Performance Problems? Answer: No, Save For Any Minor Observations or

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During your tenure as USA, did DOJ officials ever discuss with you or cite you for
performance problems? Answer: No, save for any minor observations or
recommendations that might appear in either of the EARS evaluations
conducted during my tenure.
2. When a highly respected USA is removed abruptly and without explanation, what
impact does that have on other USAs and the AUSAs in your office? Answer:
Normal changes in leadership occur when a presidential administration is
changed over and also when USAs move on to other careers as judges, or back
to the private sector. These changes are tolerated by the career people in the
office and are often softened by the elevation of the First Assistant to serve in the
interim who knows the office and can provide continuity. It would be
detrimental to an office to absorb these changes too often. In the recent cases,
where it may appear that USAs were forced out, in some cases in response to
outside political pressure, there is clearly a negative impact on the morale of the
USAOs across the country because suddenly it appears that DOJ is not willing to
insulate the offices from such pressure. Where once the prosecutor thought that
pursuing a powerful local politician or politically connected businessman might
only expose him or her to some local and outside criticism/pressure, now the
prosecutor must also contemplate that the subject or target of the investigation
may actually be able to obtain the removal of the prosecutor. This is not a
healthy environment for prosecutors who must make hard decisions based solely
on the facts and the law, and not on the political implications. Such decisions
smell unfair, and will have a predictable impact on the attitude and morale of
everyone in the system. Firing a prosecutor for prosecuting the wrong person, or
not prosecuting someone in the other political party, or for not timing an
indictment around an election destroys the credibility that should be enjoyed by
the department as a whole. It is difficult to regain that credibility. The
professionals in the department are going to resent that because they earned
that credibility. Finally, USAs do not make these decisions about cases and
policy in a vacuum. Any successful USA is relying on the advice and counsel of
as many of the career people in the office as is possible. While you can have a
good USAO with a bad USA, and vice versa, it is fairly impossible to make public
statements about the “performance” of a particular USA without implicating the
performance of some or all of the career staff in the USAO who participated in
the decision making and policy development within the office. The resentment
will obviously be compounded where it is apparent that those criticisms have
been fabricated to protect the true agenda and agenda makers behind the
3. Are you aware of any efforts to politicize the Department of Justice with respect
to its personnel decisions? Answer: I do not have any unique knowledge in this
area. In other words, I only know what I have read in the newspaper.
4. At the hearing, you mentioned that you had several telephone conversations
with Michael Elston (DOJ) around the time that you were asked to resign.
(a) How many conversations did you have? Answer: I think we had at least four.
(1) First Call. I called the DAG on or about January 19 after the AG testified in
the Senate and left a message. He called back and left a message. I
called back, the DAG was unavailable, and Mike Elston took the call
saying the DAG asked him to see what I needed. I was calling to bring
three things to their attention that I thought were all probably inadvertent
misrepresentations that should and likely woud be corrected. The first
concerned a DOJ spokesman’s statement to the press on or about
December 26 stating that one reason Tim Griffin had been named as
interim USA was because the First Assistant was on maternity leave. I told
Elston that most people in our relatively small legal community had
instantly mocked that statement because it was obvious Tim Griffin had
been here for months for the purpose of taking over on my departure,
because no person was aware of any conversations or other
communications that might demonstrate that appointing the First Assistant
was EVER a consideration, and because even though she actually had
left the office a week before (on or about December 14) to give birth to
twins, her due date was much later in early February and until she went
out for an emergency delivery the week before she had been widely
expected to continue to work in the office until February, so she actually
could have been available for six weeks or more to serve as an interim
had anybody ever considered that option. Nobody had and that was
obvious. I told them it was a ridiculous thing to say in light of what many
people here knew and that they shouldn’t repeat it. Second, I told him
that the AG had made two statements to the Senate Judiciary
Committee that I thought were inconsistent with the facts. First, the AG
had said that every change in USA spots had been made to improve the
management in those districts. I knew or thought I knew that improving
management had nothing to do with the change in my district, and I not
only thought the statement was unfair to me, but also that it was going to
be challenged because Senator Pryor knew better. I thought they might
want to supplement the AG’s testimony in a way to except my district. At
that time I neither knew who else had been fired or why. Elston agreed
with me that I had been fired simply to allow Tim Griffin to have the job.
He assured me that the other cases were different and that if I knew the
reasons behind those firings I would agree that “they had to go.” He
didn’t know if they would ever be able to fix the record in regard to me,
but he said he would see if they could avoid repeating similar statements
in the future. Finally, I expressed concern that the AG’s statement that
DOJ would seek a presidential nomination for the USA in every district was
going to cause trouble here in Arkansas because it appeared to me that
there was no intention to put Tim Griffin through a nomination. Elston
rejected that notion and assured me that every replacement would have
to be confirmed by the Senate. I told him if that was the case, then he
had better gag Tim Griffin because Griffin was telling many people,
including me, that officials in Washington had assured him he could stay in
as USA pursuant to an interim appointment whether he was ever
nominated or not. Elston denied knowing anything about anyone’s
intention to circumvent Senate confirmation in Griffin’s case. He said that
might have been the White House’s plan, but they “never read DOJ into
that plan” and DOJ would never go along with it. This indicated to me
that my removal had been dictated entirely by the White House. He said
Griffin would be confirmed or have to resign. I remember that part of the
conversation well because I then said to Elston that it looked to me that if
Tim Griffin couldn’t get confirmed and had to then resign, then I would
have resigned for nothing, and to that, after a brief pause Elston replied,
“yes, that’s right.” [UPDATE: I saw in some of the documents that I may
have placed a call to the DAG immediately before the AG testified in
January. I frankly don’t remember it that way, but it is possible that I was
calling even then to express concerns based on the reporting I was seeing
at the time on the issues described above.]
(2) Second Call. I believe the second time I talked to Mike Elston was after
the DAG testified in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The DAG testified
that other USAs had been removed due to “performance” but he
specifically admitted that had not been the case in Arkansas. Because
Elston was skeptical in the first call that such a public statement would
ever be made, I was pleased that the DAG had seen fit to correct the
record in my case because I thought the AG’s previous testimony had
been misleading as to my case. I called to tell Mike Elston “thank you”
and ask him to pass that sentiment on to the DAG. I think it was in that
call that I also told him I had been contacted about testifying in Congress
and had declined, but said that I would do it if DOJ wanted me to do it,
and I thought I could minimize the drama related to my removal and also
perhaps defend the notion that involving judges in the interim
appointment process created unnecessary problems and that another
“fix” should be found for the offensive Patriot Act provision. He took that
offer under advisement. The tone of this call was positive, and my
motivation in calling was to thank them and express to them that I had no
hard feelings and hoped I was still considered to be a person of good
standing with the administration. At this point I had no reason to know
they were not being truthful about the other USAs.
(3) Third Call. I am not certain, but I think the third call was one initiated by
Mike Elston with Tasia Scolinos from DOJ OPA in the room with him on the
speaker. They asked if I would be willing to write a letter to the editor in
the Arkansas Democrat Gazette essentially vouching for Tim Griffin’s
credentials. Since I did want to be considered to still be on the “team”,
and because I did not have a problem with Tim Griffin’s resume
qualifications to serve as USA, I said I would consider it, but would have to
discuss it with my wife first because she had some fairly strong feelings
about Tim Griffin, the extent of his role in the decision to remove me, and
the problems that seemed to be continually on the increase caused, at
least in her view, by the inept way the matter was being handled at the
time by persons she associated with Tim. Upon reflection after hanging
up with Elston and Scolinos, it seemed to me that in spite of some public
statements about nomination, there was no real commitment or intention
evident that convinced me that there was any change in the intention
regarding the nomination of Tim Griffin. In other words, I understood the
plan to be that he would not be nominated, and in spite of the recent AG
and DAG testimony, that plan had not changed. In addition, as
predicted my wife was not comfortable with me writing the letter. I
emailed Mike back and told him I wanted to wait until it was apparent
that Tim Griffin would actually be nominated before I decided whether or
not to write a letter.
(4) Fourth Call. The last call was the call that I testified about earlier on March
6 which came in response to a Washington Post article quoting me. He
essentially said that if the controversy continued, then some of the USA’s
would have to be “thrown under the bus.”
5. Other than Mike Elston, did you have phone conversations or email
communications with any other high ranking DOJ officials regarding your
dismissal or the dismissal of USAs? If so, who, when and what was the substance?
Answer: Mike Battle called in June 2006 to tell me I had to resign. When I had
difficulty reaching the DAG in January, I also put in a call to Bill Mercer. By the
time he returned the call, I had already had an extensive conversation with Mike
Elston (the “first call”). I didn’t want to eat up Mercer’s time repeating the same
information, and so I think I told him I had been taken care of by Elston and
probably gave him a very quick summary of the points I had made earlier with
Elston. I don’t have a clear memory of how much detail we went in to, or of any
response he might have made. I think we congratulated each other regarding
our service together as USAs. Mike Battle called me one time after I resigned,
probably in early 2007 to relay some message to me either from a press person or
from a congressional person, and I don’t remember which. It was basically a call
to pass on a message. We chatted very briefly and Mike shared with me that he
had plans to go into private practice.
6. In the hearing, you testified that you sent an email to former USAs regarding the
February 20, 2007 Elston phone call, what was their reaction and what follow up
conversations have you had with them? Answer: Their reaction was fairly
uniform and it was that they were offended and viewed the statements made
by Elston as a threat. One remarked, “What’s next? A horse head in the bed?” I
think we all viewed the “threat” to be that they would speak publicly about that
which they had already spoken privately with Senators. From the limited
information we had about those presentations, the justifications offered for the
firings had been pretty lame, which was proved out later when Will Moschella
presented the same allegations to the House Committee. The USAs in question
have talked among themselves one to one on many occasions and we have
had a number of conference calls from time to time to make sure everyone was
up to speed on various developments. In regard to the Elston call, I think the
common sentiment has always been that it had constituted a poorly veiled
warning or threat. I didn’t take it too seriously, because by that point, I frankly
wasn’t taking Elston himself too seriously as it appeared to me that he was
intentionally trying to deceive me about the reason the other USAs were fired. I
also did not know whether to believe his representation that he had no
knowledge of the obvious intention to avoid senate confirmation in the Eastern
District of Arkansas.
7. Based on your knowledge and experience as a USA, what is your response to the
reasons that William Moschella offered as the justifications for the dismissals of
the USAs? Answer: I was disappointed in Will Moschella and thought that many
of the explanations were facially invalid. Based on information I already had, I
believed additional justifications to be pre-textual and information learned later
led me to believe the balance of his presentation was false, misleading and pre-
textual. I found it remarkable that he could suggest that Carol Lam was fired
over her immigration numbers and PSN numbers when DAG Comey had met
with her and apparently blessed her PSN program and when DOJ had recently
endorsed her immigration performance in a letter to Congress, and particularly
when it was obvious that no one had even attempted to bring these supposed
concerns to her attention before taking the unprecedented step of removing
her. In regard to Paul Charlton, they seemed to be saying that he was being
removed for having strong principled arguments against imposing the death
penalty in one or more cases and that he had dared to argue with them. They
also referenced an issue about taping FBI confessions that Charlton had raised
with them in an entirely respectful and appropriate way. As far as I could tell,
they didn’t even really have a pretextual reason to remove Dan Bogden and
mumbled something about “new blood” or some such. They said David Iglesias
wasn’t in the office enough and delegated too much. This was an outrageous
thing to say for several reasons. First, David’s absence was due to Navy service
in a time of war. The White House and DOJ knew of his Navy obligations when
he was first appointed. Second, Bill Mercer, apparently or at least possibly one of
the “deciders” who put Iglesias’s name on the list for removal, has been serving
in Washington at main justice for several years while holding on to his
appointment as the USA in Montana. I had read articles where his Chief Judge
in Montana had been demanding a full time USA in his district for some time and
had been roundly ignored. In short, I found every justification offered by
Moschella to be false and misleading. Pure pretext. Even to the extent the
substance was partially accurate, it was presented out of context. Had those
firing decisions been made on those bases, it would have been incredibly poor
management to do so without consulting the USA first. There was no evidence
presented that those issues were credibly part of any legitimate performance
review exercise of any kind. It was a bunch of hogwash, and Will either knew it,
or should have known it based on his experience.
8. During your tenure as USA, did a federal official ever contact you about a State
Fee Privatization Investigation? Answer: I presume this refers to the 2005-2006
Missouri investigation assigned to my district when the USAO districts in Missouri
recused. If so, the short answer is “no.” Aside from some routine communication
at the outset with DOJ regarding the recusals and the appointment itself, I do
not remember ever being contacted by anyone in regard to this case except
agents working the case, prosecutors in my office working the case, witnesses,
and attorneys for persons involved or alleged to have been involved. I am not
aware of any attempt to influence the investigation in any way. I was
contacted by Bill Mateja on behalf of the Governor making what I considered to
be legitimate inquiries into whether the investigation involved the Governor
personally and if not, whether I would at any time be able to make a statement
to that effect. I informed Mateja that I would stay in contact with him, and
consider such a statement at the appropriate time, but was unable to discuss
the matter while it was under investigation which he completely understood.
Once the investigation was closed, I did write a letter and issue a brief statement
regarding the Governor, which I believe was permissible under the provisions of
the USAM.
9. Please describe any awards, commendations or other performance related
assessments you received during your tenure as USA. Answer: We had two good
EARS reviews in 2002 and 2006. Our numbers and other performance were very
good in the priority categories and we may have received a letter or letters over
time from the person in DOJ assigned to that priority initiative, or from the EOUSA
director commending our performance in one area or another, but I really don’t
recall and have no files upon which to rely.
10. Did you ever receive a warning from the Justice Department that your office’s
priorities would result in your being asked to resign? Answer: No. All input from
DOJ was that our priorities locally were in line with national priorities.
11. When Mike Battle called to ask you to resign, did he give an explanation? Did
you discuss with any other DOJ official? Answer: Since I was unaware of any
USA ever being asked to resign by the appointing president absent misconduct, I
was concerned that someone was alleging misconduct, so I asked Mike Battle if I
had done anything wrong. He responded that it was just the opposite, that I had
done a great job, and the decision was entirely about a desire by the White
House to allow another person to serve as USA in my district. I took Mike at his
word especially since he had recently visited my district, and had told me on a
number of occasions since that we appeared to be doing quite well. Except for
a brief call late in the year from Mike Battle to relay a phone message, and the
previously discussed phone calls with Elston, Scolinos , and Mercer, I have never
been contacted by any DOJ official about being asked to resign, the timing of
my departure, the manner in which it would be explained to the staff or to the
public, or about who would succeed me. I found it remarkable that no one saw
fit to attempt to coordinate any of these issues. At some point, I began
communicating with Tim Griffin, and he was obviously in constant
communication to DOJ management through Monica Goodling and others. It
appeared to me that Tim Griffin was also in contact with the White House.
Anything I learned about any of the issues set out above I learned through
communication with Tim Griffin. Not that I needed desired one, but it was
curious to me that after five years of loyal and particularly successful service to
the administration, I did not receive so much as a form letter from the AG or
President or anyone else acknowledging, commending or appreciating that
service. This was significant to me because it seemed inconsistent with the
explanations that were floated in some quarters that these changes were being
made to develop or credential the “bench” of Republicans in various districts.
The manner they were dealing with me (or ignoring me) was not consistent with
any high minded plan to expand the number of credentialed team members. I
already was a credentialed team member. It looked like to me that whoever
was pulling the strings in this particular plan had no regard or concern
whatsoever for the people in the positions aside from getting them removed.
There was no effort whatsoever to preserve their standing in the communities in
which they served or to retain their loyalty or other service to the administration.
My views in that area have certainly been reinforced by the subsequent
demonstrations of willingness to slander the reputations of some or all of us simply
to protect persons yet largely unidentified from having to explain embarrassing
issues and circumstances that obviously lead to these decisions. These
circumstances paint a picture of a group of people acting not with the greater
good of the Republican party in mind, but with a more selfish, self serving
motivation along the lines of ingratiating themselves to the White House, to GOP
congressional members, and party leaders, and also to clear some USA spots to
be awarded to the staff level decision makers themselves, or their friends and
“inner circle,” perhaps ingratiating them to those people as well.
12. Did you ever have any conversations with Tim Griffin regarding the process that
would be used to appoint him to be an interim USA in ED AR? If so, how many,
what was the substance, who initiated each conversation, what was the method
of communication, discuss with anyone else, by what method? Answer: These
are difficult questions to answer because I have had a great number of
communications with Tim by every mode of communication mentioned since
June 2006, including several months when he was working in my office and I
worked with him almost daily. I contacted Tim by email when he was in Iraq in
June 2006 to advise him that Mike Battle had directed me to be ready to resign
in favor of an unidentified person. I knew Tim intended to succeed me when I
left, and assumed Tim or the White House or both had become impatient and
was taking these steps in his favor. If that proved to be the case, I was resigned
to accept the decision even though I found it somewhat insulting that they
would presume to execute the plan in that way instead of simply consulting me
and asking for my cooperation to afford Tim the opportunity. If I learned that it
was some person other than Tim, I thought I might want to consider “pushing
back” or somehow appeal the decision depending on the circumstances.
When contacted, Tim professed to know nothing about the matter and said he
had not been contacted. Several days or weeks later, he suggested that he
had been sent paperwork related to the appointment, so from that point
forward, I assumed he was the person in question and so I planned to quietly
accept the decision and leave. Tim and I had fairly regular communication,
mostly by email, some by phone, until he returned to the States from Iraq in late
Summer. I had not yet determined where I would go professionally after
resigning, and it appeared Tim would have a background check completed
and be “ready” to come in as the new USA by sometime in late September or
early October. For partly self serving reasons, I suggested to Tim that I was
concerned about the appearance of my leaving without having a job and him
coming in immediately to replace me because I thought some of the USAO staff
might conclude that he had used his Washington political connections to have
me knocked out of the way so he could have my job. I told him that even
though I was not necessarily universally “loved and admired” in the USAO, that it
was a close knit office and that any number of people there might resent such a
perception thus hindering his ability to succeed in the office and potentially
having a negative impact on the work environment and morale of the office. I
suggested as an alternative that he consider obtaining an appointment at main
justice, and then a detail to our district, allowing him to get on down here to start
transitioning into the job while I kept looking for a job. He thought that was a
good option and sought and obtained permission from DOJ management
and/or the White House to do it that way. I don’t think at this time we had had
any discussions about senate confirmation and may not have had any until he
arrived in the office, I think around October 1 or shortly thereafter. When he
arrived, I involved him in every management meeting or decision, including the
interviews and hiring of three new AUSAs. This actually did offer a unique
opportunity to prep him for taking over later in the year. At some point, and I
don’t really know when, I became aware that he had identified some resistance
from Senator Pryor about getting through the Senate. I cannot recall specifics,
but my impression was that whoever he was consulting in Washington was
committed to his appointment no matter what, which mildly surprised me,
because I had observed in the wave of appointments in 2001-2002 that the
administration seemed unwilling and even skittish about pushing forward on any
nomination after potential resistance or problematic issues appeared. It seemed
during this time that Tim was waiting on a decision from DC about the possibility
of a recess appointment, but I cannot recite any specific conversation we had
about that. I just remember wondering if it meant I would have to leave during
a recess. Sometime in early November, I determined that I was not willing to go
to a law firm immediately and was interested in pursuing a number of business
opportunities. It appeared that the process might drag on because I wasn’t sure
what direction I was going to take, so I offered to Tim that I would go ahead and
resign and let Tim take over. He said that he was comfortable in the
configuration we were in, and that he had a week- long vacation planned in
early December, and if I didn’t mind staying he would prefer to not accept the
USA appointment and then leave town for a week, and instead thought it better
to first take the trip and accept the appointment upon his return. Sometime in
early December (I think), Tim called me and said “They are going to use the
Patriot Act to appoint me.” I have a fairly clear memory of that particular
conversation. He said that there was a provision in the Patriot Act that nobody
knew about that would enable them to appoint him in a way he could stay in
place throughout President Bush’s administration with or without Senate
confirmation. I voiced a concern about the criticism such a plan might draw to
the Patriot Act itself, which many of us had worked many days and weeks to
defend and to get reauthorized. Over five years many of us had made serious
representations about the necessity of the tools in the Patriot Act and had put
our personal credibility on the line asking for the trust of the public and congress
to give us those tools. I hated to see them use any part of the Act to “game the
system” because I thought it would “open up a can of worms” again over the
whole Act. I don’t remember any specific conversations on this subject, but I am
sure it was referenced from time to time, and I don’t remember ever hearing Tim
or anyone else say anything after that inconsistent with a plan to install Tim using
the provision of the Patriot Act where he would stay for the duration of the
administration if necessary without Senate confirmation. I believe there was
some discussion of monitoring Senator Pryor’s mood on the issue and perhaps
seeking confirmation at a later time. In regard to third parties Tim or I spoke to on
these subjects, I mainly confided in the First Assistant, Jane Duke, and Cherith
Beck, who served in the administrative area in the office and as my assistant.
Very few others in the office knew I was being forced out or that Tim would
succeed me, though over time it at least seemed apparent to most of them that
he had come there for a reason. Jane and/or Cherith may have had some
conversations of their own directly with Tim Griffin that were consistent with mine.
I know Tim also had similar discussions about serving without Senate confirmation
if necessary with many local people outside the USAO. It was my impression that
he was telling a lot of people about this plan that stimulated my call to the
DAG’s office in January after the AG testified that a person would be
‘nominated and confirmed in every district,’ because it appeared to me that the
plan was to only nominate and confirm Tim if the climate for success (mainly
Senator Pryor’s mood on the issue) ever looked more appealing.
13. Have you had communications with former USAO colleagues or agents
concerning their assessments of Mr. Griffin’s qualifications? Answer: No, I have
avoided that subject to a great extent because I do not want to be, or even
appear to be, a critic of Mr. Griffin’s, or do anything to injure his ability to be a
successful USA. I also wouldn’t want to hurt the office by contributing to or
creating any morale problems that would hurt the office. So, I don’t ask.

Second Set of Questions:

1. When you were a USA, did DOJ take steps to assure that you understood you
served at the will of the President? Answer: Yes, I can’t remember specifically,
but I always knew that.
2. Did you understand that you served at the will of the President? Answer:
Absolutely yes.
3. Did you serve out the full, four year term of your appointment? Answer: Yes I did,
actually I served five full years, December 21, 2001 to December 20, 2006. If you
ever asked anyone at DOJ about the meaning of the four year term, you would
be told that it was really almost meaningless in light of the at will nature of the job
and the customs of the Department. You served at the will of the President, so if
he asked you to leave on the second week of your appointment, you would
have to go. If the President lost reelection, and your term was not up, you could
still expect to be removed by the next President, especially if of the other party.
On the other hand, as long as the President who appointed you was in office,
there was no precedent for removal of you absent misconduct even after the
four year mark came and went. Dismissal for misconduct had occurred in a very
few cases of obvious misconduct, i.e. political activities within the office,
assaulting a woman, etc. Of course, many USA’s leave short of two terms to
become judges or return to private practice. My wife would tell you that if DOJ
intends to start making it a practice to remove folks at the four year mark, out of
fairness they ought to tell you that on the front end because a lot of people
would not choose to take a job you have to fill out thousands of forms for, submit
to a background check by the FBI, submit to a Senate confirmation process that
might be randomly delayed at the fancy of one or more Senators, and probably
go without income in the process, and generally put your family through hell to
take a job that might be taken away even if you are performing well.
4. With regard to Mr.Timothy Griffin, who had previously served in your office, did
you not write a letter to him on August 13, 2002, thanking him for his service to
your office, complimenting him for indicting more people during his time in the
office than any other AUSA, and telling him that his work was excellent?
5. Did you not also compliment Mr. Griffin for developing and launching PSN
program for your district and state that the program in your USAO had been
highly recognized and commended in a recent evaluation? Answers to 4 and 5:
Tim asked me to write a positive letter for him after he left the USAO in 2002 and I
did. I don’t have a copy of it, so I don’t know exactly what it said, but I do
remember commending him for getting our PSN program off the ground and for
indicting a lot of cases. It has come to my attention that some DOJ officials or
members of Congress have stated that I called him my “right arm” or “right
hand,” presumably in that letter, but I do not recall writing such a statement or
know exactly why I would have said that. Tim was (and is) a bright, energetic
young man. Our PSN program started well because of Tim’s efforts to set it up,
and achieved great things for the four years after Tim left due to the efforts of
virtually every person in the criminal division. I think in the letter I was probably
guessing about the number of cases he indicted, but if we researched the
question I think we would find that he indicted quite a few cases at least for
several of the months he was there. That is certainly to be commended, but it is
equally true that other prosecutors in the office inherited most of the cases and
took them to trial or convictions after Tim left. If this question goes to Tim’s
objective qualifications to serve as a USA, I do not dispute that he is qualified. If
it is intended to lock me in to some statement endorsing Tim’s abilities, I have
never criticized his abilities and don’t intend to do so.

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