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MSc Courses in Biomedical Engineering Cell and Tissue Engineering

University Hospital of North Staffordshire

C/MSc Course/Biomedical Engineering/Cell & Tissue Engineering 2006/2007


In case the need for such appliance of science in Health Care is not obvious, let us think of the Human Body in scientific terms as follows
The body can be regarded as a machine controlled by the worlds most sophisticated microcomputer, about the size of a grapefruit and largely selfprogrammable. The machine is self-propelled in any direction with a forward speed of up to ~30 kmph or so but capable of only transient vertical travel to a maximum height of ~2.5 meters. It is largely waterproof, entirely rustproof and semi-immersible. Control is effected, with automatic feedback, through self-adjusting binoculars and by auditory, olfactory and tactile signals. The machine is equipped with a pair of sophisticated remote manipulators. It is powered by a wide variety of fuels (ideally unleaded) via a multipurpose carburettor that is partly self-regulating. The machine can self-replicate and, though no guarantee is provided, has an expected lifetime of about 70 years. To a large extent, the machine is self-repairing. However, in the event of a malfunction, diagnosis of the problem (and its rectification) should be achieved ideally without lifting the bonnet and with minimal damage to external bodywork. However, no manuals relating to construction, function or repair are provided.
Taken from the International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences (IUPESM) chairmans supporting case for the International Federation for Medical & Biological Engineering (IFMBE) application for full membership of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) published in the IFMBE news letter no 37, July 1999

INDEX General Information on Course and University Procedures Contact numbers for Module Tutors and Lecturers Course Regulations A Guide for Studying Overview of Timetable Timetable Day by Day Detailed information on modules: MTE-40001 Biomedical Signal Processing MTE-40002 Physiological Measurement and Medical Imaging MTE-40003 Medical Electronics and Equipment Management MTE-40005 Biosensors MTE-40006 Biomaterials MTE-40007 Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation MTE-40009 Healthcare Technology Assessment MTE-40012 Biomechanics MTE-40017 Cell Biomechanics MTE-40018 Human Physiology and Anatomy MTE-40019 Trace Gas Analysis in Biomedicine MTE-40020 Stem Cell Therapy: Enabling Technology MTE-40021 Cell and Tissue Engineering MTE-40014 Seminar Programme Guidelines for the Research Project Appendix A Appendix B Appendix B Advice on the avoidance of plagiarism University policy on plagiarism Guidelines for visual aids 21 23 25 26 28 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 42 43 46 47 3 8 9 14 17 18


Disclaimer: The information in this Handbook is as accurate and up-to-date as we can make it. It does not, however, replace the entries in the University Prospectus and Calendar, which are authoritative statements. In case of conflict, university regulations take priority. The statements of departmental policy in this Handbook are made in good faith. It may however be necessary from time to time to vary courses, procedures, and other arrangements. Course aims and objectives: The aims of the courses are to provide multi-disciplinary Masters level postgraduate training in biomedical engineering and cell and tissue engineering. These will involve building on existing undergraduate knowledge in basic sciences to apply to clinical applications of bioengineering and cell and tissue engineering relevant to the healthcare environment. The overall objectives are To provide courses at a postgraduate level leading to professional careers in biomedical engineering and cell and tissue engineering in a wide range of healthcare establishments i.e. medical organisations, medical research institutions and NHS Trust hospitals, To provide an opportunity for in-depth research into specialist and novel areas of biomedical engineering and cell and tissue engineering To expose students to practical work in a hospital environment with hands-on knowledge of patient care To introduce students to exciting new fields within biomedical and cell and tissue engineering such as cellular engineering and novel technologies for physiological monitoring. Course structure: The courses consist of compulsory modules supplemented by a choice of optional modules; the student must gain at least 120 credits from these. The third semester is devoted to a research project and dissertation, which, if successfully completed, provides the additional 60 credits required for graduation. Teaching methods: The main method will be subject-centred lectures, supported by tutorials and practical exercises. Collaborative learning and student-centred learning will also be adopted, so there will be a substantial amount of group work and individual assignments. Students are also required to conduct independent study to a very large extent. Procedures for submitting and returning work: Work should be submitted via the Course Administrator on or before the due date. Arrangements and timescale for assessment of work will be notified by the tutor.

Methods of communication within the Department: If students experience difficulty in arranging a meeting with a member of the teaching staff, help should be sought via the Administrator. Timetable changes and other urgent information will be posted daily on: If possible they will be communicated direct to students, who should ensure that the Administrator has their email address, telephone number and a mobile phone number if available. External Examiner: Dr Richard Black, University of Liverpool Course Directors: Biomedical Engineering: Dr Isaac Liu Cell and Tissue Engineering: Professor Alicia El Haj Module Leaders: MTE-40002 MTE-40003 MTE-40020 MTE-40012 MTE-40018 MTE-40016 MTE-40005 MTE-40001 MTE-40006 MTE-40019 MTE-40021 MTE-40009 MTE-40007 MTE-40017 Physiological Measurement and Medical Imaging Medical Electronics and Equipment Management Stem Cell Therapy: Enabling Technologies Biomechanics Human Physiology and Anatomy Molecular Techniques: Applications in Tissue Engineering Biosensors Biomedical Signal Processing Biomaterials Trace Gas Analysis in Biomedicine Cell and Tissue Engineering Healthcare Technology Assessment Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation Cell Biomechanics Dr Y Wickramasinghe Dr Richard Gadd Dr John Thompson Professor Alicia El Haj Dr Jan-Herman Kuiper Dr Suzanne Whiteman Dr Stuart McBain Dr John Thompson Dr Ahmed Keramane Dr Ying Yang Dr Jon Dobson Dr Tianshu Wang Dr Sarah Cartmell Dr John Thompson Dr Aziz Rahmatalla Dr Isaac Liu

Staff arrangements for seeing students: Students should make their own arrangements with individual members of staff to meet at a mutually convenient time. If difficulty is encountered with this, the Course Administrator will make an appointment on the students behalf. Individual progress interviews: The Head of Institute will arrange to see each student at least once during the academic year. Additional interviews with the Head of Institute or Course Director can be arranged as required. Assessment Criteria: Used for assignments and examination papers 0-19%: Unexaminable. Material submitted too little or of too poor quality to be examinable properly. 20-29%: Clear fail. Little or no relevant empirical material. Poorly structured text, line of argument unclear or unsubstantiated, material not related to the question or task (eg pure description without any criticism or analysis). 30-39%: Fail. Some but inadequate empirical material, failure of much of the material to address the question/task, some illogicality of reasoning. Some evidence that the student has understood main elements in the question, but expresses himself or herself badly. 40-49%: Marginal fail. Some factual evidence. Knowledge of some landmark texts or documents. Coherent reasoning and some analysis which goes beyond pure description. Evidence that the question has been understood and interpreted correctly. No gross errors of fact or theoretical misunderstandings. Little critical insight. 50% is the pass mark for Masters level work. 50-59%: Competent pass. Clear, well expressed arguments. Analytical reasoning as well as accurate description. Good use of sources, including relevant literature. 60-69%: Strong pass. Good analytical and theoretical insights. Well structured and well written answers. Evidence of some original thinking in collection and analysis of material. Relevant examples and illustrations of key themes. 70-79%: Distinction. Critical, self-critical and balanced text. Well presented and clearly expressed arguments. New perspectives on key themes. Evidence of extensive reading and research. Very good use of different data sources. Original arguments. 80%+: As above, in under-researched field or with an original line of argument. Publishable in a learned journal or book as it stands or with minor amendments.

The Universitys Codes of Practice Please see:

Academic Regulations: Please see:

Procedures when students fail assessments: Students will be allowed to retake the examination for failed modules during the latter part of the third semester; in this case, University regulations do not permit the award of a mark exceeding 50%. No further attempts are permitted except where an appeal against the decision of the Examining Board is appropriate. ( - satiswork) Plagiarism: A statement of university policy on plagiarism can be found at:

It is also printed as an annex to this Handbook. See also:

Advice on the avoidance of plagiarism is at:

It is also printed as an Annex to this Handbook. Assessment procedures: A statement of the Universitys assessment procedures, General Regulations for University Examinations and Assessments, can be found at:

Academic warnings: A statement of university procedures for issuing academic warnings can be found at:

Departmental complaints procedures: Students should arrange to discuss the difficulty informally with the Course Director in the first instance. University complaints and appeals procedure: A statement of the university complaints procedure can be found at:

The university appeals procedure is available at:

Availability for vivas: Students are not expected to undertake a viva routinely. They should be available for examination by viva at the end of the course in the event of a borderline result.

Attendance requirements: Attendance at lectures and tutorials, including the Seminar Programme, is compulsory. Permission for brief absence may be sought from the appropriate tutor. A statement of procedures in the case of absence for illness and other good cause can be found at: and

Disability: A statement of University policy on disability can be found at:

Student records: Records of students marks, copies of assignments and examination scripts are held in the Administrative Office, as are completed application forms and copies of any correspondence with the student. Sources of help and advice: There is a considerable amount of information at:

In cases where this is insufficient, students should feel free to speak in confidence to a member of the teaching staff or the Administrator, who will make every effort to assist. Evaluation and staff-student liaison: Each student is issued at the end of every module with an anonymous evaluation form for the module. It is very helpful if these can be completed as fully as possible and returned to the Administrator for distribution to the appropriate staff members. Concerns about the course may be discussed informally with tutors. Publication of results: Results of examinations for each module will be made known to students two months after the examination. Final recommendations are made to the University in time to meet the deadline for graduation ceremonies in line with the requirements of the Examinations and Records Department, and results notified to students via the University. Provision of references: Students must ask the staff member concerned before supplying his or her name as a referee. If no such request is made, it cannot be guaranteed that a reference will be supplied. Safety regulations: Students will be required to attend Health and Safety sessions as specified from time to time and to follow procedures as specified by the School of Medicine, and to undertake any specialist training appropriate to their practical work during the course. Protective equipment and clothing must be used as instructed and all relevant safety protocols observed. Web site information:

CONTACT NUMBERS FOR MODULE TUTORS AND LECTURERS Course Directors: Biomedical Engineering: Dr Isaac Liu Cell and Tissue Engineering: Professor Alicia El Haj MTE-40002: Physiological measurement and Medical Imaging Dr Y Wickramasinghe Clinical Technology Services Dr Richard Gadd Nuclear Medicine MTE-40003: Medical Electronics and Equipment Management Dr John Thompson Mr Dave Sargeant Clinical Technology Services MTE-40020: Stem Cell Therapy: Enabling Techniques Professor Alicia El Haj ISTM MTE-40012: Biomechanics Dr Jan-Herman Kuiper RJAH Oswestry (55)4600 (55)4605 (55)2190 (55)5137 01543 492934 (55)2562 (55)4605 01691 404581 (55)5452 01543 492934 (55)5312 (55)5072

MTE-40018: Anatomy and Physiology Dr Suzanne Whiteman ISTM MTE-40005: Biosensors Dr John Thompson MTE-40016: Molecular Techniques Dr Stuart McBain ISTM MTE-40001: Biomedical Signal Processing and Modelling Dr Ahmed Keramane ISTM MTE-40006: Biomaterials Dr Ying Yang Dr Jon Dobson ISTM ISTM

(55)4606 (55)5639 (55)5199 (55)5072 01543 492934

MTE-400019: Trace Gas Analysis in Biomedicine Dr Tianshu Wang ISTM MTE-40021: Cell and Tissue Engineering Dr Sarah Cartmell ISTM MTE-40009: Healthcare Technology Assessment Dr John Thompson MTE-40007:Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation Dr Aziz Rahmatalla New Orthopaedic Development MTE-40017: Cell Biomechanics Dr Isaac Liu ISTM External Examiner: Dr Richard Black, University of Liverpool



MSc in Biomedical Engineering COURSE REGULATIONS These regulations supplement the relevant University Academic Regulations which are to be found on the University Web-site and in the University Calendar. In the event of a contradiction or other discrepancy between these regulations and University Academic Regulations, the University Academic Regulations shall be authoritative, unless approval has been given by Senate for a variation from the University Academic Regulations. 1. Structure of the course First Semester:
Physiological Measurement and Medical Imaging (Compulsory 20 credits) Medical Electronics and Equipment Management (Compulsory 20 credits) Physiology and Anatomy (Compulsory * - 10 credits) Seminar Programme (Compulsory 20 credits) Molecular Techniques (Elective 10 credits) Biosensors (Elective - 10 credits) Trace Gas Analysis (Elective 10 credits) Stem Cell Therapy 1 (Elective 10 credits) Biomechanics (Elective 20 credits)

Second semester:
Biomedical Signal Processing (Compulsory 20 credits) Biomaterials (Elective 20 credits) Cell and Tissue Engineering (Elective 20 credits) Healthcare Tech Assessment (Elective 10 credits)

Cell Biomechanics (Elective 10 credits)

Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation (Elective 10 credits)

Third semester:
Research project (Compulsory 60 credits) * See 5 below 1 Prerequisite for MTE-40021 unless previous knowledge can be demonstrated 10

2 3

Modules required for the purposes of professional exemption: None Entrance requirements: Applicants are expected to have, or to anticipate receiving, at least the equivalent of a first or second class degree from a UK university in a relevant subject; appropriate work experience can be taken into account at the Universitys discretion. Where English is not the first language, applicants must have an acceptable English qualification, as defined in the Graduate Prospectus.

4 5

Requirements for admission with advanced standing: Not applicable. Requirements for approving module exemptions: Physiology and Anatomy is not compulsory if students can produce evidence of adequate prior study. This is at the discretion of the Course Director. Attendance requirements: Attendance is compulsory for modules in which students intend to be examined. They are welcome to attend other lectures and tutorials in which they have an interest but in which they do not intend to take an examination. Regulations governing fieldwork, placements or exchange periods: Not applicable. Assessment regulations: Where modules have more than one form of assessment, it is not necessary to achieve a pass mark on each element, so long as an overall mark of 50% is attained. The aggregated mark for the course is calculated by an average of the marks for each module and for the research project.

7 8

Regulations on the form and submission of coursework: Dates for submission of coursework are given by tutors, and must be adhered to unless an extension is granted by the tutor or medical evidence can be provided. The research dissertation is to be submitted by 14 September following the year of entry to the course. An extension until 31 December can be granted by the Course Director. Any student requiring an extension beyond that date must supply evidence for submission to the Aegrotat Committee.

10 Distinction award: The course has been approved as offering a Distinction award where students have achieved an average mark of 70% and have attained a minimum mark of 70% for the research dissertation. 11 and 12: Deviation from University Academic Regulations and any other regulatory matters: Not applicable. The extension of the time limit for this course to five years when completed on a part-time or modular basis was agreed by the Faculty of Health Course Development Sub-Committee on 10 September 2004.


MSc in Cell and Tissue Engineering COURSE REGULATIONS These regulations supplement the relevant University Academic Regulations which are to be found on the University Web-site and in the University Calendar. In the event of a contradiction or other discrepancy between these regulations and University Academic Regulations, the University Academic Regulations shall be authoritative, unless approval has been given by Senate for a variation from the University Academic Regulations. 1. Structure of the course First Semester:
Biomechanics (Compulsory 20 credits) Physiology and Anatomy (Elective - 10 credits) Molecular Techniques (Elective 10 credits) Seminar Programme (Compulsory 20 credits) Biosensors (Elective - 10 credits) Trace Gas Analysis (Elective 10 credits) Stem Cell Therapy 1 (Elective 10 credits) Physiological Measurement and Medical Imaging (Elective 20 credits) Medical Electronics and Equipment Management (Elective 20 credits)

Second semester:
Biomaterials (Compulsory 20 credits) Cell and Tissue Engineering (Compulsory 20 credits) Healthcare Tech Assessment (Elective 10 credits) Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation (Elective 10 credits) Biomedical Signal Processing (Elective 20 credits)

Cell Biomechanics (Elective 10 credits)

Third semester:
Research project (Compulsory 60 credits)

Prerequisite for MTE-40021 unless previous knowledge can be demonstrated


2 3

Modules required for the purposes of professional exemption: None Entrance requirements: Applicants are expected to have, or to anticipate receiving, at least the equivalent of a first or second class degree from a UK university in a relevant subject; appropriate work experience can be taken into account at the Universitys discretion. Where English is not the first language, applicants must have an acceptable English qualification, as defined in the Graduate Prospectus.

4 5 6

Requirements for admission with advanced standing: Not applicable. Requirements for approving module exemptions: Not applicable Attendance requirements: Attendance is compulsory for modules in which students intend to be examined. They are welcome to attend other lectures and tutorials in which they have an interest but in which they do not intend to take an examination. Regulations governing fieldwork, placements or exchange periods: Not applicable. Assessment regulations: Where modules have more than one form of assessment, it is not necessary to achieve a pass mark on each element, so long as an overall mark of 50% is attained. The aggregated mark for the course is calculated by an average of the marks for each module and for the research project.

7 8

Regulations on the form and submission of coursework: Dates for submission of coursework are given by tutors, and must be adhered to unless an extension is granted by the tutor or medical evidence can be provided. The research dissertation is to be submitted by 14 September following the year of entry to the course. An extension until 31 December can be granted by the Course Director. Any student requiring an extension beyond that date must supply evidence for submission to the Aegrotat Committee.

10 Distinction award: The course has been approved as offering a Distinction award where students have achieved an average mark of 70% and have attained a minimum mark of 70% for the research dissertation. 11 and 12: Deviation from University Academic Regulations and any other regulatory matters: Not applicable. The extension of the time limit for this course to five years when completed on a part-time or modular basis was agreed by the Faculty of Health Course Development Sub-Committee on 10 September 2004.


COURSE STRUCTURE AND CONTENT These taught masters courses require satisfactory completion of at least 180 M level credits, made up of 120 credits from taught modules (80 credits core and compulsory, 40 credits options) plus a project and dissertation for 60 credits. The module structure is set out below. Project dissertation (60 credits) Research project and final dissertation of 15,000-20,000 words. This is an opportunity for students to undertake laboratory based research in their chosen topic and should demonstrate their understanding of the field via applications in healthcare.


A Guide for Studying

Lectures The most permanent record of any lecture course will be your notes. It is essential that they should be as clear as possible and arranged so that you can easily locate the information within them. Acquiring the skill of making good lecture notes is essentially a matter of common sense and practice. However, there are a few simple ways of making the process easier: i ii iii iv Arrive at the lecture in good time, and make sure that you have all the books, notes and equipment which you are likely to need; Number the pages; Leave space to annotate your notes when you re-read them; Make sure that your notes are accurate.

It is always difficult to listen to the lecturer, read what is being written, attempt to understand the material and make your own notes simultaneously. This needs hard work and concentration during the lecture. The skill will develop with practice, but you should ensure that you write down at least everything that the lecturer writes, unless written handouts are provided. Dont worry if you do not understand everything immediately as it is presented in the lecture; take as many notes as possible and ask your lecturer, your tutor or another student to explain as soon as possible. Do not be afraid to ask questions during or after a lecture, or to query if you think the lecturer has made a mistake. Read through your notes as soon as possible after the lecture, and annotate them if necessary in such a way that you will be able to understand them later. If you find that you cannot understand any part of your notes, check the information in the library, talk to other students or raise the matter in your tutorials, or discuss the problem with your lecturer. Tutorials The format of these will vary according to the module. In general terms you should: Make sure that you have brought any books or materials with you as instructed beforehand by the tutor; Prepare for the session by doing any reading or set work as recommended; Involve yourself fully by raising any questions and suggestions which you may have. Set work During the course you will have to complete a number of essays and projects which will form part of your assessment. It is important that you organise your time so that you can submit them promptly. If you need help with the work, or if you find that you will not be able to complete it by the deadline, make an appointment as soon as possible with the Module Tutor to discuss your problem dont wait until you are in serious difficulty. When you keep the appointment, make a list beforehand of any issues which you need to raise. The provisional schedule for written work is below:


The provisional schedule for written work is below:



First/ second half Both Both Both

Type of assignment All assessment by examination Coursework Paper based on practical may be taken into account in the event of a borderline examination result. Coursework Coursework Practical report Oral presentation Essay Exercise Coursework Laboratory course work All assessment by examination Practical write-up Essay Exercise Essay All assessment by examination Assessment by dissertation (5000 words)

% of total mark 60

Exam % 100 40 100

MTE-40002 1 MTE-40003 1 MTE-40012 1

MTE-40018 1 MTE-40016 1 MTE-40020 1 MTE-40019 1 MTE-40005 1 MTE-40001 2 MTE-40006 2 MTE-40021 2 MTE-40017 2 MTE-40009 2 MTE-40007 2 MTE-40014 Both

Both First Second Second Second Both Both Both First Second Second Both

20 10 10 1 5 1 35 2 15 2 50 30 35 30 15 40 100

80 90 85 50

50 70 100 65 3 55 (pass mark 30)* 60 100

* Please note that there is a pass mark of 30% for the examination in MTE-40017. In all other modules, with the exception of those defined below, students are required to attain an overall mark of 50%, without a requirement to attain a minimum mark in any element of assessment.

The pass mark in each assessment is 50%. In the event of failure in any assessment, the module mark will be capped at 50% at a second attempt. Only failed elements will need to be repeated.

The pass mark is 40% for the essay and the exercise, 50% for the examination. In the event of failure in any assessment, the module mark will be capped at 50% at a second attempt. Only failed elements will need to be repeated. 1 The pass mark in each assessment is 50%. In the event of failure in either assessment, the module mark will be capped at 50% at a second attempt. Only failed elements will need to be repeated.


TIMETABLES Please note: In all timetables, PGM signifies Seminar Room 1, Postgraduate Medicine. locations are described in full. All details provided for the Second half of the 1st Semester are provisional. Because of clinical and other commitments of lecturers, it may on occasion be necessary to rearrange lectures. You will be notified by email if this is the case. Other


Timetable for MSc in Biomedical Engineering and MSc in Cell and Tissue Engineering 2006-2007 (Provisional)
23.3.07 1.5.07 8.12.06 15.1.07 25.9.06 2.10.06






P r o g r a m m e (C) MTE-40001: Biomedical Signal Processing (C/BE) (E/CE) MTE-40006: Biomaterials (C/CE) (E/BE) MTE-40021: Cell and Tissue Engineering (C/CE) (E/BE) MTE-40017: Cell Biomechanics (E)

MTE-40002: Physiological Measurements and Medical Imaging (C/BE) MTE-40003: Medical Electronics and Equipment Management (C/BE) MTE-40012: Biomechanics (C/CE) (E/BE)

Easter Vacation and Exams

MTE-40015 Research Project (C)

Christmas Vacation and Exams

(C): Compulsory module for both courses Full Semester courses: 20 credits Half Elective Semester courses: 10 credits (E): module for both courses Except as indicated


MTE-40018: Physiology and Anatomy (C/BE) (E/CE) MTE-40016: Molecular Techniques (E)

MTE-40005: Biosensors (E) MTE-40019: Trace Gas Analysis in Biomedicine (E) MTE-40020: Stem Cell Therapy: Enabling Technologies (E)

MTE-40009: Healthcare Technology Assessment (E) MTE-40007: Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation (E)

C: Compulsory E: Elective

CE: Cell and Tissue Engineering BE: Biomedical Engineering (C/BE): (E/BE): (C/CE): (E/CE): Compulsory for Biomedical Engineering Elective for Biomedical Engineering 18 Compulsory for Cellular Engineering Elective for Cellular Engineering


October 2006
WEEK 1 Mon 2 Tues 3 Wed 4 Thurs 5 Friday 6 WEEK 2 Mon 9 Tues 10 Wed 11 Thurs 12 Fri 13 WEEK 3 Mon 16 Tues 17 Wed 18 Thurs 19 Fri 20 WEEK 4 Mon 23 Tues 24 Wed 25 Thurs 26 Friday 27 WEEK 5 Mon 30 MTE-40018 MTE-40002 MTE-40003 Seminar: Prof Jon Dobson MTE-40012 MTE-40016 (2nd Semester) MTE-40018 MTE-40002 Stats workshop MTE-40003 Seminar: Dr Malcolm Clench MTE-40012 MTE-40016 (2nd Semester) Room CBA1.070 Chancellors Building, Keele Campus. PGM PGM Lecture Theatre PCS PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM (seminar room 1) PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM 9-10 am 9.30-12 2-4 pm 1.30 pm 10.30-1 10-12.30 10.30-12.30 9.30-12 1.30-4.30 10-12.30 2.00 pm 10.30-1 10-12.30 9-10 am 2-3 pm 9.30-12 1.30-4.30 MTE-40018 MTE-40002 MTE-40003 MTE-40012 MTE-40016 (2nd Semester) MTE-40018 MTE-40002 MTE-40003 MTE-40012 MTE-40016 (2nd Semester) MTE-40018 PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM Medical School, Keele 9.30-11.30 am 9.30-12 10-12.30 10.30-1 10-12.30 10-12 9.30-12 10-12.30 10.30-1 10-12.30 3-5 pm

MTE-40018 MTE-40002 Tues 31 MTE-40002 Stats workshop November 2006 Wed 1 Thurs 2 Fri 3 MTE-40012



C/MSc Course/Biomedical Engineering/Cell & Tissue Engineering 2006/2007

MTE-40018 WEEK 6 - November 2006 Mon 6 Tues 7 Wed 8 MTE-40018 MTE-40005 (Cancelled) MTE-40002 Stats workshop MTE-10018 MTE-40003 Seminar: Dr David de Pomerai MTE-40012 (Cancelled) MTE-40020 (Cancelled) MTE-40012 MTE-40005 MTE-40020 MTE-40020 MTE-40020 MTE-40002 MTE-40005 MTE-40003 Stats workshop (Cancelled) MTE-40012 MTE-40020 MTE-40002 MTE-40018 MTE-40002 MTE-40002 MTE-40002 MTE-40020 MTE-40003 (Cancelled) Seminar: Prof Robert Brown MTE-40002 MTE-40012 MTE-40020 Stats workshop (Cancelled) MTE-40020 MTE-40002 (Cancelled) MTE-40003 (LB1 & LB2)

Medical School, Keele Mackay Inst, Keele PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM (seminar room 1) PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM Practical PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM Medical School, Keele PGM Neurology & Clinical Neuro Physiology Bld, NSRI PGM Practical 1 PGM Lecture Theatre PCS PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM (seminar room 1) PGM PGM PGM Ethics

3-5 pm 10-12 2-5 9.30-12 1.30-4.30 9-10 am 11-12 2.00 pm 10.30-1 2-4 10-30-1.00 pm 2-5 9.30-11.30 am 1-2 pm 2 pm 9.30 12.00 pm 2-5 pm 10.30-12.30 1.30-4.30 10.30-1 2-4 pm 9.30 11.30 3-5 pm 9.30-10.30 11.00 am 9.30 11.30 2-5 10-12.30 1.30 pm 9.30-10.30 10.30-1.00 3-4 pm 9.30-12.30 2-4.30 9.30-10.30 2-4 pm 11-12 2-4.30 10-12 2.00 pm 10.30-1 10-12.30 3-4

Thurs 9 Fri 10 WEEK 7 Mon 13 Tues 14 Wed 15 Thurs 16 Fri 17 WEEK 8 Mon 20 Tues 21 Wed 22 Thurs 23 Fri 24 WEEK 9 Mon 27 Tues 28

MTE-40012 Practical work at Oswestry to be arranged

MTE-40002 MTE-40002 Wed 29 MTE-40003 (TA) Seminar: Prof Kevin Brindle Thurs 30 MTE-40012 Practical at Oswestry December 2006: Fri 1 MTE-40003 (LB3/LB7) MTE-40020


WEEK 10 - December 2006 Mon 4 Tues 5 Wed 6 MTE-40020 MTE-40020 MTE-40002 (to be confirmed) MTE-40002 MTE-40003 (TB) MTE-40003 (LB10) Seminar: Dr Rodrigo Quian Quiroga MTE-40012 MTE-40020 MTE-40003 (LB8 & LB9) Regulation Practical 2 (Rescheduled to 14/12/06) PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM (seminar room 1) PGM PGM PGM 10-12 2-5 pm 9.30-12 2-3 10-12 12-1 pm 1.30 pm 10.30-1.00 2-3 pm 2-4 pm

Thurs 7 Fri 8


MTE-40001: Biomedical signal processing and modelling 20 Lecture hours, 3 Tutorial hours, 8 Practical hours, 20 Credits Module tutor: Dr Ahmed Keramane Prerequisite: The prerequisite for this course is a degree in an engineering or physical science based subject. Objective: In view of recent developments in the biomedical engineering field, the modern day graduate training issues in Bioengineering revolve around computing technology and methods of processing biological signals, both for imaging and non imaging applications. The objective of this module is to let student gain the understanding of: 1. The techniques involved in biomedical signal processing 2. How to handle the recorded data from different medical instruments by the use of appropriate signal processing technique. 3. System modelling and data analysis. 4. Statistical properties of signals. 5. Applications of mathematical techniques. Lecture Schedule: Monday mornings from 15 January to 19 March 2007: 9.30 12 am. BSP/L1 BSP/L2 BSP/L3 BSP/L4 BSP/L5 BSP/L6 BSP/L7 BSP/L8 BSP/L9 Basic terminology and regression Time domain processing for signals Fourier series Fourier transformations Practicals and Matlab Practicals and Matlab Fourier transform properties Fourier transform properties Discrete Fourier transform



Discrete Fourier transform Computer experiments Computer experiments Convolution and correlation Power spectrum and applications Signal filtering Signal filtering Signal filtering Computer experiments Computer experiments Overview of the course

Assessment: The course will be assessed by laboratory course work (30%) and end of module written exam (70%)


MTE-40002: Physiological measurement and medical imaging Physiological Measurement Module co-ordinator: Dr. Y. Wickramasinghe Objective: To develop the students understanding of why physiological processes of humans are measured/monitored and to introduce different physiological measurement and therapy techniques. Prerequisite: A prerequisite for this module is an undergraduate course completion and pass in human physiology and anatomy. If this is not available the student will be required to attend the course on Physiology and Anatomy for Bioengineers prior to attending this course. Basic knowledge in Physics or Electronics is required to understand the measurement principles. Indicative content: This module will cover transducers used in physiological measurement, invasive and non-invasive techniques of measurement of many physiological parameters such as: partial pressure of O2 and CO2, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, blood flow and some electrophysiological signals (EEG, ECG, EMG). The course will also cover renal dialysis, pacemakers and intensive care monitoring. Lecture and tutorial outline: 1. Multi-parameter physiological measurements 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction to physiological measurement Transducers Audiology 1 Audiology 2 Oximetry Optical techniques DE YW YW MH MH YW YW PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM 30/10 31/10 31/10 7/11 7/11 14/11 14/11 2-3 pm 9.30-10.30 am 11-12 am 9.30-10.30 11-12 am 9.30-10.30 am 11-12 am


8. 9. 1 0. 1 1.

Optical techniques Tutorial 1 Fetal monitoring EEG measurements Blood flow measurements (Cancelled)


PGM PGM Neurology & Clinical Neuro Physiology Bld, NSRI PGM PGM PGM

17/11 20/11 20/11 21/11 27/11 28/11

9.30-10.30 am 9.30-10.30 am 2 pm 11-12 am 9.30-10.30 am 11-12 am

1 Measurement of pressure Tutorial 2 (Cancelled) 2. 1 ECG/pacemakers/defibrillators 3.


14 Mass spectroscopy in medicine 1 15 Mass spectroscopy in medicine 2 16 Renal dialysis technology Revision and Tutorial 3 Lecturers: YW Dr. Yapa Wickramasinghe DE Mr Dave Evans TW Dr Tianshu Wang MH Marianne Holt Medical Imaging PM Phil Mullin JM John Moore JH Jackie Handley



28/11 28/11 5/12 5/12

} }

2-4.30 pm 2-3 9.30-12 am

Objectives: Many imaging modalities are in use in hospitals today and newer techniques and applications are being evolved. This module will enable the student : 1. To provide an understanding of the principles for the use of diagnostic imaging. 2. To identify the roles of differing imaging techniques in the evaluation of diseases. 3. To discuss the risks including radiation issues, associated with different imaging systems. Lecture Schedule 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X-Ray Imaging (General and Fluoroscopic) X-Ray Imaging (Computerised Tomography and Digital) Magnetic Resonance Imaging Magnetic Resonance Imaging Radiation Protection Ultrasound Nuclear Medicine 1 Nuclear Medicine 2 JG BE EP Jenny George Ben Epps Esther Paisley 3/10 3/10 10/10 10/10 1710 17/10 24/10 24/10 9.30-10.30 am 11-12 am 9.30-10.30 am 11-12 am 9.30-10.30 am 11-12 am 9.30-10.30 am 11-12 am JE CJK RG PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM JG CJK BE EP RG RG JE JE

Assessment: Written examination at the end of term.

Jonathan Eatough Chris Koller Richard Gadd

The lecturers are from the Directorate of Medical Physics, North Staffordshire Hospital, and the School of Postgraduate Medicine, Keele University


MTE-40003: Medical Electronics and Equipment Management Module tutor: Dr John Thompson Objective To enable the student to develop a postgraduate level of understanding of the instrumentation required to support medical applications. To define equipment safety and provide a knowledge of the practice of effective equipment management. Lecture Schedule Code Title A LA1 LA2 LA3 LA4 LA5 LA6 B LB4 LB5 LB6 LB1 LB2 TA LB3 LB7 TB LB10 LB8 LB9 MEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION A model for a medical device Fundamentals of transducers Fundamentals of operational amplifiers Fundamentals and practical applications of signal processing Case study: the anaesthetic machine, part 1 Case study: the anaesthetic machine, part 2 TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT Essay Writing Planned preventative maintenance (PPM), incidents, repairs, clinical support, replacement and disposal Training and the safe use of medical devices Asset management and record keeping An overview of healthcare technology management Project management Tutorial Assessment, evaluation, feasibility studies, specification, procurement, acceptance, installation and commissioning Risk management Tutorial Quality management systems Reliability and maintainability Standards, regulations and professional bodies JT JT JT JT JT JT JT DS TBA DS JT JT JT JT JT JT DS JT JT PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM 4/10 4/10 11/10 11/10 17/10 17/10 25/10 8/11 15/11 15/11 27/11 27/11 29/11 1/12 1/12 6/12 6/12 8/12 8/12 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 2 hrs 1 hr 1 hr 2 hrs 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 10-11 11.30-12.30 10-11 11.30-12.30 2-3 3-4 10-11.00 11-12 10.30-11.30 11.30-12.30 2-3 3-4 10-12 10-11 11-12 10-12 12-1 pm 2-3 3-4 1 2 3 4 5 6


Location Date 2005



11 12 13 8 9 7 10 14 18 17 15 16


Lecturers: JT John Thompson DS Dave Sargeant Assessment: This module will be assessed by coursework (60%) and final examination (40%)


MTE-40005: Biosensors Total: 10 hours Module Leader: Dr John Thompson Lecture Schedule Chemical Sensor and Biosensor Technologies: JT PGM 6/11 2-5 pm This introductory technology overview will cover some general principles of molecular sensor construction and uses. The topics introduced will include: What is being sensed; The physical phases in which sensing may take place; Various sensing mechanisms (chemical, biochemical, biological etc); Types of transducer of the sensing mechanism used to create appropriate signals; Sensor applications (diagnostics, patient monitoring, food, environment etc); The various medical contexts of sensing (in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo); Problems of biocompatibility; Signal processing issues. Electrochemical Transduction: Potentiometric, amperometric, coulometric and conductometric measurements, reference electrodes, ion selective and redox electrodes, ion selective field effect transistors, etc. Optical Transduction: JT PGM 10/11 2-5 pm Using refraction phenomena; surface plasmon resistance and fibre optic evanescent wave sensors. Spectral sensing using optical absorption, fluorescence and phosphorescence, bioluminescence. Other Topics in Transduction and Sensor Design: Thermal/calorimetric methods, surface acoustic wave and piezoelectric methods. Electronic noses. Biocompatibility, including biofouling and biofilm formation, haemocompatibility, tissue biocompatibility. Biosensing Mechanisms 1: JT PGM 14/11 2-5 pm Using enzymes directly to sense molecules. Some principles of enzyme behaviour, including enzyme-substrate interactions, co-


enzymes, enzyme kinetics, using mediators in coupling enzyme reactions to transducers, enzymes as labels for other biochemical reactions. Mathematical modelling of enzyme reactions. Biosensing Mechanisms 2: Using immunological rections for sensing. Introduction to the range of reactions: antibody-antigen interactions in immunoassays, other useful reactions from the immune system. Kinetic and equilibrium assays. Biosensing Mechanisms 3: JT PGM 21/11 2-5 pm Nucleic acid based sensing: DNA and RNA chip technologies. Cell and organism based sensors: microbial sensors, use of other bioreceptors and organisms. Sensor Fabrication Technologies: Macroscopic sensors, microsensors, nanoscale sensors and lab-on-a-chip technologies. Adapting electronic fabrication, screenprinting, ink-jet and other mass production technologies, using CAD-based prototyping. Dealing with problems in mass-production of sensors, including QA/QC. Biosensor Performance: JT PGM 1/12 2-5 pm Theoretical aspects (diffusive and convective mass transport). Experimental design of performance assessment and optimisation: laboratory, pre-clinical and clinical aspects. Case Study and Tutorial Assessment: Coursework 50%, examination 50%


MTE-40006: Biomaterials Module tutor: Dr Y Yang, Professor J Dobson 20 lecture hours Objectives: 1 2 3
1 1.1 1.2 1.3

To introduce the basic knowledge of biomaterials; To understand the interaction between physiological components and biomaterials; To acquire the applications and biocompatible issue of biomaterials
Introduction (1 hour) Definition and division of biomaterials History and recent development of biomaterials Subjects integral to biomaterials: 1.3.1 Toxicology 1.3.2 Biocompatibility 1.3.3 Mechanical and performance requirements Applications of biomaterials in clinics Procedure to develop an application of biomaterials in clinical field Classes of biomaterials used in medicine (2 hours) General introduction Metals and their alloys: 2.2.1 Molecular structure and physical properties 2.2.2 Processing and applications Ceramic and glass: 2.3.1 Molecular structure and physical properties 2.3.2 Processing and applications Polymers: 2.4.1 Molecular structures and physical properties 2.4.2 Processing and applications Natural materials Biological reactions to biomaterials and their evaluation (2 hours) General introduction Macro-phenomena:

1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3 3.1 3.2



3.2.1 Inflammation and wound healing 3.2.2 Foreign body response Micro-phenomena: 3.3.1 The structure and properties of proteins and their adsorption to foreign surfaces 3.3.2 The surface structure and interaction of cells with biomaterials 3.3.3 Blood coagulation and blood-biomaterial interaction Degradation of biomaterials in the biological environment (2 hours) Degradation of metal and ceramics Degradation of polymers Mechanical breakdown of biomaterials Applications of biodegradable polymers: 4.4.1 Short-term medical applications 4.4.2 Temporary scaffold 4.4.3 Temporary barrier 4.4.4 Commonly used degradable polymers Improvement of biocompatibility in biomaterials (2 hours) Definition of biocompatibility 5.1.1 Bioinertia and biocompatibility 5.1.2 Haemocompatibility General techniques to improve surface properties of biomaterials 5.2.1 Physical treatments 5.2.2 Chemical treatments 5.2.3 Mimicry of natural membrane Applications of biomaterials in medicine (1 hour) General and routine applications Cardiovascular applications: 6.2.1 Heart valve 6.2.2 Pacemaker 6.2.3 Cardiopulmonary bypass Orthopaedic applications 6.3.1 Orthopaedic fixation devices 6.3.2 Bone nails, screws and plates Dental implants Adhesives and sealants Drug delivery system

4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

5 5.1 5.2

6 6.1 6.2

6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6


6.7 7 7.1


Magnetic Biomaterials (10 hours) Introduction 7.1.1 What are magnetic materials? 7.1.2 How are they used in biomedical applications? 7.2 Electricity and Magnetism An Overview 7.2.1 Electrostatics 7.2.2 Electromagnetism 7.3 Magnetism in Matter 7.3.1 The origin of magnetism in matter 7.3.2 Types of magnetism in materials 7.4 Magnetic Materials in Biology and Medicine 7.4.1 Endogenous magnetic materials 7.4.2 Biocompatible synthetic magnetic materials 7.5 Interactions of Magnetic Biomaterials with Applied Fields 7.5.1 Public Health implications 7.5.2 MRI safety issues 7.5.3 Biomedical applications Magnetoimmunoassay MRI contrast enhancement Drug and gene delivery Assessment:

This module will be assessed by examination. Lecture dates and times: Thursday mornings from 18 January to 22 March 2007, 9.30 12 am


MTE-40007: Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation Module tutor: Dr Aziz Rahmatalla Objectives: Application of engineering principles to the human body to enable a higher quality of life is one important element in bio engineering. The module will consider current research in the field of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation. Lecture Schedule: Provisionally Tuesday mornings from 20 February to 20 March 2007: 9.30 12 am 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Introduction to skeleton and joints Posture and locomotion Material in orthopaedics Spinal instrumentation and spinal biomechanics Spasticity management and alteration in gait Mobility and limb prosthesis Applied anatomy and biomechanics of joints Role of robotics and computer aided surgery Influence of fixation on the healing process External fracture fixation systems Joint replacement and implants Tutorial Lecturers: JD CWJ RS AW John Dove Charles Wynn Jones Rajiv Singh Tony Ward PBMT Peter Thomas IM Ian Moorcroft AR Aziz Rahmatalla

Assessment: By examination


MTE-40009: Health Technology Assessment Module Leader: Dr John Thompson Prerequisites: No prerequisites for this course Objective This module will provide students with the knowledge to: Acquire the necessary methodologies to assess and evaluate new technologies Understand cost/benefit factors and factors which provide a measure of the quality of life Lectures will take place on Wednesday afternoons from 14 February to 21 March 2007 Title 1 Introduction to HTA Aims, Objectives, Methods And Stages 2 Clinical Governance and HTA 3 Clinical Audit 4 Economic Evaluation in HTA, Part 1 5 Economic Evaluation in HTA, Part 2 6 Assessing Clinical Measurement Technologies, Part 1 7 Assessing Clinical Measurement Technologies, Part 2 8 Randomised Controlled Trials of Therapeutic Technologies 9 Epidemiological Methods in HTA: Questionnaire Design 10 Epidemiological Methods in HTA: Study Design and Analysis 11 Meta-analysis of Published Trials 12 Horizon Scanning and Technological Forecasting Tutorial Assessment: Essay 40%, examination 60% Date 13/2 13/2 20/2 20/2 20/2 27/2 27/2 6/3 6/3 13/3 13/3 20/3 20/3 Venue PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM Time 3 pm 4 pm 2 pm 3 pm 4 pm 2 pm 3 pm 2 pm 3 pm 2 pm 3 pm 2 pm 3-5 pm


MTE-40012: Biomechanics Number of lecture hours: 22.5 plus one days practical work at Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry In addition, the whole group will find a mutually agreeable time to have a weekly hour-long online discussion to help solving example problems. Lecturer: Dr. Jan-Herman Kuiper ( Week Venue Content Tissue Method Book 1 (5/10) PGM Lecture 10.30-1 Introduction, Force, Analytical modelling ON 1,2,3 Moment/Torque 2 (12/10) PGM Lecture 10.30-1 Static equilibrium, Free Body Whole body Analytical modelling ON 4,5 Diagram STM 1 3 (19/10) PGM Lecture 10.30-1 Stress/strain, elasticity Bone Mechanical test ON 6,7 Bending/torsion Strain gauge 4 (26/10) PGM Lecture 10.30-1 Mechanical properties of bone Mechanical test, Strain gauge, STM 4,5 (stiffness, strength, fatigue) Finite Elements 5 (3/11) PGM Lecture 10.30-1 Two-phase material Cartilage Indentation test; Compression STM 7 test; Fuji-film; Computer modelling 6 (10/11) PGM Lecture 10.30-1 Viscoelasticity, Creep Tendon/ Cyclic test STM 8 Ligament Video-analysis 7 (16/11) PGM Lecture 10.30-1 Simulation of processes Bone, Animal experiment STM 6/7/8 Differentiation/remodeling/ cartilage, Computer modelling healing fibrous 8 (?23/11) Oswestry * Practical Determine mechanical properties Bone Compression test 9 (30/11) PGM Lecture 10.30-1 Bioactivity Muscle Tensile tests, electroFung 9 stimulation, EMG 10 (7/12) PGM Lecture 10.30-1 Recap, old exams, questions etc * Provisional dates Core material ON: N zkaya, NM Nordin, Fundamentals of Biomechanics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999 STM: R Bruce Martin, DB Burr, NA Sharkey, Skeletal Tissue Mechanics, Springer-Verlag, New York 1998 Fung: YC Fung, Biomechanics, 2nd ed., Springer-Verlag, New York 1993 Assessment will be by a paper based on the practical and a final exam.

MTE-40017: Cell Biomechanics Module tutor: Dr Isaac Liu Objectives: 1. To introduce the subject of cell biomechanics. 2. To outline the interrelationships between mechanics and cell biology. 3. To identify the application of cell biomechanics in cell/tissue engineering and biomedical engineering. Lecture Synopsis: Content 1. Introduction 2. Experimental methods (I) 3. Experimental methods (II) 4. Review of biomechanics 5. Viscoelasticity of cell 6. Mechanics of cell deformation (I) 7. Mechanics of cell deformation (II) 8. Cell-flow interaction 9. Mechanics of cell adhesion (I) 10. Mechanics of cell adhesion (II) 11. Cell-substrate interaction (I) 12. Cell-substrate interaction (II) All the lectures will be given by Dr Isaac Liu.


Time 17/1 17/1 24/1 24/1 31/1 31/1 7/2 7/2 14/2 14/2 21/2 21/2

Date 9:30-10:30 11-12 9:30-10:30 11-12 9:30-10:30 11-12 9:30-10:30 11-12 9:30-10:30 11-12 9:30-10:30 11-12

Assessment: This module will be assessed by essay (30%), exercise (15%) and examination (55%).

MTE-40018: Human Physiology and Anatomy Module Tutor: Dr Suzanne Whiteman Prerequisites: This course is a prerequisite for attendance for all Biomedical Engineering students who have not provided evidence of previous attendance on a similar course at undergraduate level. Objective: This is a review course on physiology and anatomy for bioengineers. It is often the case that the practising Bioengineer has a poor knowledge about the Anatomy and Physiology of the human body. This module provides an outline understanding of the structure, function and physics of the human body, and introduces physical concepts applicable to medicine. 1 Respiratory 1 Respiratory 2 2 Neurology 1 3 Neurology 2 Anatomy practical: Introduction to Anatomical Specimens Muscular, Skeletal, Joint systems 4 Cardiovascular 5 Renal 1 6 Renal 2 7 Musculo-skeletal 1 Anatomy practical: Cardiovascular and respiratory systems 8 Immunology 1 9 Immunology 2 SW DF DF MM PGM PGM Medical School, Keele Campus 2/10 9/10 9/10 13/10 9.30-11.30 am 10-12 3-5 pm


Room CBA1.070 Chancellors Building, Keele Campus PGM PGM Medical School, Keele Campus

16/10 23/10 23/10 30/10 3/11

9-11 10.30-12.30 9-10 am 3-5 pm 10-12

Lecture Theatre CNS, Mackay Institute, Life 6/11 Sciences, Keele Campus 6/11

Musculo-skeletal 2 Anatomy practical: Urinary/renal and nervous systems


PGM Medical School, Keele Campus

8/11 17/11

9-10 am 3-5 pm

Visits to Cardiothoracic Theatre (small groups, by arrangement) Lecturers: DC SD DF TG Dr Doug Corfield Dr Simon Davies Dr Dave Furness Professor Trevor Greenhough SW MM JM Dr Suzanne Whiteman Dr Mike Mahon Jim Middleton

Assessment is by examination (80%) and essay (20%)

MTE-40019: Trace Gas Analysis in Biomedicine Module Tutor: Dr Tianshu Wang 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Analytical methods in trace gas analysis Analytical methods in trace gas analysis Applications of trace gas analysis in medicine Applications of trace gas analysis in medicine Applications of trace gas analysis in physiology Applications of trace gas analysis in physiology Applications of trace gas analysis in cell biology Applications of trace gas analysis in cell biology Biomarkers of cell, bacteria and diseases Biomarkers of cell, bacteria and diseases TW TW TW TW TW TW TW TW TW TW PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM PGM 10/11 10/11 17/11 17/11 24/11 24/11 1/12 1/12 8/12 8/12 10-11 am 11.30-12.30 10-11 am 11.30-12.30 10-11 am 11.30-12.30 10-11 am 11.30-12.30 10-11 am 11.30-12.30

Assessment: Unseen examination 50% (pass mark 50%); essay (2000 words) 35% (pass mark 40%); essay with three calculation problems 15% (pass mark 40%). In the event of failure in any assessment, the module mark will be capped at 50% at a second attempt. Only failed elements will need to be repeated.

MTE-40020: Stem Cell Therapy: Enabling Techniques Module Tutor: Professor Alicia El Haj This module is a prerequisite for the Cell and Tissue Engineering module unless previous knowledge can be demonstrated. 1 Introduction to stem cells AEH PGM 13/11 2 Embryonic stem cells NF PGM 13/11 3 Cord blood derived stem cells NF PGM 16/11 4 Bone marrow derived adult stem cells NF PGM 16/11 Practical Part 1 HS 21/11 5 Stem cell targeting AEH PGM 23/11 6 Control of differentiation (1) SH PGM 24/11 7 Control of differentiation (2) SH PGM 8 Ethics TE PGM 1/12 9 Regulation GS PGM 4/12 Practical Part 2 HS 4/12 10 Tissue Specific Stem Cells NF PGM 7/12

9.30-11.30 pm 1-2 pm 2-3 pm 3-4 pm 2-5 pm 3-4 pm 2-4.30 pm 3-4 pm 10-12 2-5 pm 2-3 pm


Professor Alicia El Haj Harpal Sura Karen Hampson Nick Forsyth


Steven Hughes Tracy Ellison Dr Glyn Stacey

Practical: Isolation of mesenchymal stem cells from commercial bone marrow Assessment: Unseen examination 85% (Pass mark 50%); Practical report 10% (Pass mark 50%); Oral presentation 5% (pass mark 50%). In the event of failure in any assessment, the module mark will be capped at 50% at a second attempt. Only failed elements will need to be repeated.

MTE-40021: Cell and Tissue Engineering Module tutor: Dr Sarah Cartmell 1 Introduction 1hr 2 Cell culture techniques 1hr 3 Cellular engineering mech forces 1hr 4 Cellular engineering topography 1hr 5 Cellular engineering gene therapy 1hr 6 Gene therapy clinical application 1hr 7 Bone engineering 1hr 8 Tendon/ligament engineering 1hr 9 Cartilage engineering (visit to Oswestry and ACI introduction) 2hr 10 Corneal engineering 1hr 11 Liver engineering 1hr 12 Neural engineering 1hr 13 Skin engineering 1hr 14 Vascular engineering 1hr 15 Complex organ engineering 1hr 16/17 TE construct monitoring and evaluation 2hr 18 Bioreactor design 1hr 19 Regenerative medicine the clinical side (tissue engineering old idea, new name) 1hr Practical 2 afternoons (3hours each) Assessment: Examination 65%, Practical write-up 35%. The pass mark is 50% for each assessment. In the event of failure in either assessment, the module mark will be capped at 50% at a second attempt. Only failed elements will need to be repeated.



Institute Seminars (1:30pm start in Primary Care Sciences, 2 pm start in Postgraduate Medicine): DATE NAME TITLE SUBJECT Wed 18 October 2006 Professor Jon Dobson Professor of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Keele University Reader in Mass Spectrometry Sheffield Hallam University Professor of Bioelectronics and Bioengineering University of Glasgow Associate Professor, School of Biology University of Nottingham University of Glasgow University of Cambridge Cancer Research UK Biological magnets: Nanomagnetics in Biology and Medicine Through a Glass Darkly Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Biological Surfaces Title to be confirmed VENUE Lecture Theatre, Primary Care Sciences Seminar Room 1, PGM

Wed 25 October 2006

Dr Malcolm Clench

Wed 1 November 2006

Dr Jon Cooper (Cancelled to be rescheduled) Dr David de Pomerai

Seminar Room 1, PGM

Wed 8 November 2006

Microwaves and nematodes a cautionary tale Epigentic biomarkers and cancer chemotherapy Detecting tumour responses to therapy using magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy Single neuron correlates of conscious visual perception in humans The rat sat on the cat: Implications of Toxoplasma

Seminar Room 1, PGM

Wed 22 November 2006 Wed 29 November 2006

Professor Robert Brown Prof Kevin Brindle

Lecture Theatre, Primary Care Sciences Seminar Room 1, PGM

Wed 6 December 2006

Dr Rodrigo Quian Quiroga Dr Joanne Webster

Reader in Bioengineering, University of Leicester Reader Parasite Epidemiology and Head of

Seminar Room 1, PGM

Wed 13 December 2006

Lecture Theatre, Primary Care Sciences

Research Surveillance Imperial College, London Wed 17 January 2007 Professor Laurence Young Professor of Cancer Biology University of Birmingham

gondii's ability to alter host behaviour Novel anti-cancer therapies: From bench to bedside Lecture Theatre, Primary Care Sciences

DATE Wed 28 February 2007 March (to be confirmed) Wed 25 April 2007 Wed 23 May 2007 Wed 6 June 2007

NAME Professor Bruce Caterson Professor Sarah Dallas Professor Donna Davies Professor Corne Kors Professor Quentin Pankhurst

TITLE University of Cardiff University of Illinois University of Southampton University of Sussex UCL

SUBJECT Title to be confirmed Title to be confirmed Title to be confirmed Title to be confirmed Title to be confirmed

VENUE Lecture Theatre, Primary Care Sciences To be confirmed Lecture Theatre, Primary Care Sciences Lecture Theatre, Primary Care Sciences Lecture Theatre, Primary Care Sciences

Venues PGM - Postgraduate Medicine, Hartshill Lecture Theatre, Primary Care Sciences, Medical School, Keele Campus


Guidelines for Research Project Objectives of the Project: o To demonstrate the students understanding of and ability to apply the taught element of the MSc course; o To demonstrate the students ability to search and analyse the relevant literature; o To demonstrate the students ability to design, implement and evaluate appropriate experimental processes. Deadlines: The deadline is 14 September 2007. Approval from the Course Director needs to be obtained for late submission, stating valid reasons for the request. A case has to be made to the SCEACE Committee for submission to be delayed for more than four weeks (12 October 2007). Marking criteria: 40% of the final percentage will be awarded to the literature review (Chapter 1). The remaining 60% will be allocated to the experimental work and its description (55% for the written work and 5% for an oral presentation). Structure of the thesis: o Title page Including title of thesis, name, Institute address, telephone number, email. o o Acknowledgments Abstract

o Introduction Aims and objectives of the project. Brief statement of work undertaken. Reasons for choosing the project. o o Chapter One Review: Review of the state-of-the-art techniques and knowledge in the field. Chapter Two Experimental design and method. Statement of the method of pursuing the hypothesis, equipment used, set-up of the experimental procedure, scientific basis for the project. Chapter Three Results. Chapter Four Discussion. Discussion of the results obtained. Chapter Five Conclusions. A summary of the conclusions reached. References

o o o o

Appendix A: Advice on the avoidance of plagiarism

1. What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism means the use of the ideas, words or findings of others without acknowledging them as such. In other words, to plagiarise is to give the impression that the student has written, thought or discovered something that he or she has in fact borrowed from someone else without acknowledging this in an appropriate manner. It is an academic expectation that the ideas, words or findings of another person are not used without acknowledgement. Students may certainly use the words, thoughts or findings of others, but the original authors and sources must be acknowledged. Not to do so is academic dishonesty and a form of cheating. The mark for written work in part reflects the student's understanding of the subject of a piece of assessed work. If he or she has merely repeated the words of another, it is difficult to assess the student's understanding and so to award marks for it. It is, therefore, totally unacceptable for students to plagiarise in their written work. Anyone who does so will have committed an unfair examination practice and will be subject to strict University procedures and penalties. 2. Citation Proper acknowledgement is termed "citation". There are several conventions governing citation. The examples given below relate to arts and social science subjects. The same conventions apply to the sciences, especially when data sources or the results of experimentation by others are being used. The examples also relate to published work. It is equally unacceptable to quote without acknowledgement from an unpublished source (e.g. a thesis or the web). The most blatant form of plagiarism is to repeat the words, phrases or sentences of another person, more or less verbatim. For example, the following passage appears on page 906 in volume 1 of the Literary History of the United States: The major concerns of Dickinson's poetry.may be defined as the seasons and nature, death and a problematic afterlife, the kinds and phrases of love, and poetry as the divine art. If this were to appear in an essay as follows, without citation, it would be plagiarism: The chief subjects of Emily Dickinson's poetry include nature and the seasons, death and the afterlife, the various types and stages of love, and poetry itself is a divine art. However, if the authors are credited as follows the passage is acceptable: Gibson and Williams suggest that the chief subjects of Emily Dickinson's poetry include mature, death, love and poetry as a divine art (1974, 1,906) The reference in brackets refers to the source document which would appear in the bibliography as:

Gibson, W.M. and Williams, S.T. 1974. "Experiment in Poetry: Emily Dickinson and Sidney Lanier in Literary History of the United States, ed. By Robert E. Spiller and others, 4th edn, 2 vols, New York: Macmillan, 1, 899-916. Citation by footnote is also acceptable. For example: "Inequality of bargaining can arise either from the general structure and circumstances of the market place, or from the individual personal circumstances of one or both parties". (1) (1) J R Peden, The Law of Unjust Contracts, 1982, p 39. at the foot of the page. As above, the work would also be cited in the bibliography. If only part of a passage is being used, this should be indicated by replacing the omitted words with a short series of dots. For example: "The common law doctrine of unconscionability is based upon certain elements of justice ... but it never sought to achieve distributive or commutative justice." (1) (1) J R Peden, The Law of Unjust Contracts, 1982, p 3. It may also be necessary to alter the words being quoted so as to fit them into the context in which the quotation is being used, or to overcome the problem that the quotation may not make sense when taken out of its own context. Omitted words should be dealt with as above. Any words added should be enclosed in brackets. For example: "This principle [sanctity of contracts] is closely associated with that of freedom of contract ..."(1) If the exact words of another person are not being used, but there is reference to his or her ideas, this should be acknowledged in a footnote referring to the author, the work, the reference if it is in a periodical, and to its page and introduced as follows: As Professor Peden has argued, etc. or As Professor Peden in his work on unjust contracts has argued, etc. Secondary Citation It may be that the quotation has been found quoted in the work of someone else. In such cases the original source should be cited (which the author will have cited) and the reference where it was found. For example, a footnote might read like this: (1) Gwynne v Heaton (1778), 1 Bro C C 1, at p 9, 28 E R 949, at p 953 per Lord Thurlow L C, quoted by J R Peden, The Law of Unjust Contracts 1982, p 19. 3. Collusion Collusion is another form of academic dishonesty (cheating). It is similar to plagiarism. It is accepted that students may well work together and exchange ideas. Indeed, in some instances such co-operation, collaboration or team-working, is encouraged. However, if the collaboration results in pieces of work submitted by

individual students as their own work but which are essentially the same or very similar, collaboration becomes collusion. An extreme form of collusion is where someone other than the student undertakes the piece of work on the student's behalf, and the student presents that piece of work as his or her own. Particular examples are the use of web essay banks or third parties who offer essay writing facilities. Keele University Academic Regulations:

Appendix B: University policy on plagiarism

ALLEGATIONS OF CHEATING OR OTHER EXAMINATION MISCONDUCT TO BE DEALT WITH AT DEPARTMENTAL LEVEL 1. This policy is made under the terms Academic Regulation 8. 2. Examinations Departments shall have no responsibility in respect of alleged misconduct in examinations at any level. All such allegations shall be considered under the terms of Academic Regulation 8 12. 3. In-course assessment and dissertations 3.1 Heads of Department shall ensure that there is clear guidance available to students in the Course/Departmental Handbook concerning the avoidance of plagiarism and collusion. 3.2 There shall be standard cover sheets for dissertations/ projects/extended essays submitted for undergraduate and for postgraduate awards which shall include a declaration that "no part of the work .... is a quotation from published or unpublished sources, except where this has been clearly acknowledged as such by citation of the source". 3.3 Before any allegation of plagiarism or collusion is made, the examiner should be able to demonstrate clearly the source of the plagiarism or the correlation between two pieces of work where collusion is suspected. The authority granted to Schools in dealing with cases of alleged plagiarism and collusion is set out in Academic Regulation 8.12

Academic Regulations and Guidance for Students and Staff, Keele University


Appendix C


Legibility Your effort in producing your PowerPoint presentation will be wasted if your audience cannot read it! So please pay particular attention to the following. Think of the person seated in the back row of the auditorium! Font size: The minimum height of the smallest letters (including lower case) is 5 mm Examples: Use 24-point type for lettering done in


and 32-point for lettering in

Capitals and Lowercase

Note Bigger sizes than this if you wish, but not smaller! Typeface Improve visibility by using a sans serif typeface such as Arial or Univers instead of a serif typeface like Times. Layout Visual aids used in a presentation must be twice as simple and four times as bold as those used in your written paper. You will need to eliminate all unnecessary details, so the following approaches are recommended: Round off numbers; cut decimal places Use a scale along either the horizontal or vertical axis of a graph, bar chart, or column chart instead of numbers at the end of the bars or columns Substitute symbols for words - % is better than percent Do not use footnotes; introduce the information as part of what you say if its important enough to mention Omit reference sources in visual aids Omit lines that detract: avoid underlines, excessive grid rulings, unnecessary outlines and company logos

Edit Title to fit on 1 Line Use maximum of 6-7 lines per slide Edit long sentences to only one line Use maximum of 6-8 words per line Use only one sub-level Boldface text carries more weight

Test slides for legibility and contrast

Colour Use colour with purpose, not as decoration! For example, colour can be used To emphasise a trend line, a component, a row of data, a title; To identify a recurring theme throughout the presentation (display related data in the same colour); To distinguish actual from projected, or one trend from another; To symbolise the meaning of a word (losses in red, Go in green); Use contrasting colours for example, bright yellow or white lettering against a black, deep blue, or deep green background. Avoid pastels and red or green lettering; Too many words in a single visual will reduce contrast and legibility; Generally, use no more than four colours in a single visual.

How many slides to use? It is better to have more slides with less information on each slide, than fewer, more detailed, slides. With a disciplined approach on your part, it will take exactly the same amount of time to talk through one idea on each of six slides as it does to talk through six ideas on one slide. Besides, making your audience look at the same slide while you speak through the six points does not make for visual excitement! European Commission, November 2001

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