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MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: at 7:05pm by President AUDREY COLE with introductions; 23+ attendees plus guests. POLICE REPORT: NO SHOW REPORTS: * PIER 70 Development: Audrey Cole, Prez. reported on Januarys Booster meeting presentation on the Ports Requests for Qualification. Applicants were invited to presents their submittals. Only BUILD INC. presented, 3 others were a no show. There will be a special meeting on Monday 7 March 5:30 to 8:30pm at the NABE; a Port/Dogpatch/Boosters collaboration to present and review the additional RFQ submittals. Also included will be a status update on Mission Bay, Blue Peter building. * Treasurers Report: $1,000.00+ checking, $2,000.00+ savings. No extraordinary expenses or income. * San Francisco Historical Society event on Sat/Sun., Feb 12-13 at the Old Mint. A large success; many neighborhood groups, our Potrero Archives Project included, had booths along with Cable Car people, Fire Dept., Police, * Meet the Supes Event: Thursday, Feb. 17th 6-8:00pm at the Old Mint. A good crowd, but short of Supes. Only Mark Farrell, our Malia Cohen and Scott Wiener showed. PROGRAM: * CENTRAL SUBWAY, Phase 2: 1.7 miles from 4th/Brannon (extension of T Line) to last station at Jackson St in Chinatown with unfinished tunnel bore to North Beach, set up for possible extension to Fishermans Wharf. PRO PRESENTATION by John Funghi, PE, Sr Project Manager and Brajah Norris, External affairs Mgr. of Central Subway Project. Central Subway Project, Phase 2 Costs: Fed $948.2M; State $375M; Local $255.1M. The Central Subway Project is one of the highest rated FTA New Start Projects in the Country. The Federal money is not there yet, till November 2011, and could be blocked, but the monies are not saved, but redistributed to one or more of the other New Start Projects in St. Paul/Minneapolis, Denver, Hartford, CT. or Honolulu. Phase 1 is the completed

3rd Street T Line. Project relocation of utilities are underway. Tunnel contract is to be advertised 28 Feb 2011. Most of the real estate is in the existing right of way with only 2 station parcels taken by eminent domain. Station designs to be completed by late 2011, this year. Revenue/operation in 2019. AGAINST PRESENTATION by Howard Wong, Architect and Gerald Cauthen, PE of SAVE MUNI. <> History: The 89 earthquakes destruction of the shoreline freeway that provided acccess to Chinatown created a movement for policies by Rose Pak, Chinatown Chamber of Commerce, and then Mayor Willie Brown for a Subway to make up for the loss of business in Chinatown; truth is the loss of business was really its shift to the Sunset and other neighborhoods. Mr. Wong asks: How can the monies be better spent to improve transportation service to all of SF, not just Chinatown? Subway ride time may be faster, but service access time to deep underground stations is longer. There is no true Market Street station, the station is at Stockton/Geary and 80 feet underground, Union Square. The Market Street BART/MUNI station is at Powell/Market, a long underground walk away. Both parties asked for Booster SUPPORT, therefore, *it was Moved by Chris Cole and 2nd The Boosters NOT SUPPORT the Central Subway; 4 Yes, 8 Oppose. Motion FAILED. *it was Moved by Dick Millet and 2nd The Boosters SUPPORT the Central Subway; 6 Yes, 6 No. Motion FAILED THE BOOSTERS wont take a stand for/against the Central Subway Project. Next meeting: 29 March 2011, Meeting ADJOURN: 9:08pm Respectfully submitted, Dick Millet, acting Secretary Nomination of OFFICERS

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