic decisions to benefit the common good. I firmly believe that if people feel that they were listened to, that their opinion mattered, even if things turn out differently than they perhaps wanted, they are okay with that and relations are not broken. It is my intent to maintain and develop good, lasting relationships.






1. If I am elected as a Pittsburg City Commissioner I will base the decision that I make on what is best for the City and for all the citizens. I will continue the positive momentum by talking to and supporting the small businesses that we have now and the ones that we hope to have in the future. Having talked to a lot of small business owners, they support what is happening in our city but they do not feel like they are supported by our City, and that needs to change. 2. The PSU indoor event facility is very positive for all involved. I feel this facility will yield unlimited possibilities for years to come. City solid wastes clean up committee found very educational that the city has an ordinance that requires all citizens to have trash service. We now have a way to track this because of the committee that the City of Pittsburg put together. This was never a trash haulers problem and holding people accountable for their actions was never the haulers responsibility. CDL moving into the old McNally Building created jobs and helped a local company. I feel that we need to do more of this for the businesses. I say give Blake a chance to prove himself. I think he will welcome the opportunity. I do not agree with this position being moved out of City Hall. 3. The Lincoln School site is a positive for the City to help provide affordable housing. I know that we have many vacant lots in the city that developers are willing and wanting to develop for medium income families. The problem is finding the funding to do this. 4. In my opinion, the single most important issue we are facing is employment. Getting people working will help solve issues that we are facing now and into the future. I cant solve these issues by myself, no one can. We as a commission need to work on this together. Let the person we have in place now in economic development do his job. As a commissioner I will do whatever my position allows, to talk to local businesses, as well as any and all companies that my consider they place they want to be. 5. I have lived in Pittsburg my entire life. There is always been a strong relationship with the major stake holders with my knowledge. We all want what is best for Pittsburg or we would not be here. I feel we do not do enough to help small business owners feel like they are also a valuable part of this 2030 effort. This really needs to change since we are all in this together no mater of our income level or social status.

1. Great progress has been made over the last several years to jump start projects that have a positive impact on the community. We are moving in the right direction and I respect the hard work and dedication it takes to achieve these kinds of efforts. These projects have such a positive, broad base of people and activities they represent. Economic development isnt any one activity, its a multitude of strategies. Based on the list provided in the question and on a personal note, I am proud to be a founder, board member and former Interim CEO of CHCSEK. Im also honored to say I am the immediate Past President of the National PSU Alumni Association Board of Directors and believe strongly PSU is a major economic driver in the community. I currently serve on the Mount Carmel Foundation Board and believe Pittsburg is well on its way to becoming a regional health care hub. 2. Partnerships whether in the form of informal or formal agreements and contracts are the only way to go. I have spent the last seventeen years of my career working to improve Pittsburg and SEK by building and maintaining partnerships. As the Executive Director of The Center from 1995-2012, I lived partnerships and I think that will help me if I have the opportunity to serve as Commissioner. Quality partnerships need to have the following components: shared vision and goals, specific benchmarks and metrics and open and clear communication between the parties. Time, patience and attention needs to be part of any successful partnership. Most issues that face the City are complex and require the attention of more than just the City. Partnerships require compromise and study and typically yield better results than individual efforts. 3. Affordable, safe housing that is part of a larger community plan is key to any growth we will experience in the future. Housing choices are so important to our economic future. I believe we should build upon the success the City has had including the Lincoln Square project, the completion of the Besse project and the Clean Sweep Program. I believe the City should update the their comprehensive Housing Needs Assessment last completed in 2008. That study looks at all facets of housing and would give the City Commission directions and specific strategies. I support codes and comprehensive and fair codes enforcement that keeps housing safe. Finally, I have a genuine concern for where some of the children in our community live. Its unacceptable and its just not right. Some of the things I have seen make me wonder where I am and what year it is. We can do better.

4. There are several key issues facing the City including economic development, increasing the median income and infrastructure. But for the next fiscal year, I am quite concerned about the impact of budget shortfalls and gridlock at the state and federal level will have on Pittsburg as a municipality. The Kansas Legislature is looking at a $700-$800 million budget shortfall. The City of Pittsburg could be negatively impacted as soon as July 1, 2013. Its a very serious situation. As for solving it, I wish I had that magic wand. As a Commission, I would feel a great responsibility to ensure the Citys revenue sources were as diversified as possible, that we were leveraging our own tax dollars with outside dollars and that we were as lean and efficient as possible in order to weather a significant shift in funding 5. As a member of the Steering Committee for the 2030 effort, I believe the process was one well worth the time, money and effort. There are some candidates who disagree. Until I was part of the process, I didnt realize there is a group of people in the Pittsburg who believe these types of processes are an effort to take away individual rights. The Imagine Pittsburg 2030 process was about reaching out to people and asking what they thought and then studying that information to formulate goals to work toward and Im pleased I could be a part of it. I would, as a Commissioner, encourage and support any effort that focused on moving forward, setting goals, bringing people together, analyzing information and focusing on community building. We have a good start, not the hard part beginsimplementation. By dividing the work up, we can get it done.

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