Mar:Apr Newsletter

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Randy Kirk
Senior Minister
* denotes baptism
Decisions in January & February
The weekend of March 16-17, the new Ministry
Center space will be ready to be used in service of
the King of Kings. I am so excited I cant sleep; I
feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.
Lets talk through some of the logistics for our
1-The preschool department will be in the new
space. For those with preschoolers, enter the new
foyer and go all the way to the other end. The en-
trance to the Sprouts area is marked; check-in is
just as you enter the area. Regular attenders will
continue to check in as always, a Welcome Cen-
ter is there for guests with preschoolers. They will
have spacious classrooms, a great meeting area and
soon-to-have their own play area. I dont know if it
will be ready by the 16-17th or not.
2-Upstreet, the Elementary students ministry,
will check in downstairs in the old foyer area where
the preschoolers are currently checking in. They
will check in there and then go upstairs. The space
upstairs is being renovated to accommodate our
kids; wow, its gonna be great!
3-The Special Buddies class will move into
room 102 (the double room across from the kitch-
en). No group deserves such a wonderful space
4-The Middle School students will move into
the existing auditorium! I can feel the excitement
Now lets address logistics for adults:
1-The back entrances will be available for those
who park in the back and side lots.
2-On the weekend of the 17th and Easter week-
end as well, the 31st, we need 100 cars to park in
the high school lot. I know that sounds like a lot,
but I am expecting a lot of guests! We dont want
anyone to drive through, not fnd a parking space,
and leave. Please step up and help us.
3-As you arrive, be warm and welcoming! Help
people fnd what they need. Serve others.
4-Understand that we will make mistakes, es-
pecially this frst weekend. Please be encouraging
with your criticism. We will get the kinks worked
5-Sure, you are welcome to look around. Ex-
plore. Take your friends on a tour, but understand
we ask you not to interrupt the activities in the chil-
drens areas while you peek at the space.
Now, be sure and be here! Bring your friends.
Lets enjoy a great experience as we launch forward
into Gods plan for First Capital.

Robby & Sharlane Cotton Dec 19
*Austin Brasfeld Dec 24
*Haley Brasfeld Dec 24
*Kristy Keller Dec 24
*Dakata Lambert Dec 24
*Isabella Wilson Dec 29
Kevin & Candace Gerdon Jan 20
Michael & Sally Koons Jan 26
John & Sara West Feb 6
Edward & Cheryl Johnson Feb 14
*Zeke Clark Jan 7
*Haley Meek Jan 13
*Thomas Nall Jan 13
*Robert Bolen Feb 3
*Anna Pinnick Feb 3
*Abigail Tidwell Feb 3
*Ella Wilkins Feb 3
*Owen Wilkins Feb 3
*Darrel Dennis Feb 10
*Patricia Dennis Feb 10
*Makayla Pinnick Feb 17
*Christa Fry Feb 17
*Christina Kennon Feb 17
Vince Garmon
2| The Update from Randy
3| Connection - Adult Ministry
4| Student Ministry
4| Worship Ministry
5| Childrens Ministry
6-7 | Missions & Outreach
1| Boy 3oout look-in
9| Crappie Breakfast
16-17| 0rand 0pening
17| Conneoting to lCCC
18| Red Cross 1raining
22-31| 3tudent Mission 1rip
31| Laster 3unday
6| 3peoial Buddies Creation
Museum 1rip
14| Boy 3oouts Chili lundraiser
21| Pasta with the Pastors
24| Last wednesday Night for
Childrens' and Adult
3| 1oy Prom
D. L. Moody is commonly recognized as one of the
greatest preachers in the modern era. An old story goes that
Moody and a friend of his, who was a bit skeptical of the
church, were together in Moodys study, engaged in a dis-
cussion about the churchs place in a persons life.
Moodys friend had maintained that it was not necessary
for a Christian to belong to a church. He reasoned that a per-
sons relationship with God was, just that: a personal thing.
Moody countered by, simply, taking a set of tongs and
going over to the freplace in his study, in which there was a
warm fre burning. Moody dug into a pile oI red, hot, glow-
ing embers and pulled one out. Almost immediately, the
glowing ember cooled and turned black. After a few sec-
onds, he placed that ember back into the fre. The warmth
of the other coals re-ignited it and turned it red, once again.
Moodys point was this apart from the love and en-
couragement of other Christians, the worries and temp-
tations oI this world can easily quench the spiritual fre
in the heart of a lone wolf believer. An important pur-
pose of the church is for Christ-followers to continually
encourage one another keeping those spiritual fames
in each oI our hearts stoked! Scripture is flled with en-
couragement for Christians to be a support for other Chris-
tians. We are told to bear one anothers burdens (Gala-
tians 6:2), to encourage one another (Hebrews 3:13), to
confess our sins to one another and to pray for one an-
other (James 5:16), to do good for each other (Galatians
6:10), and, of course, to love one another (1 John 4:7).
Sadly, there are still a great number of lone wolf
Christians even in the church. These are people who at-
tend church regularly. Perhaps they give to God regularly
and generously of their income. But, they draw the line at
getting to know others, much less giving others permission
to laugh with them when theyre happy, and walk through
the messy stuff that life throws at us all from time to time.
Amy and I love the people in our Life Group! We have
laughed together, served together, considered scripture to-
gether. Hey! We have even driven all the way down to Ow-
ensboro, KY, to eat barbecue together! While these people
arent blood relatives we consider them extended family.
Another group Im really fortunate to be part of are the
guys who get out of bed before 5 AM on Monday morn-
ings to be at Cracker Barrel in Corydon by 6. In an hours
time, we pray, discuss how we can apply Randys sermon,
and encourage one an-
other to be better hus-
bands, fathers, sons, and
neighbors. I shake my
head and smile when I
think about how close
this group has allowed
me to get to several
other guys. And, I confess, even though the 4:40 AM
wakeup call each Monday morning sometimes takes my
breath away I wouldnt trade it for anything. There is a
mutual feeling among the guys, as we are paying our tab
and leaving a generous tip for Becky, our server, that we
have started our week the best way that we possibly can!
tell you about a new group opportunity our Life
Groups team is working on that we will be offer-
ing in our new auditorium starting around August.
Its a concept called Table Groups. Table groups are
round table discussion groups that offer people the chance
to meet and get to know others while discussing the ap-
plications of the previous weekends sermon message.
Unlike home-based life groups, table groups
meet in the church auditorium on Wednesday eve-
nings. A table leader will facilitate the discussion.
Look for more information over the next few months!
Other News
[6th-12th grade]
Zao: To Live
Skate or Die: A Conversion story
6th - 8th grade Quest is on Sundays at 10:30a.
[6th - 8th grade Wednesday night program is Peak Group]
9th - 12th grade Quest is on Wednesdays at 6:45p.
Check us out on Facebook
Move Conference (June 24-29)
Move is a 5-day event specially
for high school students (incoming
freshman graduating seniors). Its
packed full of relevant communica-
tors, high energy music and unique
entertainment. This is our biggest
high school event.
Download promo packet at Face- Click
on Move
A Note from our Worship Minister
Its an exciting time at First Capital Christian Church.
Growth is being seen in a number of different areas. We
are eager to fll the new area with our music and liIe. I will
just share a simple reminder of who our God is and why
He is so deserving of our worship. Revelation 4:11 tells us,
You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and
power; For You created all things, and by Your will they
exist and were created. His majesty and creative powers,
greatness and glory are reasons for His deserving worship
but there is more to Him than that. We also know God is
worthy of our worship because of His love. We know love
by seeing God and His acts,(1 John 3, Colossians 1). He
has shown us His love in giving His life for us, (John 3:16).
He continues to give us breath and is patient with us in our
fumbling around and doing the wrong things. His love and
patience give us even more reason to bring Him our worship.
You see, God is not just this thing or person that is
cool or powerful or really swell. God is more than we
could ever imagine or speak. His mere presence or-
dains praise from people, and creation alike. When
we come together to sing or work or serve or pray, we
do so for a purpose; for God, because He deserves it.
Revelation 4:11 tells us, You are worthy, O Lord, to
receive glory and honor and power; For You created all
things, and by Your will they exist and were created.
Special Thanks
Dear Church Family,
Thank you for your visits, cards, food and mostly your prayers and support for Jenny. May God bless you tenfold.
Ephesians 3:17-19 So that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, and I pray that you, being rooted and estab-
lished in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of
Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge---that you may be flled to measure oI all the Iullness oI God.
Sincerely, Sonny, Carol and Jenny Anderson
A note from our
Childrens Minister
Jesse Barnett
Opportunity, opportunity, opportunity.
Yup, I said it and I will say it again, opportunity. We
are getting ready to embark on a grand adventure with
God. He is amazing and really all He is asking of you is
to step out on faith and become a part of what He has in
mind. He is really blessing us here at First Capital. We
need to hitch our wagons
to Him and let Him lead
us on this amazing ride.
I know that there
are some skeptics in
the crowd. Hmm, I be-
lieve Gideon went
through his time of questioning as well. He placed
the feece on the ground and asked God Ior a sign.
I dont think we need any more signs, God has
opened the food gates and His blessings are pour-
ing out. I want to make sure that I am ready and so is
the childrens department. We need faithful workers.
We are making a habit of attracting people and want to
continue doing so. In order to do this, parents want to know
that their children are safe and have loving and caring people
sharing the gospel with them. You see childrens ministry is
not about babysitting, if it was, then it would be a lot easier.
It is about sharing the gospel with the next generation; mak-
ing it exciting to them and pulling them in to Gods kingdom.
We want to make sure that what we do with them is
long lasting. If you poll adults, most will admit that they
accepted Christ as a child. In fact, Jesus instructs us
to come to Him as a little child. If there is no one shar-
ing with children, then how are they to accept Him.
God has His church here in this area for a reason. That
reason is to make a difference in this community. Remem-
ber, children are people. They deserve our best, not what is
left. They are our future. Please help this future come to life.
We have some amazing areas which need assistance.
Preschool department is in need of people who can manage
puppets, yes I said puppets. We also need people who can
work with crafts with children. We also need those who can
serve in the playroom and take kids around to different sta-
tions. This is not an every Sunday gig. You are not stuck for
life, but you are giving eternal everlasting life to those you are
serving. We need many people to pull off a Sunday. Second
service is in major need of assistance for small group leaders.
The elementary ministry is in need of volunteers
to help with music. Our worship is not for the faint of
heart. It is for those who are dynamic and willing to rock
out. We are singing real worship music, not kid stuff.
They are learning how to worship God in all His won-
der. We also need help second service with small groups
and storytelling. Please consider serving in this area.
If you are interested in these areas, contact Jesse and
begin today.
For the month of March, preschoolers will be discuss-
ing miracles and lead up to Easter with wow moments.
We want them to be wowed by the miracles that Jesus
performed while He lived among us. We want them to be
wowed by the awesomeness of His power. We want them
to be wowed by His entrance into Jerusalem, and we want
them to be wowed by the fact that He came alive on Eas-
ter day. In April, they will be discussing sharing the Great
Commission. We want them to get excited about telling
others about Jesus and how much He loves them. Were en-
couraging preschoolers to, Go tell everyone, everywhere
about Jesus.
Elementary will be discussing Honesty in the month
of March. Honesty is important because it builds trust.
Honesty is choosing to be truthful in whatever you
say and do. What God says is true; He has shown us that
time and time again. Thats one of the reasons we know
we can trust God. In April, we will be discussing friend-
ship. Friendship is spending time with someone you
trust and enjoy. Just as Jesus spent time with His friends
so they could get to know Him better, we can build trust
and have fun with our friends as we spend time with them.
As we move through March and April, we will be
planning ahead for some amazing opportunities for
our children. Coming up in March, we will be focus-
ing on Easter. This will be an all hands on deck for the
childrens ministry team. We will get the chance to be
able to speak to kids who may be visiting Ior the frst
time. We will also be able to be the frst glimpse oI Je-
sus any will ever see. SO, with that being said, we need to
make sure and put our best foot forward during this time.
Needs for the Childrens programming:
Preschool Ministry:
Music Leader
Small Group Leader
Craft Leader
Elementary Ministry:
Music Leader
Small Group Leader
Missions & Children
Kill It and Grill It 2013
was awesome! Shane New-
berry was our speaker and
knocked it out of the park.
We had at least 10 people
make decisions for Christ
and baptized Darrell and Tri-
cia Dennis!
We already have our
speaker for next year. If
you want to get involved in
this ministry, contact Del-
bert Smith. There are sev-
eral ways to help out...we
need at least 4 people to
help Becky Tucker catch
enough Snapping Turtles for
Gene to cook next year!Lol
March 9th at 9am,
Dan Roberts is going to host
a Crappie Fishing Seminar.
Please invite a neighbor
or someone that you know
from work!
We will have coffee and
doughnuts and it will last
about 1 1/2 hours. In April,
Allen Pursell will host a
Nature Exploration adven-
ture! Date and times to be
determined. Please encour-
age anyone that you know to
participate in these outings.
Please pray for these events
and the folks who attend
them! 30,000 Reasons....
FCCC Outdoors
Come and join us for a game night on March 8th at
church at 7:00. We will be playing Euchre and other vari-
ous games. If you like, you may bring a snack and some-
thing to drink. Come and join us in an evening of fun and
relaxation in room 101 and 105
Any questions call: Linda Rudolph @ 812-267-5568
I know! I know! You thought you had heard the last
from me, but I had one left!
As Lorilla and I take a step back we want our kids (my
babies) to continue to experience the best that our church
has to offer. We want our kids to have the best learning ex-
perience, the best opportunity to apply the teaching of Jesus
to their lives. The best opportunity to live in community
with each other. The best opportunity to feel the freedom
oI being able to reach out and up to be flled with His love,
and to grow into the heart of giving that love back.
As it is with a lot of things in life, we tend to take things
that are made one purpose and use them for something en-
tirely different. Take the Sunday School concept for in-
stance. We bring our kids in and drop them off. We then
have these expectations that everything our kids need to
know about God, Jesus, loving each other, living liIe, fs-
cal and fnancial responsibility will be taken care oI by the
directors and teachers of the Sunday School/childrens pro-
gram. I`m pretty confdent that the scriptures don`t teach us
that. Guys, Im totally behind making sure that our kids are
taught the truth of gospel. One hour on Sunday morning
and one hour on Wednesday night is not going to get the job
done! Feel the love here now! THAT JOB IS YOURS not
the Sunday School teachers or directors.
God gave you those children and they are treasures to
brought up by you in His ways. Dads, youve heard this
from me before. You are the spiritual leader of your family
and you need to step into that role (thats not from me thats
from God). See them as the blessings they are.
In the past we talked about change and how hard that
can be (trust me no one knows better than me). Well, change
is here, growth is taking place and yes, its hard. Ive heard
how our Sunday School has changed. Im here to tell you
that theres nothing wrong with our Sunday school ITS
God with His wisdom and in His will has
blessed our church with Jesse Barnett and his family.
God has also blessed Jesse with an energetic and up-
beat way of worship that caters to todays kids.
I encourage each and every family to get involved in your
childs spiritual life and learning.
As usual, Ive taken the long way around the moun-
tain to say this, Sunday Schools, Sunday School directors,
youth pastors and teachers are only tools in the church giv-
en to you by God to help you raise-up godly children. Use
them wisely.
The best chance and place for our children to experience
Jesus is at home with godly fathers teaching their families.
So dont drop the responsibility of raising godly chil-
dren at Jesses door step, but do partner with him. It is a
blessing and honor to serve with him in the ministry of
teaching our children. Until the next time, I love you guys,
and may you always smell like God!
Whats up at The Bridge
Missions & Outreach
Spring is upon us with many changes in the air.
The Smith boys have the Outdoors Ministry rockin and
rollin`. We just hosted our frst Kill It and Grill It event.
I was amazed at the quantity of food brought in for this
event, much more than we anticipated. Delbert arranged
for Shane Newberry, the Preacher Man from Bloodline, to
speak at this event. He did an outstanding job. We had 150
people attend on a snowy night and I estimate half were not
Irom our church. Great frst time event, good job, Delbert,
George and crew. The Outdoors team is also having a Crap-
pie Fishing Seminar at 8:30 am on March 9th featuring our
own Dan Roberts. Breakfast will be provided and the semi-
nar starts around 9:00 am.
Its not all about Outdoors, Derby Eve, May 3
is our
annual Joy Prom. Planning has begun and we will be updat-
ing you with the theme and details soon. For those of you
who do not know about the Joy Prom, read on. We host
a prom themed evening for special needs adults. They are
treated to shoe shines for the men, hair styling and make-
up for the women, corsages, prom style photos, carriage
rides, and a Red Carpet introduction from Vince Buffer
I mean Garmon--to the dance that includes paparazzi and
hors douevres. This is an event where we need as much
help as possible. I hope we have 150 guests, plus another
75-100 caregivers at this event. This is a hugely rewarding
evening and a good opportunity to Boldly Goif you have
not done it before.
The new sanctuary will mean opportunity to host larger
outreach events, but is that reaching the 30,000? I welcome
ideas as to what we could do. Here is my criteria, I dont
want to do something another church is doing unless there
is a REAL needthis is not a competition. Please have an
idea of what we need to do, in other words, dont tell me
We need to save the Snail Darter. Have an idea how we
can save the Snail Darter and we will develop a plan if
its feasible.
Our main events currently are; the Joy Prom (5-3), the
Outdoors Expo (7-25), Fall Down on the Square (10-19),
and the Live Nativity (12-21). Mark your calendars, but be
ready to add more because we want to reach as many of the
30,000 as we can in 2013.
Thanks to all of you who volunteer for one or more of
these events and I invite anyone who hasnt helped to call
me, I will get you plugged in an area you are interested in.
Bill Hollingsworth
Outreach Ministry
The spring walks are
coming up quickly: the
Mens Walk (#115), Lay
Director Bob Blunk, is
April 11-14, and the Wom-
ens Walk (#116), Lay Di-
rector Elizabeth Reed, is
April 18-21. At this time
there is still plenty of room
on both walks. Please be in
prayer for who you could
sponsor. Also, while we
all want to share our won-
derful Emmaus experience
with others, NOT everyone
is ready for the Walk to Em-
maus and you should very
carefully consider your re-
sponsibilities as a sponsor
before choosing to sponsor
a pilgrim.
Gatherings: Commu-
nity Gatherings are held
on the frst Friday oI each
month, with the exception
of the months that there are
Walks. The next Gathering
is Friday, March 1 at Park
Memorial UMC, 1820 E.
Park Place, Jeffersonville,
7:27 pm. There will
not be a regular gathering
the frst Friday oI April,
or the frst Friday oI May,
due to the spring walks, but
the Follow-up/Community
Gathering will be held on
Saturday, April 27 at Unity
Chapel. The May Gather-
ing will be on Friday, May
1st and will be held at Wes-
ley Chapel. De Colores!
Emmaus Talk
DR Mission Trip
A group of 12 from FCCC re-
turned to Batey Nueve and Cuchil-
lo. They partnered with Pastor Fran-
cisco in Cuchillo. The group helped
with construction on the church
in Nueve and conducted medical
for the locals and held clinics for
children at the feeding centers. The
group also worshipped with the
youth and adults and went with a
group who were baptized
in the Caribbean. Several
team members were instru-
mental in leading others to
Christ! One of the team re-
dedicated his life! The team
wishes to encourage all to fnd a spot to serve. God
will bless you for it. Dios te bediga!! (God bless you)
305 Oliver St.
Corydon, IN 47112
Randy Kirk, Senior Minister
Vince Garmon, Connections Minister
Mauhev IrxIeben, Student Minister
}esse arneu, ChiIdren's Minisler
Selh Day, Worshi Minisler
Angie Nachreiner, Oce Manager
Oce Hours:
Monday - Iriday 8a-4
Salurday 6
Weekend Worshi Ixerience
ChiIdren's Irograms |Ages 0-5lh gradej
AduIl ibIe CIass
Sunday 9a
Weekend Worshi Ixerience
ChiIdren's Irograms |Ages 0-5lh gradej
AduIl ibIe CIasses
Sunday 10:45a
Weekend Worshi Ixerience
ChiIdren's Irograms |Ages 0-5lh gradej
Sludenl Irograms |6lh-8lh gradej
AduIl ibIe CIasses
Iirsl CailaI Chrislian Church + 305 OIiver Sl. + Corydon, IN 47112 + hone: 812.738.1869 +
fax: 812.738.7985
Oce Sla
Average Attendance and Offering 2013
Month Attendance Offering 30,000 Reasons
Year to date New Members: 28 Year to date aptsms: 18

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