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Miranda Grade 9 MYP Humanities

Encyclopedia Britannica - Renaissance emerged immediately after the middle ages. It began during the 14th century in Italy, and started spreading towards the rest of Europe in the 16 th and 17th centuries. - Renaissance means rebirth, which refers to the scholars who have rediscovered classical writings from the Greeks and Romans. They studied old manuscripts that were found in the libraries of the monasteries. Invention - The measurement of time was discovered by man back in 4000BC, where they used sundials and water clocks to measure time. It is believed that Fillipo Brunelleschi, who lived in Florence, Italy, developed mechanical clocks in 1410. Art - Many works of art were influenced by religious images and were used by modern artists of the period for the background of religious rituals. The artwork back then was painted to be incorporated with rituals associated with Catholic Mass and donated by patrons who sponsored the mass. - Artists usually study as atrainee before becoming a professional union association and working under the guidance of an older chief. They worked on specific tasks and were hired by patrons because they were reliable and steady. - As the middle class in Italy was rising, they imitated the upper class by buying artwork for their homes. - Many of the works represented nationalthemes such as marriage, birth and everyday life of the family. - Renaissance spread through Italy, northern Europe, and over to France in the 15 th and 16t century. - A method of painting in oil directly on canvas was developed by artists such as Giorgione and Titian. This technique allowed artists to rework an image and take control over Western art until today. - In the late 1500s, the Mannerist style was developed to become the ideal naturalism of Renaissance art and spread from Florence to Rome. - The most famous artwork from the Renaissance period is the oil painting Mona Lisa which was done by Leonardo da Vinci. Humanism - Humanism was involved in studies such as through speaking, grammar, poetry, ethics and history. It is mostly studied from original manuscripts that are mostly Latin. - As for scholasticism, it focuses on education in a more traditional way through logic, natural science, and metaphysics.

Miranda Grade 9 MYP Humanities

Students with scholastic training are prepared to become doctors, lawyers, and theologians. They didnt only concentrate on intellectual learning, but they also on physical and mental development. - Humanism allowed people to take more responsibility of citizenship and leadership, and even contributed in the political process of the community. - The first great humanist was Francesco Petrarca who was also known as Petrarch. He travelled around a lot to collect manuscripts. His teachings are manly based on the experiences in his daily life, such as climbing mountains and travelling. - It began in the mid-14th century when a group of scholars followed Petrarchs footsteps, collecting and studying manuscripts. - Certain town governments would allow humanists to contribute by writing formal documents and official histories. - Some of the humanists would take it to the extreme that they lose sight of their objectives and concentrate on the details of their work. - Other humanists became involved with politics and used their traditional teachings to solve their current problems. - Some of the humanists used the old manuscripts and developed them into their own language in everyday writing. - Humanist education in Italy attracted students from overseas which allowed it to spread onto other parts of Europe before the 15th century. Economic - The Danube, Rhone, and Rhine rivers were used as trade routes, which allowed the towns by the banks to grow. This lowered the economic and political relations between the landowners and their renters. - In the 14th century, Florence became the banking center of Italy. - In the late 14th century, it became difficult for Italys economy when other countries started gaining power. Leaders of England, Paris, and Spain came up with a policy that favored their own middle class men which offered less influence from Italian middle class men. - In the 15th century, the Medici bank started to open branches into main cities in Europe. - Not only does the bank loan money, but it also operated mines, mills and other commercial activities. The Medici bank gained high profit and they use the profit to pay for cultural and political activities. - In the late 15th century, Italy became the primary route between the Far East and Western Europe. - Italys importance decreased as the worlds trade routes moved from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic oceans. Wealth increased in other European countries as they had more access to resources, which helped to develop their culture.

Miranda Grade 9 MYP Humanities

Literature - Italian authors began to write in their native language in the 13 th century. - In the early renaissance, people focused on translating and studying manuscripts from Latin and Greek. - Many of the authors tried to follow the techniques of the ancient Greeks and use them in their own works. The Greeks include Aristotle, Homer and Plato. - The literature and poetry of Greek had a lot of influence on the development of science and philosophy. Music - In the early 1470s, the printing press was used to print music which gave a positive impact, because the same piece of music can be used by a large audience, in an inexpensive way. - Many of the instruments that are used nowadays have been originated from the Renaissance period, such as the trumpet, tambourine, recorder, reed pipe, and Irish harp. - During the 15th century, the instruments were divided into Haut (loud, outdoor instruments) and Bas (quiet instruments). - In the beginning of the 16th century, instruments became less important to voices and were used for dances and to accompany vocal music. Works Cited Empire, zantine. "Renaissance Art History.com Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts." History.com History Made Every Day American & World History. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. <http://www.history.com/topics/renaissance-art>. "Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia." Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. <http://school.ebonline.com/comptons/article207262>. "Italian Renaissance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Renaissance#Literature_and_poetry>. "Mona Lisa - Smarthistory." Smarthistory: a multimedia web-book about art and art history. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. <http://smarthistory.khanacademy.org/leonardo-monalisa.html>.

Miranda Grade 9 MYP Humanities

"Renaissance Social, Economic and Religious Change in the Renaissance." Renaissance Faires, Renaissance Fairs and Renaissance Festivals. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. <http://www.all-about-renaissancefaires.com/renaissance_info/economic_social_and_religious_change_in_the_renaissance.h tm>. "Renaissance inventions Inventions and Inventors." Inventions and Inventors. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2013. <http://www.inventionware.com/renaissance-inventions/>. country. "Renaissance music - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2013. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance_music>.

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