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February 20, 2013

Baton Rouge River Center

2013 Louisiana Transportation Conference Partnerships for Progress in Transportation

Mega Projects Session (I-12 to Bush)

I-12 to Bush Agenda

Inclusion into TIMED Program
History of the projects evolution Environmental & Corps process How did we get to where we are ? Whats next for this project ? Alignment Fly Over

TIMED Program
Established by Act 16 in 1989 General Session of Louisiana State Legislature. Funded with 4-cent per gallon fuel tax Mission: to foster economic development throughout the State of Louisiana and enhance the quality of life for its residents through an investment in transportation projects. LTM (Joint Venture of Parsons Brinckerhoff, Michael Baker, Jr, (formerly LPA) & GEC, Inc.) was hired by DOTD in 2002 to manage the Program.

TIMED Program
16 Projects (11 Roadway Corridors) 125 Project Segments 500+ Miles Roadway

3 Major Bridges over the

Mississippi River
New Orleans International

Port of New Orleans

Proposed highway: LA 3241 Bush, LA to I-12.

New 4-Lane Highway
Limits: LA 40/41

intersection in Bush, LA to Interstate 12

Approximately 19.5

4 Practicable


I-12 to Bush
(History of Corps Decision)
August 1979 -- First Public Meeting held. 1981 -- new alignment study underway 1985 -- DOTD studies another new alternate connecting to LA 1088 1985 -- Plan preparation began on the northern section (LA 435 Bush) 1989 -- DOTD initiates design of middle section (LA 36 to LA 435) In 1989, Senator Rayburn includes LA 3241 in the TIMED legislation.

Jan. 1990 -- DOTD submits a permit request to the Corps of Engineers. The Corps returns

the permit application to DOTD in March 1991. Mid 1994 -- Right-of-way acquisition begins Oct. 1995 -- DOTD again submits a permit application to the Corps of Engineers Late-1995 -- Right-of-way acquisition suspended due to permit difficulties Nov. 1996 -- DOTD withdrew the Corps of Engineers permit request submitted Oct. 1995. In early-1997 -- Senator Short formed a Task Force to keep the project moving. Dec. 1999 -- a permit application was submitted to the Corps of Engineers. May 2000 -- Public Meetings are held to discuss the new proposed alignment.

I-12 to Bush
(History of Corps Decision Cont)
March 2001 -- DOTD withdraws permit application from the Corps Jan. 2002 DOTD hires a consultant to prepare an EA and coordinate with the

Corps to secure an approved alignment and permit.

In 2002 -- LTM hired by DOTD to manage the TIMED Program. In 2005 -- EA contract completed -- Corps did not accept the document. In 2006 DOTD hired another Environmental consultant to assist in obtaining

Corps concurrence on alignment and permit.

Thenceforward, LA DOTD Corps application:
DOTD applied for Corps permit October 2006 Completed Environmental Assessment (EA) August 2008 Corps decided that EIS was required August 2008 Final EIS Release March 2012 Record of Decision (ROD) issued June 2012

I-12 to Bush
(History of Corps Decision Cont)
1st Public Meeting LA 3241 to ROD issuance approx. 33 years
Still required for Corps permit:
Water Quality Certification (WQC) from LA Department of

Environmental Quality (LDEQ)

Mitigation Plan (must be complete, approved, and

implemented prior to construction)

Also still need FHWA concurrence with the Corps document and

preferred alternate.

Environmental Study Area

St. Tammany Parish
245 square mile area Bounded by: LA 21, US 190, I-12, US 11, and LA 41 Includes Abita Springs, Pearl

River, and portions of Slidell, and Covington

DOTDs stated proposed Need

As an alternative North-South connection that would potentially

reduce congestion and delays for those traveling from Northern St. Tammany and Washington Parishes to I-12.
The proposed project could increase safety by reducing the

amount of traffic on existing routes (LA 41 and LA 21/LA 59/US 190) and thereby reducing the potential for accidents.
Additionally, the resulting travel time savings would help

support/enhance potential economic development in northern St. Tammany and Washington parishes.
Finally, the applicant is obliged to construct a 4-lane (or more)

highway from Bush, Louisiana to I-12, Louisiana to comply with Louisiana Revised Statute (R.S.) 47:820.2.B (e).

US Army Corps (New Orleans Division) defines the Need as

meeting the legislative mandate in R.S.

47:820.2B(e) which requires that the Louisiana highway 3241 to Bush, LAshall be constructed as a four-lane or more highway.

How did we get to the ROD?

I-12 to Bush (How did we get to the ROD?)

FEIS Environmental Document included:

Public Involvement Plan Notice of Intent Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species Report Noise Study Technical Report Traffic Study
Economic Study (How would project improve Washington Parishs economy?)

Hydrologic & Hydraulic (H&H) Report Drainage & Wetland Analysis Waters of the U.S. Delineation Reports Direct Wetland Impact Analysis Line and Grade Study Clean Water Act Section 404b analysis Scoping Reports

I-12 to Bush (How did we get to the ROD?)

64 Alternate alignments were originally developed Reduced to 17 through evaluation process
Several further refined and combined 13 alternate alignments carried forward in process

Two-Phase Screening process of 13 remaining

Fatal Flaws
Directly affects Mitigation Banks Directly affects Military Installations Requires new Interchange that violates AASHTO 1 mile spacing

Alternates Development screening

Legislative Mandate Arterial Linkage Time Travel Savings Traffic Congestion Reduction

4 Alignment Alternates successfully navigated through the screening process. Alternate Q is the Corps preferred alternate selected from the FEIS.

Study Alternates

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Alternates Carried Forward

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Whats Next for the I-12 to Bush Project ?

I-12 to Bush
Advertisement for Engineering Services
Ad expected February/March 2013
Pre-Construction services: Topographic Survey Preliminary Roadway and Bridge Plans Geotechnical Services SUE Services Additional Services via Supplement Final Roadway and Bridge plans Property Surveys, R/W maps, Title reports, etc. Construction Support if necessary Traffic Management Plan (TMP) if necessary

One Advertisement for all three (3) projects No Team will be awarded more than one (1) project segment.

I-12 to Bush
Project Segments:
Segment #1: Segment #2: Segment #3:

I-12 to LA 36 LA 36 to LA 435 LA 435 to LA 40/LA 41

Design Criteria:
Rural Arterial Roadway (RA-3) portion of Segment #3 (RA-2). 4-lane divided highway

12 lanes 10 outside shoulders 4 inside shoulders Median width varies (40-60) R/W max. width = 250 Design Speed: 70 mph Controlled Access throughout project (except at crossing highways)

LA 434 Looking Southbound toward I-12

LA 434 Looking Northbound

Looking down Railroad Embankment

LA 41 Looking Northbound at LA 21 Intersection

LA 21 Looking Southbound Near Bush

Alignment Fly Over

Thank You!
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