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Dr. S. Sivaram Babu

M.Sc., Ph.D.,

Arjuna Devi




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I do hereby address this speech for the benifit of humanity, for the Brahmanas, the kshatriyas, the Vaishyas, the Shudras, their women and men of lowest position in the society - Yajurveda 26.2

Dr. K. Saraswathi,
M.Sc., Ph.D.

Retd. Professor in Chemistry Sri Venkateswara University Tirupathi

I Congratulate Mrs. Arjuna Devi and Dr. Sakamuri Sivaram Babu for digging out our inherent and inherited knowledge of science from Vedas, Both of them have no background of such education, one being an English teacher and the other the modern science (Chemistry) practitioner. They have brought out the invaluable sacred writings of our Hindus and interpreted the science that was already there in Vedas. The modern scientists are naming their findings as Inventions. Our children are exposed to such incomplete knowledge of science and living in the materialistic world with continuous changes and negative consequences. They are not taught the hidden wealth of our sacred writings. Unfortunately, even we, elders have no knowledge of our own background. Probably our ignorance of Vedas is because they are not well documented and circulated. Also, because we have no knowledge of Sanskrit language which had used for writing the Vedas. So, they are in the hands of very few. This barrier kept all of us in dark about already existing hidden science of our sacred volumes. This book brings out many scientific interpretations of vedas especially Rigveda. Some of these interpretations . are going to be challenge to future scientists because the visualisations of Vedic Sages are beyond Scientists

imagination. Do our children know about it ? Their own roots ? The Sakamuri pair has finally compared both the patterns (Veda and Modern) and exposed the missing links in modern science. The patience and the earnest involvement of the Sakamuris to lighten the young minds with our Indian strengths and treasures is appreciable. I pray Lord Venkateswara to give this couple full strength to bring out such hidden treasures and show the world particularly of our Indian origin that our Vedas are base for any findings and our science is ultimate for any human race on earth.

CONTENTS 1. 2. Introduction The Supreme Being - Vedic View - Hindu Mythology - Modern View Before Creation - Vedic View - Hindu Mythology - Modern View Initial moments of Creation - Vedic View - Hindu Mythology - Modernview Cosmic Egg - Vedic View - Scientific reasoning - Hindu Mythology - Experimental Evidence - Modern View Conclusion





The Vedic Sages considered the Universe to be egg shaped and the term cosmic egg denotes the Universe. The Vedas have guided ancient Civilization for thousands of years as the principles of modern science that is the Theory of relativity and theory of gravitation guiding the present civilization. When the question about origin and evolution of Universe rises, we can understand the fact that the scientific version of Vedas is different from that of the modern science. The Cosmology of Vedas is different from modern cosmologies.Cosmology is the branch of astronomy that deals with the structure and evolution of the universe. Modern Science fascinated the common man by the extraordinary discoveries. In 1915 Einstein generalised the theory of gravitation and provided Big-Bang model according to which the universe starts with a gigantic explosion. Before that all mass - energy of the universe was concentrated in a point. Thus the mass-energy and density becomes infinity. It is called singularity. Singularity represents infinity which is conceptually meaningless. Though scientists dont like singularities, there is no way to avoid it. Scientists hope that a unified theory of quantum mechanics and gravity will be able to solve the problem of singularities. The attempts to avoid singularity at the begining of the Universe have not been successful sofar. Thus modern science reach the limitations.

Once we understand that Rgveda is the celebration and . manifestation of cosmos and also that the ancient science of Vedas was gradually forgotten in course of time, it becomes evident that vedas are not dealing with the primitive knowledge, as all history books declare. Actually Vedic sages discovered the reality and the visualisations of Vedic sages are going to challenge the future scientists. When we compare Vidic Science with modern science, we should not forget that most of the concepts of modern science are actually assumptions that are not validated by facts. For example, black hole implies infinity density and therefore can not be physically real. It is referred to as singularity in the theory. Actually modern science is in a mine of singularities. In the Big-Bang model also there is singularity at the begining of the Universe and the Universe will end in another singularity. Scientists accepted that singularity is failure of the theory. So, I am of the strong opinion that modern science is not the only way to investigate the ultimate reality. It will be very fulfilling if our work kindles inspiration in even a single a scholar to persue further research on Vedas.


Vedic View : We are about to set forth on a journey which we have never taken before. We are about to see the things that we have never suspected to exist. Our journey into the fascinating wisdom of Vedas will take us billions of years into the past where even time did not exist. According to Rgveda 10.121.1 . "Before creation there existed golden womb (Hiranya Garbha). He was the only lord of every thing born. He holds the earth and this heaven". Thus, before creation the Supreme Being existed in an unmanifested form (Nirakara). This from is called golden womb. A womb is an accurate word because the whole universe originated from it. It is called golden because all materials turn into golden colour at very high temperature. It is a well known fact that we can see the flowing super hot lava after volcanic eruption as golden yellow. Gold is thus the Colour of energy in Vedic literature. The association of Gods with gold in Hindu tradition is because Gods are the symbolic representation of various forms of energy. The idols of Gods have always been decorated with gold for this reason. This is the reason for excessive attachment of Hindus with gold. Thus it is clear that creation is the manifestation (Sakara) of the Supreme Being.

This does not mean bringing out existance from nonexistance or creating out of nothing. Vedic Science clearly states that creation is the projection of the Supreme Being. Hindu Mythology : Hindu Mythology is extra-ordinarily rich in learning. In the later period of Vedas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, . Upanishads and Puranas were written to bring Vedic Science . to common man. In the Cosmology of Hindu Mythology, an ordered Universe is established. According to S'atapatha Brahmana, The Supreme Soul, The self-existent Lord Created the waters and deposited in them a seed, which became golden egg in which He himself was born as Brahma, the progenitor of all the worlds. He was called Narayana as Nara (water) was the place of his movement. Afterwards it became the name of Visnu. ..

Thus in the Vedas the active creator Hiranya Garbha became a golden egg in Brahmanas.

The second theme of creation in Hindu Mythology is that the Universe is described as an egg, the source of which is obviously Rgveda. . According to this long ago when all things animate and inanimate were lost in one dreadful ocean there appeared an egg, the source of the seed of all creatures. Lying in this egg was Brahma. He is mentioned as Svayambhu Visvakarma in Moola Stambha. In Bhagavata he is Visnu. In Svetasvataropanishad .. he is S'iva. Modern View : The basic principle for Big-Bang Model is the law of conservation of energy that is energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This principle demands that before the moment of creation all the mass-energy of the universe should be concentrated in a point. This point is called singularity because its density becomes infinity. Difference : Vedic View 1. When there was no time, 1. In the begining all the there was no creation. mass and energy was Creation is the projection concentrated in a point of the Supreme Being. called singularity. 2. Energy can be created and 2. Energy can neither be destroyed. created nor destroyed. 3. There was no problem of 3. It faced the problem of singularity singularity

Vedic View : The state of Being before creation is described with precision in Nasadiya hymn of Rgveda 10.129 . Verse 1 : There was neither manifested nor unmanifested. There was no dust, there was no sky beyond that, what was covering? where was whose position ? what was the deep and inexplicable? Verse 2 : There was neither death nor immortality. There was no difference between night and day. Only He was there by His own will without air. There was nothing beyond Him. Verse 3 : Earlier there was darkness. Everything was enveloped in darkness. All this was undifferentiated Salila covered in emptiness. One was born by Tapah. . Verse 4 : Ealier desire arose from His mind and the first seed was born. The wise men by reasoning found the origin of manifested from the unmanifested. From this it is evident that the first seed was manifested from unmanifested salila because of heat. Salila : Vedic sages considered that before the creation the Universe contained salila. The common meaning of Salila

is water. So the whole world came to believe that there was water every where in the beginning. It gave rise to many popular myths. According to the Bible-Genesis 1.1-2 and 1.6-7 in the beginning the Universe consisted of water only. The Koran 21.30 said that there was nothing but water in the beginning. The vedic meaning of salila is undifferentiated primordial fluid existing before the moment of creation from which matter and anti-matter is originated. That is why apraketa was used as an adjective for salila. Tapah .: The evolution of the Universe started with Tapah. . In post - Vedic period Tapah . means performance of Tapas, in deep forests to gain immense power. The Vedic meaning of Tapah . is to heat. Because of the heat, expansion took place and evolution of Universe started with the creation of space, energy and matter. In this process of macronisation enormous quantity of heat is produced which is causing further expansion of the universe. Hindu Mythology According to Satapatha Brahmana Apah . were indeed Salila earlier. Desire arose in it. They labored. From that heat arose. From heat golden egg was born. Golden egg was swimming in that for a year. The production of enormous quantity of heat during macronisation was described by Vyasa Maharshi as Virat Rupa Surrounded by innumerable flames.

Modern View : Modern Science tells us that the universe started infinitely hot with a big bang. It cooled down rapidly with the expansion. Difference : Vedic View 1. The Universe Started 1. The Universe started Cold. infinitely hot. 2. Enormous quantity of heat 2. It is cooled down rapidly production due to with expansion. macronisation causes further expansion


Vedic View : The initial moments of creation are described in Rgveda . 10.72 hymn. Verse 8: Those eight sons born to Aditi, with seven she went to Gods and left Martanda . . away. Verse 9: With seven sons aditi went to earlier age. For the birth and death of people, accepted Martanda . . again. These two verses tell us about Martanda. . . Martanda .. Means dead egg. Because egg is universe, dead egg represents a universe that has no life. From these verses it is evident that after initial expansion the universe started to collapse. So, the formation of universe was not a spontaneous process. The forces of expansion and contraction were in a delicate balance while the universe is trying to expand. After the strengths of these forces adjusted, the universe began to expand again. As mentioned in the above verses the universe became steady after collapsing seventimes. Hindu Mythology : According to Matsya Purana 2.25-30, after Mahapralaya, dissolution of the universe took place. There was darkness every where. There was nothing moving or unmoving. Then Svayambhu,self-being manifested. He created water first and deposited the seed of creation into it. That seed turned into golden egg. Then Svayambhu entered into the egg and He

is called Visnu. . . The root word of Visnu . . is Vis which means to expand. This clearly tells the expansion of the golden egg. From this it is evident that creation of universe is by expansion.

Brahmanda . . : The word used for universe in Hindu Mythology is Brahmanda. . . This contains two words Brahma and Anda. The root word for Brahma is Brha means expanding. Anda . means egg. Thus Brahmanda . . means expanding egg. This clearly tells that creation of the universe is by expansion which is supported by the above story in Matsyapurana. Martanda . . and Vivas'vana : In Hari Vamsa parva 9.5 Kasyapa says to Aditi, her son is not dead, he is inside the egg. Therefore he is called Martanda. . . is universe that has no life. . . Martanda The universe became steady after collapsing seventimes is the secret behind the birth of Lord Sri Krishna who is Viratpurusha. In This story from the eight children born to Devaki, the reincornation of Aditi, only the eight child Lord Srikrishna survived.

From this it is evident that the universe became steady after collapsing seven times. When once the universe became steady and where life can exist it was named Vivas'vana. Thus vivas'vana is the universe where life can exist. Modern View : The Big Bang cosmology tells us that at the begining the universe was extremely hot and hurled in all directions at great velocity by a cataclysmic explosion. Thus according to modern science the initial moments are very rapid expansion stage. The only serious challenger to Big Bang model is the Steady State model, which has fallen out of favour after the discovery of cosmic background radiation.


Difference : Vedic View 1. The initial moments of expansion are slow and steady Modern View
1. The initial moments of expansion are very rapid due to Big-Bang.

2. As the universe began with 2. The universe collapsed gigantic explosion, the seven times before universe was very chaotic in becomes steady such that the begining and smoothed the strength of out later. This gives rise to fundamental forces got entropy problem. adjusted.

Vedic View : Vedic sages considered the universe to be egg shaped. The concept of the universe as an egg is based on sound scientific reasoning. For this we have a clear statement in Rgveda 1.185.1 . Which has born first and which later ? How were they born ? who knows? They hold the universe by their strength and always keep rotating like a wheel. This mantra is dedicated to Dyav (heaven) and Prthvi. . As universe is the sum of these two, it clearly tells us that the universe is rotating. Hence Vedic sages considered the universe to be egg shaped. Scientific Reasoning : Vedic sages considered the Universe as a fluid in its initial state which has rotation. What will be the effect of

rotation on the fluid resembling a sphere ? It shrinks along the axis of rotation and expands perpendicular to it. Thus it takes the shape of a spheroid. If we think a familiar object that looks like a spheroid, surprisingly it is an egg. So, the concept Cosmic egg by Vedic sages is quite appropriate. Thus Vedic sages considered the Universe to be egg shaped and all ancient civilizations accepted this. Hindu Mythology : In Hindu Mythology, Lord Visnu . . was shown as holding cakra in the hand. Cakra is a wheel. As Lord Visnu . . was identified with the Universe. We can easily understand that cakra represents rotation of the Universe.


Experimental Evidence : Borga Nodland and John P. Ralston found that polarised light from galaxies shows evidence of rotation. They published their results in Scientific American, July 1997. Some scientists do not accept this analysis yet Nodland and Ralston maintained the position that their analysis is correct. This is a clear evidence that the Universe is rotating like a wheel. Modern View : Modern scientists considered the universe to resemble the surface of the sphere because the universe is of uniform density, isotropic and closed. According to Big Bang model, there should be same amount of matter and antimatter in the universe. But so far scientists found no evidence of antimatter dominated regions in the universe. Also why is that in a proposed uniform universe distribution of matter and antimatter is asymmetric? Difference : Vedic View 1. The Universe is rotating Modern View 1. The universe is not rotating

2. The universe is egg 2. The shape of the universe resembles the surface of shaped sphere.


Vedic View 1. When there was no time 1. there was no creation. Creation is the projection of the supreme being. Energy can be created 2. and destroyed. Mass and energy is 3. continuously being created There was no problem of 4. singularity. The Universe started 5. cold. Enormous quantity of 6. heat produced due to macronisation causing further expansion of the universe. The initial moments of 7. expansion are slow and steady The universe collapsed 8. seven times before becomes steady Modern View In the begining all the mass and energy was concentrated in a point Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. There is no creation of mass and energy now. It faced the problem of singularities. The universe started infinitely hot. The universe is cooled down rapidly

2. 3.

4. 5. 6.


The initial moments of expansion are very rapid due to Big-Band. As the universe began with gigantic explosion, it was very chaotic in the begining.



Vedic View 9. The universe is rotating 9.

Modern View The universe is not rotating

10. The universe is egg 10. The shape of universe shapped. resembles the surface of sphere. The creation stories of all major religions are based on the Vedas. They have forgotten their vedic root. In order to understand vedic wisdom we have to go back in time to the region where a mighty civilization once arose. The civilization is called Indus Valley civilization. Their scientific knowledge was coded in the sacred books called Vedas. The Knowledge was passed from generation to generation such that not a single letter of this body of knowledge should be changed. Great care was taken to preserve Vedas. We are fortunate enough that they have come to us in the same form as they were intended.



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