Please Dont Riot Its Just What - They - Want

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Thank you Chadwick Latimer for sending me this!



'What you fight, you become.' - David Icke

Hello all ...

As I travel around America it is clear that this country is on the brink of an economic catastrophe the
like of which it has never seen. And, of course, it is not alone. A similar story can be told around the

The foreclosure figures are fantastic as families and others lose their homes through no fault of their
own on a scale that, according to current projections, is destined to become a tidal wave.

The credit explosion was orchestrated through Illuminati agents and Satanists like Alan Greenspan,
who represents the interests of the Illuminati's Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission and other far more exclusive and sinister secret societies.

Greenspan was the long-time head of the privately-owned 'US central bank', the Federal Reserve. Once
his policies had manipulated as much personal and commercial debt as possible the plug was pulled on
the system to trigger what is designed to be global economic meltdown.

Greenspan, who led 'the Fed' under Reagan, Father Bush, Clinton and Boy Bush, operates at a deeper
level within the Illuminati network than most of their public figures, and I was told by a former
Satanist, an unofficial offspring of the Rothschild family, how he remembered Greenspan at sacrifice
rituals he attended:

'I can recall the Rockefellers and the Bushes attending rituals, but never having the supremacy to lead
them. I still regard them as lackeys and not real brokers of occult power. Except for Alan Greenspan,
most of these fellows were camp followers in the occult, primarily for the economic power and
prestige. Greenspan, I recall, was a person of tremendous spiritual, occult power and could make the
Bushes and the younger Rockefellers cower with just a glance.'

This, then, is the man who was controlling the United States economy from 1987 to 2006 and who, as
planned, oversaw the insane economic policies (insane if you didn't know the real reason behind them)
that led to the current global collapse.

The Nobel Prize-winning economists Joseph E. Stiglitz and Paul Krugman name Greenspan as a prime
creator of the gathering economic devastation in the United States and elsewhere. Stiglitz has said that
Greenspan 'didn't really believe in regulation' and 'when the excesses of the financial system were
noted, [he and others] called for self-regulation - an oxymoron.'

Go to another level of understanding and you can see that Greenspan and other Illuminati place-men
throughout the world knew exactly what they were doing and what the outcome was planned to be.

Greenspan got out just before the true scale and consequences of his manipulation came to light. It has
been left to others, all controlled by the same force behind Greenspan, to offer the 'solutions' to the
problems that he and his like created. This is why Obama has named blatant insiders to his 'economic
team' who were fundamentally culpable in the very collapse they have been appointed to 'address'.

Tim Geitner, Larry Summers, Paul Volcker etc., all stalwarts of the same Bilderberg Group-Council on
Foreign Relations-Trilateral Commission network as Greenspan, have no intention of finding a
'solution' that will benefit the people of America or anywhere else. Their role for the Cabal is to destroy
the economy by wasting staggering amounts of borrowed money - trillions of dollars - to ensure that
there is no way back.

A US TV ad apparently said this week that if you spent a million dollars a day every day from the
alleged birth of 'Christ' to today you would still not spend as much as Obama is spending in borrowed
money in his 'stimulus' package - let alone the other fantastic sums on top of that to 'bail' the banks.

They have worked super-fast, using fear and the Obama hype as their weapons, to throw more petrol on
the fire in the full knowledge that this will make matters worse, not better. Bush's 'bail out' of the banks
has disappeared from the radar with nothing to show for it and now Bush Mark 11, Mr Change, is
fronting up the spending of another three trillion.

The idea is not only to collapse the American economy, but to throw so much money at the problem
(the banks mostly) as quickly as possible so that the response options of the government are zero by the
time the economy really crashes on the scale that is planned.

The same is being orchestrated around the world, as we see in Britain where the Prime Minister,
Gordon Brown, is also hurling borrowed money at the banking system only for the situation to go on
getting worse. Brown was Chancellor of the Exchequer, in charge of the country's finances, right
through the Blair years when he pursued policies that mirrored those of Greenspan.

Now the man who was a major cause of the banking crisis in the UK is asking us to believe that he is
the 'saviour' of the financial system. That's like a guy smashing someone around the head with a
baseball bat and then claiming to be a hero for driving him to hospital. But these people have no shame.

The global economic collapse is designed to trigger a stream of 'benefits' to the Illuminati agenda. One,
as I said in a recent newsletter, is to use this as an excuse to impose a global economic dictatorship
controlled by a world central bank. But there are many other 'solutions' and connected 'benefits' that are
planned to be exploited and we need to be streetwise to them.

The one I want to emphasise here is the need to stay calm and react peacefully to what is happening.
This is not easy when there is so much stress and fear around with regard to the economic present and
'future', but we need to do it all the same or we will walk straight into a massive trap that has been set
for us.

Let's get this straight: They want you to riot in response to the unfolding economic catastrophe and we
are already seeing people falling for this.

Why would the authorities want people to riot? Readers of my books over the years will see the answer
immediately. They want an excuse to bring in a fully-fledged Police State all over the world and people
who riot in their desperation (instigated invariably by agent-provocateurs) are just the excuse they are
looking for.

Be very, very aware of anyone who starts rioting, or encourages others to do so, amid peaceful
demonstrations. Who are they and why are they doing this when it is handing all the aces to the system
to impose a Police State? They are either stupid or agents of that State.

Regular readers of these newsletters will recall the one about the UK traffic warden who was suddenly
given new cards authorising him to do the work of the police and to enter property without permission.
His job was supposed to be just handing out tickets for illegal parking and so on. His boss would not
discuss why these new cards were being issued, but a police officer friend explained all to him.

The officer said the government was preparing well ahead of time for a coming 'war', during which
they were expecting mass protests and rioting in the streets. The police and the military were going to
be so focussed on dealing with this that other uniformed professions, like traffic wardens, private
security guards, CCTV operators and many others, were going to be brought forward to do the work
normally done by the police.

Soon after the traffic warden approached me, the government announced that his profession was being
re-designated 'civil enforcement officers', thus disconnecting them from their sole role of dealing with
traffic. A few months later the government announced plans for a new group called 'accredited persons'
- private security guards, CCTV operators and many others who would be given authority to do some
of the work currently confined to the police.

The officer told the traffic warden about a 'war', and that is planned for sure at some point. But the
excuse of the war could also have been a cover-story for those people who were needed to work on the
preparations, but were not to know the real reason behind it. That real reason, as we can now see, could
be economic rioting after the financial collapse that the Shadow People have long known was coming
because they were going to cause it.

I have been stressing this point about the plan to stir up civil unrest and rioting whenever I can, as you
will have seen in my newsletter two weeks ago, and now the insiders are beginning to put that thought
into the public mind. 'There could be riots' is designed to communicate the theme subliminally of 'go
out and riot'. It is the simple power of suggestion masquerading as 'concern'.


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