SO RR Quality Management System FINAL Tcm92-24000

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Our Quality Management Systems include
a robust suite of processes that cover all
business operations, and additional local
controls dened for the Nuclear business.
Our process controls are dened to cover our
internal operations, and our supply chain.
Supporting capabilities
Rolls-Royce operates an established Quality Management System (the
RRQMS) This is a world-class process based Management System. The
system integrates business management and quality ensuring robust
controls are applied to all business, design, manufacturing, service and
supply chain activities across Rolls-Royce.
The system is structured within the following process framework:
The Business Process Model gives us a broad view of all the processes that
take place across the company. This management system ensures that
best practice is applied consistently across the whole group.
Rolls-Royce Quality Management System
Strategy and Leadership
Support processes
Manage Customer Relationships
Engineer products
Supply products
Manage Services
Rolls-Royce Power Engineering plc
PO Box 2000, Derby DE21 7BD, England
Tel: +44 (0)1332 632688
Fax: +44 (0)1332 622936
2010 Rolls-Royce plc
Whilst this information is given in good faith, no
warranty or representation is given concerning such
information, which must not be taken as establishing
any contractual or other commitment binding upon
Rolls-Royce plc or any of its subsidiary companies.
Rolls-Royce applies robust controls to its supply chain and external
relationships. The Supplier Quality Assurance controls are supported with
the Supplier Advanced Business Relationships (SABRe) system and the
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set of requirements and processes agreed between Rolls-Royce and its
suppliers, and provides the basis for scope for supplier approval. The
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and Rolls-Royce employees that automates and accelerates purchasing
business functions. A web portal that acts as the single location for all
suppliers to receive important information and interact with
Rolls-Royce (e.g. enables suppliers to view their balanced quality and
delivery scorecards and deviations).
The supplier quality and development organisation within Rolls-Royce
includes a number of key functions:
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and specic product/process requirements, this function establishes
and maintains the approved vendor list (AVL) utilising the Rolls-Royce
established Supplier Total Evaluation Process (STEP). This process
encompasses numerous assessments designed to help suppliers achieve
class-leading performance, and is used as a central means of assessing
supplier capability and performance. This function can also qualify
suppliers for supply of material to meet ASME code requirements.
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supplier performance and/or capability highlighted by the supplier total
evaluation process. It is also responsible for the containment of non-
conformance and for driving root cause analysis for supply chain issues.
Members of this function are green or black belt accredited and drive
quality and delivery performance into the supply chain.
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chain through physical oversight, witness of process and review of
documentation/records as appropriate.
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supply chain, to ensure our suppliers have the manufacturing capability
and to assist with improvements. In addition the ME-P provides advice
regarding product or process related issues for a given product.
The Civil Nuclear business unit is certied to ISO9001:2008 and
ISO14001:2004 and the TickIT guide Issue 5.5.
Our Instrumentation and Controls business is certied separately to
ISO9001:2000 and the TickIT guide Issue 5.5.
Rolls-Royce is in the process of building a new plant for civil nuclear work
that will be accredited for ASME N, NPT, NS, and MO activities appropriate
to the design, procurement, manufacture, inspection, test and certication
of Nuclear vessels and components.
As an accredited ASME N-Stamp holder Rolls-Royce will operate processes
that deliver the levels of control and authorisation required to meet any
customer quality requirements.

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