Before State Information Commission Haryana, Chandigarh. Show Cause Notices No.4 and 5 of 2008 IN Case No.1775 of 2007

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SHOW CAUSE NOTICES NO.4 and 5 of 2008 IN Case No.1775 of 2007 Dr.Kanwar Singh Yadav, RZ D2/156, Stree No.5, Mahavir Enclave,Palam New Delhi-110045 .Appellant. Versus 1. First Appellate Authority O/o Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd., C-13 & 14, Industrial Area, Sector-6, Panchkula, Haryana. 2. SPIO-cum-General Manager -Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd., C-13 & 14, Industrial Area, Sector-6, Panchkula, Haryana. Respondents. Present Sh . Jeevan Bhardwaj, GM O/o Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd., -cum-SPIO. Facts:This matter has arisen in pursuance of the earlier orders passed by the Commission on 27.12.07 in this case. In response to the notice issued by the Commission, the SPIO of Corporation has sent his reply vide letter dated 17.3.2008 which has been taken on record. It has been mentioned in this reply that he did not receive any notice regarding this case as well as the hearing to be held on 27.12.2007. It has also been pointed that notices were being sent to wrong address in Industrial Area, Sector-2, Panchkula whereas his office is located in the Institutional Area, Sector-6, Panchkula. The orders of the Commission have been complied dated with and a copy has of the been criteria placed adopted before for the selection/allotment was sent vide letter dated 14.1.2008. A copy of the Communication 14.1.2008 also

Commission. The SPIO had also mentioned vide earlier letter dated 15.1.2008 about the non-receipt of notice from the Commission. This matter has been carefully considered by the Commission. There have been instances where the letters addressed to the Corporation were sent to the wrong address. In fact the communications dated 3 rd January, 2008 enclosing a copy of the orders of the Commission as well as communication dated 11th January,2008 enclosing the show cause notice have given the address as Sector-2, Panchkula. The SPIO has appeared in a large number of cases before the Commission and there has been no instance where he has refused to do so. It is clear from the explanation submitted by the SPIO that the reason for non-attendance on 27.12.2007 was mainly because of notice not reaching him in time. The Commission therefore finds that there is no justification for taking any action against him. There is also no case for compensating the appellant since the orders of the Commission have been complied with. The following directions are therefore hereby given in this case:1. The proceedings initiated against the SPIO of the respondent department are hereby dropped. 2. It shall be ensured by the office of the Commission that letters/notices meant for the Corporation are sent to the correct address at their premises in Sector -6, Panchkula in future. Announced. To be communicated. (G.Madhavan) Chief Information Commissioner Haryana, Chandigarh.

Place: Chandigarh. Dated: 10.6.2008

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