Human Behavior and Crisis Management

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Human Behavior and Crisis Management 1.

It consists of the conditions and factors that surrounds and influences an individual that can cause certain behavior patterns. a. Environment b. Society d. Heredity c. Learning e. All of the above 2. It is also called as operant behavior which involves cognitive adaptation that enhances the human beings ability to cope wit h changes in the environment and to manipulate the environment. a. Inherited b. Learned c. Social Environment 3. It is the expert handling of a situation to reduce or eliminate danger or destruction. a. Crisis operation b. Crisis Management c. Management 4. It is a situation that set of circumstances wherein a suspected law violator is holding a person in captive by the use of force or threat of violence. a. Hostage taking b. Hostage c. Hostage crisis 5. False interpretation of an external stimulus. This refers to: a. Delusion b. Illusion c. Hallucination 6. What is the most important element of hostage negotiation? a. Hostage Negotiator d. Command Post d. Obsession e. Paranoid d. Operation e. Hostage Taker d. Operation e. Crisis Planning d. Economic e. Biological

b. Time c. Hostage Taker

e. All of the above

7. Crisis management has four (4) Ps. The first P stands for: a. Prepare b. Plan c. Predict 8. The 2nd stage in the reactive phase of crisis management is: a. Initial Stage b. Prepare c. Post Action Phase 9. Which of the following do not belong to the category of personality disorder known as dramatic/erratic personality disorder? a. Antisocial Personality Disorder d. Narcissistic Personality Disorder b. Histrionic Personality Disorder c. Borderline Personality Disorder e. Paranoid Personality Disorder d. Action Phase e. Proactive phase d. Performance e. All of the above

10.It is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness. a. Schizoid Personality Disorder b. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder c. Avoidant Personality Disorder 11. Individuals who have low level of intelligence may commit crime because of their low knowledge. This explanation falls into what? a. Personality Theory b. Intelligence and crime c. Learning 12. A sudden and irresistible force compelling a person to do some action. a. Compulsion b. Impulsion c. Apathy 13. False interpretation of an external stimulus refers to ___. d. Phobia e. Anxiety d. Behavior e. Human Behavior d. Dependent Personality Disorder e. None of the above

a. Delusion b. Illusion c. Hallucination

d. Obsession e. Paranoid

14. The most important element of hostage negotiation is: a. Hostage Negotiator b. Time c. Hostage Taker 15. Crisis management has four (4) Ps. The first P stands for: a. Prepare b. Plan c. Predict 16. The 2nd stage in the reactive phase of crisis management is: a. Initial Stage b. Prepare c. Post Action Phase 17. Which of the following do not belong to the category of personality disorder known as dramatic/erratic personality disorder? a. Antisocial Personality Disorder b. Histrionic Personality Disorder c. Borderline Personality Disorder d. Narcissistic Personality Disorder e. Paranoid Personality Disorder d. Action Phase e. Proactive phase d. Performance e. All of the above d. Command Post e. All of the above

18.It is a personality disorder characterized by a lack of interest in social relationships, a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle, secretiveness, and emotional coldness. a. Schizoid Personality Disorder b. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder c. Avoidant Personality Disorder 19. Deceit and manipulation are considered essential features of this disorder. This disorder is known as: a. Anti-Social Personality Disorder b. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder c. Avoidant Personality Disorder d. Dependent Personality Disorder e. None of the above d. Dependent Personality Disorder e. None of the above

20. It is a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriate seductiveness, usually beginning in early adulthood. a. Antisocial Personality Disorder d. Narcissistic Personality Disorder b. Histrionic Personality Disorder c. Borderline Personality Disorder e. Paranoid Personality Disorder

21. A disorder and its derivatives can be caused by excessive praise and criticism in childhood, particularly that from parental figures. It is frequently mistaken for self-centered. a. Paranoid Personality Disorder b. Antisocial Personality Disorder d. Narcissistic Personality Disorder e. Histrionic Personality Disorder

c. Borderline Personality Disorder 22. The characteristic of this personality disorder is that,it has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others and needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of his or her life. a. Anti-Social Personality Disorder b. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder c. Avoidant Personality Disorder 23. A person who is afraid of blood is suffering what phobia? a. Agoraphobia b. Claustrophobia c. Phobia 24. It is a personality disorder that is characterized by a general psychological inflexibility, rigid conformity to rules and procedures, perfectionism, moral code, and/or excessive orderliness. a. Anti-Social Personality Disorder b. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder c. Avoidant Personality Disorder 25. The agency charge with the handling of crisis particularly man-made incidents is known as____. a. NPOC b. LPOC c. NDCC 26. The agency charge with the handling of crisis particularly natural incidents is known as____. a. NPOC b. LPOC c. NDCC d. NPC e. PAGCOR d. NPC e. NAPOCOR d. Dependent Personality Disorder e. Narcissistic Personality Disorder d. Hematophobia e. Hydrophobia d. Dependent Personality Disorder e. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

27. Ador is very shy and evades people. He is suffering: a. Anti-Social Personality Disorder b. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder c. Avoidant Personality Disorder 28. A person who is afraid of blood is suffering what phobia? a. Agoraphobia b. Claustrophobia c. Phobia 29. It is a personality disorder that is characterized by a general psychological inflexibility, rigid conformity to rules and procedures, perfectionism, moral code, and/or excessive orderliness. a. Anti-Social Personality Disorder b. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder c. Avoidant Personality Disorder d. Dependent Personality Disorder e. Narcissistic Personality Disorder 30. The agency charge with the handling of crisis particularly man-made incidents is known as____. a. NPOC b. LPOC c. NDCC 31. The agency charge with the handling of crisis particularly natural incidents is known as____. a. NPOC b. LPOC c. NDCC 32. It is known as the process of interpersonal communication in which interested parties resolve disputes, agree upon courses of action, bargain for individual or collective advantage, and/or attempt to craft outcomes which serve their mutual interests. It is usually regarded as a form of alternative dispute resolution. a. Hostage Negotiation b. Hostage Taking d. Negotiation e. All of them d. NPC e. PAGCOR d. NPC e. NAPOCOR d. Hematophobia e. Hydrophobia d. Dependent Personality Disorder e. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

c. Hostage 33. In a hostage negotiation the captive or the hostage shall never say NO to the hostagetaker(s). a. True b. Partly True c. False 34. The term "Stockholm Syndrome" was coined by the criminologist and psychiatristNils Bejerot, who assisted the police during the robbery, and referred to the syndrome in a news broadcast. Who originally give the term Stockholm syndrome? a. Nils Bejerot b. Edwin Sutherland c. Daniel Classier 35. Under the concept of three (3) stage negotiation, negotiation must be performed through opening, bargaining, and ____. a. Negotiating b. Closing c. Goodbye Joe 36.It is a Subjectively defined behavioral characteristic, assigned to those with rare or dysfunctional conditions. a. Abnormality b. Abnormal Behavior c. Dysfunctional 37. It is develop when one or more terrorists or criminals hold people against their will and try to hold off the authorities by force, threatening to kill the hostages if provoked or attacked. a. Hostage Crisis b. Hostage Negotiation c. Hostage d. Crisis e. All of the above 38. This is a type of hostage-taker which is viewed as a group of psychopaths with a cause, all under the leadership of one of the group. When caught in a criminal act, many of them rationalize their behavior by claiming to be revolutionaries who are merely seeking social justice. This hostage-taker is known as ___. d. Behavioral Conduct e. Behaviorism d. Containing e. Opening d. Frank Ochberg e. Gabriel Tarde d. Partly False e. Absolutely Yes

a. Criminal Hostage-taker b. Fanatic Hostage-taker c. Psychotic Hostage-taker

d. Terrorist Hostage e. Professional Hostage-taker

39. What is the most important element of hostage negotiation? a. The Hostage b. Witnesses c. Hostage Negotiator 40. Under the Eight Stage Negotiation Process if the hostage negotiator tries to understand the hostage-taker and the negotiator also seek to hear and listen to the captor, what is the process practiced by the hostage negotiator? a. Preparing and Opening b. Opening and Arguing c. Signaling and Exploring d. Packaging and Sustaining e. Controlling and Containing 41. One policy in a hostage negotiation is to avoid mistake. If a hostage negotiator gives the hostage-taker no other alternative but to fight this mistake of negotiation is known as ___. a. Accepting Position b. Accepting Statement c. Hurrying 42. Under the Special Procedure of the Philippine National Police Operational Procedure which of the following steps should not be undertaken during hostage situation? a. Incident scene shall be secured and isolated. b. Unauthorized persons shall not be allowed to enter and exit to the incident scene. c. A Crisis Management Task Group shall be activated immediately. d. Assault team shall target the hostage-taker immediately. e. Witnesses' names, addresses, and other information shall be recorded. Witnesses shall be directed to a safe location. Case 1 d. Cornering e. Hurting Relationship d. SWAT Team e. Time

On September 21, 2009 Mr. Jeffrey Boy Ganao boxed Mr. Raymundo Puntil during their Criminology Licensure Examination review in Baguio City Calla lily apartment for unknown reason. However, they successfully passed the exam and entered also in the police service. 20 years later, in one police conference, without any caution C/Supt. Raymundo Puntil take hold of C/Supt. Jeffrey Boy Ganao at the roof top of Makati hotel. C/Supt. Puntil cautioned to injure his victim if Ganaos parents will not apologize for what had happened 20 years ago and anyone who will intervene will be killed. In short, there is a hostage crisis. After 4 days of negotiation, C/Supt. Puntil released his captive out of sympathy. However, after the incident they became close friends forever. 43. From case 1, the incident that took place in Makati is known as ___. a. Makati Mutiny b. Makati Siege c. Kidnapping 44. From case 1, on that incident what factor played as the most important thing that led to the released of C/Supt. Puntil? Answer as a hostage negotiator. a. Sympathy is very important. b. The negotiator is good. c. Stockholm Syndrome d. Time e. C/Supt. Puntil is not a true criminal. 45. From case 1, based on the aforementioned situation C/Supt. Puntil is known as hostage-taker while C/Supt. Ganao is not known as ___. a. Hostage b. Captive c. Hostage Victim 46. A woman with an unwanted pregnancy may be morally opposed by abortion. Specifically, what is this kind of conflict? ] a. Conflicting b. Approach-Avoidance Conflict c. Approach-Approach Conflict 47. It is a kind of defense mechanism in which a person returns to an earlier stage of development in response to some perceived threat. An adult for instance who is unable to solve problems that confront him may resort to childish tactics. He may cry what he wants. This refers to: d. Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict e. None of the above d. Hostage Taker e. A and B is not the same d. Hostage Negotiation e. Hostage Crisis

a. Withdrawal Reaction b. Repression c. Aggression

d. Regression e. None of the above

48. It refers to the unpleasant feelings that resulted from the blocking of motive satisfaction- that is, the feelings we experience when something interferes with our wishes, hopes, plans and expectation. This is considered as a universal experience? a. Depression b. Emotion c. Phobia 49. Emergency came from the Greek word emergentia meaning a dipping. Funk and Wagnall defined emergency as a sudden condition or state of affair calling for immediate action. a. True b. Partially True c. Partially False 50. The word Crisis came from the Latin word crisis, which means separate. As defined by Funk and Wagnalls, crisis is turni ng points in the progress of an affair or a series of events. a. No b. Partially No c. Yes 51. Under the 4th P of crisis management, what is the phase of action the moment the On-Scene Command Post was established? a. Post Action Phase b. Action Phase c. Reaction Phase AdChoices d. Initial Action Phase e. Proactive Phase d. Partially Yes e. B and D is different d. False e. Unknown d. Stress e. Frustration

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