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4 theSun | WEDNESDAY MARCH 11 2009

news without borders

» Maria J.Dass and Karen Arukesamy at the Selangor State Assembly yesterday

‘Focus on common values to unifyy races’


SELANGOR’S Sultan Sharafuddin should be a paradigm shift among
Idris Shah says democracy means the people where common values
taking into account what the people are emphasised instead of differ-
want and that the people’s perception ences.
is an indication of the success of an “Building racial unity and
administration. harmony is no simple task but nev-
He called for a stop to politicising ertheless with commitment, good
of racial issues which ruin the image example at the highest level of the
of the country. administration as well as the support Demo-
People should start concentrat- of the people, it is not impossible,” he cracy
ing on common values to unify the said adding that state policies should means
races, the sultan said, and policies benefit everyone and not isolate any
implemented should not isolate any parties.
that it
parties. Speaking on the state’s economic is the
Speaking at the opening of the performance, Sultan Sharafuddin people
first meeting of the second session said he was worried about the eco- who
of the Selangor state legislative as- nomic performance of the state for determine
sembly, he said: “Democracy means 2009 but was satisfied with the state’s
that it is the people who determine performance thus far which was their
their destiny. The people’s opinion is average but consistent with national destiny.
the best measure of the success of a growth and the measures in place to
state’s administration, as supported address job losses in the state.
by the Federal Constitution and the On the water restructuring efforts
state laws.” in the state, he acknowledged this
Stressing on the need for racial was a complex issue but said it needs
unity, the sultan said: “Of late, there to be wrapped up as soon as possible
have been some groups that have as he did not want the people of Se-
been creating discord by embarking langor to suffer from water shortage
on street demonstrations which have as a result of a delay in negotiations. Sultan Sharafuddin inspects a
disturbed the peace, harmony and
racial unity in this country.
He also lamented about the state
of the transportation system in Se- Online declaration of assets guard of honour prior to opening
the Selangor state assembly
“I urge those involved to stop all langor and called for a more efficient THE declaration of assets by Selan- the opening of the first meeting session yesterday.
actions that may tarnish the image and integrated system which would gor state executive councillors will of the second session of the state
of the country and start focusing on promote a 50:50 public and private be available online by the end of the legislative assembly yesterday.
efforts to unify the races.” transportation ratio and a one-hour week. The call for the assets to be He said the declaration of the
The sultan said it was unfortunate
that racial issues are politicised in
Malaysia and stressed that there
transportation module which trans-
lates to one hour travel time from
point to point in Selangor.
made public as soon as possible was
made by Selangor Sultan Sharafud-
din Idris Shah during his speech at
assets which the public can access
online is a step towards good gov-
NGOs call for
dissolution of
Perak state
Nazrin: Malays must safeguard culture, tradition assembly
IPOH: Twenty-eight non-govern-
BANGI: The Raja Muda of Perak culture and traditions, and the Rul- Anthony Milner, an Asian history he said. mental organisations (NGOs) in
Raja Dr Nazrin Shah has called on ers’ Institution. professor at the Australian National It was, therefore, important Perak are appealing to Sultan Azlan
Malays to safeguard their culture It would be unfortunate, there- University. that the Malays avoid committing Shah to dissolve the state assembly
and tradition as these are crucial to fore, when attempts were made Raja Nazrin said that in wading the folly of Pak Kadok, a character for fresh elections.
their survival as a race. to undermine the traditions and the tide of globalisation and in fac- in the old Malay fable who lost Ten thousand signatures have
He said Malays already had a institution, he said. ing political dynamics currently tak- his village because of his foolish- also been collected in a signature
unique identity, one “which is tied “It would be to the great detri- ing place in the country, the Malays ness. campaign in kampungs in the state
by customs, knotted by language ment of the survival of the Malay could be caught in crossroads and He also cautioned Malays to calling for the dissolution and new
and coated by religion”. race if traditions and institutions faced with two possibilities. be wary of what he said as “radi- elections.
He also called on them not to take are no longer respected and seen The first, he said, was that they cal attempts” to undermine their Among the 28 NGOs are 23
for granted the Malay privileges as instead as antithesis to rational would continue to survive and strength. Chinese associations, the Perak
provided for in the Federal Constitu- thinking, modernity and science. thrive, and emerge as a supreme Raja Nazrin also expressed ap- Bloggers Network and four Islamic
tion, namely in clauses pertaining “How unfortunate would it be for race in a globalised world. preciation to Prof Milner’s recogni- associations consisting of Jamaiy
to Islam, Rulers’ Institution, Malay a generation to view traditions as “The second possibility, God tion of the Rulers’ Institution as an Negeri Perak (25 NGO Islam Negeri
customs, Malay language and spe- ‘an ignorant practice, inconsequen- forbids, is that they would be swept important heritage of the Malay Perak), Kumpulan Prihatin Pertu-
cial privileges. tial and dogmatic’,” he said at the away by the tide of globalisation race. buhan Islam Bukan Kerjaan Negeri
Raja Nazrin said the survival of launching of a book, The Malays, and become weak, devoid of any The least they could do, he said, Perak (KPPIBKNP), Yayasan Amal
the Malays as a race hinged on the at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia cultural root. was to make the book a compulsory Perak (YAP) and the Biro Kebajikan
very factors which had given them (UKM) here. “In the end, the Malays would reference for students taking Malay Pusat Khidmat Sosial Islam Negeri
identity, namely religion, language, The book is written by Prof remain only as a name in folk tales,” studies. – Bernama Perak.

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