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6 theSun | WEDNESDAY MARCH 11 2009

news without borders

Perak Speaker files application The Nizar-Zambry hearing

for judicial review against EC
KUALA LUMPUR: Perak State Assem-
bly Speaker V. Sivakumar personally
filed an application for a judicial re-
view against the Election Commission
tive, aggravated and exemplary dam-
ages, costs and other reliefs deemed
fit by the court.
He is also seeking a writ of quo
Federal Court to handle
four questions of law
(EC) and three state assemblymen in warranto to be issued against all
the High Court (Appellate and Special three state assemblymen.
Powers Division) yesterday. [A writ of quo warranto requires
Sivakumar named the commission, the person to whom it is directed
Behrang assemblyman Jamaluddin to show what authority he has for
Mohd Radzi, Changkat Jering assem- exercising some right or power he
blyman Mohd Osman Mohd Jailu and claims to hold.] KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court “speedy and economical determina- Only Kamaludin had drafted
Jelapang assemblyman Hee Yit Foong Sivakumar also wants a declara- here has decided to put before the tion” to the constitutional dispute questions to present to the court
as respondents. tion that their state seats are vacant Federal Court four questions of arising from Nizar’s application for then, and these were subsequently
He is seeking a certiorari order to due to their (alleged) resignations and law towards seeking a resolution judicial review following his sacking adopted by Lau.
quash the EC’s decision and action an injunction to prevent them from to the dispute between Datuk Seri as Perak mentri besar and Zambry’s Sulaiman had also raised objec-
for failing to conduct a by-election acting or executing the duties and re- Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin and appointment to the post, had been tions earlier last week when Lau an-
at Behrang, Changkat Jering and sponsibilities as state assemblymen. Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir over drawn up by Senior Federal Counsel nounced the court’s decision to stay
Jelapang. Sivakumar, jointly with three exco the post of Perak mentri besar. Datuk Kamaludin Mat Said from the the proceedings in the High Court
He is also seeking a mandamus members and three voters from the The questions read out in court Attorney-General’s Chambers. and refer the matter to the Federal
order to get the EC to conduct by- said constituencies, also filed an- by Justice Lau Bee Lan yesterday Nizar’s lead counsel Sulaiman Court under Article 84 of the Courts
elections at all three constituencies. other application for a judicial review are: Abdullah, however, objected strongly of Judicature Act to bring about a
Sivakumar is also seeking for puni- against the same defendants. » Whether the withholding of con- to the questions of law formulated “speedy and economical determina-
sent to a request for the dissolution for referral to the Federal Court. tion” to the constitutional dispute.
of the State Legislative Assembly “I object to the questions as for- Lau had decided last Friday that
Court throws out Uthaya’s appeal on technicality of Perak under Article 16(6) of the mulated, as they do not arise from there are constitutional issues in-
Perak State Constitution read with the application for the declarations volving the interpretation of Article
PUTRAJAYA: Hindraf leader P. They also rejected his application Article 18(2)(b) of the Constitution of and the judicial review,” he said. 16(6) of the Perak Constitution which
Uthayakumar’s appeal on his second for extension of time to file the petition Perak by the Sultan is justiciable; “Those questions are irrelevant required resolution in the Federal
habeas corpus application to secure of appeal. » If the answer is yes, whether the to our application, and we submit Court after considering submissions
his release from detention under the Uthayakumar, 47, a diabetic, ap- withholding of consent by the Sultan that whatever answers the Federal made by Kamaludin and Sulaiman
Internal Security Act was thrown out pealed against the High Court’s deci- is lawful; Court may give will not be the final on March 2.
by the Federal Court here yesterday on sion disallowing his second habeas » Whether the appointment of the determination of the issues that have In the proceedings last Friday,
technical grounds. corpus bid for freedom on grounds of new mentri besar of Perak under arisen,” he added. Lau had agreed with Kamaludin’s
Justices Datuk Nik Hashim Nik Ab. medical negligence. Article 16(2)(a) read together with Sulaiman had also objected last argument that the court must give a
Rahman, Datuk S. Augustine Paul and On Sept 17 last year, High Court Article 18(2)(a) of the Constitution Friday (March 6) when Lau asked wide meaning to the interpretation
Datuk Hashim Yusoff unanimously dis- Judge Suraya Othman held that of Perak by the Sultan is justiciable; the lawyers to prepare proposed of “constitution” under Section 84 of
missed his appeal after he failed to fulfil Uthayakumar’s claim that he was de- and questions of law for the High Court the Courts of Judicature Act.
the requirement under Section 95 of nied proper medication, treatment and » If the answer to the above ques- to consider. Kamaluddin had argued that Sec-
the Rules of the Federal Court, to file a proper diet by the Taiping Hospital and tion is yes, is the new mentri besar He had told the court that he felt tion 84 was applicable to this case as
petition of appeal within the stipulated officials of the Kamunting detention validly appointed? his participation in preparing such it covered issues arising from both
10 days after receiving the record of camp was not true and without merit. The questions which Lau decided questions would “prejudice his ap- the Federal Constitution and the
appeal from the court. – Bernama to refer to the Federal Court for a peal”. State Constitution.

DAP candidate’s election win

as Bandar Kuching MP upheld
KUCHING: The Federal Court yesterday upheld Datuk Arifin Zakaria and Appeal Court Judge
the election of state DAP vice-chairman Chong Datuk Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin. In his election
Chieng Jen as the Bandar Kuching member of petition, Kho sought to nullify the election result
parliament after dismissing with costs an appeal on grounds that Chong had interfered or at-
by voter Kho Whai Phiaw challenging an earlier tempted to interfere with the free exercise of the
election petition ruling. electoral rights of the voters, contrary to Section
It held that the election judge, Justice Datuk 9(1) of the Election Offences Act.
Clement Allan Skinner, was right to dismiss Kho’s However, the election court ruled that Kho
election petition on Sept 24 last year to nullify had failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt
Chong’s election to the Bandar Kuching seat. that Chong had made false statements affecting
In the March 8 polls last year, Chong garnered the personal conduct or character of Sim as a
22,901 votes to defeat Barisan Nasional (BN) candidate.
candidate Sim Yaw Yen of the Sarawak United Kho had also alleged that the pamphlet, “Say
People’s Party with a 9,952-vote majority. Enough To SUPP, Say ‘No’ to CM”, contained false
The court also agreed with all the findings imputations or misrepresentations, which were
of the election court and that Kho had failed to deliberately intended to mislead the voters in the
prove beyond reasonable doubt that Chong had Bandar Kuching constituency.
committed the five offences – four relating to al- The reliability of some witnesses’ evidence
leged use of undue influence and one relating to was also questioned, including that of Merdict
alleged bribery of voters – to procure his victory Jukai Empaka, a voter who had admitted that he
in the election. “came to court to lie” by saying that he refrained
The appeal was heard before a three-member from voting because he was induced or influ-
panel comprising Federal Court Judge Tan Sri enced by what was stated in the Sarawak DAP
Alauddin Mohd Sheriff, Chief Judge of Malaya manifesto. – Bernama

Anwar’s sodomy trial set for July 1

KUALA LUMPUR: The High Mohamed Yusof Zainal Abiden Damansara, between 3.01pm
Court here yesterday fixed July told the court that Komathy and 4.30pm on June 26 last
1 to 24 for the sodomy trial of was on leave and any lower year.
Opposition Leader Datuk Seri court was empowered to hear If convicted, he faces im-
Anwar Ibrahim. the matter. prisonment of up to 20 years
The hearing will be heard Sessions Court judge under Section 377B of the
before Justice Datuk Mohamad Rozana Ali Yusoff agreed with Penal Code.
Zabidin Mohd Diah. Mohamed Yusof and trans- Sulaiman applied to the
Mohamad Zabidin fixed the ferred the case to the High court to direct the prosecu-
date after the case was offi- Court. tion to supply all the relevant
cially transferred from the ses- At the High Court, the documents to the defence,
sions court yesterday despite charge was read out and the saying that it needed the DNA
objections from Anwar’s lead Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) reports for expert opinion
counsel, Sulaiman Abdullah. adviser again claimed trial. overseas.
Sulaiman argued that the Anwar, 61, is charged Justice Zabidin reminded
certificate of transfer for the with voluntarily committing both sides that he was giving
case should be produced carnal intercourse against priority to this case.
before sessions court judge the order of nature with a “I’m setting two months
S. M. Komathy Suppiah since former aide, Mohamad Saiful for both parties to prepare
the matter was initially heard Bukhari Azlan, 23, at Unit 11- for the trial and by that time
by her. 5-1, Desa Damansara Condo- the appeal would have to be
Solicitor-General II Datuk minium, Jalan Setiakasih, Bukit heard,” he added. – Bernama

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