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1. Tell me about yourself, give a brief about your projects. 2.

Scenario: Suppose a user opened WhatsApp in his mobile and performed a lookup for his best buddy contact and texted him, within few seconds the acknowledgement for sent message got displayed as a popup text. Explain the entire event driven code flow that happens within the application for the above usage scenario. 3. How multitasking is handled in Android Operating system. 4. For the given scenario in question2, suppose if I receive a call while typing message. How do I preserve and resume the state of the WhatsApp application after exiting the caller application. 5. How Inter process communication happens in Android. 6. Explain about Intents and their use cases. 7. How to handle heavy processing applications without compromising on the user experience. 8. Explain about AsyncTask and its use cases. 9. What are web apps ? explain about their architecture. 10. Explain the mechanism to create a pseudo browser in Android. 11. What is augmented reality and how to develop such apps in Android. 12. What are the technical difficulties you experienced so far in your Android development journey. 13. How do you Test and Debug Android apps.

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