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Ancient China Assessment Through the course of this unit you have learned about: the Silk Road,

the 3 Schools of Thought (Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism), the Mandate of Heaven, the Dynastic Cycle and made connections to modern day China through examining One Child Policy. For your summative assessment, you will need to choose 2 of the Confucian analects from the list below and create a comic strip/poem/short story using the analects to tell about ancient China. Look at the standards below to be sure of what your creation should cover. You will not be graded on your artwork, but rather on your ability to explain the analects and make connections to topics covered in class. The Analects: 1. To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right. 2. The Master said, Riches and honors are what men desire. If they cannot be obtained in the proper way, they should not be held. Poverty and baseness are what men dislike. If they cannot be avoided in the proper way, they should not be avoided. 3. The master said, The progress of the superior man is upwards; the progress of the mean man is downwards. 4. When a country is well governed, poverty and mean condition are things to be ashamed of. When a country is poorly governed, riches and honor are things to be ashamed of. 5. In education there should be no class distinctions. 6. What I do not want others to do to me, I also want to refrain from doing to others.
4 Students will be able to apply their knowledge of ancient philosophy to explain how it shapes ancient and/or modern society in new and different situations. 3 Students will be able to use their knowledge of ancient philosophy to explain how it shapes society.

Creates power, identity, social class, explanation of events, reflect a value system, impacts history

Students will understand the role that religion/philosophy plays in the development of ancient civilizations.

2 Students will be able to identify concepts of ancient philosophy and partially explain how it shapes society.

1 Student needs more help identifying concepts of ancient philosophy and explaining how it shapes society.

Students will produce logical arguments that demonstrate understanding of historical content.

4 Students can produce credible and consistently logical arguments about historical content. Use of supporting
evidence persuasively, recognition of selfbias, counterarguments, clear, analytical thesis, relevant outside information.

3 Students can produce credible and mostly logical arguments about historical content. Recognizing issue,
definition of issue, Use of supporting evidence acceptable thesis statement, partiality

2 Students can partially produce arguments about historical content.

1 Student needs more help producing arguments about historical content.

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