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Watsu, Tantsu and Continuum

Fabrizio Dalle Piane

My initial attraction to the practices of Watsu and Tantsu was,

and continues to be, the nurturing power of the cradle, unique to
these practices of bodywork.

In this kind of bodywork the resonance shared between the

hearts of both giver and receiver create a realized awareness of
a larger field of energy that manifests itself in many different
ways and can be lived in a unio-mystica with Existence.

In the practice of Continuum Movement, I experience the

resonance of the cosmos; the manifestation of the movement of
life within my tissues and the infinite network of inter-galactic

Having been able to explore both possibilities, I have become

aware that the connection between the practices of
Watsu/Tantsu and Continuum dwells in the mystery of the water.

Water is a physical manifestation of the spirit

We are sparkling pulsating star-selves carried to planet Earth

through the vehicle of water.

If there would not be water on this planet there would not be


Most astrophysicists agree that chemically we are composed of

the same elements as the stars. But in order to manifest the
original essence of life into form, we have used the medium of

The evolutionary process of our planet began with simple

microscopic forms in warm, ancient seas. As we continue to
evolve, we carry the codes and memories of our oceanic origin to
land within the tissues of our body.

Evolving to living on land has required an ongoing and ever-

changing relationship with gravity. Although this earthly pull may
render temporary amnesia of our bio-cosmic origin, the source is
constantly pulsating and resonating within us, as in the galaxies.

The process of re-membering our bio-cosmic oceanic origin has

been at the core of all the spiritual traditions.

By immersing ourselves in water, we can perceive this cosmic

resonance within our fluid system and bring back on land our
undulating origins.

With this awareness, we can forever explore the Eternal Return

of the continuum of life.

The development of every cell, as in the embryo, resonate the

movement of the galaxy.

Within this motion we are connected with a bio-cosmic cradle

that contains infinite possibility of life.

In the womb, like in the cosmos, we are nurtured by a field that

is electromagnetic and watery at the same time
Scientists have discovered a potential quantum of energy in our
body called "scalar energy" It dwells in the space between the
cells and in the fluid system.

This scalar space of pure potential can be explored in the

practice of Watsu Tantsu and Continuum. This is a place where
all the movement of life began and continues to manifest.

The Connection between the Practices

In Watsu and Tantsu, we begin by connecting with the breath and

becoming aware of the empty space at end of the out breath. All
action initiates here, at the bottom of the breath. We use the
nurturing containment of the cradle to contact the oneness of
life and we allow our bio-cosmic intelligence to manifest naturally.

In Continuum Movement, we use breath and sound to activate this

field of energy.

These signals of sound, breath or contact initiate wave motions

that flow through the watery substances of the body, softening
our defenses and arousing the life force in the matrix of every
tissue, bone and cell.

Our body can be viewed as a dance of cells, molecules and

interpenetrating vibrational wave motions.

By amplifying this wave motion through cradling, touch and

movement, we resonate as a fluid, vital whole.

Zen Shiatsu master Masunaga said:

“Be with the person rather then doing something to the person.”
This means to me, that as facilitators of the process of health,
we have the opportunity to support each person as a
manifestation of the unfolding of life itself. This happens
without our intention or idea.

We can move from a pyramidal dominator model of healing

another to a spherical open container of possibilities in which the
Divine Light communicates directly what is necessary to each
person’s personal evolution on this planet.

We are at the service of the other, and in this way, each person
becomes self-reliant and is empowered with the wisdom and
creativity of life itself.

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