Ford Powertrain

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Ford Uses Hybrid Simulation to

Accelerate Powertrain NVH Engineering

Ford and LMS Partner to Implement Hybrid Test-Analysis Simulation Process
Ford Motor Company has validated a new simulation approach to extend its capability to
accurately and effciently predict the Noise, Vibration & Harshness (NVH) performance of its
complete powertrain assemblies. Current Finite-Element (FE) methodologies used for full-
powertrain NVH simulations often do not deliver suffcient accuracy or require extensive modeling
efforts and unrealistic processing power. The new hybrid simulation methodology, implemented by
Ford and LMS, combines dynamic test-derived models and full-size FE component models to form
a larger hybrid model of a complete powertrain. Experimental modeling signifcantly increases
the speed of the simulation process and allows an easier integration of more complicated or re-
used components already available in hardware. Simulations with hybrid powertrain models yield
much more accurate NVH predictions early in the design phase and has the potential to set new
capability and performance standards across Fords entire powertrain development process.
Ford powertrain engineers typically
optimized the NVH characteristics of
powertrain components using either FE
analysis or physical prototype testing.
On one hand, FE analysis has the
obvious advantage of not requiring a
physical prototype, which is frequently
unavailable in the early design phases.
In addition, the model can easily be
changed to evaluate the effect of design
modifcations. On the other hand, to
provide accurate results, FE analysis
usually requires modeling the complete
powertrain assembly. But quite often, it is
impossible to produce such a large model
with signifcant degree of detail required
to capture the NVH characteristics of the
complete powertrain. Simplifed models
are often created but their accuracy can
be affected because of the assumptions
The alternative to FE analysis for
evaluating NVH performance is
experimental modal analysis, in which
a structure is excited and its response
measured to determine its dynamic
performance. Test-based modeling avoids
the often-lengthy FE modeling process
and provides more reliable results than
FE analysis because it directly refects
physical reality. It is most suitable for
components that may be used with little
or no modifcation from earlier designs.
Others components are usually not
available as prototypes until much later.
Offering experimental modal
analysis expertise
Fords initiative was to obtain the best
of both worlds by combining FE models
and test results into a single hybrid
model that would predict the NVH
performance of a powertrain assembly.
They selected LMS International, Troy,
Michigan, as a partner because of the
companys unique experience in setting
up experimentally defned models and
tying them together with traditional FE
models to simulate complex assemblies.
Mario Felice, Supervisor, Fords
Powertrain NVH Research & Advanced
Engineering, explained, Ford engineers
felt that the fexibility to pick and
choose between analytical models and
physical testing offered the potential for
dramatic improvements in the accuracy
and speed of NVH predictions at the
early design stages. This in turn would
provide an enormous payback by avoiding
the need for additional prototyping
and testing work in the later stages of
the development process. In order to
validate the new approach, we asked LMS
Engineering Services to create a hybrid
assembly model consisting of an existing
engine block FE model and test-derived
models of its cylinder heads. The success
of this pilot engineering project would
be determined by how accurately the
hybrid model could predict the dynamics
performance of this actual engine-related
assembly. LMS also supports Fords
engine-related benchmarking tests, by
directing a test plan that introduces data
quality enablers specifcally developed
for hybrid model data acquisition and
dedicated techniques for additional
effciency improvements.
Accurately coupling Test and
FE models
At the start of this pilot project, Ford
engineers provided the LMS consultants
with the FE model of the engine block of
Fords 4.6L V8 engine and the physical
prototypes of two cylinder heads. The
creation of a hybrid assembly model
requires characterizing each of the
components in the assembly. Deriving the
test-based model of the cylinder heads
begins by measuring a set of FRFs on the
free-free suspended items. To generate
accurate models for hybrid system
synthesis, the rigid-body modes as well
as the local behavior in connection
points needs to be captured, along with
the overall dynamics in the frequency
band of interest. From the measured FRF
sets, the consultants produced complete
modal models of the cylinder heads,
including rigid body/low frequency,
fexible modes and high frequency
residual modes, to describe the local
behavior in the connection points.
To couple the test-based modal models
of the cylinder heads and the FE-derived
model of the engine block, LMS Virtual.
Lab offers three coupling methods that
are capable of establishing rigid, fexible
and frequency-dependent connections.
The FRF Based Substructuring (FBS)
coupling technique attaches the
components based on their FRFs, and
the technique of modal coupling is based
on the individual modes of the different
involved components. The third method
is called FE-FE coupling; couplings of
this type are executed by the FE solver,
after LMS Virtual.Lab automatically
transformed test-based modal models
into dynamically equivalent FE models.
Through its integrated environment
and strong coupling features, LMS
Virtual.Lab is capable of independently
executing FBS and modal couplings and
automatically driving FE-FE couplings.
LMS consultants evaluated all three
methods but, for this project, they
focused on modal coupling. The spring
elements of the couplings were originally
modeled by using spring rates derived
from previous hybrid models. At this
point, the model already showed an
acceptable match with the physical
testing results for the complete assembly.
As the spring rates and the validated
FE models were further optimized, the
correlation levels continued to increase.
Extending the hybrid
simulation model
With the success of the initial pilot
project, LMS consultants are now
extending the model to include all of the
other static engine parts not included in
the original model, including the oil sump,
camshaft cover and transmission. The
next step will be to further extend the
model by integrating force input locations
for forced response assessments
representing the operation of the
dynamic engine parts. Then acoustic
radiation calculations will be added by
using the Acoustic Transfer Vector (ATV)
method, which allows fast predictions
of noise levels over the full rpm range
of the engine. This study demonstrates
the feasibility of reaching our ultimate
goal, which is accurately and effciently
predicting the NVH performance of the
complete engine and transmission at a
very early stage in the design process,
Felice said. The components in this
model will be based on test results when
they are available and on FE models
when prototypes do not exist or when
iterations are required. The combined
use of Test data and CAE modeling is
much faster and more accurate than the
traditional approach of using FE models
alone. Gaining early insights in the NVH
performance of our powertrain systems
will make it possible to determine how
we need to optimize component designs
in order to meet our system targets. As
a result, we will be able to evaluate and
improve the design early on and reduce
the process time required to meet our
Inreileuvenlaan 6S
3001 Leuven - Belgium
Plone: +32 16 3S4 200
Iax: +32 16 3S4 350
e-mail: ino@lms.Le




1o uevelo a nev aioacl oi oveiriain VH
simularions, Ioiu anu LNS sraireu iom rle IL
mouel o a cylinuei Llock.
Lngineeis couleu an exeiimenral cylinuei leau
mouel virl rle cylinuei Llock IL mouel ro oim a
lyLiiu simularion mouel.
1le viLiarion simularion iesulrs o rle lyLiiu resr-
analysis mouel slov an acceraLle marcl virl rle
iesulrs o lysical resrs.
Wirl rle success o rle inirial ilor
iojecr, LNS consulranrs aie nov
exrenuing rle mouel ro incluue
all o rle orlei sraric engine airs
nor incluueu in rle oiiginal mouel,
incluuing rle oil sum, camslar
covei anu riansmission. 1le nexr sre
vill Le ro uirlei exrenu rle mouel
Ly inregiaring oice inur locarions
oi oiceu iesonse assessmenrs
ieiesenring rle oeiarion o rle
uynamic engine airs. 1len acousric
iauiarion calcularions vill Le auueu
Ly using rle Acousric 1iansei Vecroi
(A1V) merlou, vlicl allovs asr
ieuicrions o noise levels ovei rle
ull im iange o rle engine. 1lis
sruuy uemonsriares rle easiLiliry o
ieacling oui ulrimare goal, vlicl is
accuiarely anu encienrly ieuicring
rle VH eioimance o rle comlere
engine anu riansmission ar a veiy eaily
srage in rle uesign iocess, Ielice
saiu. 1le comonenrs in rlis mouel
vill Le Laseu on resr iesulrs vlen
rley aie availaLle anu on IL mouels
vlen iororyes uo nor exisr oi vlen
ireiarions aie iequiieu. 1le comLineu
use o 1esr uara anu CAL moueling
is mucl asrei anu moie accuiare
rlan rle riauirional aioacl o
using IL mouels alone. Gaining eaily
insiglrs in rle VH eioimance o
oui oveiriain sysrems vill make ir
ossiLle ro uereimine lov ve neeu
ro orimize comonenr uesigns in
oiuei ro meer oui sysrem raigers. As
a iesulr, ve vill Le aLle ro evaluare
anu imiove rle uesign eaily on anu
ieuuce rle iocess rime iequiieu ro
meer oui oLjecrives.
Inreileuvenlaan 6S
3001 Leuven - Belgium
Plone: +32 16 3S4 200
Iax: +32 16 3S4 350
e-mail: ino@lms.Le




1o uevelo a nev aioacl oi oveiriain VH
simularions, Ioiu anu LNS sraireu iom rle IL
mouel o a cylinuei Llock.
Lngineeis couleu an exeiimenral cylinuei leau
mouel virl rle cylinuei Llock IL mouel ro oim a
lyLiiu simularion mouel.
1le viLiarion simularion iesulrs o rle lyLiiu resr-
analysis mouel slov an acceraLle marcl virl rle
iesulrs o lysical resrs.
Wirl rle success o rle inirial ilor
iojecr, LNS consulranrs aie nov
exrenuing rle mouel ro incluue
all o rle orlei sraric engine airs
nor incluueu in rle oiiginal mouel,
incluuing rle oil sum, camslar
covei anu riansmission. 1le nexr sre
vill Le ro uirlei exrenu rle mouel
Ly inregiaring oice inur locarions
oi oiceu iesonse assessmenrs
ieiesenring rle oeiarion o rle
uynamic engine airs. 1len acousric
iauiarion calcularions vill Le auueu
Ly using rle Acousric 1iansei Vecroi
(A1V) merlou, vlicl allovs asr
ieuicrions o noise levels ovei rle
ull im iange o rle engine. 1lis
sruuy uemonsriares rle easiLiliry o
ieacling oui ulrimare goal, vlicl is
accuiarely anu encienrly ieuicring
rle VH eioimance o rle comlere
engine anu riansmission ar a veiy eaily
srage in rle uesign iocess, Ielice
saiu. 1le comonenrs in rlis mouel
vill Le Laseu on resr iesulrs vlen
rley aie availaLle anu on IL mouels
vlen iororyes uo nor exisr oi vlen
ireiarions aie iequiieu. 1le comLineu
use o 1esr uara anu CAL moueling
is mucl asrei anu moie accuiare
rlan rle riauirional aioacl o
using IL mouels alone. Gaining eaily
insiglrs in rle VH eioimance o
oui oveiriain sysrems vill make ir
ossiLle ro uereimine lov ve neeu
ro orimize comonenr uesigns in
oiuei ro meer oui sysrem raigers. As
a iesulr, ve vill Le aLle ro evaluare
anu imiove rle uesign eaily on anu
ieuuce rle iocess rime iequiieu ro
meer oui oLjecrives.
Inreileuvenlaan 6S
3001 Leuven - Belgium
Plone: +32 16 3S4 200
Iax: +32 16 3S4 350
e-mail: ino@lms.Le




1o uevelo a nev aioacl oi oveiriain VH
simularions, Ioiu anu LNS sraireu iom rle IL
mouel o a cylinuei Llock.
Lngineeis couleu an exeiimenral cylinuei leau
mouel virl rle cylinuei Llock IL mouel ro oim a
lyLiiu simularion mouel.
1le viLiarion simularion iesulrs o rle lyLiiu resr-
analysis mouel slov an acceraLle marcl virl rle
iesulrs o lysical resrs.
Wirl rle success o rle inirial ilor
iojecr, LNS consulranrs aie nov
exrenuing rle mouel ro incluue
all o rle orlei sraric engine airs
nor incluueu in rle oiiginal mouel,
incluuing rle oil sum, camslar
covei anu riansmission. 1le nexr sre
vill Le ro uirlei exrenu rle mouel
Ly inregiaring oice inur locarions
oi oiceu iesonse assessmenrs
ieiesenring rle oeiarion o rle
uynamic engine airs. 1len acousric
iauiarion calcularions vill Le auueu
Ly using rle Acousric 1iansei Vecroi
(A1V) merlou, vlicl allovs asr
ieuicrions o noise levels ovei rle
ull im iange o rle engine. 1lis
sruuy uemonsriares rle easiLiliry o
ieacling oui ulrimare goal, vlicl is
accuiarely anu encienrly ieuicring
rle VH eioimance o rle comlere
engine anu riansmission ar a veiy eaily
srage in rle uesign iocess, Ielice
saiu. 1le comonenrs in rlis mouel
vill Le Laseu on resr iesulrs vlen
rley aie availaLle anu on IL mouels
vlen iororyes uo nor exisr oi vlen
ireiarions aie iequiieu. 1le comLineu
use o 1esr uara anu CAL moueling
is mucl asrei anu moie accuiare
rlan rle riauirional aioacl o
using IL mouels alone. Gaining eaily
insiglrs in rle VH eioimance o
oui oveiriain sysrems vill make ir
ossiLle ro uereimine lov ve neeu
ro orimize comonenr uesigns in
oiuei ro meer oui sysrem raigers. As
a iesulr, ve vill Le aLle ro evaluare
anu imiove rle uesign eaily on anu
ieuuce rle iocess rime iequiieu ro
meer oui oLjecrives.
To develop a new approach for powertrain NVH simulations, Ford and
LMS started from the FE model of a cilinder block.
Engineers coupled an experimental cylinder head model with the
cilinder block FE model to form a hybrid simulation model.
The vibration simulation results of the hybrid test-analysis model
show an acceptable match with the results of physical tests.
Researchpark Z1, Interleuvenlaan 68
B-3001 Leuven [Belgium]
T +32 16 384 200 | F +32 16 384 350 |
Worldwide For the address of your local representative, please
LMS is an engineering innovation
partner for companies in the automotive,
aerospace and other advanced
manufacturing industries. LMS enables its
customers to get better products faster
to market, and to turn superior process
effciency to their strategic competitive
advantage. LMS offers a unique
combination of virtual simulation software,
testing systems and engineering services.
LMS is focused on the mission
critical performance attributes in key
manufacturing industries, including
structural integrity, system dynamics,
handling, safety, reliability, comfort and
sound quality. Through our technology,
people and over 25 years of experience,
LMS has become the partner of
choice for most of the leading discrete
manufacturing companies worldwide.
LMS is certifed to ISO9001:2000 quality
standards and operates through a network
of subsidiaries and representatives in key
locations around the world.

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