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8 theSun | WEDNESDAY MARCH 11 2009

news without borders

Dong Jiao Zong may have

been infiltrated, says GMP Unused visas for
GMP (Movement Opposing Speaking to the press
the Teaching of Science and
Mathematics in English) chair-
in Kuala Lumpur on
Monday, he explained
Press Digest
by Kong See Hoh
man Datuk Dr Hassan Ahmad that GMP only wants to
believes MCA has infiltrated uphold the basic princi-
Dong Jiao Zong (DJZ), which ple of reverting to the

workers cancelled
partly explains why the Chinese teaching and learning as baseless and irresponsible.
education movement opted out of Mathematics and Science He said DJZ has been against the
of a gathering labelled as anti- in Bahasa Malaysia. policy to teach Mathematics and
government last Saturday. He said he was told DJZ has Science in English right from its
DJZ has dismissed the ac- been infiltrated by MCA, “which implementation in 2003.
cusation while MCA Youth chief is why it did not dare to take part “The government has even
Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong laughed in the gathering”. given us warning (because of
it off, China Press reported He said the Chinese com- our stand),” he said. PUTRAJAYA: All entry visas for Bang- near future and hopes the issue would
yesterday. munity is not happy with the Ong said it is not fair to ac- ladeshi workers approved in 2007 and not be politicised by certain quarters,”
During the gathering, which absence of DJZ representatives cuse DJZ as being a coward for which have yet to be used have been he said.
turned into a protest march to at the gathering. withdrawing from the gathering. cancelled immediately, Home Minister Syed Hamid said this in response to
Istana Negara, where Hassan As a result, he said, other Chi- “We are not under any pressure Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar said yes- a statement by the labour counsellor at
handed over a memorandum to nese groups such as the Kuala from any political party. We did terday. the Bangladeshi High Commission here,
a palace official, police fired tear Lumpur and Selangor Chinese not want to join the gathering This is in line with the government’s Talat Mahmud Khan, on Sunday that
gas at the marchers and arrested Assembly Hall (KLSCH) decided without knowing the content of decision to not accept any new applica- more than 70,000 Bangladeshi workers
several for questioning. to send their representatives. the memorandum.” tions unless they are for critical sectors, would enter Malaysia soon to work in
Hassan said DJZ had stayed “I even invited (KLSCH presi- Wee, who is also the deputy he told reporters after his ministry’s various sectors.
out also probably because it dent Datuk) Bong Hon Liong to education minister and MCA’s monthly assembly here. Correcting the figure, he said entry
had misunderstood the content join me in presenting the memo education bureau chief, laughed “The government has decided to approval for the workers who had yet
of the memorandum, thinking at Istana Negara,” he said, add- it off when told that MCA was cancel all entry visas for Bangladeshi to enter the country but had not done
GMP was fighting for the teach- ing that he was grateful to the accused of having a hand in DJZ’s so was for only 55,147 persons.
ing and learning of Mathematics Chinese and Indian groups which withdrawal from the gathering “No new approval was made after
and Science in Bahasa Malaysia took part in the gathering. at the last minute. that year and I do not know how the
for all schools, including Chinese Both Dong Zong president He said DJZ has a clear stand figure was arrived at. I will ask the
primary schools. Dr Yap Sin Tian and Jiao Zong on the issue as well as the liberty Bangladesh counsellor to meet the
He urged outsiders not to be president Ong Kow Yee denied to act independently. Immigration Department to clarify the
misled. Hassan’s claim that DJZ had Wee said MCA should not matter,” he said.
Hassan also refuted the claim refused to join the gathering have been dragged into the “Any decision to take in foreign
by Education Minister Datuk Seri because of MCA’s infiltration in matter as it has no power to in- workers after that period would be
Hishammuddin Hussein that the the movement. They also made fluence DJZ and the seven other made carefully for sectors classified as
gathering was masterminded it clear the movement will not major Chinese groups. 3D, or dirty, dangerous and difficult. That,
by the Opposition based on the allow itself to be influenced by “Perhaps GMP does not too, if really necessary.”
presence of several of its leaders any political party. understand how DJZ operates,” Responding to Syed Hamid’s an-
at the march. Yap described Hassan’s claim he said. nouncement, Human Resources Minis-
ter Datuk Dr S. Subramaniam called on

I was conned, too, says ‘conman’ employers who had received approval
to bring in foreign workers but had not
done so to drop their plans.
THE “conman” reported to commission for recruiting more get his commission, he was be- He said that in the current economic
have cheated 600 would-be people to work on the ship. ing blamed for the scam. situation it was not proper to bring in
sailors of RM150,000 in fees Denying that he was behind He said he did not dare to foreign labour. Instead, the employers
with promises of well-paying the scam, Ah Kwang said he was face the 600 on Sunday for fear should give opportunity to the thou-
jobs on a Singapore-based cargo just an innocent job-seeker who that they would not listen to his sands of Malaysians out of work.
ship claimed that he, too, was a also acted as recruitment agent explanation and would give him “In this regard, I urge employers to
victim of the scam. for Jimmy and a linkman known a bashing instead. contact my ministry to help them get local
Identified only as Ah Kwang, only as Mr Wong. He said he is still in Johor workers, especially those who had been
the 36-year-old man from Perak He said the money he collect- Baru and would need time to retrenched,” he said in a statement.
told the Chinese press over the ed from the prospective sailors prove his innocence. Thanking Syed Hamid for the deci-
phone on Monday he also signed was handed over to Wong and Johor Jaya assemblyman Tan sion, Subramaniam said his ministry was
up for the non-existent job. the commission, amounting to Cher Puk urged those who were workers wanting to enter the country,” attentive to the worries of the Malaysian
He said after he signed up more than RM10,000, was sup- cheated to contact him at 019- he said. “This is due to the current Trades Union Congress (MTUC), which
for the job, the mastermind, a posed to be paid to him once 7516339 or fax their particulars scenario, in that there is no need for had urged the government to rescind
Russian businessman known to everyone is aboard the ship. to Pasir Gudang MCA division at foreign labour, except for certain sectors the visas of Bangladeshi workers ex-
him only as Jimmy, promised him But now, not only did he not 07-3584060. identified by the government.” pected to arrive here soon.
With the move, Syed Hamid said, the “The ministry is appreciative of
government will refund the workers’ problems faced by employers who find
levies paid by the employers. it difficult to get local workers because
“The government gives an assurance of their choosiness and apprehension
that the levy would be refunded in the towards difficult and heavy work.”

Downturn clips Firefly’s wings

by Himanshu Bhatt way,” he said. “At the current economic condition, it is un-
likely that Firefly would be able to turn around
GEORGE TOWN: The economic downturn the routes from and into Penang because of
has clipped the wings of budget airline Firefly, the sudden drop in demand.”
which is suspending flights to five destinations Firefly was set up in 2007 to position Pen-
and shelving plans to have 10 new routes. ang as a hub in Peninsular Malaysia by linking
The situation has prompted Chief Minister major regional cities to Penang as a feeder to
Lim Guan Eng to make a “desperate” plea to medium- and long-haul airlines operating from
the federal government to provide financial the state.
aid to the Penang-based airline as part of the “With the accumulated losses from our Pen-
second fiscal stimulus package. ang routes amounting to RM22.4 million, we
In a letter to Deputy Prime Minister and regret to say that Firefly is unable to continue
Finance Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Ra- the incurrence of losses without any financial
zak dated last Friday, Lim proposed a one-off assistance from the Penang state or federal
assistance of RM20 million to cover Firefly’s government,” Lim said.
accumulated losses and to sustain its Penang He said the downturn is likely to affect the
hub operations for the next two years. economy for the next two to three years.
A copy of the letter was made available to The five destinations to be suspended in the
the press yesterday. first stage of the company’s cutback exercise
Lim said that as the airline’s routes to and from March 29 are Kota Baru (currently seven
from Penang are “developmental”, Firefly has times weekly), Kuala Terengganu (seven times),
sustained significant losses of RM10 million Kuantan (seven times), Phuket (four times) and
for the 2007 financial year and RM12.4 million Koh Samui (four times).
for 2008. “The developmental path would have The remaining routes from Firefly’s Penang
been positive if not for the sudden and rapid hub are to Subang (35 times weekly), Langkawi
deterioration of the global economy, which is (14 times), Johor Baru (seven times), Medan (14
beginning to affect Penang in an unprecedented times) and Banda Aceh (four times).

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