Newsletter 2002.05

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76 years!

Time is running out to get tickets for the Boosters 76th Annual Installation and Awards Banquet, Tuesday May 28 6:30 PM, Verdi Club 2424 Mariposa St (Between Potrero Ave and Hampshire St) Mail check today to Potrero Boosters Annual Dinner, 1459 18th St. #133 San Francisco 94107. Write number of reservations on check and note dinner choice (ham, roast chicken or vegetarian lasagna) $30 per person in advance $40 after May 23 or at the door. (Full dinner with wine.) Tickets will be held at the door.

Serving the Community since 1926

Potrero Community Voice

Published Monthly by the Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association

At the June 25 general meeting the Boosters will discuss if we should join the Housing Action Coalition. The following articles present both sides of the issue.

May 2002 Should the Boosters Join the San Francisco Housing Action Coailition (HAC)?
Yes to HAC
The San Francisco Housing Action Coalition (HAC), formed in 1999, is an association of over 21 organizations who share an interest in solving San Francisco's housing crisis. Members include environmental, planning and social justice groups, neighborhood organizations, non-profit housing providers, business organizations, and local developers. It advocates for the creation of welldesigned, well-located housing. Focus is on three primary strategies: 1. The HAC lobbied for nearly $2 million in funds resulting in the Planning Department's 'Better Neighborhoods 2002' program -three comprehensive plans for Upper Market/Hayes Valley, Central Waterfront, and Balboa Park. It is also active in the five Eastern Neighborhoods" projects. 2. The HAC works on regulatory reform. Legislation just passed reforms the city's Inclusionary housing policy mandating more affordable housing. At least three other legislative proposals are currently in progress. 3. The endorsements program uses specific criteria such as density, transit accessibility, affordability, and community participation, to determine support of each project it reviews. It gives testimony at public hearings, talks with elected officials, and mobilizes its members. It has endorsed over twelve projects this year. There is a clear need to actively support housing in the face of intense opposition and general complacency. Building on successful actions to date, the HAC's vision is to create a truly prohousing culture in San Francisco--from local neighborhood constituencies, to professional and business leaders, to elected officials. The Housing Action Coalition works city-wide on many of the same issues and with the same purpose of improving San Francisco's housing as does the Potrero Boosters. Ron Miguel

Presidents Message

It has been a great year for the Boosters. We started out the year on a high note by having the fantastic 75th Anniversary party with almost 200 in attendance at Anchor Brewing Company last May. In October the Boosters were recognized by the Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods as the Outstanding Neighborhood Association of the Year. Some of the wins the Boosters have been involved in this year include: , Working on interim zoning control legislation that led to the Showplace Square / Potrero Hill ongoing Neighborhood Planning process. This was signed by the Mayor, supported by local businesses, and will take effect this summer. , Our ongoing intervention in the Potrero Power Plant planning process with the help of the other interveners and elected officials has pointed out many deficiencies in the Mirant application, including the lack of redundancy, which could preclude the foremost issue of allowing the shut-down the Hunters Point Power Plant, and the damage to the Bay ecosystem if they use Bay water for cooling the plant. , Creating a heavy truck route away from the residential area on Mariposa Street between Mississippi and Connecticut Streets. This was signed by the Mayor, supported by local businesses, and should take effect this summer. , Making our neighborhood safer by setting up Neighborhood Watch groups with the help of the S. F. Police Department and Project SAFE , Convincing UCSF of the great need for student housing at Mission Bay and, with the help of Senator Burton showing that their 185-foot high dormitory building was an inappropriate solution. A redesigned housing complex will be discussed at a meeting on May 30. , Keeping Potrero Hill as part of District 10 with our neighbors in Bayview, Hunters Point and Visitation Valley. This keeps these neighborhoods together working on common issues involving planning, city utilities, environmental justice, and transportation. , Cooperating with the Dogpatch community on many common planning and historic district issues. Assisting them on their Pier 70 work, the MUNI 3rd Street Light Rail turn around and the nightclub issue. This work could not have been done with out our dedicated Executive Committee and many members who volunteered to chair projects or just assist on a project. We also say good-bye to two long time Hill residents who have moved from San Francisco. Denis Moore our Treasurer has accepted a job in Oregon and Sarah Ames who has decided to move her growing family to the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge. Good-bye and best of luck to both of you. We will miss your contributions to the neighborhood. Thanks also for the cooperation and support of Supervisor Sophie Maxwell and her dedicated staff of Greg Asay and Sarah He, and the many volunteers in her efficient office. Finally, congratulations to San Franciscos new City Attorney Dennis Herrera. Dennis, a Potrero Hill/Dogpatch resident Dennis has been helpful to us with many of our community concerns. Our work had some very good rewards. We look forward to the completion of the planning studies, a new Planning Commssion, and a wonderful future for our Hill. So please, become involved and make this an even better year! John deCastro

No to HAC
On June 25, the Boosters will be asked to join the Housing Action Coalition (HAC). We should not do it. Look at some of the other members of the HAC: large developers, organizations who support projects that Potrero and Dogpatch residents oppose, organizations whose interests are not always the same as ours and two large law firms. who specialize in representing the very developments, including lofts, we have long opposed. The Boosters are respected because we stand for something and our voice is loud. Why mute our voice by joining the HAC, where we will often be out-voted on projects we would normally oppose? Why allow HAC to testify at public hearings, using the Boosters' good name in support of projects we do not support? Then, what do we do? Go to hearings to say we oppose a project that the HAC (which includes us) supports. Who will be speaking for our neighborhood? Our voice and conscience as a neighborhood organization will be so divided and diluted that it will be worth nothing. We have worked too hard. We should maintain our independence, integrity and absolute right to decide which projects in our neighborhood to support and which to oppose, based on our own beliefs and objectives. If we agree with HAC, fine. But, if we disagree with HAC, let's not be at odds with ourselves. Please come to the June 25 Boosters meeting where there will be a full discussion of the issues, and more information than this newsletter has space to include. Chris Cole

Potrero Community Voice

May 2002

City Planning May 2002

BLDG PERMIT APPLICATION #204184319: 906 WISCONSIN/23 St. Proposed 33 ft high 3rd story addition of 2 unit bldg in an RH-2 zone, 40-X. 3rd floor is set back 10 feet at front and rear. Contact: Kate McGee, Planner. ph: 558-6367. ZONING VARIANCE Case #2002.0196V: 345 MISSOURI/19 Sts. Proposed rear and side extension to existing 2-unit bldg. The 16 ft x 11 ft addition (in-fill beneath an existing deck extends 18 ft into the req'd rear yard & 3 ft into the side, including 1 ft into the last required 25%. A public hearing is set for 9:30 am, Weds, 22 May at City Hall, Rm 400. Contact: Kate McGee, Planner, ph: 558-6367. DISCRETIONARY REVIEW/ REAR YARD VARIANCE/CONDITIONAL USE, Case #2002.0184CV/ 2001.0059D: 2196 3rd/19th Streets. Propose demolition of one-story auto repair garage to construct 18 residential units, 5,750 sq ft commercial space and 23 parking spaces 50 feet high in an M-2 50-X district. Contact Mat Snyder,

Community Resources
MAYOR Willie Brown ph: 554-6141 fax 554-6160 City Hall 1 Goodlett Place Rm 200 SF Ca 94102 Web site: SUPERVISOR FOR DISTRICT 10 (which includes Potrero Hill): Sophie Maxwell (e-mail: Phone: 554-7670, Fax: 554-7674 DEPT of CITY PLANNING Gerald Green, Director 1660 Mission Street, 5th fir, SF, CA 94103 ph: 558-6411 fax 558-64O9 email: BAYVIEW POLICE STATION 201 Williams St, SF 94124 ph: 671-2300 fax 671-2345 Capt. Michael Puccinelli ph: 671-2300 fax: 671-2345 SFPD Web site:

Potrero Boosters Executive Board

John deCastro 865-0669 Joe Boss 647-1727 341-1310 Tony Kelly Dick Millet 861-0345 Kepa Askenasy 431-2304 Paul Minton 648-6700 Ellen Kernaghan 824-5065 Jean Neblett 550-2613 George Guenther 282-6822

President First Vice President Second Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Sec. Neighborhood Meetings & Events Treasurer Tuesday, May 21, 4 to 6 PM CCAC 8th and Hooper St, 2nd Floor, Informal Consensus Building Workshop on Showplace Sergeant-at-Arms Auditors / Potrero Planning.

Tuesday, May 28 6:30 PM Annual Installation Banquet call 861-0345 for tickets

Thursday, May 30 Meeting on revised UCSF Housing Propsal at Mission Bay Visitors Center 255 Channel St 6:30 PM 415- Our Web Site: Cort Dugan, Webmaster ( 476-3206 for directions. Thursday, June 6, 7:00 PM R.O.S.E.S. at the SOUTHEAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE 1800 Oakdale St. (at Phelps) The Potrero Community Voice will be taking a vacation in June. See you in July!
devoted to issues of particular importance to the forum for concerned Potrero residents and to decisions that affect the quality of life here on the p.m. at the Potrero Branch Library upstairs meeting that the meeting room is not wheelchair accessible.) Senior $20, Business $30. Mail check to Potrero 94107. (Make checks payable to: Potrero Contributions $________ New __ Renewal __ (Business)______________________________________ _________________________________________________

Newsletter Editor: Ralph Wilson 824-8749 (

The Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association is Potrero Hill neighborhood. Our goals are to act as a participate actively in policy and development Hill. Meetings are the last Tuesday of the month (7:00 room) and are open to non-members. (We regret Dues: Individual $25, Household (couple) $30, Boosters, 1459 18th St., #133, San Francisco, CA Boosters.) Enclosed is $________ for __membership(s). Name(s)________________________________________ Address e-mail _________________________________________

The Potrero Community Voice Potrero Boosters Neighborhood Association 1459 18th St. PMB 133 San Francisco, CA 94107

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