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Project GOI Game Document

Ian Baker - Bryan Mannion - Jessie Stewart

Table of Contents 1. Intro/Overview 2. Combat Mechanics 3. Playable Characters 4. Game Progression 5. Scenarios 6. Artificial Intelligence 7. System Menus 8. Multiplayer

1. Intro/Overview Introduction Game Overview Single Player Main focus is on single player, while showing players game elements that would fit well into a multiplayer setting to build hype for a multiplayer version of the game. Single player will allow us to focus on story and introduce players to new game mechanics without overwhelming them.

Story Driven Gameplay Gameplay and drive

Story 2.1 Overview You play as a wandering story teller. You begin the game meeting the Character Vincent. Vincent is searching for the Scribe so he can find his destiny. You tell Vincent about the Prophets, who can glance and sometimes translate the past, present, and future pages of the book. The prophets extract a price for any who come seeking answers. They use your energy in the book to fuel their connection with the book. Vincent arrives and demands answers, after agreeing to the price, the prophets search the book. They find nothing about Vincent, as if he doesnt exist. There is no trace of him in reality from any time. Vincent goes postal, thinking fate cast him aside as insignificant. He attacks the prophets, and you are forced to defend yourself from the prophets during the attack. Vincent kills the prophets, and vows to seek the scribe and either destroy him or force his name into the book. Vincent vanishes following the attack leaving you alone. You flee the city, and are visited by the image of one of the prophets begging you to prevent Vincent from reaching the Scribe. The prophet gives you information on how to access The Library. Upon your first visit to the library Vincent approaches you and convinced you to help him find and kill the Scribe, believing humanity is enslaved to the book and there is no free will because everything is predetermined. Vincent wants you to find the path to the Scribe. You slowly uncover the secrets of the Scribe and the Book, and your powers

of decyphering the tarot cards found from the prophets increases the closer you get to unlocking the World Book Chamber. On the path to uncovering the keys and knowledge you pick up companions, each with a small back story and personality. With each seal of the Scribes chamber unlocking, Vincent begins to grow more and more crazed and obsessed. You learn that Vincent plans on killing the scribe, and destroying the World Book. You are now racing Vincent to get to the Scribes chamber to protect the Book from him. You arrive in the chamber to find it empty, and Vincent approaches you. You realize you are the Scribe, and wrote yourself into the book in order to stop Vincent, but never killed him when you first met as intended. Vincent figured it out before, but killing you outside the chamber would have only sent you back to the Chamber, and sealed you safely away, as only the Scribe can open the seals, and only from the outside. Vincent attacks, and begins ripping your companions pages from the book. Vincent has become a demigod. Fate and destiny did not forget or pass over him, he is outside of their control, and able to break the rules of reality. It ends with you and Vincent one on one, and in desperation he attacks and breaks the book. You barely keep reality together, and put the book back as best you can. You write him into the book, and tear out his page. The world and reality barely remain intact, and Vincent is gone, not dead or alive, but suspended in reality.

Part 1: Cut scene 1 - Introduction "What power does a god have over a man he refused to see?" (Narration Vincent's Voice). Show the World Book and someone scribbling with a quill. Playable Area 1 - The Inn Player finds himself in an inn, the echoes of Vincent's words echo faintly. You are sitting at the bar drinking a mug. Vincent is sitting next to you. The inn is full of people, most being very strange(Most of the Playables). Vincent "So... You're the best?" Player "That depends what you want" Vincent "A story." Player "A good story does not make the story teller himself good." Vincent "I was looking for my story."

Player "Fate Finding? No." Vincent places a coin pouche on the counter "I need to know." Player "No. There is a reason not all men can glimpse the World Book." Vincent "Then there is also a reason some men can." The player attempts to read Vincent's fate, and is unable to. He only sees emptyness and void. Part 1 Tutorial Phase: The inn is attacked and you enlist the aid of a Warrior, An Illusionist, and an Archer. The player is guided through a scripted series of encounters show casing the combat mechanics of the game. The Warrior taunts a group of soldiers while the rest run down a back alley, once through the illusionist creates a wall to block them from chasing. While in the street, You encounter a twisted beast that is wrecking through soldiers and townsfolk alike, it is clear you can not kill it. It focuses on you and charges. The illusionist must cast his fear ability on it, causing it to run away from the party. The archer then shoots Pin at it, reducing it's movement speed to zero causing it to stand under a collapsing tower. You and your three party members make it to the outskirts of town, where you decide traveling together will be much safer than alone until you can figure out what the attack was about. Part 2: The Prophets The player reads the fortunes of the Warrior, Illusionist, and Archer. They are tied to him deeper than he can explain, and unquestioningly agree to accompany you to the prophets. The party arrives at Grand Capitol and encounters Vincent, who suggests they see the prophets together. You encounter and pick up the Berzerker within the Prophet's Palace, and proceed to their audience chamber. The Prophets read Vincent first, and refuse to give him his answers. He pleads, bribes, and then threatens to get his answer. They tell him that he has no Fate or Destiny. That nothing he's ever done or will do will alter the course of history or fate in any way. Vincent rages at this, and vows he will change Fate itself, and attacks the Prophets.

The player engages with a battle with the Prophets, having been dragged into it by Vincent. Vincent slays them one by one while your party fights for survival. When the fighting is done Vincent stalks off into the shadows. Part 3: Escape The player is now escaping the Prophet's Palace through a series of puzzles and encounter scenerios. Once escaped, they disperse into the crowd through the city and meet at an inn later than night, where they are greeted by Vincent. Vincent explains his idea of confronting the Scribe, that humanity is bound in slavery to his will as long as he can dictate their fates in the World Book. He convinces the party that they could overcome fate and free humanity. Part 4: The Search The player is visited by one of the Prophets that escaped the carnage and given the deck of tarot like cards they used to see people's fate, and given the location of the entryway into the Library of the Scribe. The player is given a more or less open non-linear path at this point, and can explore the city and the Library at will in his search of additional party members, story progression, and quests. The Library is the main dungeon in the game, and has three entrances throughout the city that the player must discover by solving puzzles and aquiring keys. Each entrance leads into a third of the dungeon, with the thirds each containing a half of the key into the chambers adjacent to them. The three inner sanctums each contain a piece of the key leading into the Scribe's Chamber. After breaching the first inner chamber, the Party begins to realize Vincent is insane, and doesn't know if helping him is the best idea anymore, but they want to continue on and confront the Scribe now and learn the truth of his existence and the World Book. After Breaching the second chamber Vincent appears again, this time clearly insane, and exhibiting incredibly strong destructive powers that he uses to annihilate the inner chamber's defenses with. Vincent leaves to find the last key fragment so they can all go kill the Scribe together. Part 5: The Race

The party is now convinced they must oppose Vincent. They don't call him evil, but he is clearly misguided. The player is now trying to find the last key fragment before Vincent can in order to protect the Scribe. Part 6: The Breaking The party finds the last key, and enters the Scribe's Chamber. The player has a flashback of writing in the massive book in the center of the room. Vincent walks in and confirms his suspicions that you were indeed the Scribe written into human flesh this whole time. You remember that you wrote yourself into the book to attract Vincent to the inn to kill him, since you couldn't effect him any other way since he was never in the book to begin with. You forgot your memory though, and ended up helping him instead. A fight insues, and Vincent has clearly became as strong as a god. He is not contrained by reality, fate, or destiny, and as such is able to bend the rules of the universe. The player and Vincent fight in a battle of wills. Your party members join in at certain times, but are each torn out of reality, their pages literally removed from the book and tossed into the void. You begin to overpower Vincent, and force him to write himself into the book. As Vincent is becoming part of the book and under its influence, in desperation he attacks the book and tears it asunder. Vincent vanishes from reality, and in a last desperate act you manage to grab as many falling pages as you can and hold the book together. Reality is torn though, and the pages are mixed up. Part 7: The End The game ends with time and reality in dissaray. A story teller wakes up in an inn clutching a handful of pages. Some are torn in half, some unreadable, but the few you can make out seem to be describing heroes of an age past, and you sense a pressence within. You set out to figure out what powers lay within these pages, and to piece together the broken ones. You arn't sure why, but you know they belong to a much larger book.

2. Combat Mechanics Auto Attacks. Character must be within range of attack target. Each character has an attack speed. Attack speed meter charges while standing next to the target and executes an auto attack when full. Continues charging and repeating as long as within range. If you character loses range on TRG meter will reset after (x) seconds of not being within range or line of sight. Switching targets or performing an ability also resets auto attack swing. Attack speed charging is visible as a cast bar. Abilities. Abilities perform special moves that effect characters or the map. An ability has a cool down timer and cannot be cast while a cool down timer is in effect. Certain abilities have an energy requirement specific to the ability and the character. Each ability has a range, cast time, CD timer, and effect. Using an ability resets auto attack cast bar. Auras. Certain characters have a persistent aura that is constantly in effect. These auras effect all characters designated regardless of line of sight as long as the character controlling the aura remains alive. Many of these auras can be dispelled(turned off) for the remaining duration of the battle to perform a special instant ability that does not reset auto attack cast timer or interrupt other ability casts. Instant Casts. Some characters have access to instant cast abilities that can be cast at anytime unless otherwise stated. An instant cast cannot be interrupted(possible to be negated), and does reset auto attack cast timers. Line of sight. A character must have a direct line of sight to any target it tries to perform an action on. Objects and other characters block Line of Sight. Some abilities that do not use a projectile can pass through characters. Movement. Characters are assigned movement rate and can move according to that movement rate. Movement speed will be based on 100. Meaning a movement speed of 100 is the average speed we want a character to travel. Snare. A snare means you have no movement speed, but are able to auto attack and cast abilities Stun. A stun means you have no control over the character during the duration of the stun.Character Specific Energy/Consumables. Some character require a specific energy or item stocked to cast. You can only cast selected ability if you have the item/energy required. For example. A bloodmage requires 5 blood power to cast siphon. The bloodmage cannot cast siphon with less than 5 blood power. An

engineers abilities require him to have certain items. He must first build a mine in order to use the ability throw mine. The engineer could not throw a mine without having one. Disable. A disable used on a character negates his ability to use abilities and auto attacks, but does not affect movement. A disable used on an ability means that ability cannot be cast while disabled. Damage Calculation. Subtract ability or auto attack damage from targets current health. Healing effects. A heal restores lost health to a target up to but not exceeding the targets maximum health unless otherwise stated. Buffs and de-buffs. A buff gives the target an increase to an ability or stat. A debuff substracts from an ability or stat. Damage over time or DOTs. A debuff that causes damage while active on a set timer. Healing over time or HOTs. A buff that increases health while active on a set timer. Combat Movement. Characters cannot pass through other characters unless otherwise stated in an ability. Characters interact with each other in a huge variety of ways besides dealing damage and applying buffs and debuffs. For this I will give some examples from the pen and paper tests of the game. My opponents berserker went enraged. My architect created a wall and platform than trapped his berserker in with his archer and mage, killing them both. Another match my necromancer was feared into enemy champions and aoe effects. My enchanter cast icy grip(normally a negative debuff) on my necromancer than slowed his movement speed enough that he didnt run into the aoe damage that would have killed him. One match my warrior charged into an enemy team and slowed them with intimidate, my alchemist threw aoe damage potions, my illusionist switched the spots of my warrior and shaman, and my shaman held the enemy team in place inside the area of effect damage for the entire duration. The interactions between characters are almost limitless. We made the abilities very open ended in terms of who you can target and what effects they have to ensure no two fights played out the same.

3.Playable Chracters
BloodMage a. The blood mage is a self sustained nuker designed to excel at one versus one combat. b. Energy: Blood Power. c. Health: 85 d. Attack: 1 e. Range: 10 f. Speed: 7 g. Life Tap: Converts 20 of the BMs health into 20 Blood Power. No Cool down, very short cast time. Health is removes at start of cast, Blood power gained at completion of cast time. h. Siphon: 10 Health is removed from the Target of this spell and the BM gains 10 health if the target was successfully damaged. 10 second cool down. Cost of 5 blood power. Range of 15. i. Blood Strike: Target of this spell takes damage equal to of stored blood power. 30 seconds on cool down. Cost of ALL blood power. Range of 15. Open Wound: Next normal attack the blood mage hits with deals +5 damage to the target and applies the open wound debuff to the target. This debuff can be stacked 5 times. New debuffs do not refresh the old debuff timer. Bloodmage is healed for half the damage done by this spell. Cost of 5 Blood Power. 1 second cool down.


k. Open Wound Debuff: Deal 2 damage per turn to holder and heal the blood mage that casted it for half the damage dealt. One target may not exceed 5 Open Wound Debuff from the same Blood Mage at any given time. l. Life Blood Aura: When anyone receives a direct heal, friend or foe, the blood mage gains 1 blood power. The blood mage can remove this Aura from himself to cancel the effect of any one direct heal during the match.

Archer a. The archer excels at ranged combat while having very little survivability. b. No energy c. Health: 60 d. Attack: 7 e. Range: 20 f. Speed: 5 g. Pin: On the archers next attack reduce the speed of his target to 0 for 5 seconds. Cool down of 20 seconds. h. Pierce: Select a target and deal 20 damage that is unmitigated by any damage reduces effects and may pass through one character or wall. If the projectile hits passes through two targets deal 20 to the first and 10 to the second. Cool down of 30 seconds. i. Rapid Reload: The archers movement speed is reduces to 0 for 10 seconds, and his attack speed triples for 6 seconds. Cool down of 30 seconds. Volley: Deal attack damage in a 5by5 radius up to 20 range away. The terrain targeted represents the middle of the radius. Cool down of 60 seconds.


k. Special: The archer must load and ready his bow. In order to attack or use an ability he must first be standing still for 3 seconds. Any movement will trigger this effect. This is to negate the effects of kiting, hoping behind and out of cover for pot shots.

Bard a. The bard is a support character that enhances his team and debuffs his enemies. b. No energy c. Health: 80 d. Attack: 5 e. Range: 7 f. Speed: 6 g. Wild Song: All enemies will move 3 spaces in the direction of their nearest enemy and perform attacks like normal if possible. This song requires 10 seconds to cast. While casting, the Bards active song is not in effect. Cool down of 20. h. Mesmerizing Lullaby: Target an enemy. The next time that enemy uses an ability that must designate a target the bard gets to select the target. The opposing player targets like normal, and does not know his character has been mesmerized. Cool down of 30. 5 second cast time. While casting, the bards active song is not in effect. i. Mummers Farce: The bard becomes the target of any ability he is in range for. This lasts 20 seconds or until the bard cancels the effect. This is an instant cast and does not remove his active song. Cool down of 30. Active Song: The bard can choose to play an active song that is constantly in effect except while casting spells that designate it canceled, stunned, or disabled. It takes 5 seconds to change an active song, and while changing the previous active songs effect is removed.


k. War Song: Allies cannot be slowed, but does not remove existing slow effects. l. Spirit Song: Allies deal 10% increased damage from spells.

m. Lively Song: Allies gain 20% increased healing from healing effects. (Does not apply to blood mage healing). Minimum of +1 and maximum of +10 n. Funeral song: Enemies receive 20% less healing. Minimum of -1 and maximum of -10

Rogue A. The rogue is a very fast nuker with very little health but good survivability from normal attacks, but weak against abilities. B. Health: 60 C. Attack: 10 D. Range: 1 E. Speed: 10 F. Shadow Dance: Instant activation. Select a location on terrain up to 10 distance. If you perform an attack within 15 seconds, the rogue becomes invisible for three seconds(may not perform actions), and is then teleported to target location and becomes visible. G. Cheap Shot: The target is stunned for 6 seconds. Cool down of 40. Range of 1. H. Evasion: Instant Cast ability. Take 0 damage from all non-area of effect sources of damage. Rogue can still be targeted and be given debuffs, and DOT effects are still applied normally. The rogue gains +1 movement for each source of damage he evades and reduces to zero for the duration of evasion. Lasts 15 seconds. Cool down of 80 seconds. I. Poison: When performing an attack, the rogue applies a poison debuff to his target. The target takes 1 damage every 2 seconds for 10 seconds totaling 5 damage. If the target receives Poison while already under the effects of poison, the duration is refreshed to 10 and the target takes an immediate extra +2 damage. J. Stealthy Moving Aura: While the rogue has been in movement for more than 5 distance he does not take any damage from physical sources. This effect is removed if he performs an action or stops moving. This can be dispelled to instantly move behind an ally after the rogues next attack. Rogue will target an ally, and at that time the Aura is no longer in effect. After the rogues next successful attack, the rogue is teleported to the space adjacent to the targeted allies back.

Shaman a. The shaman is a healing character that focuses on controlling the enemy teams movements. b. Health: 90 c. Attack: 6 d. Range: 1 e. Speed: 7 f. Lightning Strike: Deal 15 aoe damage 2 distance adjacent to the shaman. Friend or foe. Cool down of 30. Cast time of 5 seconds. g. Chain Heal: Heal 15 hp to target and 10 hp to the nearest target to that target. Friend or foe, can hit the shaman if shaman is nearest to his target. Cool down of 25. Range of 15. h. Earth Quake: Deal 10 aoe damage 3 distance around shaman. Any target hit is snared for 5 seconds. Cast time of 6 seconds. Cool down of 40. i. Natures Gift: Shaman selects a target. The target receives the Natures Gift buff which heals for of the next source of damage that target takes. Healing is applied directly after damage is applied. Cool down of 20. Range of 10. Cast time of 7 Elemental Fury Aura: Shaman gained +2 range to his attacks. The shaman can dispel this aura to pull all targets within 5 distance to the nearest open slot around shaman and reduce the targets movement speeds by for 8 seconds. Friend or foe. Cast time of 3.


Illusionist a. The Illusionist is based around disabling other characters, and is able to easily shut down most healing classes or classes that rely on a specific ability. b. Health: 70 c. Attack: 1 d. Range 1 e. Speed 4 f. Confound: Player selects two of his controlled party members. These characters are now shrouded(Cannot be identified by enemies), and the player may choose to switch the selected targets locations with each other or not. Using an ability or attack removes this effect. Taking damage does not. Dying does. Cool down of 30 seconds. Cast time of 6 seconds. Any range. g. Frightening Visage: Select a target. That target runs in direction of Illusionist's choice for 5 seconds. Taking direct damage will reduce the duration by 2 seconds. This may be cast upon friend or foe. The target may not perform any action until the 5 seconds are over. Cool down of 40. Cast Time of 5. 25 range. h. Mental Wall: Places a wall 6 spaces long in direction of Illusionist's choice. Only one wall may be placed at a time. Lasts 15 seconds. Cool down of 10 seconds. Range of 25. Cast time of 4 seconds. I. Mind Illusion: Illusionist selects a target, then is shown the different abilities the target has in a GUMP around the target. The Illusionist then selects one of that target's abilities. The target may not use that ability for 10 seconds. Does NOT interrupt casting if selected ability is already being cast. Cool down of 15 seconds. Any Range. Cast Time of 3. j. Master of Truth Aura: The illusionist can negate any ability disable, change of control, fear effect, or any effect that causes loss of control of a mobile. Instant Cast. Usable once.

Summoner a. Health: 65 b. Attack: 1 c. Range: 1 d. Speed: 5 e. The summoner is a very weak character that relies on minions and team mates for survivability. f. Summon Imp: Summons an Imp minion with 2 Attack, 10 Health, 5 Speed, and 15 Range. May only have 3 Imps at a time. Cool down of 20. Cast Time of 8. Range 5. g. Summon Winged Familiar: Summons a Winged Familiar with 2 Attack, 15 Health, 10 speed, 1 range. May only have 2 Winged familiars at a time. Cool Down of 30. Cast time of 8. Range 1. h. Sacrifice Minions. Explode all controlled minions dealing 5 damage + of current HP of the minion to all adjacent targets of the minion. Friendly fire possible. Heals the summoner for of the HP minions had before exploding. Cool Down of 60 seconds. Range Any. Cast Time 7 seconds I. Possession: Summoner gains +10 Attack, +3 Speed, and Doubles his Max and Current Health. The summoner loses all summoned minions upon casting this, and may not cast other spells while this is active. This effect can not be dispelled or removed by any means. 10 second Cast Time. One time use and permanent effect for the duration of encounter. j. Demonic Presence Aura: Summoner gives all friendlies +1 to Attack. Summoner can dispel this aura to dispel any summoned minion. Instant Cast. One time use.

Warrior a. Health: 95 b. Attack: 7 c. Speed: 4 d. Range: 1 e. The warrior is a slow character that can direct attacks into himself and give himself bursts of speed that move across the map. f. Charge: The warrior charges at a target within 25 range at 20 speed. The warrior becomes focused on that target for 6 seconds upon reaching it and may not target other enemies during that time. Cool Down of 45. Cast time of 3 seconds g. Taunt: Forces the target to move only towards the warrior. This does not stop the target from using abilities or attacks, but spells cancelled by movement will not stop movement, and the target may not choose another target other than the warrior for attacks or spells(unless self targeted cast). Cool Down of 30. Cast time of 3 seconds. Debuff lasts 8 seconds on target. Line of Sight Range. h. Cleave: Deal attack damage to all targets adjacent to spaces warrior is facing. Cool Down of 20 seconds. Cast time of 1 second. i. Intimidation: All non-friendly targets adjacent to warrior have their movement speed reduced for 2 Speed for 10 8 seconds.

Necromancer a. Health: 60 b. Attack: 5 c. Speed: 4 d. Range: 1 e. The necromancer is a disabler that turns losses to gains, very easy to kill before powering up, but with good snaring and disabling mechanics, not impossible to protect from the enemy while he powers up. f. F. Raise Dead: Raise and control any dead non-minion target for 40 seconds. Can only be cast on a target once. The dead target gains of max Health, does not regain an Aura if they have one, and all previous status effects and stored energy are reset. Cooldown of 60 seconds. Cast time of 8 seconds. Any range. g. Chill of the Grave: Selected targets cool downs are increased by 3 seconds for 20 seconds. Cast time of 4 seconds. Range of 20. Cool down of 25 seconds. h. Soul Rot: Target takes 3 damage every two seconds for 10 seconds. If the target dies from this damage(not from another source while this damage is active), cast Raise Dead on the target after a 5 second delay regardless of previous cool down of Raise Dead, but does activate the cool down on Raise Dead. Cool Down of 8 seconds. Cast time of 8 seconds. Range of 15 i. Forsaken Ground: Target is snared for 6 seconds. Necromancer gains the targets movement speed for the duration of the snare. Dark Empowerment Aura: When any non-minion target dies, the necromancer gains +5 attack, +10 max health, +1/2 of max health to current health, and current cool downs reduced by half the remaining time, up to 10 seconds of cool down refunded.


Alchemist a. Health: 70 b. Attack: 4(area of effect in 2by2 radius) c. Speed: 6 d. Range: 5 e. The alchemist is focused on map control and dealing damage in a large area. f. Poison Bottle: 5 aoe damage in 5by5 radius on detonation. Applies 1 damage every 3 seconds a target remains in the poison cloud. Lasts 15 seconds. Cool down of 10 seconds. 2 potions in stock. 2 Max stocked. 10 seconds to mix. 2 second cast time. Range of 15. Can be cast over line of sight obstructions with no roof at a -5 range penalty per object passed over. g. Fog Concoction: Places a fog cloud in a 4by4 radius on detonation. Targets passing through fog have their movement reduced by 1 + x where x is the number of seconds inside the fog. Movement speed may not be reduced below 1 speed. Lasts 20 seconds. Cool down of 10 seconds. 1 potion in stock. 15 seconds to mix. Cast time of 2. Range of 20. Can be cast over line of sight obstructions with no roof at a -5 range penalty per object passed over. h. Alchemists Fire: Creates a living fire on detonation. The alchemist can designate a direction and the fire will spread one tile every 8 seconds in the direction. Direction can be altered at any time. Alchemists fire is permanent and passing through or standing in fire applies a damage over time effect that deals 1 damage every 5 seconds. This effect lasts the entire match and can stack up to 3 times on a single target. 0 in stock. 15 seconds to mix. Cast time of 2. May only be mixed and cast once per match. Range of 20. Can be cast over line of sight obstructions with no roof at a -5 range penalty per object passed over. i. Ooze in a bottle: Spawn an ooze with 50 health 2 spaces away from Alchemist that travels to designated target at 6 speed. If the ooze reaches the target that target is disables for 3 seconds, and snared for an additional 3 seconds. All damage over time effects on the target are doubled for 9 seconds. Cool down of 10 seconds. 1 stocked. 1 max. 15 seconds to mix.

Architect a. Health: 70 b. Attack: 3 c. Speed: 8 d. Range: 1 e. The Architect is focused on map control and controlling character movements. f. Mechanical Wall: Place a 1 tile wall. Every 6 seconds the engineer can extend the wall one tile. Walls may not extend beyond 6 tiles max. Using this skill a second time removes the previous wall after a 10 seconds delay. Cool down of 5 seconds. Cast time of 2 seconds. Range of 20 g. Raise Platform: Raise a 3by3 platform with a 1by2 staircase leading up. Cool down of 30 seconds. Cast time of 7 seconds. Range of 20. Lasts 60 seconds. h. False Floor: Place invisible trap on floor. When a target passes over the trap the target becomes snared for 5 seconds and is dealth 5 damage. After snare is over target has speed reduced to 1 for 2 seconds. Cool down of 25. Cast time of 6 seconds. Range of 30. Up to 5 may be placed at a time. Cannot remove a False Floor to place a new one once limit has been hit. Traps are removed when activated. i. Penrose Stairs: Select target incognito. The target is moved back to the position on the map when he was selected at the choosing of the Architect within 60 seconds. Cool down of 6 seconds after activating on a target(not selection). No cast time to select target, cast time of 3 to activate. Precision Measuring Aura: All allies gain +1 to movement speed who have an original movement speed of at least 4. Can dispel aura to instantly create a 1by4 wall for 15 seconds.


Priest a. Health: 90 b. Attack: 1 c. Speed: 4 d. Range: 1 e. The priest is a healer that becomes increasingly less efficient the more they heal. f. Heal: +20 health to current health, not exceeding max health. Each time heal is cast on a target, subsequent heal spells heal for 5 less health, down to 5 health minimum. Cool down of 10 seconds. Cast time of 8 seconds. Range of 20 g. Faith: Target takes 3 less damage from all direct damage sources. All damage over time effects that deal more than 1 damage are reduced by 1 damage. This can only be on one target at a time. Cast time of 10 seconds. Range of 20 h. Guardian: Select target incognito. The next source of direct damage inflicted on the target is converted to health gain instead. Cool down of 50 seconds. Cast time of 8 seconds. i. Renew: Target regain 10+x health every 4 seconds for 20 seconds. +1 to x every 4 seconds. Each subsequent time this is cast on a target Renews effectiveness is reduced by 50%

Battle Mage a. Health: 90 b. Attack: 5 c. Speed: 6 d. Range: 1 e. Mana: 0 / 100 f. The battle mage can perform tank and nuke like abilities, but must choose between which one and when to perform. This character is good at taking a heavy hit or dealing a heavy hit, but not on a consistent basis. Very good at hit and run tactics. g. Mana Shield: May be activated or deactivated at any time. Damage taken reduces mana instead of health. Each point of damage reduces 2 mana. h. Meditate: Gain 25+x mana. Cast time of 8. Cool down of 2. X = consecutive times using meditate without taking damage, moving, or performing an action times 2. i. Magic Strike: May be activated or deactivated at any time. Battle mage gains +1 Attack per 2 mana spent, up to 20 mana spent for an additional 10 attack on his next successful attack hit. Will always consume max available mana up to the max of 20. Blink: Battle mage teleports up to 15 tiles in a straight line, removing all snares, slows, disables, or stuns. Costs 15+ of mana. Cool down of 10. Cast time of 3 seconds.


k. Magic Efficiency Aura: Battle Mage takes damage from spells while mana shield is not active. Battle Mage gains 1 mana per damage taken from spells. Battle mage can incognito dispel this aura to reflect the next non-area of effect spell that he is the sole target of back at the caster.

Berzerker a. Health: 90+1/2 of momentum b. Attack: 2 + momentum c. Speed: 7 + momentum d. Range: 1 e. Momentum: starts at 0 caps at 30 f. Hard to control but is a heavy damage dealer. As his momentum increases he becomes increasingly stronger, and increasingly a threat to both the user and the opponent. The Berzerker gains 1 momentum when hit with any type of damage. He gains +1 momentum for every basic attack dealt. If Berserkers momentum is 25 or greater he becomes enraged an attacks nearest target, friend or foe. He attacks target twice before switching to next target. Momentum caps at thirty. While enraged Berzerker cannot use abilities. Also player no longer has control of Berzerker. g. Controlled Rage: Usable only if momentum is under 10. Focuses on a single target delivering 3 consecutive hits only gaining momentum for the initial hit.3 second cast time. h. Reckless charge: Usable only if momentum is under 12. Charge at a target within 25 range at a speed of 20, dealing 5 damage to all targets within 2 range of the path and 15 damage to the target. Gain 6 momentum. 5 sec cast time. i. Execute: Usable only if momentum is under 25 and 20 or above. Deal 2 times your momentum before the ability in damage. Gain 2 momentum. 3 second cast time. Calm: If Berzerker takes no action for more than 8 seconds he begins to lose x momentum per second were x = seconds in calm/2, always round up.


Engineer a. Health: 70 b. Attack: 0 c. Speed: 15 d. Range: 0 e. The Engineer is a map control/ support character. He is quick moving and is very useful for setting up traps across the map and manipulating the enemy to move in certain directions. f. Landmine: The Engineer places a mine within 3 range. If enemy target comes within 2 range of it, target takes 20 damage and anyone else within range at the time. Placement is instant, but its a 5 second cast time to create one. Starts game with 3, max capacity is 5. There is a 12 second cool down on placing a landmine. g. Teleporter: Places a single use teleport pad entrance within 2 range. Can only be used by allies. The next time this move is used it will be a teleport exit pad. Placement is instant, 4 second cast time to create one. Starts game with one teleport, max capacity is 3 There is a 6 second cool down on placement of teleporter. h. Turret: Place a turret within 1 range. The turret auto targets enemies within 4 range of it, dealing 7 damage with every shot, firing once every 2 seconds. Placement is instant, 7 second cast time to create. Starts game with one turret, max capacity is 3 There is a 12 second cool down on placement of turrets. i. Time bomb: Place time bomb on ground or target unit within 5 range. Explodes 7 seconds after being placed. Anyone within 2 range of explosion takes 10 damage. Placement is instant, 8 second cast time to create. Starts game with 0, max capacity is 1. MineTeleporter: Engineer can place a mine anywhere on the map. You start the match with 0 charges on it, every 30 seconds you gain a charge. Works like a normal mine except damage don is 15 times x where x is the number of charges when the mine was place. When MineTeleporter is placed charges


return to 0 and there is a 13 cool down period before charges start to stack again.

Enchanter a. Health: 85 b. Attack: 3 c. Speed:5 d. Range: 5 e. The Enchanter is a support character, thats moves consist of debuffs and buffs. The moves are quite unique because they can target both allies and enemies, so you can debuff yourself and buff you enemy. The Enchanters buffs/ debuffs do not stack you cant cast the same spell on a unit if it already has that buff/debuff f. IcyGrip: Target units speed becomes 3 for 15 seconds. Has no effect on targets with speed 3 or less. Its a 3 second cast time, 17 second cool down. Range is 30. g. Burden: Target unit receives -5 attack for 30 seconds. The target gains 1 attack back every 6 seconds. I.E. at 6 seconds -4 attack, at 12 -3 attack etc. 4 second cast time, 20 second cool down. Range is 30 h. Infuse: Target unit receives + attack and speed for 12 seconds. 3 second cast time, 10 cool down. Range is 30 i. Empower: Target units next ability is Instant cast ignoring all cast times and cool downs. 5second cast time,30 cool down Range is 30


Enchanted Aura: All allies gain +1attack,+1 speed, and +5hp unless the stat is 0. a. Dispell effect: removes all debuffs from friendly characters. Resets all cool downs, but kills the enchanter. Must be above 20hp to dispell.

Enforcer b. Health: 125

c. Attack: 6

d. Speed: 8

e. Range: 1 f. This is similar to a standard tank unit. Hes there to attract attention, take damage, and interrupt spells.

g. Shield Slam: Target enemy unit cant use abilities for the next 6 seconds, if a move was being cast at the time of the slam, its cancelled and it cool down is refunded. Instant cast, 12 second cool down.

h. Mocking Challenge: All enemy units within 5 range of Enforcer must move towards and basic attack the Enforcer if possible for the next 6 seconds. They may perform no other actions until the 6 seconds is up. 15 second cool down.


Defensive Stance: All damage taken in the next 7 seconds in reduced by . Cool down is 12 seconds. Intercept: Enforcer charges in front of ally to absorb any damage who would take in the next 15 seconds. The damage form the source is increased by 15, but the Enforcer gains 4hp every 5 seconds while intercept is active. 15 second cool down.


4. Game Progression
In general we want the player to have a choice, there should be multiple ways to complete most of the levels your faced with. The user should be able to look at the scenario and develop a strategy, then choose from his pool of characters, and create an effective team. Ideally we wanted to eliminate the consistent Tank Healer Dps tri-fecta then has become common place in most strategy/rpg type games. To do so we generated a number of classes that generally don't fit into either of these three categories. We have chars like the Architect whose main use is to manipulate the map. You can effectively bar off a squad of enemies until you're ready to deal with, or just make it impossible for them to get to you. The we have characters like the Engineer who, for the most part, treats any map like his playground. setting trap that you can lure an enemy into or just being an outright nuisance with him. While our game still has tank like classes, along with healers and pure damage dealers, it offers alternatives to that. We wanted the player to be able to go into a set scenario with a team of characters that don't actually deal any damage and still be able to win. The first characters the player/scribe will start with will be the Illusionist, Warrior, and Archer. The Archer and Warrior are somewhat self explanatory. The Warrior being mainly melee damage while the Archer being primarily ranged damage. We want the player to be familiar with the beginning characters and concepts. The illusionists however may be a new concept to many players. She is based around disabling another characters. She's very good at shutting down specific characters and taking them out of play. This character will be playable early on to introduce players to new styles of play. Shortly after this you'll pick up the Bezerker which is a heavy damage dealer with a unique mechanic, that makes him uncontrollable at times. This character tied with map manipulating characters can become very deadly. From this point on the game play open ended. You can choose which characters you'd like to go after and eventually recruit to your team. Regardless of who you decide to get you will encounter all of them in battle. It gives the player more choice. We want the player to be in a battle, see an npc do something unique, and we want the player to say " I want that character" . And on the contrary if a player goes against a character that doesn't fit their play style they can choice to just not pursue recruiting him. You can actually try completing the game with 4 character, the starting three plus the Bezerker. But it is ill advised.

5. Scenarios:

Ex1: Survival scenario: A few of your heavy damage dealing characters are tremendously hurt, or the hurt character can be an NPC. Either way the basis of this scenario is to get the player familiar with support/terrain units. The selection of characters can be narrowed down to ones like the Alchemist, Architect, Engineer, Enforcer, etc. You Job will be to survive consecutive barrages of enemies until reinforcements come to your aid. It will get you equated with how these characters work. There focus is not on damage, but manipulating the map and the movement of characters. You will have to manipulate the map, your chars, and the movement of the enemies in ways that elongate survival. Ex: Siphon enemies into forests to slow them, keep them away from open territory. Ex: Split enemy ranks so you can fight enemies one at a time. This will help you learn to force decisions on our opponent. Make them decide whether they want to take damage and walk through a wall of fire, or waste time by going all the way around. To survive the allotted time you will have to carefully decide which moves to make. Like a game of chess. Strategy will be vital. Ex2:City escape: Youre being chased through a city by an enemy you clearly cannot defeat at the present time. Your goal will be to escape from the enemy and city. The enemy is noticeable faster than you and if you run in a straight line from him hell surly catch up. To escape you can use tactics like stunning the enemy for time, or diverting him in a different direction by blocking his path. Or even sacrifice one of your own units by stalling him in a battle while your other units flee. The victory condition with be having a least one member of your party reaching the city limits.

Ex3:Character Specific: These scenarios are based around specific characters. Usually to show-off a new characters abilities in battle. The character being showcased will be an NPC but eventually attainable. We want the player to have an " I want that character" feeling. For example if its the Architects showcase level. It will be a fairly large map where the architect does alot of map manipulating to get you, the player out of a sticky situation. We want all of these encounters to make the NPC seem friendly. So in most cases the NPC will be helping you. Another example would be meeting the bard. He would do something along the lines of buffing your entire party while you try to keep him from harm. This simple scenarios will have unique objectives with each character, but will show exactly how each one works. Its essentially a tutorial that teaches the player how new characters work.

6. Artificial Intelligence:
AI will have differing factors in the game according to what mode you're playing in: singleplayer or multiplayer. In singleplayer: AI will govern how the various monsters you fight against act and react to your actions. Higher difficulty monsters will perform more complex and powerful maneuvers, while many of the lower difficulty ones will serve their role as a distraction or nuisance. It would also power all the NPC's you'd meet along the campaign, from shopkeepers and quest givers to townsfolk and wildlife. In multiplayer: AI will play a much different role; there will be little to no monsters in competitive play. The main focus of the AI in this game mode would be the environmental events that would be happening during a match. For example, after a set interval of time a lava flow might begin its descent through the map. The AI would determine where it started, where it ended up, the pathing it took, how long it remained there, etc.

7. System Menus
The in-game system menu will have what most newer games have: 1) An audio adjusting option. 2) A video adjusting option. 3) A key binding adjusting option. 4) An area to adjust mouse sensitivity, map scroll speed, and other input-related options. 5) Voice chat options. It will also serve as the pause menu in single player, and as the means to get to your private messages from other players while in a match on multiplayer.

8. Multiplayer
The concept of our system is to bring strategic elements into a real time environment with out of the ordinary combat and no source or chance of luck. There is absolutely no dice rolling in this game. We want to deviate from the tank, healer, dps trinity and avoid repeating character classes. With no many variables of abilities between characters each match will be completely different based on your character load out and opponents. There will never be a set strategy to use as your opponents will rarely attack you in the same fashion. We set our game in a fantasy environment with some steam punk elements. The choice of style and genre for us was obvious. Our characters were very defined, and the only world they could interact together in is a fantasy world. Our characters also employ clear magic which cant be defined by science, which lies in the fantasy realm. The steam punk influences stem from the characters like the berserker, alchemist, engineer, and architect. They employ a mix between magic and technology to be combat effective. Summary: The combat system is very straight forward. Each player selects either 3 or 4 characters, and fights in a death match type scenario. Characters have Health, Attack, Speed, Range, Energy(on a select amount of characters), Abilities, and an Aura(on a select amount of characters). The only form of defense is a characters health. When a characters health reaches zero that character is dead and removed from play for the duration of the match. Attack represents how much damage a character does upon a normal attack swing. Attack speed is based upon character speed. Speed also determines how fast a character can travel. Abilities are special actions a character can perform and generally have casting times, cool downs, and some character specific energy costs. Some characters have an aura effect that is a persistent effect they have on the battle field. Many of these auras can be dispelled(removed from play for the duration of the match), to perform a powerful one time use ability.

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