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The Link

March 24 2013

Neil Ryan Senior Pastor

Seth Emery Youth Pastor

Kathy Heath Childrens Pastor

Gavin Jones Pastor, LifeChurch

Allan Stanley-Smith Pastor, Pastoral Care


March 24 2013

Welcome to Unley Park Baptist today. It is great to have you with us. If you are new to Unley Park, we appreciate that it can be daunting to walk into a new church, so as much as we can, we want to help you feel at home here. In the pew in front of you please find a black folder that contains a white care card for you to complete. There is also a "Welcome Pack" available for you that, among other things, has a special Care Card for you to record your visit and for us to follow up any requests you make. All Care Cards should be "posted" as you leave the church, in the locked box on the table by the "Baptistry Door".

10.00am Morning Tea:

Morning Worship Gavin Jones Suzanne Stanley-Smith, Bob & Noelene Hunt, Lyn Ryan Robert & Robyn Waldron, Irene Downie LifeChurch

Morning Tea Next Week: 5.00pm

March 2013 Giving Target Cash Giving to date Electronic Giving to date Total Giving March 26,385 6,798 7,260 14,058

Account Name: Unley Park Baptist Church Inc Offerings Confidential BSB: 704 922 Account Number: 100013066

Just a Minute
Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. [Hebrews 11:1] We love the simple prayers of children. They are so trusting and nothing is too big to ask for. Bless Mummy and Daddy, Jedd and Casey and the dog, and the gold fish. Keep them all safe, in Jesus name, Amen. Its not just little children; we often pray prayers like that. We want God to be a kind of quality control officer, or occupational health inspector who manages to keep us out of danger or crisis of any kind. We insure everything that can be insured and then we trust God that he will look after the rest of us! But as we grow up we have to face the reality that there are so many things that are beyond our control. Because of that we must choose an OS [Operating System] to help us navigate through these realities. When you boil it all down there are only two choices, either faith or thats life! Thats life rejects any notion of God and says that life is a continuous, random and unpredictable set of forces and events that act on our lives and we have to work hard to make the best of them. Faith is not living in another world. It believes that God is intricately and personally connected to everything that happens in our lives. Faith can be frustrating because it may lead us to both praise God and blame God, depending on what is happening. People with a thats life approach often claim to be realists. We face life as it is, whereas Christians seem to want to spiritualise everything. That sounds feasible but its just not true. We all have to face reality. Noone can avoid it. But the bigger issue is, Is there any point to this reality? Is it just random? What do I do with it? Erwin McManus tells how after September 11, 2001, he knew he had to say something to his children. I wanted to tell them that everything would be alright, that they were safe, that this wouldnt happen to them, .. sometimes it seems the key to parenting is lying to your kids. After all, does a 9 year old need to know the hard truth about reality?......I wanted to tell them that God would not allow something like this to happen to our family. But I couldnt.the comfort I wanted to give wasnt in my power to guarantee. So he sat them down and gave them a simple message, You have no control over how you die, but you do have control over how you live! Uncommon Key: Live by faith. Look for God in the unseen. Find God in the mystery. Worship God in the reality of your life. God Bless Neil

Members Meeting
A Members Meeting will be held after the service today, Sunday March 24 Please come and hear what is happening in the life of our church.

Good Friday Service

A Good Friday Service will be held at 9.00am followed by morning tea with hot cross buns. Please come and join us on this special day.

Church Prayer Meeting Sunday 7th April

We are looking forward to holding a short time of prayer on Sunday 7th April before heading over to the Concordia oval for the church picnic. It will be in the church lounge immediately following the church service. Would be very encouraging to see you there! "Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you....." Ps. 55:22

Easter Sunday 31st March

There will be no UPbc on Easter Sunday as we have planned to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus in church with our families. Crche and Little Tots will operate as usual.

Parents please note that UPbc will be in recession during the school holidays. th UPbc will resume on Sunday 5 May. The Creche facilities will be available for you to use with Babies to Kindergarten age children only as these facilities are specifically age appropriate.

Pre-service prayer meeting

Please come and join in at 9.45 a.m. on Sunday morning in Neil Ryan's office for prayer - before we enjoy our coffee/tea together. We love to pray for every aspect of the Sunday morning worship and service, and the many needs of people in the church family. "IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD"? Gen. 18:14

Advance Notice
April 7 - Church Picnic at Concordia College. Please put this date in your diary.

Suzanne and Allan will be away for the next four weeks. They are flying to England to see their daughter Caroline who has been nursing in England for the last two and a half years. Following their meeting they will travel together by train to Scotland where Allan's family originated and some relatives still live. Following some time in Scotland,, and catching up with Chris and Sally Neil, they have planned a week in Italy. On the way home Suzanne and Allan separate in Kuala Lumpur and Allan will go to Cambodia to conduct some Bible Teaching while Suzanne comes home. Any visitation needs should be directed to Garry Gooden. Please Pray for Allan and Suzanne for safe travel and that God will direct their path. Also pray for the church in Cambodia that God will prepare the hearts of the people to hear God's teaching during the workshops conducted there.

Emmaus Christian College Open Day

Emmaus Christian College will be holding an Open Day on Sunday April 7 : 2pm-4pm at 7 Lynton Ave South Plympton. For more information email

Prayer Ministry
Did you sign up for the prayer ministry at the Womens dinner? Did you pick a name out of the basket to pray for this year? If not please see Margie Stevens so you can discover who you will be praying for.

Our Missionary Families

The Ames Family Owen, Sarah, Rachel, Jessica & Joshua OM/TEAM Church Planting, Tokyo, Japan Thank you for your prayers! Sarahs English class party went really well and she had an opportunity to give an invitation to the parenting group get together to all of the mothers. Please pray for this potential new ministry and the people who might attend. The first get together will be in April (after all the children have started kindergarten). This week is spring vacation, a one week break from school for Rachel and Jessica. They have had a very busy time these last few months and will enjoy the break (as we all will!). We appreciate your ongoing prayers for the girls and their education as well as their spiritual growth and development.

Pray for these families

Names for this week beginning March 24: Calvin, Jane & Katie Burgess Doug & Sandy Castle Walter Chatindara Lex & Grace Choi Carl & Carol Collins Fernando Coelho

Sermon Notes

This Week at UPBC

Playgroup Tuesday March 26 9.30-11.30 Tuesday March 26 9.30-10.30 Tuesday March 26 11am-12noon Tuesday March 26 5.30 - 8.00pm Wednesday March 27 Wednesday March 27 7.45-9.00pm Thursday March 28 9.30am Friday March 29 9.00am Friday March 29 7.30-9.30pm Sunday March 31 10.00am Sunday March 31 5pm

Prayer Team


Munchiez Food Van

Playgroup Bible study at the church

Know Your Bible

Good Friday Service

Elevate Youth Group (year 8-12) Cancelled for Easter Morning Worship Hoa Stone LifeChurch

Northgate Street Unley Park PH: 82720258

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