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Question Booklet Code: C Course: M.Sc. Mathematics Paper Code: 408101 Duration: 2 Hours Year: First Year Paper Name: Advanced Abstract Algebra


1) ______ symbol is used to denote the SELECT operation. a) X b) c) d) 2) ______ symbol is used to denote the PROJECT operation. a) X b) c) d) 3) ______ symbol is used to denote the RENAME operation. a) b) c) d) 4) _______ operation can be visualized as a horizontal partition of the relation into two set of tuples. a) JOIN b) PARTITION c) SELECT d) PROJECT 5) _______ operation can be visualized as a vertical partition of the relation into two relations. a) PROJECT b) PARTITION c) SELECT d) JOIN 6) ________ is not a comparison operator. a) * b) = c) d) 7) _______ is a Boolean operator. a) AND b) OR c) NOT d) all of these 8) _______ operator is unary. a) SELECT b) INTERSECTION c) UNION d) JOIN 9) _______ operator is binary. a) SELECT b) PROJECT c) UNION d) RENAME 10) The degree of the relation resulting from SELECT operation is ______ the degree of the participating relation. a) less than or equal to b) equal to c) less than d) more than 11) The basic set of operations for the relational model is the relational _______. a) statement b) algebra c) geometry d) definition


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12) The relational algebra operations enable a user to specify basic _______ requests. a) construct b) modification c) retrieval d) entry 13) The degree of the relation resulting from PROJECT operation is ______ to the number of attributes in the attribute-list specified. a) less than or equal to b) equal to c) less than d) more than 14) Two relations are said to be _____ if they have the same degree n and if dom (Ai) = dom (Bi) for 1 i n. a) degree compatible b) union compatible c) domain compatible d) similar 15) Two relations are said to be union compatible if they have same number of ______ a) attributes b) tuples c) key attributes d) foreign keys 16) The result of _____ operation is a relation that includes all tuples that are in both R and S relations. a) JOIN b) MINUS c) UNION d) INTERSECTION 17) R ( S T ) ______ ( R S ) T . a) b) c) = d) < 18) _______ do not have to be union compatible. a) b) U c) X d) 19) _______ symbol is used to denote the CROSS PRODUCT operation. a) X

b) c) d) 20) The ______ operation is used instead of using the sequence of CARTESIAN PRODUCT followed by SELECT. a) PROJECT b) MINUS c) JOIN d) UNION 21) The result of R (A1, A2 , , An ) X S (B1, B2 , , Bm ) is a relation with _____ attributes. a) n + m b) n m c) n * m d) m n 22) If R has x tuples and S has y tuples, then R X S will have ______ tuples. a) x + y b) x * y c) x y d) y x 23) ______ operation allows us to process relationships among relations. a) PROJECT b) MINUS c) JOIN d) UNION 24) _______ symbol is used to denote the JOIN operation. a) X b) c) d) None of these 25) ______ operation combines related tuples from two relations into single tuples. a) JOIN b) MINUS c) PROJECT d) UNION 26) A join where the only comparison operator used is = is called an ________. a) NATURAL JOIN b) SAME JOIN c) EQUI JOIN d) THETA JOIN


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27) NATURAL JOIN operation is denoted by _______. a) U b) = c) X d) * 28) _____ operation is used to remove the second superfluous attribute in an EQUIJOIN condition. a) NATURAL JOIN b) SAME JOIN c) DELETE JOIN d) THETA JOIN 29) The DIVISION operation is applied on two relations R (Z) S (X), where X ______ Z. a) = b) c) X d) None of these 30) _____ operation can be expressed as a sequence of , x, and operations. a) DIVISION b) UNION c) JOIN d) CARTESIAN PRODUCT 31) R _____ S ( R U S ) ( ( R S ) U ( SR)) a) U b) c) X d) 32) If relation R has n attributes and relation S has m attributes, then the result of JOIN on relations R and S will have ______ attributes. a) n X m b) n / m c) n m d) n + m 33) If relation R has n attributes and relation S has m attributes, then the result of JOIN on relations R and S will have upto ______ tuples. a) n * m b) n / m c) n + m d) n m

34) The JOIN operation where only matching tuples are kept in the result are called _____ joins. a) outer b) external c) inner d) related 35) The JOIN operation where we keep all the tuples in relation R, or all those in relation S, or all those in both relations regardless of whether or not they have matching tuples is called _____ join. a) outer b) external c) inner d) related 36) ______ is not an aggregate function. a) COUNT b) JOIN c) SUM d) AVERAGE 37) The aggregate function operation is denoted by the _____ symbol. a) b) c) both a & b d) 38) The diagonal elements of Hermitical matrix area) Complex number b) Real number c) Natural number d) None of these 39) If a & b are roots of quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 then a) a+b=b/a.aB=c/a b) a+B+y=-b/a.By=c/a c) AB+by+ya=c/a d) none of these 40) If a, b, y b the roots of the equation. X3+px2+qx+r=0 then the value of a2 a) q2-2pr b) p2-q2 c) p2-q2/r d) pr 41) If a,B, y be the roots of the cubic equation then correct symmetric function is------a) a= a+b-y b) a2 by= aBy (a) c) a2b2=(ab)2-2aBy(a) d) Both B and C correct


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42) Roots of cubic equation z3+3HZ=G=0 are real and distinct if--a) G2+4H3 is positive b) G2+4H3=0;G=0 c) G2+4H3 is negative d) g=0;H=0 43) One of the roots of the equation 6x413x3-35x2-x+3=0 is a) x = - 1/3 b) x = 1/3 c) x=0 d) x=1/2 44) if e1 & e2 are two identity elements of a group G then a) e1=e2 b) e=e2 c) e1=c e2 d) None of these 45) The generator of group G ={a,a2,a3,a4a5,a6=e} are-----a) a & a5 b) a2 & a4 c) a3 & a5 d) a2 & a5 46) If G = {1,-1,i-i} & H= {1,-1} then quotient group G/H is equal toa) G/H = {H, Hi} b) G/H = {H, 1} c) G/H = {Hi, Hi } d) G/H = {H, i} 47) If is a homomorphism from G to G and is e & e be their identies, thena) f (e) = e b) f (a-1) = [F a.]-1, V a=G c) Both A and B true d) Both A and B false 48) A homomorphism defined from a group G onto G is an isomorphism iffa) Ker (f) = {e} b) F a. = f b. c) xHx-1H A x=G d) none of these 49) Every homomorphism image of cyclic group isa) Aeolian b) Cyclic c) Normal Group d) Associative 50) Iscemophic group isa) [{0, 1, 2, 3} + 4] & [{1, 2, 3, 4,} -5]

b) [{1,-1} *] & [{1, w1, w2} *] c) [{1, -I, I,-1} *] & [{0, 1} +] d) None of these 51) The generators of the cyclic group of order 8 area) a, a3,a5 b) a2,a4,a6 c) a, a3, a5,a7 d) a3,a5 52) HK is a sub- group of G, iffa) HK=KH b) HK = KH c) KH=Hk d) KH-KH 53) If H1and H2are two subgroups of G then following is also a subgroup of G. a) H1 H2 b) H1 H2 c) H1 H2 d) none of these 54) Let H be a subgroup of a group G & Let a = G. then the set aH = {ah| h=H} & Ha = {h=H} isa) Left Right cosset b) Left Right cyclic group c) Subgroup d) Quotient group 55) If H be a subgroup of group G, then the index of H in G isa) [G: H] = O(G)/K, K is different cosset of H b) [G:H] = O(G)/O(H) c) [G:H] = {H, Hi} d) [G:h] = O(H)/O(G) 56) Every groups of prime order isa) Cyclic group b) Aeolian group c) Sub - group d) Normal sub group 57) If f is a homomorphism form a group G to G with kernel K, then K isa) Normal subgroup b) Cyclic group c) Quotient group d) Group 58) If a be an element of a group G, then the mapping fa: GG, fa (x) = ax a-1 V a=G isa) Epimorphosis b) Homomorphism


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c) Auto Orphism d) Homophiles 59) Group < G = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. > is a cyclic group then its generators area) G = [3] = [5] b) G = [1] = [5] c) G = [2] = [4] d) G = [3] = [6] 60) The identity Permutation isa) Even permutation b) Odd permutation c) Either even of odd d) none of these 61) If G is a group, for a = G, N a. is the normalize of a, then Vx= N a.a) xa=ax b) xa=e c) ax=e d) xa=ax 62) If H is a subgroup of a finite, group and order of H & G are respectively m, n then------a) M|n b) n|m c) M|n d) None the these 63) Let H be a subgroup of a group G & Let a = G. then the set aH = {ah| h=H} & Ha = {h=H} isa) Left Right cosset b) Left Right cyclic group c) Subgroup d) Quotient group 64) If G = (Z+) & H = {3n: n=z} then the cosset are a) H b) H+1 c) H+2 d) All of these 65) If a,B, y be the roots of the cubic equation then correct symmetric function is------a) a= a+b-y b) a2by= aBy (a) c) a2b2=(ab)2-2aBy(a) d) Both B and C correct 66) The square matrix A has an inverse if a) A=0 b) A=0

c) A>1 d) A<1 67) If sum of two roots of the equation x3-5x2-16x+80=0 is zero, then the roots area) 4, 4, 5 b) 4, 5, 5 c) 4,-4, 5 d) 4,-5, 5 68) If a & b are roots of quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0 then a) a+b=b/a.aB=c/a b) a+B+y=-b/a.By=c/a c) AB+by+ya=c/a d) none of these 69) If G is a finite group, then for every a = G, the order of is-----a) Finite b) Infinite c) Zero d) None of these 70) The multiplicative group {1,-1} is a sub group of the multiplicative group. a) {1,I,-i} b) 1,-1,I,-i} c) {1,0,-1,i} d) {-1,I,-i}


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