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10  theSun | WEDNESDAY MARCH 11 2009

news without borders

Dalai Lama: Thousands killed in Tibet

DHARAMSHALA (India): Ti- “the justice of Tibet’s cause will and hardship that they liter- rule, according to Beijing, but have yielded no progress.
betan spiritual leader theDalai prevail.” ally experienced hell on earth. Chinese control there remains “And quite apart from the
Lama (pix) yesterday accused “These 50 years have The immediate result of these widely unpopular. current process of Sino-Tibetan
China of having killed hun- brought untold suffering and campaigns was the deaths of A failed uprising in March dialogue having achieved
dreds of thousands of his destruction to the land and hundreds of thousands of Ti- 1959 prompted the Dalai Lama no concrete result, there has
people and transforming his people of Tibet,” said the Dalai betans. Even today Tibetans in to flee to India. been brutal crackdown on the
Himalayan homeland into Lama, speaking outside the Tibet live in constant fear,” he He told his supporters to Tibetan protests that shook the
a “hell on earth.” main Tibetan temple in the went on. “hope for the best and prepare whole of Tibet since March last
In a speech on the northern Indian hill town of “Their religion, culture, for the worst,” including many year,” he said.
50th anniversary of a Dharamshala. language, identity are near more years of fruitless cam- According to Tibetan exiles,
failed uprising against “Having occupied Tibet, the extinction. The Tibetan people paigning. a Chinese crackdown on the
China, he reiterated his Chinese communist govern- are regarded like criminals, The 73-year-old monk also protests last year left 200 dead.
demand for “legitimate ment carried out a series of deserving to be put to death.” voiced frustration that repeated China says police killed one
and meaningful au- repressive and violent cam- Chinese troops entered the rounds of talks between the In- “insurgent” and blames Ti-
tonomy” for Tibet and paigns. These thrust Tibetans devoutly Buddhist region in dia-based Tibetan government- betan “rioters” for 21 deaths.
told his followers that into such depths of suffering 1950 to “liberate” it from feudal in-exiled and Chinese officials – AFP

Sri Lanka bombing kills
14, injures minister
COLOMBO: A suspected Tamil Tiger community,” it said in a statement.
suicide bomber killed 14 people and The LTTE could not be reached for A crew
wounded 35, including Sri Lanka’s comment yesterday. member on
telecommunications minister, during “There were pieces of legs and a Chinese
a Muslim festival in the island’s south hands inside the mosque’s grounds. trawler using
yesterday, officials said. Around 15 bodies were there at the a grapple
The blast happened in front of spot. There was blood all over the hook in an
a mosque in Godapitiya in Matara place,” said M.A.M. Mashahir, a school apparent
district, 160km south of the capital, Co- principal chaperoning 30 students to attempt
lombo, during a festival to celebrate the the celebration. to snag
birthday of the Prophet Mohammad. The Sri Lankan military has cor- the towed
“Six ministers were there and nered the LTTE in about 45sq km of acoustic
terrorists used this opportunity to the northeastern coast and is confident array of the
target us. Only one minister, Mahinda of defeating them as a conventional Impeccable.
Wijesekara, got injured,” Oil Resources force soon.
Minister A.H.M. Fowzie told Reuters But the Tigers have always had the
from the scene. capacity to strike far from the war zone
Wijesekara is minister for post and using unconventional tactics, and ana-
telecommunications. lysts say they expect that to continue in
“Around 35 injured had been ad-
mitted to hospital and among them
the near future.
The Tigers are on US, EU, Canadian
Stop ‘illegal’ naval activities, China tells US
four are seriously injured,” Matara and Indian terrorist lists for their wide- BEIJING: China yesterday demanded the Impeccable, forcing it to take emergency ac-
hospital’s director, Aruna Jayasekara, spread use of suicide bombs during a United States cease whaat it called illegal tion to avoid a collision, and then dropped
told Reuters. Wijesekara was in the separatist conflict that has raged off activities in the South China Sea, as it rejected pieces of wood into its path.
intensive care unit and later flown to and on since 1983. Pentagon assertions that Chinese vessels “This was a reckless, dangerous ma-
Colombo. The only thing slowing the current harassed a US Navy ship there. noeuvre that was unprofessional” and vio-
The government called the attack military offensive against the Tigers Foreign ministry spokesman Ma Zhaoxu lated international law, Defence Department
“another desperate act” by the Libera- is the presence of tens of thousands said US complaints that five Chinese ships spokesman Bryan Whitman told reporters.
tion Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). of civilians trapped by the rebels in a had harassed a US Navy ship in the South Ma rejected that account, saying it was
“The attack reaffirms the fact that 12-km coastal no-fire zone. China Sea were “totally inaccurate”. “absolutely unacceptable to China”, although
the LTTE is not only a ruthless terrorist The Red Cross estimates there are “The US Navy ship Impeccable broke inter- he did not provide an alternative version.
outfit but also one which has no regard 150,000 people in the no-fire zone. The national law and Chinese laws and regula- The Impeccable is a surveillance vessel de-
or respect for religion. This is an attack government says there are no more tions,” Ma told reporters in a news briefing. signed to support anti-submarine warfare.
that deliberately targeted the Muslim than 70,000. – Reuters “China has made solemn representations Ma said it violated the UN Convention on the
to the United States requesting that the US Law of the Sea but declined to answer when
immediately stop these activities and take repeatedly asked to specify exactly which part
effective measures to avoid similar activities of the convention was broken.
in the future.” The Chinese vessels included a navy intel-
The United States said it had formally pro- ligence ship, a government fisheries patrol
tested to Chinese authorities over Sunday’s vessel, a state oceanographic patrol boat and
incident in the South China Sea, about 120km two small trawlers, the Pentagon said.
south of China’s Hainan Island in interna- Whitman said one of the Chinese ships
tional waters. came within 7.5m of the Impeccable and that
The dispute added a new dimension to the Chinese crew tried to snag the cables that
fragile military relations between the world tow the ship’s underwater sonars.
powers, which had enjoyed a brief period of Beijing has long expressed its dissatisfac-
slight optimism after the two held defence tion with US surveillance operations by
talks in Beijing last month. having Chinese ships and planes approach
The Pentagon said the incident saw US naval ships in what it considers an “eco-
Chinese boats move directly in front of the nomic exclusion zone”. – AFP

US hospital evacuated, 44 to five years in prison for attempting to export

military equipment to Iran, US officials said on
treated for toxic fumes Monday. Authorities said Shahrazad Mir Gho-
LOS ANGELES: A hospital complex and a likhan, 31, was prosecuted for trying to send
school were evacuated on Monday in Denver, 3,000 military night vision goggles and other
Colorado, and 44 people were treated for toxic items to her homeland. – AFP
chemical fumes inhalation, the National Jewish
Health Campus said in a statement. “An inad-
vertent mixing of two common swimming-pool
One tourist dead, 6 missing
chemicals released toxic fumes that caused in Phuket boat accident
the evacuation of several buildings ... About BANGKOK: Rescuers in Thailand said they
500 staff and students were evacuated,” the had recovered the body of a woman yesterday
campus said. It said the two chemicals mistak- after a tourist diving boat capsized off the island
enly mixed were hydrochloric acid and sodium of Phuket at the weekend. Six other people,
hypochlorite. – AFP most of them foreigners, remain missing. The
boat overturned in the sea around the Similan
Islands on Sunday night, a police officer said,
Five years in jail for trying adding there were 23 survivors. Japanese,
to send military gear to Iran Swiss, German and Austrian nationals were
reported to be among the missing, along with
MIAMI: An Iranian woman has been sentenced one Thai cook from the boat. – Reuters

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